HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 10*5 I T I I i r-. l * ' < '■ < . '"i < '? ■> ; < •< < ' < ——< ■< \ . . ' *. •*A ’ ■ • , . ■ WHITE << AUNT QF i<OCM PASSES IN 100th YEAR * f ...' > ■■ '*■ THAT Rev. A. E. Tavener, form­ er, rector at St. Peter’s church, is now minister at Trinity „ Episcopal Church at Belleville, Michigan* . ,■ “TOWELS--------- Terry Towels, each 59e Terry Towels, 49c, Pair .... 95c Bath Towels, each Bath Towels, regular SI .49 to ■ / , $1,69, Sale Bride $1.39 , each for the younger set Youngsters love thein bpcause they're colorful. Mothers choose them for their-long wear, easy washing. Parent's and : Good Housekeeping magazines . selected them for outstanding quality. There's no, better ASHTON’S MEN’S, LABIES’ gnd CHILDREN Piece Goods and Woollens / CLOVER HONEY Available At Our Honey House, Havelock, St., Lucknow, from • ., '. ' . • , ■ ■ i August 6 to August 15 DAYOREVENING '■■f Please Bling Tour Own Containers If Possible •< MacSween Apiaries : Your DOLLAR Buys MORE at Smith’s I. G. A, STORE Here Are some of the Many Bargains for This Week:; Challenger Sockeye Salmon 3 for $1.00 Clirk’s . . . Pork & Beans, 15 bz. 8 for $1.00 Breakfast Club Rasp*- berry jam, 24 oz. 3 for $1.00 Natures Best Corn 8 .for $1.00 Wax Beans, 15 dz. 6 for $1.00 Jello Powder ........ 11 for $1.00 SHirirsTFOdiriSARK ' Ail Prices Good Until Wednesday, August 12th Ummiiiimi ii i... . ■ i-iu'i.i ■■ Gerber Strained Baby Foods .......... 11 for $1.00 Doghouse Dog Food >...... 10 for $1.00 St. William 3-Fruit Marmalade, 24 oz. 3 for $l.Q0 Heinz Ketchup ........ 4 for $1*00 New Potatoes ....... 10 lbs. 33c Sunkist Oranges, 288’s .... 25c ■A. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST # ■ ! 5B? ELECTORS OF BRUCE ir• Mrs/J. M. Greer has received ward Pf the death of her aunt, Mrs J. C, Campbell, who passed away in Winnipeg in her one. hundredth year. She would have le^chedV the century mark next , January 8th.Mrs* Campbell was formerly Roibina Brotchie of Concession 4, Huron. , .The remains are being brought here for burial, and will , arrive , on Thursday. The funeral service will be held at- <the McLenn^n- MacKenzie Memorial Chapel on Fridayi August; 7-th at 2.30. termen t-wilL b_e. .in_Sputh _K*.inloss Cemetery. * \ . Mrs. Campbell resided m Win­ nipeg with her only daughter, Miss Flora Campbell,, who is fly­ ing east _io attend the funeral. THAT this is the age of gadgets no doubt, but a. hen egg with a $elf-liftihg top is really “out- of rihis-world^ :_Y^n .. Npimph Stuart went to crack a Grade A large the pther day, the top automatically came off, sever-, ed as cleanly as if it had a zipper opener attached, The contents to the freak shell dis-' gorged a double yolk egg.. THAT to date in this locality, at least, the Dominion election campaign may well go down as the quietest on record. But don’t forget to “get out and vote” next Mondays ■ —o— .. THAT Mrs. John Ross of town —suffered-a-severe-paralytic„s.eiz.- tire on Monday morning. . —Q——• THAT long line-ups were in evi­ dence at the week-end at the Bank of Montreal in spite of two cashier wickets going full blast. On Saturday morning the waiting list extended out onto the street. On Tuesday there was another long line-up at -both wickets. —o—. THAT’Murray Taylor of Wing­ ham has been appointed man­ ager of theWWalkerton Branch of Dominion Stores, He is at present oh relieving duty and ^“willassumehisnew duties in mid>August. Murray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Tay­ lor of West Wawanosh. v SON OF FORMER RESIDENT OF WHITECHURCH PASSES Andy Hamilton, 46, well-known Canadian newspaper man, died last week at Toronto of acciden­ tal burns. He suffered a relapse when apparently. on the road to recovery. . •> Born -at-Weyburn,—Sask.,--he_ was a son of Charles M. (Gil) Hamilton, at one time a resident of Whitechurch and a. cousin of Ed Thom of town. The grand-' father, Andrew Hamilton, built the home at Whitechurch known to many as the Fox home. BORN ANDERSON—In Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Wednesday, July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow, a dau­ ghter, Norma Jean. -7 ELLIOTT—InWinghamGenerat Hospital on Friday, July 17, 1953, to Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Elliott of East Wawanosh, (nee Kathleen Forster), a son. ■ 1THAT the Lucknow Pipe Band was at Port Elgin Beach on Sunday for their annual after­ noon and evening band (con­ cert. ' v ' ,• ■< THAT Miss. Agnes Lawson, a former Lucknowite, renewed . old friendships Mere last week, She is now making her home in Gorrie with her sister, Mrs. Jack King. - THAT we are still; receiving cop; ies of the . Jtine 24th issue. The latest one comes from Harry (Campbell of Red Deer, Alberta. Have plenty of them now, , thanks. , ;. ■ ■ • . —-o— _______• THAT beginning in mid-August Goderich banks will be closed all day Saturday. As a result open hours on Friday will be; ’ 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4.30 to 6.00 p.m.’ Bishop Sheen Tells How To Convert Communists Three simple rules for' fight­ ing the Communist doctrine Of hate and destruction will be found in an article by Bishop Fulton J. Sheen in this; Sunday’s (August 9) issue of The Amers ican Weekl with ’The Detroit Sunday Times. Bishdp Sheen pre­ dicts America will hasten Rus­ sia’s return: to God, See Sunday’s Detroit , Times. - "• ■■.1-. ................................f ? .« 1 "'I want, to thank those on whpm I have called for * ’■? . ‘ the cordial and kindly re* ception given me. Unfort­ unately y time has been too short to permit me. to make a. personal call Ph each voter iri the constituency _ of Bruce, so. I am taking this means of asking you to give me the opportunity to serve you again as your t • T * ' . • representative at Ottawa. ♦ During my term of office .. I tried ihy. best to serve all the people of Bruce at all times and should you see fit to again' honor me by electioii_asl_ your„ Mei«ber__- of Parliament I will con­ tinue to give my, utmost endeavour in your behalf. Sincerely yours, I Donald Blue UBERA^ANDIDA-n: - FOR BRVCE T § ■5»». THOMPSON—in Wingham Hbs; pital on Saturday, August 1st, to and jKrs. H. D. Thompson, a daughter. \ : Goderich Busiihess College FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBERf-iK " ■.»Ay-. ANU'’^EWiNGyCL^SSE^‘' .: Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects .Courses approved by the Canadian Business Schools ! . . Association r J ,Zf . . ’ ’ ’’ ’ Telephone 1272 or 428W . r -S' .98e Book appointments in advance to avoid i \ ’* ' ■ -7 ‘ . ,•. ■ ' »•' ’ \ •’ . ‘‘ ' '• ' ,(t/. ( . I ’ ■ ’*/ , ' /•’ . ............................................... -* Please KeepAppointmentsOn Schedule —- Goderich, Ontario OUR BEAUTY SALON WILL BE CLOSED FROM: „ Friday Noon, August 7th, until Monday* August 10th/ ^inclusive. We Specialize In . . . . V j- Styled Hair Cuts | ' "...: ■ .'.......—-j:.-" -L disappointment. '■•I' I ' I | i u and HAIR STYLING J •................ ’Phone 115, Lucknow - ,> . BLANKETS' Esmond Blankets, satin bbund, w 66x88”. ’ ^-OVERALLS Men’s Clipper'Overalls fof rug­ ged wear and good value. -Fre* /shrunk,- 7^4/ oz., sizes' 34 to .44, Special $4*39 Pair SPORT SHIRTS 20^r- 0ff Ail. Men-S Sport; Shirts■■■■'— ...*.......-...... . DRESS SHIRTS-^ Men’s Dress Shirts, plain colors, White apd stripes, sizes 14% tdT7* < Price $2,.^5 Each * ■ < ( J . ■ J.-. ;•■■■ "'■ ■ ■ WORK SHIRTS Boys’ work, shirts, sizes . 12 Ya to ” 13%, regular $1,49.