HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1953 I • ' ■ ~—b-o-o-— ■ > " , TWO WEEK-END LOSSES JAR TEAM’S PLAYOFF HOPES THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO STYLELINE SEDAN DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, two-tone 1953 CHEV. 1953 CHEV. ___ _ ________________ _195£che2Ljdeluxe„styleline„sedan/^ TWO 1952 STYLELINE CHE.V. SEDANS/ 1952 PONTIAC COACH : 1951 POWERGLIDE CHEV. COACH, fully, equipped 1951 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1950 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH 1949 CHEV. COACH 1949 CHEV. DELUXE 5-PASSENGER COUPE / THREE 1948 CHEV, COACHES 1948 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE 2-tone^ 1948 CHEV. COACH 1946 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH TRACKS ■ 1918 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP 1938 CHEV. K-TON STAKE TRUCK Brussels Motors Hliron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer — Phone 73x, Brussels COACH, fully equipped, 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. 1942 DODGE COACH 1941 FORD COACH DONKEY BASEBALL DREW BIG CROWD SATURDAY Scores of children were among the, big crowd—approaching 1000 persons—whichpOured into Cal­ edonian Park on Saturday niight for the donkey baseball game be- , tween .town and country. The stubborn-rdonkeysy—and—the^-ef— forts of the riders to manipulate, their course provided plenty of -< x Free Delivery <1 J. F. Schuett & Sons ■“^E^sy^T.enms“MftDMLA Y SPORT LEGIONNAIRES LOOK GOOD IN TRIMMING WALKERTON ■ • ... .........„ ' , ■ ifr ’ Felix Mann limited the Walk­ erton Hartley * sluggers to three hits here last Wednesday night, as the Legio’nnaires .played peppy tball to take a crowd-pleasing 5-2 decision from the County Town- ers. At that, Mann should have had a shutout. / *. • Felix, lead-off man in. the jst framer had la run in before you could? bat an eye. His single, a fielder’schoicebyChinandGreer and an .error at the plate started it ..off//. /•' ’• ’.•/ /"'• Lucknow salted it in the third with a three run outburst, which started when Mann was hit by a pitched ball. Successive bunts Iby Chin and Greer, a fielder’s choice by Westlake, an error in left and Gardner’s single had the Hartleys going round in circles as. three runs scored. Barry Attridigie, who took over at first and played a good game, made it number five in the 4th* which he started. off by laying down a neat bunt. ./ T^W^keitdm^got^siirgle-^imrrs^int the 8th and 9th. | ' ' • —---O.-O-O- hilarity for the crowd. Oh yes, the score someone said, wsis, 4-4. . The game ■ was preceded by a five-inning exhibiton juvenile game which Lucknow won, LOVELY 2-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITES $149.00 BLOND DOUBLE DRESSER, Bed, Chiffonier ... ... $129.00 16 OTHER BEDROOM SUITES, 3 pieces .......$79.00 up SPRING FILLED MATTRESSES, standard sizes ... $17.95 ea. SAVE $100.00 ON A NEW PIANO During August 15 GOOD USED PIANOS v.a.gv... $120.00/ up, delivered CONGOLEUM RUGS in stock — 50 percent discount 14 CHROME KITCHEN SETS at clearance prices “KROHLER” ROCKERS : / $39.00 during August INLAID LINOLEUM (large stock)—Linoleum laying service provided at small cost. “Schuettes Cbriipete with Mail Order Catalogues-..Lucknow. Legionnairesjwere flying high and, were closing in on that last playoff spot until; they suffered a pair of week-dnd losses that d’dmmed their playoff i hopes. After . trouncing the Walkerton i Hartleys last Wednesday, they in- • Mother: ' Bobbie is behaving ;vade<i Kincardine on Friday night terribly today. I wish you’d speak ;^nd; -dropped 9-0 ^cisirni to to him ' | Bagnell and his Lakesiders? Norm ^^ther^absent-mindedly^ook- f ^°wed only .3 hits-and whiffed ‘n®. from his paper) b Hello, | ; MaTn,. laboring ' with a bad ’’ '' , i knee, was hit freely and his sup- '1....'lk'-:"-1 - >2-- u. .■■ ■•! /port was spotty at times. He fan- -ned^pT-^^nehrdinb-Tbpencd-'W-ith- three runs and had it in the bag from the first. frame. " Johnston Fanned 25 For a■•••Civic Holiday encounter at Meaford, the Legionriaires barely fielded a team, with jack Cook filling in for his first game of the year to make up nine men. Russ JOhnston was in top form fahned a total of 25 men to earn the shutout: Mann pitched good ball and held the Meaford ciouters runless for five innings. -----o-o-o— JUVENILES ELIMINATE UNDERWOOD IN 2 STRAIGHT Bobbie. We’re Overloaded That is right—we ^iave top many used cars. So we are offering. I I Goderich 2, Hanover 1 ’■ MeafOrd' 6, Lucknow 0 / -^-Kincardine—3, Hanover 0 Port Elgin 4, Walkerton 3 ' . ——O-O-O— , ON CREW OF GROUNDED CANADIANDESTROYER Naval headquarters have.; an­ nounced that jthe grounding of destroyer HMCS Huron, off the east coast of North. Korea on July 12, has resulted in three officers of the Huron; including the ship’s corhmanding officer, Cmdr. R. C; Chenoweth, of Montreal, being flpwn back to Canada to fdce courtmartial charge?/ : Among members of the Huron’s crewe are now and J ack Sc' Joe —Wfoitby of Luck­ ack Schnurr of Walk- erton. ■ ■ The navy described the court ^ha^^lr-as^--^puUne^-pfe9GedUFe^—- following incidents of this nat- / ure”. . / . The Huron ran aground in Jhickfo^^ ly island early on the morning of July 12 while on patrol off the east cpast of North Korea, The ship (was also refloated with- . out. aid at high tide and was able to proceed to her base at Sasebo, Japan. ' Repairs to the ship are .being carried out at. a Japanese port, the navy said. The work is ex­ pected to take about -two months.-- ~ The navy said the decision to, hold the court martial followed a court of inquiry at Kure, Japan. toeveryusedcarpurchaserwhobririgsa-copy of this advertisement when he comes in and buys a used car. Choose your next car from this list of dependable used cats, all thoroughly overhauled and with low mileage./ 1952 PREFECT SEDAN . 6,000 MILES, LIKE .NEW. ' 1951 METEOR COACH BLUE CUSTOM—A BEAUTY ..... 1951 METEOR COACH ■ BLUE, LIKE NEW .................................... 1951 FORD CUSTOM COACH . rVVO-TONE-^-A REAL' BUY 1951 FORD SEDAN TWO-TONE, SMARTEST CAR ON LOT .... 1951 FORD COACH X “iLUE; LOW1 MILEAGE..,.., 1950 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN . ■ BLUE—HERE’S .QUALITY'................... 1950 FORD CUSTOM COACH GREEN—A SMART BUY ........ ' 1946 MERCURY COACH ...U8-INCH COACH, BLUB, A SNAP ......; $ 750.00 $1495'00 $1535.00 $1485.00 $1485.00 $1345.00 $ 800.00 Many "Older Cars on the Lot to Choose From " ;; ALL AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES ■ Hear CKNX—Tuesday thru Friday—16.10 p.m HURON MOTORS LTD.» Lucknow Juveniles eliminated Underwood Juveniles from the -quarter—final—playoffs—when—they^ defeated them 8-3 on the Kin­ cardine diamond last Thursday night. Lucknow- played their best ball, of the season and gave Kent Hedley perfect, support. Lamont and Schlimmer divided the pitch­ ing for Underwood. Lucknow col­ lected five runs off Lamont and three off Schlimmer. Desperate for a victory to'keep them in the series/ Underwood went as. far as to demand that Bill Baulch in right field, re­ move , his plaid . shirt and. wear a white T-shirt. They .also de­ manded, that Kent Hadley wear his light colored sweater back­ wards. The latter was a legitim­ ate ‘beef”. * . . r- . Lucknow: A, Miller ss, A. Bak­ er 3rd, Chas. Chin pf, D. Thomp­ son 1st, P. Couse 2nd, K. Mbc- Nay If, K. Hedley p, B. Bauich ■^-p-Rr^ahley-^cr-^———- V 0-0-0----------------- <=■ . LUCKNOW' JUVENILES WIN EXHIBITION GAME 6-4 f , Lucknow fans saw a preview of the group, finals and the W.O.A.A. Juvenile 4 A” semi­ finals when Lucknow juveniles d6feated the Colborne nine <6/4' in a five inning exhibition game in th£ Caledonian park on Saturn day. This game, preceded the -Donkey-BasebaHr^he^irst^ame- of * the best-of-five group ’finals was slated for Colborne on Tues­ day night with the return game here oh Thursday night Colborne play their games on , the Ben-i miller diamond. \ I lil ....A: ........................... .-.I. ....... <■ Under A Conservative Government MARRIED MAN Salary $3,000 Single Man, , Salary $2,000 ........ INCOME TAX ■ ■ / ' , ’ '. ‘ NOW/ $150.00 $150.00 AFTER AUGUST 10 None ' $75.00 4. .SALES-TAX ■ Anyone spending $300 . On clothing, shoes., etc, .... : 30.00 . ,f ‘ • •. ' ■' ■ . ' ■ . ■' • ' ■ ■ . ■ ’<'?.• »• ■ v ■' *< / ‘ ’ k * ’ ■ , • • • Vote Cardiff and Save Money Non^* Ybdr Fotd _ JB^es^y^l^day and ^tiiirday Eyeiiings. T WINGHAM — PHONE 237 & Monarch Dealer Past Week’s Results , Lucknow 5, Walkerton 2 Meaford 5,* Goderich 2 Hanover 4, Port Elgin 0 Port Elgin 1, Meaford ,0 » ' • Kincardine 0/ Lucknow 0 V 0 ssstsiwn FOR .LOWER MUNICIPAL TAXES FOR HEALTH INSURANCE, PREPAID MEDICAL AND HOSPITAL BILLS ‘ / — FOR FLOOR PRICES FOR FARM PRODUCTS - FOR A RETURN OF BRITISH MARKETS VOTE A Conservative Government by saving Tax Dollars can Improve Old Age Security and Family Allowances. VOTE CARDIFF X ;v /I <) u