HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 7•H ■ t • . . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1953 • Lyceum Theatre . wingham Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 »a . . • ■ Wednesday, Thurs., Aug. 5, 6 HOWARD KEEL; JANE GREER -T- in — The Desperate Search Friday/ Saturday, Aug. 7, 8 VAN JOHNSON, JANET LEIGH . - in —- Confidentially Yours - MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 DAYS—AUGUST 10, 11, 12 RITA HAYWORTH, i STEWART GRANGER ’ — in '•—’ ' SALOME Adults 75 c Children 35c ThursdayFriday, Saturday j . August 13, 14, 15 Gene Autry., in “GOLD TOWN GHOST RIDERS” * t , KINLOUGH On Monday evening. ladies in the immunity gathered at Holy- rood Hall tp honor Miss, Eleanor Murray, bride-elect, with a mis-j cellanebus shower. To the strains * of the wedding march played by ; Miss Edna Boyle, the oride was shown to her place by Mrs. Roy . Graham. Mrs. Dan McInnis read an address expressing the kindly wishes of everypne to .the. bride and presented h’pr with a shpwer of. beautiful gifts. Mrs. Grant /Eckensw.iller assisted" in opening the gifts while Miss Veronica Murray read the., attached verses. Mrs, Roy Graham arid Mrs. Maur­ ice Hodgins also assisted, Eleanor then thanked the ladies for their kindness and invited everyone to her home to view her trousseau. Mrs. Frank Thompson was chair­ lady and the following program was enjoyed: readings, Miss Nancy Needham, Mrs... Geo. Col­ well, Miss Mary McCosh, Mrs. Frank ,Brown, Miss Mary Mac- j Millan, Mrs. Allister Hughes; in-! strumentals, Mrs. Harvey Hous-1 ton, Corabelle Thompson and! Barbara Murray; piano duet, Misses Edna Bolye and Margaret Malcolm; solos, Mrs. Ernest'Ack- • eft,. Mrs, John -Emerson; vocal duet, Helep. Needham and Sandra Percy; the highland fling by Lois 1 JRobte - Re f-i-eshm ents -wererser ved~ and a social time enjoyed. The- hall was very pretty with colpred | •streamers, and mer flowers. . ’ Dear’ Eleanor, •It . is indeed to be present v ••/this the happiest occasion of. your ■ ■ ' '■ ■ ' /. - ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO “ “ ' ~ -........... ■ ;:--------------*- ■ k baskets of sum- a pleasure for us to honor you on < • .1 ♦, PAGE SEVW j i'IliM • • Many of us here this evening have watched your graduation through the diaper department to a little girl with a big bow in her hair. Then you ■ grew from i a demure little school miss. to a chic teenager with a winning I smile. Now we find you .have ieached the full bloom of your youth and are abo>ut to become a lovely; bride. /• • Throughout these years *yQ.ur genuine friendliness and sincerity have endeared: ypu_lpius^ L, 7’“ We-would be happy to have you remain in ouf cpmm.unity, ■but -we know that wherever you go you. will enlighten the hearts of others and endear yourself to new friends. We hope that these gifts Will give you pleasure in your new home, a home that will be full of love, happiness and prosper­ ity- ■ ’ . Signed on behalf of all those present with pur very best wish­ es to you and the lucky groom­ to-be. Mr.- and Mrs. Glen Pinnell and family of Windsor yjsited with' Mr and Mrs. Harold Haldenby. I The Women’s Institute meets on I Thursday afternoon at the 'horrie ■ of Mrs. Ernest Ackert. Roll call/ My favorite, home remedy; con­ veners, Mrs.’ Ed Thompson, and -Mtst ’ Jimr^Boy1®?" guest’ speaker, Mrs. (Dr.) Tyndall;, motto, Bcorn I not the way another lives, each | mpst. accept what nature gives; luncfa, Mrs. E. Ackert (s), Mrs. Jim Smith (s); Mrs. D. Watson (c), Mrs, Jack Ackert. (c). Mrs- E, Runchey of Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Wall.' . .. Miss Annetta Forster of Ripley i 4^v4^H^g—With—hpr-gTapdmoth"| er, Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Miss Donna Haldenby returned i home after holidaying with 'her I j sister Helen at Bruce^ Beach.^-^— A miscellaneous shower was held at Westford-school on Thurs­ day evening for Miss Helen Thompson, bride-elect. Friends from here attended the Kraemer-Murray wedding at St/ Anne’s Church, Riversdale, on Saturday morning. Mrs. . Harold Haldenby ; was guest soloist and with her accompanist, Miss Edna Boyle, were guests at the wed­ ding dinner at Pleasure Valley Lodge, Hanover. o Miss Sheila Haldenby spent , a few; days at Walkerton With Mr. and .Mrs. Clare Sparling. Miss Donna Nicholson returned home after holidaying at Kincar dine, Miliarton and Glamis. Mr, Donnie Haldenby, who has_. been sunplying at the Bank of Montreal, Bothwell, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Haldenby. / Mrs. Wm. Pinnell visited Mon­ day last with Mr. and Mrs. Jas., Hodge. • , ' Mr. Frank. Bateman and fam­ ily of ,Toronto visited with his mother, Mrs. Charles Bonnet and Mr. Bonnet during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Herbert .of Toronto, who have been vacation­ ing with Mr. andv IMrs. Frank Currie, Huron, spent an afternoon with Mrs. Milton Walsh. • / -Mr. and Mrs. Beft Nicholson and family spent Sunday with relatives, at -Amberley- ■ , ..Miss Margaret Murray of Mon­ treal, Mr. and Mrs, John Murray from the West, visited during the week with Mr..,and Mrs. P. A. Mr. Russell,. Barr spent the week-end at his .home here. ... I I .Miss Margaret Ann Murray and- her girl friend from Toronto at­ tended 'her -sister Eleanor’s' wed- dirig1 on Saturday. . Inspected “Dainty Diggers Gardens On Wednesday .afterndon, July 29th, the “Dainty .Diggers’ Gar-_ 'deri Club/ met ,-at the home of - He u ’ attendance. Miss Doreen Kern jn-. spected the gardens in the morn­ ing and was guest . shaker at the meeting. Miss Kern discuss­ ed plans for'achievement day and explained how to the vegetables for exhibition. ePlanS were made for -the elub to spon- soi- a ddnce in Holyrood Hall on ■ -August 13t.h-with™-Mullon-s—or-- chetstra of ' Walkerton, At the i dose of the meeting .« dainty 1 luncli tvaS served ®,V Mrs. Schu-. nijichdr. ■ > T 4f. .1, ►I ►. ROBINSON who WORK for g higher income tax exemption for YOU. WORK for overseas markets for YOUR livestock and farm produce. WORK FULL TIME at Ottawa for YOU when Parliament is in Session. ——WORK --------- for reopening and devel oping of LUCKNOW industries. Vote For ANDY The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 6, 7t 8 JOEL McCREA—tlie man that thrilled you in “Stars in My , . Crown”, now brings you a picture that’s filled with thrills, arid action—in technicolor— • THE OUTRIDERS " NO SATURDAY MATINEE UNTIL SEPTEMBER | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 10, 11,12 The story’of a man who had too much money and the girl who wanted to get married for love, with PETER LAWFORD and JANET LEIGH in / V •V I I r i I JUST THIS ONCE ’ • , ‘ ; ’ ’ • ■ cM* I I I i Mr. POULTRYMAN■ ■•■■■• ■ • ------------— ■ ► ► ► ► ► ► ►• ■.► ►. ► r ► ►: ■ ► ■ ► ■ ► ► ■ ► ; >. •. -«r HAVE YOU CONSIDERED POULTRY WORMING WORMS >•<•>■••• . •' POISON BIRDS - STUNT GROWTH REDUCE EGG YIELD ", INDUCE MANY POULTRY DISEASES , ------FeAV-flocks“escape“tKeneffects~of worm infestation. V DR. SALSBURY’S WORMIX AND CLORO .CAP^.:,;-^-^- have proven efficient and profitable. ■' '• • By Them At Crawford’s Feed Store And Hatchery .-LUCKNOW, ONT. ' Phones: Lucknow 165, Dungannon 19-r-12 3 ’ t 7 T *> I • r- < f. r. b ► ► * ► ► ► ► ► ► ► > ► ► > ► > . » ► ► ► ► ► ► * ►. ► . • ► ► ► Former Anglican Minister Passes The? Rev. T. B. Holland of St. John’s Church, Woodhpuse, near Simcoe, passed away on Sunday last at the age of 82. He had served the parishes of Moosonee, Sault Ste. Marie, Port Carling, Bervie, Princeton, Norwich. Ches-_ ley and Woodhouse and will be remembered by many in this community. Mr. Allan Wall of ? London is holidaying with his parents, Mr., nad Mrs. Wm. Wall and Mr* and Mrs. Jack Schumacher. * *■ * •. . •.’■■■ Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCut­ cheon of near Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Sirs. j. R. Lane and Mr, and Mrs.™ I i ■ f: 1... i t t • I ■ i I..I ■T ■ I I■f--. ■|_ - | JOHN W. HENDERSON ] LUMBER LIMITED I Lucknow i. 5 <............ A • • v v ' »■ Frank- Maulden and Keith. . 1 Rev: and Mrs. Andrew Lane ofc Brussels visitbd with Mr. and ] Mrs. j, R. Lane following the? dedication service at South Kin- loss on Sunday afternoon;; Mr, and! Mrs. Bruce Ryan and rtheir—nephew; Billy Stride oC Toronto are holidaying WitK Mr;. Gordon Hodgkinson. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carefoot, of Tiverton visited Monday at the • Malcolm home here. ' v Mn Martin Nelson, renewed ac* qUaintances in the village Mon­ day. ' j 7 '■ ' .Mr. Lorne Wall of Lucknow •visited on Sunday at Wm. Wall’s; ( VOTE FOR ANDY ROBINSON who will make representation of the RIDING OF BRUCE A FULL TIME JOB,-' VOTE Andy Robinson j z' r God save the queen Bruce Progressive Conservative Association •*■ A* A ,'X An A A> F ► — TIMKEN OIL HEAT ENJOY COMFORT i ' ' " ■ "S iUtVtH.'AWP tttlHoTW, BUHftiitS • OIL FURNACES • OIL ^OlitERS • WATER HEATERS / . • '*’■» . ' » ■ ’r * HISELER and SON, Phone 426,-Wingham r 6 i>. v . . - ■ _ ■ ■ .. . ______.■rjff.i'f.'t:.1 ittrfH-iiifallriitltttniiMffl Wallboard Panels .* By using 4’ x 8* Panels In ,v k GYPROC. TEM TEST, 7 MASONITE, or PLYWOOD ; An extra room can be made quickly and economically. b » WE CARRY A GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL THESE PANELS/ 9 0 * * * !• . . ■ __i~. - -- *•-<- *' -* f --m- Phone 75O . Ontario | ■hi ■■ iA—'i 1111 ■■