HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR !7"T’ -t 7 ' r . ’"JV * J HlCIH'UCtd aip inyiktU vv v«xvwto discuss the proposed addition- qy!eet jp rQOm ,above Johnstone1 ' f WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1953 , 7. FOR SALE—cement, septic .tanks, approved by the Health Unit. We . deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow. WANTED. middle • age ..couple want to rent -small house with conveniences. Apply Lucknow Sentinel. FOR SALE — pink-lined baby stroller. Mrs.' Jack MacDonald, phone 51-J Lucknchy. - " < Now - TRUTONE ■. - WHITE has 2.9% more hiding strength even than . before. It costs less because . it goes, farther. Takes less p?int, less work. TRU- . TONE WHITE sheds grime, . . . actually cleans itself.. For lasting white* nessand long-run economy, paint with TRUTONE WHITE. FOR SALE-r20 pigs, six weeks ' old. A; J. . Wilson; phone - 70-w, -Lucknow. - -7....it to Wingham Hospital.1 A ” large and representative attendance is most important. . ♦ ’ • * . r . ’ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO «fc BRAY HATCHERY has for quick shipment a limited quantity of dayold' arid started chicks. Ask. us for iprices. Your September chicks should be on order now. Agent— 7' ..■/ ' ' ?' PROPERTY FOR SALE — good . lot, basement and sub floor, chim- t ney, septic tank and tile, hydro. ’■ Apply R. (Meff) Johnston, phone 202,” Lucknow . PLUMBING & TINSMITHING / Eavetroughirig; . bathroom fix- tures, repairs: Prompt service, ■./" satisfaction guaranteed.. Nat. . Thomson, phone 758-JI .Wingham? 7 LIVESTOci^WANTED V" ’Dead, disabled horses or cows removed , free of charge. For pfbmpt arid efficient > service ■ > call ./STONES” Collect Ingersoll 21,Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. . / ELECTRIC MOTORS — general repairs, re-winding, cleaning, ^rushes, ^bearings,_._.etci„.Electric_ appliance repairs. /Efficient ser­ vice, reasonable rates., HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phbne Ripley 18+20. '/■' . MiEAT FOR SALE ' Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license frofo tlie Department of Health. Highest quality meat. Lowest : / ’ prices. '■ Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, ; Phone 24+30 Ripley. PERSONALIZED GIFTS Personalized napkins, coasters, playing "cards, everyday cards, stationery, informals, and match­ es are practical for every ddy .use and also make- lovely- gifts. It’s; riot too early to get some of. that Christmas shopping off your mindi Phone Dori Thompsori, 33 or 35, or call at The Sentinel ■. Office. ■■;'/ _ NOTICE . CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS’ LIST •Voters’ Lists, 1953, Municipality o . of the Township of Kinloss, County of Bruce. Notice is hereby given that I •have complied with Section, 8 of’ the Voters’ List Act and that I. have posted up at my office at R.R. 2, Holyrood, on the 1st day of August, 1953, the list of all •persons.. entitled to Vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Electionsaridthat’s uchlistf e - fhains there for inspection. ——r—And~I~hereb57-caH~ upon—aH- voters to? take .immediate prbr > ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected 'according, td , law, the last day. for appeal befog the 21st day of Au8Ust, 1953. ' ’ ’ Dated this 1st day of August, ‘ 1953. / ' ;. ' ■ ■' 7' . JI. R. .LANE; 7?' ' . , 'Clerk of Twp. of Kinloss. r ,/'7' notice' ■ . .. RE-HOSPITAL MEETING . A ratepayers’/ meeting .will be ■ held in’ the Town Hall, Luck­ now, on- Friday, August *7th at 8.30 ip.m. to discuss the proposed : extension to the Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital. Ratepayers of the * Village arid from surrounding imunicipaiities involved, in, the project are. invited, to attend, as , - it is- important that- an express- ' ion of opinion be voiced at/this ^meeting. . Lucknow Municipal Council.: ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION «For artificial insemination at its best for all breeds, call "the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ­ ation between 7.30 and 10.00 a.rri. on i week -days and 7.30 and 9.307 l^TU'M7SuRdli^7^hprier^Qiject" Kincardine 10Di>7 or. Mildmay 130-r-12. „ z'7Tt , ft ,77- ' - ■<; ? NOTICE KINLOSS RATEPATERS A meeting of Kinloss . Town­ ship ratepayers will be held in the Township Hall, Holyrood, on Friday, August 7th at 8.30 p.m. EXECUTORS’ SALE of REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY / of the late Mrs, R. J. Cameron The undersigned auctioneer has, Teceivedinstructions.to-sell.-by. public auction at The. Residence of the late Mrs. R. J. Cameron, Campbell St. Lucknow, , 7‘ SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th 1953, at 1.00 p.m., ’the following personal property, household ef­ fects and: antiques: kitchen range, coal heater, Perfection ■ cadi oil stove. 2-burner rangette, , 2 din- ing room tables, 6- antique Wicker dining chairs,/ library table^ hall rack, .3 occasional wicker Chairs, antique cherry buffet, floor lamp, ■Studfo“"couch-“~ eoffield~"washer; Singer, sewing machine, writing desk, kitchen JcupbOard, 3 iron panel beds, springs and mat­ tresses, dressers, wash stands, 3 toilet sets, rocking chairs, odd., tables and chairs,: pictures, an-t tique set of dishes pvfer 1Q0 years old, , dishes and kitchen Ware, sealers; chest Of drawers^ trunks, lawn mower .arid -garden tools, quantity of wood and coal, many , articles too riumerous to mention. ■'/ TERMS^CASH . 7 REAL ESTATE Real Estate .to be offered at 3 p.m. subject to reserve bid. Conditions of sale will be made known the day of sale. Ten pOr- ■paid on the d^y of sale and the •balance within 30 days: ... Consisting of the following pro­ perty: Part of Village Lots 94 arid 95 in the Village of Luck­ now. /■•', ■/’'■’ ' ,t ' On the said property is said .to: be erected an, 8-roomr fully in­ sulated frame house in good con­ dition/ ideally located on. Camp­ bell Street in the Village of Luck­ now. Mrs. N, E.. Bushell, Kenneth Cameron, Stewart Cameron, 'Exe- • cutors. ; ’ . . ’..............' Wellington Henderson;^Auc. : FOURTH CONCESSION !'• ; . :• / ' ' ■ ' • ' ' . i ' ■' Mr. and Mrs. B. gangster of Toronto spent a week recently With Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mac> Donald. • ? ■' ~/~/ Mr and, Mrs Allfo and four children of Toronto have spent their vacation-, at, the home 1 of Mr. and Mrs; Herb Buck ton. . Master. Allan’ MacDougall en- "joyed a. holiday, with, his grand-, parents, Mr. and Mrs./W. Farfish and other relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Donald Blue were visitors- oh Sunday/with Mr. and Mrs. L. Maclver and Mr. and Mrs.. L Dickie and family. and; Glenn, of Ajax spent the week-end with Mr; and Mrs. Ted Collyer. * 7 ' \ /.■. ■ 1 Visitors the last week with'Mr. and Mrs. Allah'’ Graham .included' Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Barton of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Barton trf Dtrayton,: • Mr. _ Colin Gi 11 ies, Miss Nan* Tarnish arid* Miss .Betty Lothian of Toronto; . v / Master Bobbie MacLure . Of Paisley spent "last webk with .-’the Gilchrist family. . , ’ . , ! COMING EVENTS PALACE GARDENS, FORMOSA Entertainment this Sunday, August 9th, at Palace. Gardens, Formosa, will be provided by Mel Lavigne and the Bluewater Boys... • ■ ' ' ■ , _ ■ ■" AUXILIARY MEETING "The regular meeting of, the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Canad­ ian Legion will be held on Tues­ day, August l jth at 8 p.m. Mem7 bers are; urged tp be present. Comiriittee, B, Finlayson/S. Hamr ilton, E/Henderson. Note change of date, t . * R.B.P. CHURCH PARADE The Royal Black . Preceptdry, 132, of Amberley will attend ser­ vice in St. Peter’s Church, Luck­ now, on Sunday, August 9th > at 11.00 a.m. L.O.L. aind L.O.B.A. members are invited to take part. Store. Barinbckburn Pipe Band in attendance. HURON CO. CROP REPORT Harvesting is in full, swing throughout the County arid wea­ ther conditions have (b'een ideal for the harvest. Reports for yields have been, very favorable and on the average-the falk-wheat~-ctop. is very good. Some farmers how­ ever report tfiat the wheat sample is smaller than anticipat­ ed antF^acking somewhat in Uni­ formity. Oats and barley are now. being* cut very rapidly through-- out.the County and it is expected that next week’ threshing will be the. order of the day.. • Almost .everyonp has -finished ±_ayirLgrand^anurius^ hay . has • been , harvested. After- maXh 'is coming bn. Very1 rapidly and I although some, pastures, are drying u>p pasture supply is very good for^thiFTTm’e’rof Corn Is showing excellent growth the past, week as jwel.l /as soybeans and other cash crops, '■■y r 4 with a winter's supply of quality fuel. I 4 soifo fU'tL ton A SOLID CfNTURY Whitechurch . Mr' and Mrs. John Hayes Detroit are visiting friends and relatives here, Mrs. M. J. Tifffo returned ;to Langside on Friday after staying .with Mr, and Mrs. V. Emerson for the last two. 'months. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt and Mr. and Mrs. Milan, Moore at­ tended the wedding in London of Sylvia Elaine Watt, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt and ■Raymond Steels of London. The wedding took place in the church near the hospital at Byron. From there Rev. and Mrs. Watt wept to Toronto with Archie and " his wife where they fotend staying until Tuesday evening before starting for the -Queen Charlotte Islands where their son__Donald lives, < ■ v‘ t Fill your Bin Now and assure yourself Heat Security. Stop worrying about delivery hold­ ups because of snow or shortages; and relax A Solid Fuel For A Solid Century JET BLACK PITTSTON GOAL PuifcClean Anthracite, at Lucknow District Co-operative ^ PHONE 71, LUCKNOW *> ; 7& -----—- • PHONE 71, LUCKNOW Andrew Y. McLean LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN HURON — Born in Seaforth, 4J years ago ^~ Married, F?ither of three children—■ ■■...<• ..:-7. Member of First Presbyteriari Church, Sea­ forth , '. ' ' ? Editor and publisher of The Huron Expositor — Veteran, R.C.A.F., World War II Member for Huron-Perth 1949-53 — Canadian delegate to the 7 th General Assembly of United Nations 1" ■'1 ■ ........................r 8S30-|>;nj; ? \ -i— — CKNX, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7th Aug* -'io* Vote McLean, Liberal In Huron L man works for A L L sections of the Hurun El^to^ r7;v'‘ • ■•7--' - —— ............................................................... ....................................................................... .....?7 Issued by Huron Liberal Association. , ’ ' < . ■ ' W ■ ■ , , , ■ ■ ■. ■ . ' , 1 • ' •, r. > ■:ft mMw ■■B ■/ A 4 t • : ‘ » • 1