HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 3PAGE THREE RJ**fr-WWf V «■ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5,1§53. X TEA & COFFEE 4 * ’ ' 1 * ■ . * • ■ • • ■ . * Ii -J- - ■ ....‘.-'-'■■-r- . —■ — —" —11 — 1 ■■>. ■ — i >i i—u ws LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH ' Minister: Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9th. 110,00 a.m.: Sunday School r* ; '• / ‘ t . 111.00 a.m.: Service in Presby- ■ terian Church, Rev; G. A. ! Meiklejohn in charge. U NQ EVENING SERVICE7 Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C: A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9th 10.00 a.m.; Synday School. ? 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn in •charge.’ ' ■ -' —• ■■ - ■ - ■ 3.00 p.m.: Erskine; Dungan- . non.' NO EVENING SERVICE . Mrs. Earl Cruikshank and Miss Emma Giibson -.of Hamilton were recent guests of, Mr..and Mrs. N. E. Bushell. Mr. and Mrs; Jack L.eith of “. Hamilton were holiday visitors /here last week at the. home of Mr. and Mrs; Charles Steward. Mr and Mrs Gpnrcrp. Sannrliprc ’ __ jandMr.^and-Mrs/-LloydSa.und-4;G; THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Local & General .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forster were here frpm Winnipeg to attend his /mother s funeral, ■ . - • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fisher of Hamilton' visited with frierids over the week-end. ' Mr, and (Mrs, Jas. Struthers and Mr. and Mrs.«Win. Struthers of Acton spent the week-end with relatives and friends. - Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Burris and ^DavidJ?cLCEort-William—are visits ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Burns: / Mi’s. Neil J. MacKenzie has re­ turned home after spending three weeks inz Cleveland Lake wood; N.Y, and Hamilton. i Marjorie Thompson of Holy­ rood spent last week with, her grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. Geo. Saunders. / - Mr. Fred Webb, Mrs. George Anderson and Mrs. Etta Roberts visited friends at Grand Valley, and Orangeville.. . • Cpl. Douglas Clark, Anri and Tom of Ottawa visited this week with .his mother, Mrs. Temple' Clark., Mrs. Elsie Scott of HOlyrOod had as week-erid guests, her bro­ ther, Alfred John; Pearson and? friend; “Al Ankeirhahn of Tor­ onto. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Bancroft and children, Billy and Judy of Cochrane^ Alberta, are on an ex­ tended visit with her- sister, Mrs. George Alton and George. . Mr. and Mrs: Cliff- MacMillan ’and babe of St, Catherines, Miss I A. Clifford of Stratford, Lav- Mr. arid Mrs._ George Saunders! ergne MaoMillan 'of Toronto and ------ ^atl/Patsy and Yvonne MacMil- ers were in London on Friday lan of London spent the week- attending • the funeral of their end'with Mr.- and„Mrs. Joe Mac- cousin, Mrs. Ron InSell. ' Millan. .Millan. SEE WHAT YOU’LL GAIN f /■ k ..Under A Progressive Conservative Government After August 10 0 r. . • 0 $1,509■ NONE <» I J. J? ■■'w: * '* ' : ;'fc Income Tax EXEMPTION Married Man . ...... “ ’ . / "J , ■ : • * ; SALES TAX On Clothes, Shoes ? , . And Othes Necessities Published By Huron Progressive Conservative Association Hugh MabK^nzW rif Levack is vacationing in the; community. Mr, and Mrs, Wes Huston ,ari4 .Grace of Kitchener were holiday visitors, here last week. Mrs. Haigh of Hamilton i-s vis­ iting her sister, Mrs, Russell Rob­ ertson; .. Mr. and Mrs. Edward England of Elora spent the Week-end with Mr,, arid Mrs. John England . Rev. J.. Wilbert ; Lillico and Mrs. Lillico of Parkers Lake, Minri., jare-guests of Mr.-and-Mrs. J. W. Joy nt, Mrs, Wm.- Blue^ Mr, an4 Mrs.z Walter Periptt, Gail and Wendy of Detroit were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ander­ son. • Mrs. Dave MacDonald (nee Grace MacGregor) of Delburne, Alberta, spent the week-end with her cousin Catherine MacGregor of triwn; ^Mr. Arthur Fiske and daugh­ ter Jacquelene returned to Nia­ gara after holidaying for. two weeks with his uncle, Richard Baker;...... Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cooke, and Lillian and Linda and Mr. Jim Miller and . Mrs. Torrance Miller of Fergus spent Sunday with Mrrjand_Mrs.l^ 7 Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Kiricheloe and daughter Carol of Cincinnati spent a week recently , visiting Mr. Kincheloe’s uncles, D. A. MacLean of Lpphajsh and Hector Mac?Leam_of _ Amberley, - also - the MacMillans of Lucknow. Holiday visitors at Wm. Bush­ ell’s were Mr.^ arid Mrs. Donald McCbsh; Mrs. Colwell and Ann-. etta Forster;. Mr.-and^MFs.-Crossy Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. George Colwell arid Shirley, Holy rood; and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bryce of Ripley. 4 - —■ --------n- Lucknowite Joins Finlay Family In Get-Together At Saskatoon By Steve Stothers The" Forestry Farm at Saska­ toon ori Sunday, July 26th, was the scent of an unique and in­ formal gathering of the. descen­ dants of the late T. E. and Mrs. Finlay, who were among the .earlylsettlersonCon. 9rAshfield~ They came up to Ashfield from the Peterborough section around 1860, took up pioneer life on Lot 6 and raised a family of four daughters, and three sons. - Members of .every. branch/of- JKe family were present On Sun­ day. This is remarkable when it is realized that those present came from each of the Prairie Provinces, The writer had beCn a house guest of Stuart vFinlay. Over the week-end and was priv­ ileged to attend the function by a special dispensation. Stewart and his wife (Elia He had his wife Gladys and her Whitley) were on hand as wfell as son AznsOn with him hi& op- their son, Stewart Jr.,' with Wife and two children. They erate a farm or farms comprising 1440 acres. Most Of this is devot­ ed to wheat. Stewart, Sr. and Mrs. Finlay came to this district "from^AsHfjerd m 1909. He is an enthusiastic farmer and ardent; politician of the new. school. Stewart, Jr. lives on the farm six moiiths of the year and for five months teaches some phase of agricultural-engineering at^Sask-".7-" atchewari University.. Bert Finlay with Mrs. Finlay and their son of Saskatoon were present as well, Bert was the. other first generation representa- tive. on 1 hand-. Four generations were represented. \ Ansori’s family Was represent­ ed :by Allan Finlay Of. Saskatoon _____, 1_Allan—is^—— I boys’ counsellor a"t the Saskatoon. Technical College?. Finlay Reed arid his wife Nola, with his sOn Jack aind wife fah.<i • four children were on hand from ~ Edmpnton wherd" Finlay teaches in'the Barrhead .Composite school. Ida (Reed) Spence from Saska­ toon arid her husband Jack (one time of Fergus), with their dau­ ghter, Marguerite Petersdn of Wawanesa; represented .the same family. Jack Spence is retired fire chief of Saskatoon. Lucknow readers will be inter­ ested to learn that Jim Boak of Bruno, Sask., with his wife, Rae Jaimeson, were enquiring about, district people. They are par­ ents to Bob, Jim. and Aaron of , Ashfield. While Blanche Jamieson Wil­ son is visiting her mother^ this^ branch was represented by Ernie ,and-their—son-Kennethr-Thejr'liwr - • in Saskatoon. ■ Mrs. Ed Evans (Leila Agar) of Winnipeg represented the' “Min- . nie Finlay” branch of the’family-. She was born at Lanes and mpv- ' ed with her parents to Dakota. She and Mr. Evans lived in El- stow for many years where they carried on a business. Mrs, Evans; was on a holiday visit to her Elstow friends and shared the responsibility of organizing the day’s activities; Lucknow arid Wawanosh peo­ ple will be interested to hear of Robt. Miller/ who left the 12th. Concession of Wawanosh in 1905 arid, has lived in the Elstow comi munity since. He has passed his'. four score years and is stili act­ ive. Mrs. Miller and tfieir son, ^ck-were-ineiUded.7m“the/p^^j^ Mr. Miller and the writer com- _ bared notes on -dozens-of— acquaintances. . Luella (Durnin) Petersan, a daughter of George Durnin, for­ merly of the Lucknow commun­ ity, With her husband and family of Elstow, werb unable to attend. Mrs. G; Sutherland of Elstow, . who is a friend of. the Finlay “faction” and is ninety years old; Was the oldest person present She came from Shelbourne to Elstow some forty years ago. Mrs. . Wm. Sherman was.._ano,ther-viri. tor’ present froni Elstow, / ; To the observer, it was a won- ' d^rful party. It pointed up the/ ' contribution one family; has made- ■ •' c. » I ■•’ ..I ’1 ' . ■ • ’• J’ Week-end visitors with Mr, arid Mrs. Chris Shelton, were Mr. arid Mrs._F._. B; Schofield- of--'London/- <, : > ' -6 4 k f< /• / 1 y X to the deveJopmentjoPCahada. .* In defeating Goderich fast week., for the third time in four en­ counters, the Meaford Knights, were credited .with 13 hits;.-in* ’ • eluding a triple by Bus's Johnston who had three for four on .the night, Lucknow fans will remem* ber what Meaford didvto Justice* In the' playoffs last year. ’■" ; ' ■ ■ .’-■ik ■•/■’ v ; ( V . ' 1 ... I ’