HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-08-05, Page 3PAGE THREE
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—■ — —" —11 — 1 ■■>. ■ — i >i i—u ws
' Minister:
Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn,
B.A., B.D.
110,00 a.m.: Sunday School
r* ; '• / ‘ t .
111.00 a.m.: Service in Presby-
■ terian Church, Rev; G. A.
! Meiklejohn in charge.
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C: A. Winn, B.A.,
10.00 a.m.; Synday School.
? 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship,
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn in
•charge.’ ' ■ -' —• ■■ - ■ - ■
3.00 p.m.: Erskine; Dungan-
. non.'
. Mrs. Earl Cruikshank and Miss
Emma Giibson -.of Hamilton were
recent guests of, Mr..and Mrs. N.
E. Bushell.
Mr. and Mrs; Jack L.eith of
“. Hamilton were holiday visitors
/here last week at the. home of
Mr. and Mrs; Charles Steward.
Mr and Mrs Gpnrcrp. Sannrliprc ’
__ jandMr.^and-Mrs/-LloydSa.und-4;G;
Local & General
.Mr. and Mrs. Joe Forster were
here frpm Winnipeg to attend his
/mother s funeral, ■ . -
• Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fisher of
Hamilton' visited with frierids
over the week-end. '
Mr, and (Mrs, Jas. Struthers
and Mr. and Mrs.«Win. Struthers
of Acton spent the week-end with
relatives and friends. -
Mr. arid Mrs. Harold Burris and
^DavidJ?cLCEort-William—are visits
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
H. Burns: /
Mi’s. Neil J. MacKenzie has re
turned home after spending three
weeks inz Cleveland Lake wood;
N.Y, and Hamilton.
i Marjorie Thompson of Holy
rood spent last week with, her
grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. Geo.
Saunders. / -
Mr. Fred Webb, Mrs. George
Anderson and Mrs. Etta Roberts
visited friends at Grand Valley,
and Orangeville.. . •
Cpl. Douglas Clark, Anri and
Tom of Ottawa visited this week
with .his mother, Mrs. Temple'
Mrs. Elsie Scott of HOlyrOod
had as week-erid guests, her bro
ther, Alfred John; Pearson and?
friend; “Al Ankeirhahn of Tor
Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Bancroft
and children, Billy and Judy of
Cochrane^ Alberta, are on an ex
tended visit with her- sister, Mrs.
George Alton and George.
. Mr. and Mrs: Cliff- MacMillan
’and babe of St, Catherines, Miss
I A. Clifford of Stratford, Lav-
Mr. arid Mrs._ George Saunders! ergne MaoMillan 'of Toronto and
------ ^atl/Patsy and Yvonne MacMil-
ers were in London on Friday lan of London spent the week-
attending • the funeral of their end'with Mr.- and„Mrs. Joe Mac-
cousin, Mrs. Ron InSell. ' Millan. .Millan.
/■ k ..Under A Progressive Conservative Government
After August 10
r. . •
■■'w: *
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Married Man .
...... “ ’ . / "J , ■ : • *
On Clothes, Shoes ?
, . And Othes Necessities
Published By Huron Progressive Conservative Association
Hugh MabK^nzW rif Levack is
vacationing in the; community.
Mr, and Mrs, Wes Huston ,ari4
.Grace of Kitchener were holiday
visitors, here last week.
Mrs. Haigh of Hamilton i-s vis
iting her sister, Mrs, Russell Rob
ertson; ..
Mr. and Mrs. Edward England
of Elora spent the Week-end with
Mr,, arid Mrs. John England .
Rev. J.. Wilbert ; Lillico and
Mrs. Lillico of Parkers Lake,
Minri., jare-guests of Mr.-and-Mrs.
J. W. Joy nt,
Mrs, Wm.- Blue^ Mr, an4 Mrs.z
Walter Periptt, Gail and Wendy
of Detroit were recent visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ander
son. •
Mrs. Dave MacDonald (nee
Grace MacGregor) of Delburne,
Alberta, spent the week-end with
her cousin Catherine MacGregor
of triwn;
^Mr. Arthur Fiske and daugh
ter Jacquelene returned to Nia
gara after holidaying for. two
weeks with his uncle, Richard
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Cooke,
and Lillian and Linda and Mr.
Jim Miller and . Mrs. Torrance
Miller of Fergus spent Sunday
with Mrrjand_Mrs.l^
7 Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Kiricheloe
and daughter Carol of Cincinnati
spent a week recently , visiting
Mr. Kincheloe’s uncles, D. A.
MacLean of Lpphajsh and Hector
Mac?Leam_of _ Amberley, - also - the
MacMillans of Lucknow.
Holiday visitors at Wm. Bush
ell’s were Mr.^ arid Mrs. Donald
McCbsh; Mrs. Colwell and Ann-.
etta Forster;. Mr.-and^MFs.-Crossy
Kincardine; Mr. and Mrs. George
Colwell arid Shirley, Holy rood;
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bryce of
- —■ --------n-
Lucknowite Joins Finlay Family
In Get-Together At Saskatoon
By Steve Stothers
The" Forestry Farm at Saska
toon ori Sunday, July 26th, was
the scent of an unique and in
formal gathering of the. descen
dants of the late T. E. and Mrs.
Finlay, who were among the
.earlylsettlersonCon. 9rAshfield~
They came up to Ashfield from
the Peterborough section around
1860, took up pioneer life on Lot
6 and raised a family of four
daughters, and three sons. -
Members of .every. branch/of-
JKe family were present On Sun
day. This is remarkable when it
is realized that those present
came from each of the Prairie
Provinces, The writer had beCn
a house guest of Stuart vFinlay.
Over the week-end and was priv
ileged to attend the function by
a special dispensation.
Stewart and his wife (Elia He had his wife Gladys and her
Whitley) were on hand as wfell as son AznsOn with him
their son, Stewart Jr.,' with
Wife and two children. They
erate a farm or farms comprising
1440 acres. Most Of this is devot
ed to wheat. Stewart, Sr. and
Mrs. Finlay came to this district
"from^AsHfjerd m 1909. He is an
enthusiastic farmer and ardent;
politician of the new. school.
Stewart, Jr. lives on the farm
six moiiths of the year and for
five months teaches some phase of
agricultural-engineering at^Sask-".7-"
atchewari University..
Bert Finlay with Mrs. Finlay
and their son of Saskatoon were
present as well, Bert was the.
other first generation representa-
tive. on 1 hand-. Four generations
were represented. \
Ansori’s family Was represent
ed :by Allan Finlay Of. Saskatoon
_____, 1_Allan—is^——
I boys’ counsellor a"t the Saskatoon.
Technical College?.
Finlay Reed arid his wife Nola,
with his sOn Jack aind wife fah.<i •
four children were on hand from ~
Edmpnton wherd" Finlay teaches
in'the Barrhead .Composite school.
Ida (Reed) Spence from Saska
toon arid her husband Jack (one
time of Fergus), with their dau
ghter, Marguerite Petersdn of
Wawanesa; represented .the same
family. Jack Spence is retired
fire chief of Saskatoon.
Lucknow readers will be inter
ested to learn that Jim Boak of
Bruno, Sask., with his wife, Rae
Jaimeson, were enquiring about,
district people. They are par
ents to Bob, Jim. and Aaron of ,
While Blanche Jamieson Wil
son is visiting her mother^ this^
branch was represented by Ernie
,and-their—son-Kennethr-Thejr'liwr - •
in Saskatoon. ■
Mrs. Ed Evans (Leila Agar) of
Winnipeg represented the' “Min- .
nie Finlay” branch of the’family-.
She was born at Lanes and mpv- '
ed with her parents to Dakota.
She and Mr. Evans lived in El-
stow for many years where they
carried on a business. Mrs, Evans;
was on a holiday visit to her
Elstow friends and shared the
responsibility of organizing the
day’s activities;
Lucknow arid Wawanosh peo
ple will be interested to hear of
Robt. Miller/ who left the 12th.
Concession of Wawanosh in 1905
arid, has lived in the Elstow comi
munity since. He has passed his'.
four score years and is stili act
ive. Mrs. Miller and tfieir son,
Mr. Miller and the writer com-
_ bared notes on -dozens-of—
. Luella (Durnin) Petersan, a
daughter of George Durnin, for
merly of the Lucknow commun
ity, With her husband and family
of Elstow, werb unable to attend.
Mrs. G; Sutherland of Elstow, .
who is a friend of. the Finlay
“faction” and is ninety years old;
Was the oldest person present
She came from Shelbourne to
Elstow some forty years ago. Mrs. .
Wm. Sherman was.._ano,ther-viri.
tor’ present froni Elstow,
/ ; To the observer, it was a won- '
d^rful party. It pointed up the/
' contribution one family; has made- ■ •'
■•’ ..I ’1 ' . ■ • ’• J’
Week-end visitors with Mr, arid
Mrs. Chris Shelton, were Mr. arid
Mrs._F._. B; Schofield- of--'London/-
: >
' -6 4
k f< /•
to the deveJopmentjoPCahada. .*
In defeating Goderich fast week.,
for the third time in four en
counters, the Meaford Knights,
were credited .with 13 hits;.-in* ’ •
eluding a triple by Bus's Johnston
who had three for four on .the
night, Lucknow fans will remem*
ber what Meaford didvto Justice*
In the' playoffs last year. ’■" ; ' ■
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