HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-29, Page 10"t • f. THAT Alex McNay has been re­ ceiving treatment in Victoria Hospital for an infection that has troubled him for a. time. there is in this serve his 80th birthday; on Sun?- day, August 2nd. , THAT next Monday, August 3rd, i will be observed locally as « Civic Holiday. % THAT I;: Nixon of Lucknow is —listed-as-the-winner of a-$100- special prize at a recent bingo y in Chesley. B N 0 E R TWINE WEDNESDAY, JULY 29th, 1953 DRESSES ' ~7^Dipp"7in^qnd^"icK>k~over^our and HAIR STYLING I 25c u. I 35C; 29c < < < 37c .6c 25c . lb. 43c Ladies’ HOUSEDRESSES Ends of lines in broken ■ sizes • .. • . '*• To clear at $1.49 & $1.98 French Cottons & Ginghams grouped at one price Only $2.98 ' ' ’ u, ■ ■ .L ' iiHwiMtitWW ....“MWifWiWrWMiii OUR BEAUTY SALON WIIX BE ' / \ FROM: < Friday Noon, August 7th, until Monday, August 10th, . t ’ inclusive. - Soap Flakes, large ........... 87c New1. CropHoney,4 1bs.83c^^^^^^^ Complete Line of Pickling Spices and • Vinegars AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES , LADIES’ GLOVES July clearance—5c pair , . t 3 , .... * ;................■.,......................................I •■’Big; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW.ONTARIO ' ■ y r r * »v F .....If.. JULY SALE FINAL Crepes, Cruise . j M ■1 i < < < < < < < < < '< * < , 1914 Farmer* Organized- 39 yee^rs of continuous effort on BINDER TWINE always dependable QUALITY \ BETTER DRESSES Clearing from 6.95 to 16.95 (. GIRLS’ DRESSES for 7 to 14 years Cottons, ginghams, dresses. All: marked clearance prices*. Ideal back-txHsehool wear. FTom $1.79 up sun : at for LADIES’ BLOUSES v -Sizes 12™to—18 L Clearance 79c BUTTONS Only 1c a card LADIES’ T SHIRTS Values to $1.75 Clearing at 98c T MEN’S CAPS To dear 25c and 49c MEN’S WORK SOCKS Special ’-*• 39c, 49c, 69c MEN’S T SHIRTS — 89c MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Good* and Woollen* ; We Specialize In■. . Styled Hair Cuts Book appointments in advance to avoid disappointment, please. iteop Appointments On Schedule — Bailees Beaiity Salon ■ ’Phone 115, Lucknow Summer HOLIDAY VALUES at ■ LG. A, Plain or Colored Serviettes 2 for Freshie, all flavors Pic-Nic-Ki^, set for 6 ........ McCormick Cherry Mallows, cellow bag ........ 25c Mild Factory Cheese Challenger Sockeye Salmon, |4’s Sheriff Lushus 3 for Kelloggs y Corn Flakes, large Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, large SMITH’S FOOD MARKET Why Pay More? Shop at Smith’s I.G.A Market Ladi.esLJ2ool_jancL_Crisp^JElisse-SI-IBS Onl y ^ 2 .2 9 with a one year guarantee SUMMER YARD GOODS kriskays, ginghams, dimities Buy Now — Only 66c per yard Striped Household TERRY TOWELS 34x18, Only 95c Pair " THAT Donald Hajderiby . of .the Bank of Montreal Staff has.been . sent, to the Bothwell branch for ; a monthr a^ the Legionnaires, for. practically the balance' otf .the schedule.- • THAT Mr. and Mrs Albert Trap- lin of Owen Sound, and form­ erly of Lucknow, recently cele- . brated their 35th wedding an­ niversary. THAT Lincoln Morrison, son of Mr., and. Mrs. Lance Morrison of Goderich and formerly ,of Lucknow, received third prize of $15.00 at the old time fid­ dlers’ contest held recently at Allistbn. __w_ __ _ ; .. T -T-O— ' THAT a triple yolk egg was “cracked open” at‘ Duncan’s Restaurant this week. Did you ever see one? . ——o— ■ ■' THAT “Paula” which was Screen­ ed at The Playhouse the first of the week was an extra good picture with a dramatic and unusual story. THAT for the first four Slundays in August the Presbyterian and United congregations will hold morning service in the Presby­ terian Church with Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn ' in . charge. This Sunday, the service, at Dungan­ non will be at $.30 a.m. and thereafter at the usual hour of 3.00 pjn. THAT Bob Lyons, Jr., recently underwent an appendectomy in Wingham Hospital. THAT~they*li~have-tb get a train; • Caller at tj^e CNR depot. ’Joyce Duncan has been taking quite a ‘bit of kidding since she boarded the Kincardine bound .train last week, instead of the Palmerston train, which was moving out before the “dis­ placed passenger” Was discov­ ered and “Wrong Way Joyce” put on the right train’ Joyce continued her studies at Listo- wel after her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Duncan moved to Lucknow7 to take over Treleav- en’s restaurant. As a result Joyce hasn’t- got her directions straight in these parts. She I \plhys softball for the Atwood girls team and was ori her way there last’ week when she got bn the wrong train. The “tip and down” trains pass at the local depot. ■ THAT Allan Reed had a bus load of ball fans to Detroit on Sun - dayfor„a^^ the Tigers and ■Yankees. On Tuesday he took a bus load of ladies from Wihitechurch to Niagara Falls and remained'for the illumination. ■ ;7‘-r-r0^ •v>/ , THAT Garner Stanley will, ob- Reasonable Price,__. x ■ | • § • The above record Over the years has proved to industry W § and 4o all others', that farmers individually in a working v group can successfully do a-job. w X Repeatedly, down through the years, Farmers, the ex- | § elusive users of Binder Twine have jointly in their purchas- | X ing done an excellent piece of work. z / S Affiliate Co-operatives and Twine Customers in conj unc • X g. tion with The Central have been'a great influence, in main- &. § taining excellent quality Twine, combating price increase | | arid generally assisting themselves and their own Agricul-.g. g- tural industry. ’ ‘ 7 |. f ’ This worthy effort has through the years reflected, un- | | told saying in money, each year, which has been plowed* |. .. S back into the farmers own business. | The wholehearted support of you and every farmer for g 1953 to the use of Co-op Brand, Binder also Baler Twine, | 8 is important Decide now, , help protect your interests for S the future. J •'... ’’.X 8 .............-... v- ORDER NOW FRO^^ i Lucknow District Co-operative | | PHONE 71, LUCKNOW | HOSPITAL WING (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. Morrey expressed appre- -ciation—of—the—wprk—of-^private_ hospitals and nursing homes in the district and said that when­ ever possible they placed patients in these homes. However they have not the equipment neces­ sary for many older' folk, and at the best the accomodation they can offer, would‘still not be suf-. THAT Elwood Irwin is relieving at the C.N.R. depot during the illness of the l;ocal agent, Gar­ net Henderson, who has been ebnfined to bed since the first of the week,—o—■ : ■ THAT the Kairshea. members are asked to please note that they are to visit the Purple Grove WJ. in the Purple Grove school, on August 13th at 8.30 in the evening instead of the after­ noon of August 12th as report­ ed in the Kairshea W.I. news- ? last week. THAT Mr. John Martin will again conduct, the, Daily Vacation Bible School in the Johnstone Hall, commencing on Tuesday, ; August 4th and running that week arid the next. lie Will be assisted by Mr. Clifford Smith; arid Misses Clara Clark and Doria Davis. - 4 . . ficient to relieve Wingham' Hos­ pital of its overcrowding, or the need of the wing and facilities it will offer which are imperative to the entire hospital. It was recognized that only a portion of some municipalities were served generally by Wing­ ham Hospital and zoning might have to be considered. Some pre­ sent expressed the opinion that ratepayers’ meetings might have to be called before taking action, bijit there was none present who did not Tecognize knd admit the need of additional accomodation. One such meeting is to be held in : Wost Wawanosh Township hall on Friday night. The following figures repres­ ent.-the percentage of patients from each municipality and the proposed share Of the estimated cost to be borne, by each muni- cipality. It is estimated a population ' of 16,000 area.. Municipalities ■Ashfieid Belgrave ................ Bluevale .... Blyth Brussels ................ Carrick ........... Colborne Culross ;................ East Wawanosh .... West Wawanosh .. Gorrie. ....... Grey ................ Greenobk Howick . Hiillett Huron . Kinibss .... Luckriow ...... Morris ...... Tebswater ... .... Turnberry Wroxetei* Wingham : Counties other ’ „ than Bruce or Huron , 2 . , ' 4,QpO. “Wai”, bragged the ancient pat­ ient, “i’ll be 80 next birthday and I haven’t an enemy in the world”. “Gee, that’s remarkable’, said the young one;■. “Yep,\ went on the old man, “I’ve outlived every one of ’em”. Winner of One Pair of 1 7\IBEXBLANKETS in Saturday Jul| 25, Draw was Mrs. A. MacDonald, R. 4, Ripley, Ont. Share -$—8;000 3 6,000 ' i 2,000 1 2,00ff 2 .4,000 i,obo 1 . •. 2,6.00 5 .. 10,000 7 ••14,000 41/2 •9,000. ■ i ■,.2,000 k 2 4,000 1 • - 2^000 5 • 10;000..’ ■i/4?’ 500 ■ ■1,500 ■. 03!.. ’,12,000 ■ 6^ '■13.000 •' 6 12,000 ’ 5 10,000 • ■ 2 ■ : 17,000 ~T~4,000. 25 ‘■■ ,50:000 PAYDAYJE All sizes, 30 to '44 — Only $3.50 Men’s Sanforized . COTTON PLAID SPORT SHIRTS S, M and L,. Only $2.35 ,'' ■' ’ Men’s ' . RAYON JERSEY SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeves , Only, $1;98