HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 10WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1953 T 7 I .< J DOLLAR SAVING DAYS AT THE * I. J. Free Draw t J, I x< 25c tr*4, 29c 'Vl SMITH’S FOOD MARKET 7 ! I, t'. t • jk. 29c 26 c 39c 75c“imw ^ .... ., - i - ■ ,■ , ,■ s - -•,. * Bj iauw^ju« want another industry or two two other industrial inquiries at they can getthem just as other the present time but it will take towns are doing. Durham pham- the support and co-operation of Hat* nfiT,Amina,'no ic ‘Fstllrittrinr* tin ■ nil crot v*acti14cV' -' The Sentinel mailing list, will be corrected shortly, Is your sub­ scription paid? / • . ' •: 'i mm Pard Dog-Food...... 2 for Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon aijr, .. 1 1 "ll—' ■ 7" Coco Cola''z . GLASSES—7c Each uiii.iii1 ..------..................................: ...■ THURSDAY — FRIDAY — SATURDAY • Authorized investment for trust funds. • Short term—5 years. • 4% yearly interest, payable half-yearly. In five years, $410.18 accumulates to $500.00 Write for, descriptive folder STERLING TRUSTS c 0—R N■ a’. ’ . • . ' ■ ’ . . • . • ' ■ HSAb OFMCf It ANCH OFFICE •71 B«y St4 Tmito 1-1 Vwnkp StH B«nte Tide, gi&nt pageten 1' ..,.. ■ . .......~.......... f BASEMENT THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ; Children’s Wear Dept, ‘ HALF PRICE , Boys’ & Girls’ Sunsuits Sjome With.matchmg hats or bonnets. Sizes 2 « 3 only. TO CLEAR AT PRICE j. ' .. ....— PEDAL PUSHERS Girls’ Pedal Pushers, 3 to 6x, with midriffs to match. Regular $2.98. SALE PRICE—$2.29 > , (fyi. • ■ y * • . ' ’ • , - - • (URLS’ DRESSES A table pf girls’ dresses, \ sizes 1 to 6x. REDUCED 20 TO 50% \ Drop in and look around. PLASTIC BABY PANTS ' Special for dur sale. 25c — 2. pair for, 45c : T-SHIRT SPECIAL Ldt ITo. 1, sizes 1, 2, 3. Reg- ’• Mier; values to $1.19. TO CLEAR AT 79c v v T-SHIRT SPECIAL Lot No.- 2, sizes 2, 4, , 6. A wide assortment of plain , and patterned T-Shirts. TO CLEAR AT 89c SPECIALS Two Tables of Clearance Values at . *49c and 98c JULY CLEARANCE SALE of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s Wear CONTINUES UNTIL AUGUST 1st < . .■< ' < ’ ■< ’ < ■ .4 .< < "4 < J ■ 9 < MEN’S. LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ' Piece Goods and Woollens < I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) THAT—the United -Missionary Church at Hanover announces special youth meetings during the summer with Elmer Um- bach of Lucknow as director. "I’VE 4% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES!"j :-‘T ..... . -.7-v”---V--- WHAT WOULD THEY HEAR IF THEY VISITED LUCKNOW , The following article which ap­ peared recently in The Durharp Chrenicie, raises the, question in one’s mind,, as to what ^vould have been heard and what would have been the / reaction if .this gentleman had visited Lucknow incognito. / . . . ? ‘ Would the merchants', along Main Street have given him a warm, reception, leaving the im­ pression that this was a mighty friendly spot in which to locate, and Where harmopy, co-operation Sand mutual municipal boosting was ip evidence., : Or; hfiad he talked to the man- on-the-street,: would , <he > have found in him a town booster, or i a long-face'd' calamity John or Jane,: whose stock-in-trade is in­ ertia and blue-ruin talk. ( Here’s What The Chronicle had to Say, and while . this article points specifically to the mer­ chant, we think civic boosting is everybody’s business/ and seldom it seems, has it 0ver been at a lower ebb here. “Last fall a representative of an English firm came, to Durham iand called on merchants along the main street asking questions. “Although the merchants did not know it,' this man was mak­ ing, arrangements for his com-, pany to establish a manufactur­ ing plant-in1 Canada and he want­ ed to find ou^ where the firm would be most welcome. “Durham Chamber of Com­ merce followed up the inquiries but were disheartened to hear the report of the company’s agent at Toronto. He said business men ' . to whom he had talked ’did not seem enthusiastic, information was. reluctantly given, and the general-impression was that out­ siders (would not be too wel­ come. / ' - “Although this firm was im­ pressed with the . physical assets and facilities of Durham, the re­ ception was warmer; at Smith’s Falls and there its Canadian plant is'being established. “H the merchants of Durham her of iCqmmerce is following up all to get results’*. l\/e Got Mote +MAN A fbO/7 IN AAY S'OCK CHESLEY ASSESSMENT UP AND SO IS TAX RATE , . , , ————— / Sentinel publicity concerning Lucknow’s new assessment causes Clayton Schaus of The Chesley Enterprise to .comment, as fol­ lows:" “We are not sure whether we think very ' highly of the new system of assessment or not. Cer­ tainly wq do not think too much of the argument that is used to the effect that,. if the assessments .' . ■ 9 • .T" ' 7".. 7-— -<• er tax rate. Surely people are not inocent enough to be fooled by such an argument. Chesley raised ; its assessment from less, than $85s0,000 to over $1,000,000, arid, where is the tax rate? This year it -has. gone up again to a neat 69 mills. The people of Han­ over could tdll the same story. The only thin^ a higher assess­ ment has done is' to keep the rates from reaching the 100-mill mark”. » THAT the family of the late Mrs. John MacMillan were deeply appreciative of the response to . The Sentinel’s request for cop­ ies of the June 24th issue,'car-^ . __ „T_ rying itheir mother’s obituary.' ate increased, it will.mean a low- An ample number have been “ x--- x- ” received/ Since our acknow­ ledgment last week, a copy has been received from Tom Magof­ fin and the offer of one from Wm Evans. , BORN WEBSTER—in Kincardine Hospi­ tal on Sunday, July 19 th, to Mr and Mrs. Wellington Webster, R. 3' Lucknow, a daughter. GARDINER—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on Friday, July 10, . 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Gard­ iner, "• a son. CADMAN-*in Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, July 10th, 1953* to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cad­ man, R. 2, z Lucknow, a daughter. ELLIOTT—in Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, July 11 th, 1953, to Mr.. and Mrs. Bryce El­ liott, Lucknow, a son. O’KEEFE — at Alexandra Hospi­ tal, Goderich, on July 14, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. O’Keefe, Kin­ tail, a daughter, Marianne. •STANBURY—at Alexandra Hos­ pital, Goderich, on July 11, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stanbury, R. T, Dungannon, a son, John Robert. • . ENGAGEMENTS Mr’ and Mrs. Angus Kennedy of - St. Columban, Ontario, an­ nounce the engagement of their elder daughter, Mary Teresa, to Mr. William Joseph Kinahah of St; Augustine. ,The marriage to take, place Auigust l’st. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrit Logten-; berg, R. 7, Lucknpw, wish to an­ nounce the engagement of their daughter,. Alie Logtenberg, to. Mr. Tim, Reurink, son of Mr. and Mrs; Gerrit Reurink of Holland. The marriage- is to take place on August‘1st,; 1953.. • i • ■ vl•z ■ •"* 1 ■ Mid Season Clearance Sale | 20 PERCENT OFF All Summer YARDGOODS Win Au IBEX BLANKET - ( • ----J • ■ ' Wabasso . PILLOW SLIPS Sale $1.00 Pr. , 7' . .. You’ll Say I, G A. VALUES are ALL I DESIRE ... ...... .. .......’.': .1*........ Libby’s Rosedale Tomato Juice, 48 bz, Zest Sweet Mixed Pickles, 16 Oi; Robinhood White Cake Mix Kellogg^ All Brail Pard Dog. Food.... PRESERVING TIME IS HERE Rubber Rings, box 7.‘... 9c Certo 29C Fruit Jars, Mason Lids and Caps’ Seal-a- Whx, Etc. Bananas ......lb. 19c ' , SunkistOranges, 220’s doz. 37C Oranges, 288’s ,.s.a 2 doz. 45c Grapefruit, 100’s . .. 4 for 25c . t Why Pay More? Shop at Smith’s I* G. A Market HOUSEDRESSES $1.00 Each .............-.........: ■'......................-.. ' Boys’ PLAID SHIRTS $1.80 7< r Tickets with every dollar purchase. ' - Draw Saturday Night MEN’S TIES | Reg. $1.50—Sale 79c j ±s=i' S I V k.-/ - ..... - • . MEN’ST-SHIRTS — ■ . ■ and'. SPORTSWEAR 20 Percent Off Men’s SWIM TRUNKS Men’s Sanforized DRESS SHIRTS 2 for $5.00 r'1 NYLONS 76c pair .. ~ -....... ■ ■ . " 7 ■ ’ . y ; V ' Bay? WORK SHIRTS Special $1.49 PUREX TISSUE 4 rolls 50c Assorted Sun Suits CHILDREN’S TOGS 20 Percent Off