HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 7I 1 I ■ fl i i * , Phone 150;< , > • \ - -y.-".' r-•■■■ . ... ■■ ‘.1. r .■ To Teach At Stratford The Junior „ Room pupils of <9 *' * > ' * ' ■ • FREE SURVEYS 'AND ESTIMATES ■ OIL BOILERS r • HISELER aiid SON, Phone 426; Witham TO BUILD A GARAGE 'ft ■ 1 x 4”s Cedar Shiplap Pine Siding Roll Brie Siding and Shingle Roll Insulated Sidings Cedar Shingles . Asphalt Shingles. Garage Door Setts IMINItS.. • OIL FURNACES i ket..Her flower’s were pink roses. ■.«1 i itfi] IMi WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1953 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night' FIRST SHOW AT 7,15 Wednesday, Thurs.r July 22, 23 HUMPHREY BOGART, {SYDNEY GREENSTREET The Maltese Falcon Friday, Saturday? July 24, 25 ANTHONY DEXTER, JODY LAWRENCE — in — - . ■ THE BRIGAND MATINEE SATURDAY ___ * I ' • ' \ ’ Monday, Tuesday, Jiily 27, 28 ALAN LADD, - DEBORAH KERR, . CHARLES BOYER . — in — Thunder in the East _ ___y :; \ z • ... j?_- Wednesday, Thurs., July 29, 30 Clifton Webb, Ruth Hussey ■ in “THE STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER” ' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO j WHITECHURCH iutv ^X11C oumur .rtoom pupils o:r’ ■ r's- Art Moore spent HeSson Separate School, Strat- w?ek^end jvith relations at ^°rd> 'will be taught this year by Orangeville and Caledon. 1 ” ‘ Mr? and Mrs,, Wm. Bishop of Toronto are spending >a few days with her brother, Mr. and Mrs.. Walter James; . Rey. and Mrs. Graydon Cox and daughters of Fonthill and Mary Ellen Ross of Galt are spending ew days with Mrs; M.' Ross and Miss Ohye Terriff. Mrs. .Chas.- Moore’ caught her finger, in the? lajwh mower, sev­ erely ciitting it. J1 "" - K/rMr,i^d Mrs/ Fred tiffin and Mrs... ,MX j>( ’piffin visited with friepds near Orangeville. . / _ BORN-^to Mr. and Mrs. Waited * son» on July 16th in Wingham Hospital (Walter Paul).' Mrs. Margaret Anderson re­ turned. home to Michigan after spending a few days With her sister, Mrs. Robt. McNall. Mr. Jack Aitchison spent the week-end at Bronte visiting with frierids. Mrs. Bagg and her daughter Hazel are spending a .few days • with the former’s daughter, Mrs. __ ____ __ x uMxx«i E. H. Groskorth. Karep returned with seed pearls and long pointed home with them, after holidaying, sleeves. .Her fingertip veil fell at Willowdale.... . • " ... . ......... ... Mrs. Jas. Morrison of Essex .and. his father, Mr. j. B. Morrison, were visiting'• around‘C..his ’ told friends last .week; ‘ • ; : ■ I* ABOLITION of County Councils is? the pet^ubject 'of Port Elgin’s Mayor W5R. Tomlinson. He-.says they are a relic of the horse and buggy .days. Orangeville and Caledon Miss Margaret '■ Kraemer, da ugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Krae­ mer, R, 2^^ Holyrood, A native of Greenock, she attended Rivers- d^le Separate School, Sacred Heart High School, Walkerton, and the Walkerton District High School before attending Stratford Normal School, ..the^ si. - - WEDDINGS ■J ENGLAND—-ACKERIwIlN . ’ In ’a beautiful setting of gl^d-- iolus and white candles at Kpox Presbyterian Church, Elora, with Rev. McGinnes officiating at a double ring ceremony, Betty Jacqueline Ackerman, only dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ackerman, Elqra,. became the bride of Edward John England, son of Mr. John P. England, of Lucknow and Mrs. Henry Figg, Elora, ; The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a strapless gown -of net over taffeta with, jacket of chantilly- lace. The jack-' ’ et featured ’a Peter, Pan collar ' ■£* The PLAYHOUSE t . .... ....... • . , . ■ ’ k. ■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 23, 24, 25 1HE BOWERY BOYS arc back again, funnier than eyer^ and they are going to college— HOLD THAT LINE and see how they are holding it—Plus. .- ■ WILLIAM ELLIOTT^ in ’ , , Kansas Territory NO SATURDAY MATINEE-UNTIL SEPTEMBER ■' ■ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 27, 28, 29 LORETTA YOUNG in her,best role and one of the finest pictures of this year— - • IPAULA Baby Bonus & Old Aga Pensions WillNOTBeLowered If You Elect A CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT The Cut In Taxes Pledged By ir and Andy Robinson ‘ Will Be Made Possible By: CUTTING DEFENSE WASTE ELIMINATING UNNECESSARY FRILLS ELIMINATING DUPLICATION and IMPROVING. ACCOUNTING METHODS . ; , . ■ SUPPORT ANDY ROBINSON who belongs to the Con­ servative party which sought unsuccessfully ' I- to ,? INCREASE OLD AGEPENSIONS. SUPPORT ANDY ROBINSON who belongs to the Con­ servative party which ' believes in a FLOOR. PRICE FORvFARM PRODUCTS F 1 .j.......' ■ and an established OVERSEAS MARKET SUPPORT ANDY ROBINSON • • • • • . i • »' , ’ ' (Inserted by the Conservative Party.of Bruce Riding) TIMKEN OIL HEAT from a tiara oL seed pearls, sfie carried a bouquet. of red roses. The maid of honor, Miss Dor- 'othy Kraft, Elora, wore pink net with jacket of -chantilly late and | carried a heart shaped, bouquet* of white carnations. The brides­ maids, Miss Shirley, Hillis and Mrs. Raymond Morrissey, Jr., sister of the groomj wore blue net floor length gowns and car­ ried heart shaped bouquets of pink carnations. The flower.11 girl. Miss Barbara •dH’umr,’~Eibi^"v^e_pTnk organdy and carried . a basket of sweet peas.. ■ y '• ' ■. The best man was Mr. Lewis . 4Mac-)—H-ill-is—of’-^amptomF'UsFF"” ers were Mr. Ronald Howitt, Pon­ tiac, Mich; and Mr. James Eccle­ stone,. Fergus. During the signing of the reg­ ister Mrs. McGinnes sang “O [ Perfect Love”. ’ , : The.^. reception . was held at Trails^ End Hole!, Conestoga. , Out-of-town guests were pres­ ent from Lucknow, Brampton, Hamilton, Palmerston, Grand Val- ley, Fergus; Pontiac, Mich.; Al­ bion, N.Y. : ■' The., bride’s . mother: received wearing a checked taffeta dress with navy blue redingote and white accessories and corsage of .white carnations. .The - groom’s mother received in a navy flow- ered silk drf^s.^±\vith—wKitp^nd2 navy accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. b The bride’s going away costume was a blue linen ensemble, with ’White accessories and a corsage, of pink roses. For their honey­ moon the, young couple motored to Detroit and points,.south. They will reside in Elora on their. re­ turn.' ' MCDONALD—WHITE St. Andrew’s church; Ripley, •'was decorated With white lilies, blue delphiniums and red roses' on Saturday, July 11th, for the m a triage of Isobel .Maude White.... daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Russell White, Ripley, to John David Mc­ Donald, son of Mri and Mrs. Alex­ ander ■ McDonald, -Lochalsh.. The. Rev.. D. Bryden and the? Rev., J. McDonald, officiated at the double ring eeremony. Miss Bernice Mar­ tyn "Was thp organist apd Miss Marion Munn^was soloistS^ . The bride, given iri marriage by her father, wore .a white, floor length gown fashioned with bod­ ice of chantilly ^lace'. and bouf­ fant’skirt of; nylon tulle with lace panels over satin ending in trains. A pearl coronet held ‘her finger­ tip‘.veil of matching tuile and she carried a bouquet of Ri'bum ■lilies, ■’ The attendants as bridesmaids ■Wb?(J"'Miss^Tean McLennan,”Tor- bnto and Miss Mabel MacDonald. Windsor, sister of the groom, Who woi’e matching .dresses of psile .greeii .and yellow With lace bodice eihd nylon tulle over satin'skirts with lace jackets and matching bandero. They’ carried bouquets of,'yellow foses. The' matron of honor; Mrs.- Ji R<C.dle,' Ashville; “North Carolina, sister of the" hridr wore a pink’ gown of Cdsta Rickb iah lace and taffeta and lace jac* VC. MCDONALD. To Huron and Bruce County. Farmers ► ► ► • ► ► ■ F ' ► ► ■ x 16” for your Rural MAIL BOX Easily. Attached — Last For Years Set of Two —- One for Each Side of Mail Box PRICE $1,00 ONLY FOR SET OF TWO ' Send S1.00 With Your NAME, INITIALS and ADDRESS to WYSE and HARDIE 105 Wharncliffe . Road North, London, Ont.. • / Name Plates Mailed To You Direct, Postpaid- Name Plates Can Also Be Used For Gate Signs, Etc. A A A A A A, A A A, A A A A A .ih A . jfc A A db. db ,4k r*- -W Miss-S haron--McDonaid;"m~ie'ce"T)T the groom, was flower girl . in floor length gowrr of pink and carried a basket of roses. Mr. Rod McLennan, Toronto, was best man . and ushers- were Firilay> McDonald, Lochalsh and Ernest Craig of Owen Sound. For the reception in the church' hall the bride’s mother chose a dress of rose'erepe with lace over »«■»<» taffeta skirt with black access­ ories and yellow roses in corsage. The groom’s ’■mother wore mauve crepe with lace panels and mauve and black accessories, her cor­ sage was Ribum lilies. For the wedding trip to Mus- ’ koka the bride donned a yellow petral, suit with matching boat, white accessories. and corsage of •, roses. l i j . F I i •L L 1 ■■■■■’ j Metal Roofing ■'i... . v.... .. .. ... | We Would Be Pleased To Quote You A Price JOHN W. HENDERSON I LUMBER LIMITED , . r • • • / • ■ ■ . • Lucknow '' r t * ■ . '•■tiy / Ml ’ ' 'j, -..I '-'-rnbTrwrT——-^1—— I i a Ontario, <