HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 5r I 7 i#4- /. • WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd, 1953 family reunions DICKSON—ARMSTRONG The annual reunion, and' picnic of the Dickson-Armstrong clan was held at R. C.' Armstrong’s “Bbwhill Farms” on Con. 8, Cul- ross with almost 100 present. A program of sports, races~ and games was run off, with a sump­ tuous supper on the lawn, feat­ uring ice cream and watermelop. In the election of officers Wil­ fred, Farrish of Ashfield was suc­ ceeded as president by Mel pick­ ton, Dungannon; 1st vice, Elliott Finnell, Bidgetown; 2nd vice, R. C, Armstrong; sec.-treas, Grace Richardson; lunch committee for 1054/ Mrs. Evan Smyth; Mrs. H. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Lane, Mrs. R. J. Armstrong, Mrs. L. J. McKee, ; . sports: Mrs. Jack Westlake, Mrs, Alan Hallidhy, Hugh Armstrong, Mrs. N.' McKee, Bob Douglas and Mrs. Roy Gordon. > / The picnic next year will be * held at Tees Water. « Oldest lady present: Mrs. Jane Hughes; oldest man, Angus' Mc- Diarmid; wedding anniversary nearest the picnic date, Mr. and J, b 7 Y. 1. v> J / THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO DONNYBROOK Congratulations itb Mr. & Mrs; H. Jefferson on the arrival of their baby daughter on July 11th. Miss Elaine Jefferson was a week-end visitor at Niagara Falls. Sgt. and Mrs. Herb Dainty have returned to Kingston after a week’s visit at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Ed> Robinson and other friends. The boys remained for a longer Visit. * Chamney of Windsor is visiting at the home of his grand­ parents, Mr; and Mrs; R. Charn- ney. Sunday visitors aLthe Cham- >ney. home included Mrs? ' Reg Schiiltiz, Mrs. Leatherlan^,- Sr„ Mrs. Norman Vincent and sons of Londesboro, Mr. and. Mrs.’ Robert Brooks of Toronto and Mr.- and Mrs. Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie of Wingham. PAGE FIVE * .. ■ , . i' .1 L 4 *1 NURSESSTAGE ; NUPTIAL PARTY . . • ■ ■ If ’ • 7 Miss M. E. Adams of Wingham jWas guest, of honor at at lovely, party on Tuesday afternoon, July 14th, at Mr. and. Mrs. Howard Maqhan’s cottage at. Kincardine When .Mrs, Machan received the nurses and friends. . • ' The u afterpoon was. spent in various games ' and Mrs. Machan and .helpers served, delicious, re­ freshments. Letters of good wish-' es„ .werie read to the brjde-to-be from Mrs. W, A, .Kirkpatrick, Maidstone, Sask.; Mrs. Geo; Love, Chatsworth; Mrs. Clarence Green,. Grand Bend; Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Burketon; Mrs..Chris Cook, Luck-, now; Miss Jeanette . B. Cottill, Toronto; also Mrs/ Bert Walden and Mrs. Clifford Cottrill who were unable to attend. The nurses brought a favorite recipe, for the bride-elect. There was much fun and laughter when each nurse related a humorous incident during her nursing car­ eer. / ,o'- ; ‘ Mrs. Neil MacDonald read the I I Mrs. G. Richardson; most recent-, ly married, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Smyth; youngest baby, Paul Geb-' hart;, coming farthest ,distance, Mrs. R. McCullough, Qu’Appelle, Sask.; largest load, Wilfred Far- rish. ,■ i ! following address: | Dear Miss Adams, . ? ‘ | It is with pleasure we are gath­ ered . here this afternoon to honor you on your engagement and be­ fore you leave our tnicist. / We 'have . spent much. time to­ gether in the past years arid have' many pleasant memories of those days. We wish you ari the bless­ ings and. happiness in your: future home and would ask you to, ac­ cept this gift with our have. May your coming years be hap­ py, •. ; . The.best you have'ever seen, < Is wished to you for old times’ sake,.' l ' /' ■ ■' To keep our friendship green. iOn behalf of 30- nurses whose names were on the card, Mrs. Machan presented Miss Adams with a beautifully wrapped white Viceroy Kenwood blanket, and an envelope containing money. Miss Adams thanked all for the beautiful gift, good wishes and the lovely party which all en­ joyed. ° ZION The WjM.S. July meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Bill, Hunter witn i p m.embers present. It was the‘young ladies meeting. Mrs. Frank Ritchie presided. Mar- lene. Hunter read the scripture lesson.- A duet was rendered by /./ Marlene Hunter and Carol Helm ' and a reading by Roberta Helm. ; Mrs. Allan Ritchie is to get the / prpgram/for the next nieeting; it, being/the, Pightj Bearers meeting. A letter of thanks was received from; Mrs, .Hary.ey Ritchie and ’ Mirs Robert. Ritchie*for. fruits' sept when ill. A piano solo was play -. ed by Carol Gardner. Beatrice Giibson gave a reading, Mrs,. Bill Hunter had the Christian stew;-~ ardship. Roberta Helm and Beat­ rice Giibson sang and Carol Gard- ner told a story. Marlene Hunter played a piano solo and follow­ ing a hymn/Mrs. Frank Ritchie closed with prayer. ’ The Sentinel mailing list Will A Want Ad will bring big. re-. | be. corrected shortly/ Is your sub- * suits at little cost. scription paid? Vote for ANDY ROBINSON V. 0 It i III 1 t ! It Ct 1. t » t * / • * ^ We wi// budget for Government’s legitimate needs ... I> we will stop budgeting for bloated surpluses which— | in three years—took from the people’s pockets the I staggering sum 'of $1,618,000,000 more than the I Government needed., We will end the shocking conditions in our Defence ? Department which the Goyernmenfs own investigator, (Col. G.S. Currie) described as: "A general breakdown Rr ip the^system of administration, supervision and I accounting •. . Accounting records in a chaotic con- I dition and of little use in determining the nature and I extent of irregularities . .. Waste and inefficiency for I rtiote costly in Uss than that covered by actual ; dishonesty0. L. ■' ■< it < MW J V’ 4 TH 4 lAihis election is 4 V -ZSL 'j #• I I ' ’ I' I 1 •V * . ■< ■ * M . ■*. < r X, J V r if We wi//, without impairing, the efficiency of our " Armed Forces, correct the appalling inefficiencies in * the administration of the Department of National Defence. T We Wi7/ provide the nation with an administration whose attitude towards the spending of public monies will be one of prudence and common sense. A new (^Government in itself will mean substantial savings! to the taxpayer—if will replace a Government whose arrogant indifference to economy was best expressed by Mr. Howe’s scornful remark, ’’What’s a Million?”. Orr ”lf fhey need a gold-plated piano it is* our duty to buy it”. • ' We will reduce o£ eliminate countless hidden, indirect taxes which 7- grossjiifIdle the cost of consumer goods, add to the grievous cost of y __-h Hvirg, increase the price of homes beyond fhe^capacity of most of our~"^" 7" —— "7 people fo payTdis^ourage saving and initiative.~ people to pay, discourage saving and initiative. , We will reduce federal taxes by at least $500,000,000 a year ... without reducing any pensions, family allowances, Or other social security payments. $500,000,000 TAX CUT NOW! J': -..z i It I $ I *. ••1-< ■ ImeHed by the Progreitlye Coniervotive Pcrly’df Canada, * 1 4 « . A. /I /I ■fr*> . ■ X. I — A . ’ •?*r> r ✓ 1 1 $ III J < z ■ 1 1;: 1.1 • I • 1 J II 111 I 1■ 1 1—■"■ / H ■1 * ■ 1 / M • 7 • \ .5 I >» E!3«E3SES»X^