HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-22, Page 3p
■’ , ■ * ■ ’ ■■■
■WEDNESDAY, JULY 22nd,jr95>3
'T '• ' •• 1 "fl1
I Minister:;
1 Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, |
I * B.A., B.D. j
I ; SUNDAY, JULY 26th f
1 io a.m.: Sunday School. I
111 a.m. Rev. C. A. Winn guest|
minister. • |
; A cordial welcome is extended j
to the Presbyterian congrega-j
tion and to all visitors. j
Presbyterian Chiirch
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.,
Minister. J ' ■ '
10.00 a.mj Sunday School.
. ■ ■ ’/ ■
11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship
in the United Church, with
Rev. C. A. Winn in charge,.' :
. 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan
'/Almost forgotten. now,, the things -J
I' ' -It ‘ 'i__•__
, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Agnew
are on vacation; During their ab
sence Mrs: Chas. Webster is as
sisting at' the -Municipal-Office. -
carriers .
Or spelled off the men who.were-,:
Only ‘ at few 'are left who will
■«T remember , v >■ • ’
pioneer ways,:
of yesteryear,
The few. think of. them as “the
good old/days”. ^-0.
— Wrn- "M- Buckingham.
’ .. i • . .? ■M ■ , ; .’ “
; JEvery summer the Canadian
churches,: mamtain camps for
their youth. Because they have
voluntary workers, they are able
to charge reasonable prices on a i
mostly non-profit < basis. These
people that unselfishly give their
• holiday for the benefit of others
deserve much credit. All these
camps work 'under government
license so standards of health arid
life protection must be maintain
ed. We rshall describe a typical
church camp. As the children, reg
ister they present their health
certificate and bank their spend
ing money in the camp tuck-shop
from which they receive an al
lowance each day. Three cabins
for boys and. three for girls. Each
cabin ...is -supervised by two coun
sellors. There, is a staff house,
dining hall,' a four bed hospital
and nurses’ residence, a recrea
tion hall for times pt bad weath
er and a crafts shop. This camp
. is fortunate .to•have ah .ever run
ning well of good yVater. There
■is a good bathing, beach-where
bathing.is under a qualified sup
ervisor. Water towers and floats
mark the areas for swimmers and |
non-swimmers. The rising bugle.:]
sounds at 7.30 a.m., flag-break
langside north
j. ' ■ and Mrs. Wm. Evans arid
Mr. and Mrs. . Ted Collyer spent
Wednesday in Toronto. .
1. - Mr, -and Mrs. Wilmer1 .Robb of.j
.Amberley, spent last Sunday ev-'
Ching with- Mr; and Mrs. Farish
Moffat.- \ .
Miss. Doleana Orr of London
Mr. arid Mrs. Farish 'Moffat' and
GQ.rdon visited last week in Tor-
■ .onto. ." •'!
—Mir^Graham^Moffat a n d / M i s s7
Emma Richardson spent Friday .at
? . London sand Hyde Park,
Mr. Bill Scott has been ill with
L-pneumonia. •
(Intended for Last Week)
• ’ ML and Mrs. .Ormond ’ Moffat.
, and son and Mrs.. Bessie Craik. of
Hamilton, Miss Christena Moffat
arid Miss Margaret Moffat of Tor
onto spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. Peter *G. Moffat
/ and Mr. F. G. Moffat.
■ Miss Donna Moffat .spent a few
days with fMiss Carolyn Conley
. of Cargill; •
Mrs. J.’ J. Moffat and grand
daughter, Janet Moffat of. Toronto
G. Moffat and Mr. and Mrs.JFar^(-—Mr. arid-^Mrsr-^iTice~Cra 1 k of
; jsh Moffat. . • " Ahcaster spent a few days with
Mr. Douglas Lapp of Wingham Mr; and Mrs. Peter G. Moffat.
j uu j.Mv- ci,in., • llctg-Urt’d.K. |
T.ahd prayers before breakfast at
• , . ,<> -,•■ • . avaxi is> Hviiaaymg in .luon-nd beds made for inspection by doh . at- the home of her sister,
hp r.nmn mnthn.r —- — - ----v““
eight: Cabins must be made tidy
Z1 . . . ' - -I-
the camp mother at nine. At.ten4
---------...................................................•• a-j-(^cloc.k'dh'e^hTldreh attend relig- i
• ious: lectures, :crafts and rec’rea-
l.tion-. Then follows-a. swimming
]• period atiteT which everyone has-;
.child must, have' a hour and. a
half. rest, period' after dinner fol
lowed by swimming which, is the
most Dooular. activity. The tuck-
shop is a very busy place for the
next tw'o hours. Then there are
some -comoetitive ball .games and
supper time is at ’hand. .There
a&e organized .activities every ev
ening, a bed time snack, evening
•prayers, and lights out in the
cabins at nine/; The counsellors
read Bib.le bed-time stories. Sun
day is- visiting day, after which
there are the usual number of
home-sick children.- •. I
’ / ‘ > is visiting With his grandparents,
visjted with Mr., and Mrs. Peter | Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. ,Orr.h
Ahcaster spent a few .days with
►Dollar Days
t Where your dollar stretches the longest
r <
’ <
. ■
• i
.<C I< i
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'• '< i
LINGERIE : / sport siinrrs J
• . All sizes;, regular to $o;9a :q
Gowns b -$1. ; ' ' “ ' ... —
• Sl.Bf) . j
... 49c . | '
20 Percent Off All Summer Dresses
/ GROUP 1—$1.00; . GROUP 2—S2.00; GROUP 3^-$;>.00
/ Grab .two at a time. .. . \
' Slips ........
, Panties ...
f Belts & Brassieres 99c
Clearing S3.0O
. . ’■ SO^ ■;
Cotton, Nvloni Wool-'-/
Real .'Buy-~79'c:-
Clearance 3 for SI,00
el r a rance -.10%;
nylon ■
: Slacks ....S2.00, j'’'?
hearts $1.9^ -.I. ., (j)ry
blouses-: $1.00z f .
Hosiery, lisle, nylon,. • j . KNT1VNL OOL-^-Hc
89c<r,j . \ ' T,ai.hi'ng', SnTs 'u’hi.,
4 ; pr.’SLOO" I < .Halter Toy* V
ft’cpe ..
Anklets I»
The death occurred of
Sarah Hogan in Wingham Gen
eral Hospital early Wednesday,
July 15th, after a lingering ill
ness of two years. She - was born
in West Wawanosh on September
4th, 1883, a daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. John Foran. In 1909
she was married at St. Augustine
to Mr. Philip Hogan, who prede
ceased her-iw~1945i "
t Surviving are two sons, Joseph
of Medicine Hat; Louis of Con.
IQ, Ashfield; and two daughters,
Marie, Mrs. John A. Kennedy of
Calgary and Helen, ■ Mrs. Theo
dore Redmond of..-West-• Wawa
nosh; also'fifteen grandchildren.
brothers and three sisters, none/And. when men toiled at the straw
Only a few .are ’left who will
— remember
When clover was cut the old fash
ioned way, ■ r
When strong men swung a scythe
from dawn tillj dark
For the princely-sum of fifty
cents a day. I
Only ya^ew are left who will
b remember
How reapers gleaned the haryesL --
long- aKo/ "’"-
With circling cradles, and the ’ . '
old hand rake, ‘
Then sheaves all bound by: hand, •
lay row on row..
Only a few are left. who..,will
- ' . remember-.1 •.
Threshing- machines all fed by-*,
tireless hands, ' . .• /•<■ •
dore Redmoiftd of ..West- Wawa-
1 ’ ,
She was one of a family of two
of whom survive.' : ; . \ ,
Mrs., Hogan-was a. devout Cath
olic,/and: for_many.' years a faith-4 -: cutting- barids. " b '. * * •
ful y member, of St. Joseph’s . • . '
Church, . Kingsbridge, where re-1 . - . . • . 7“ ' <
Guiem high ftrass was- sung on ' .5 Tpmember- x • t
Friday; July 17th, with intermentj Tho^ 5ugged’ hard> *?ld fashioned .
in the adjoining cemetery, PalL
bearers ' were^lfbrmer neighbors,
1 Gus Ijevereaux, Frank 4 Austin,
Leo Courtney, J ohn Howard
Keith Johnston and Wilfred Far-
Local & General
Karen Davidson of Hamilton is
visiting her aunt, KJrs. Russell
Robertson; •
Mrs j. Mitcheiltree and two
daughters of London' visited with
Flora Andrew over the week-end.
Miss Joyce McDpnald of St.
Helens is visiting her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid.
■ Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Fells are
spending si^ weeks at Parry
Sound. . \
'■ ■. ■ i7, '.’ - ..... <"'■ . ,
Young-George Pappas of Brant
ford is visiting, here with \h°is
cousin Chris:
Flora and Olive Webster, Bea
and Margo Parker and Flora An
drew attended the Shakespearian
Festival in Stratford on Monday.
Mrs. Chris Shelton--has-return-r
ed home after undergoing1 an op
eration in Wingham Hospital last
week. A .
’ Mrs. Herb Curran of Ashfield
underwent a major, operation in
Victoria Hospital, London, on
Saturday; ----------- .
I Mrs. Melville Hay of Tara “ is
: visiting with her daughter, Mrs/
Murray Couse and Mr; Couse of
Mr. and , Mrs, Sam. Reid were
in Goderich on Saturday attend
ing the funeral of his sister Jane,
• Mrs. . Omans of Detroit.
. Mrs. H. , Anderson of London
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Haslam
of Toronto called on relatives in
the community last week.-'
■1 Miss Nellie Venning of the post
office staff is holidaying in .Lon-.
j-M-rsv^F?; Chubb?""”'
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyler of
Trenton visited last week/"with
h er sisters,_^rs^Maud. Sherwood
Fand“Mis§_ Dorothy Cook..
! ~Phil Smith has been a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London, for
a couple of weeks; and will short
ly undergo a stomach ulcer , oper-.
.atiori. /'
. Mr. Albert McQuoid was a call
er in town this week. He’s in his
87th jyear, . and is making his
home in Toronto at present . at
the home of. his daughter, Mrs.
Claud Haughton. - • ■
; ;Mfs: Edith Andrew of. Edmon
ton, and Dr. and Mrs, Stanley
Ward, Barry and Bobby of Stam
ford, Conn., spent the past week
with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk
land. ’ .... ,
derson, home on vacation from
St. Huberts, Quebec, left Tues
day morning for Alpena, Mich.,
and other poipts. They were ac-
cornpanied by Lloyd’s parents,
Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Hendersoni
“ Mrs. Allan Stuart and three;
daughters, Margaret, Mary and:
Ethel of Egainville, returned home ■
"on Saturday after spending two
weeks with Mrs. ^Stuart’s mother,
Mrs, W. R. Martin, who is seri
ously. ill at her home at Para
mount. ’
Mrs. John’McBain* .(nee Mary
Habbick) ; of Windsor, and form
erly of ’Toronto, is, vacationing
with Mr. and Mrs. Fred .McQuil-
lin. She. plans on .making her
! home ’in . Kirkland Lake in the
n.eai‘ . future;' where her son is
Situated^ .
—MitTTIeleh Malcolm of' Child
Evangelism, Toronto, i’s spending
herva,cation ' with the< Misses-
Helen and Margaret Malcolm Of
Kinl’oiigh./.'Miss Malcalm intends
spending a few 'days at Canadian
Keswick, jyiuskd’ka,’ before re-
’turning to Toronto. ,
■ Mr. and Mrs., John P. England
•visited: in.’ E.lo;ra-'oVor the Week-
.end. .WiherO.- they, attended the
r'F.ngland ? Ackerman' • wedding..
. rI b.-’.v Wc/’Q. a'ceQmnkmed. on. rlirn-^
return by "S^.' Raymond Mdrr-
TrF who' is-sounding a' few
r and' M>'
t’ Another-thing a person should,
save for his old age is his-health.
A’ Want Ad will bring big re;
suits at little cost.-
> wl
; ( -6
-a- i'- I xtu-A k jx... ..w
I 7
This advertisement inserted’by the
■ : m . ■ * " ' * *. ■ • •