The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 8THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0 WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 WATCH FOR OUR STARTING r. i BORN ► ► * 41 .<• OCTOGENARIAN WAS DRUMMING SATURDAY ► * ► ► ► ► T •* . • : July Clearance X - SALE . STARTING ‘ ^1 SATURDAY, JULY 18 .THAT‘ Provincial Officer Hugh Rutherford, son -of W. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford of West Wawanosh, has been transfer­ red from. Walkerton to the Perth district detachment. Hugh was at Walkerton four yeaYs; SOLVE • i . ...... ■ * . . Your Decorating Problems the' Economy Way Call ift and . our amazingly . NEW LOW PRICES ON PAINTS ASHTON’S MEF^, ’ < .< < i, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ’ Piece Goods and Woollens Al A A A Al A4AA44AA a A A ARMSTRONG—in General Hospital op Sunday, July 12fh, 1953, to Mr. arid Mrs., Rus­ sell Armstrong^ a son, Dale Rus- ■■ sell. ". ;l ' BUSHELL—in Kincardine Hos- > pital/ on Tuesday, July 7n 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bushell, R. 2/ Holyrood, a daughter. ’ IRVIN — at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Wednesday, July 8, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell ir-' vin, R. 7; Lucknow,sqij-----’--- NICHOLSON—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, on Saturday, July 4th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs* John ^Nichplson_ofjLucknow, ia- daugh- ter: ALTON. — jn Wihgham General Hospital, On Sunday, July 5th, * 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Al­ ton, R. 7, Lucknow, a son. HAMILTON—in Wingham Gen- . eral Hospital on Monday^Ahily 6, . 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ham­ ilton, R. 6, Lucknow, a son, Mich­ ael Victor. THOMPSON — at Centre Grey ‘ Hospital, Markdale, on Tuesday, July 7th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, Feversham, (forrherly Muriel Watt of White­ church), a son, Charles William. . THAT Rev. T. C. Wilkinson has been inducted as minister of Thorndale arid Bethesda United churches.- He was previously at Belmont and was, a former min.T_. ister at St. Helens and White­ church. ( On Saturday morning an inter­ esting fife and drum performance was staged at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. Bert Ward, especially for Mrs. John Little, ’ Lucknow ' nonagenarian. Mrs. Little was 91in the spring and this year marked the’ first time she was unable to \be on the street bright and early on the Glorious 12th. However, Mrs. Ward had her -bedecked’iirher~whitlB”dfW,'’ with sash and badge, and seated on a THAT while visiting here in the spring, Carman Beatori of De­ troit subscribed to The-Sen­ tinel. This week he sent -us a, copy of the June 24th issue and Attached a note, which read in part: “We certairily enjoy the paper very much. Only regret we didn*t take it y$$rs ago”. —o— ... ' THAT Peritland Brothers Hava ‘ bought DriTSherwood’s farm bn Concession 6, .'Ashfield” Jim hasn’t being enjoying good health for some time and has . .(to give up farming. Mr. and Mrs. iSherwood will continue to reside on the farrii for the time being at least. . THAT a reception was held in Ripley On Friday evening in honor of. Mr. Jand Mrs. William Kempton (Janet Campbell) ~of- Amberley. The young couple Finlay Decorators ’Phone 218, Lucknow . •’ • • V ” ■ '• I ir chair.in front of the house-.when ? Avere Presented with a purse the /bandsmen arrived to delight J)er with their fifing and' drum­ ming———— ——, —— —- • • ’ And the highlight of this per­ formance was the drumming of 84-year-old James McQuillin of West Wawanosh, who still can beat a lively drum despite his age; Charles and Fred McQuillin arid Wellington Henderson: were the others who took part. •" Lodges from this district cele­ brated in Goderich where more than 1000 Orangemen paraded. Best dressed lodge in the parade went to the Amiberley boys* The LucknOw Pipe Band* was also in attendance.. r ’ • • *■ ■■ THAT Mr. and Mrs Victor Dutnirr of' Wingham and formerly of - Lucknow, have moved to Lon­ don to make their home. Prior •• to- her departure a surprise party was held in Mrs JDurnin’s honor, at, which shp..was-pro- sented with an end table and lamp. of mopey. '■ ■■ ■■ ’• — o—- ...: ,...." -THAT—the—Evening—Auxiliary—of- ithe United Church held their annual picnic meeting last Thursday at the Thompson cot­ tage at Amberley Beach* / J z r y- THAT Wayne Jamieson enter­ tained several of i his little friends on his 5th birthday on Saturday, July 11th. THAT from Regina, Steve Stoth- ers writes that there are some fine crops7 in that district, but- rain and hail are giving therir a difficult fime. From a visit atr Tisdale with his brother Ike, he went out to ;dgema to call on Ecf Kilpatrick (a sori of John Kilpatrick off the Sixth), Steve also saw Mrs. Jos. Smeltzer who. left Lanesville in 1910. They enquired about everybody in the district, he said. I . —o—- .. “C THAT .there wasn’t anyone at ■ Embro on July 1st, who ‘enjoy- ..„T^.„thls annuM’ Scottish event- mdre than Neil MacCallum. Neil accompanied Mr, and Mrs. Ed Baker and Victor and Grant < Rutherford. Grant .had' intend­ ed tof compete in sorhe of the ■ (contests such as the shot put, but these were not held. '• . -r-o—? ‘ ’ THAT, a new self-administered anaesthetic has been introduc­ ed at Goderich Hospital and - was used for the first- time by> Mrs. William Bradley of God erich, formerly Ettabelle Web­ ster, in giving birth to a daughter. ' She claimed the _ anaesthetic was wonderful... j THAT Alvin B: Hamilton is now . operating a milk route for Kin­ cardine Creamery: He is pick-_ irig up milk on the Second* Concession and Boundary and I goes . West into Asrifieldy--prdceeding to Kintail. ■ — o— Mrs. Harold Ritchie wasTHAT guest of honor at an afternoon tea held last week at the home of Mrs. V. A. Mowbray at which the neighbors on “the hill” pre­ sented Mrs. Ritchie, who has moved “down street”, with a cup arid saucer. ——O—-- ■ THAT Mr; arid Mrs. Tom Colwell ./ have riioved from St.-Helens to Ripley to make their home. * They sold their St., Helen’s property to Ross Erringtbn. ——O—— . i . ' I Help Wanted .... • ....... .. VACANCIES tor . 'j'. FEMALE PERSONNEL Excellent Working Conditions Vacation With Pay Hospital Plan APPLY TO Botany Dryspinners RBJG’D, KINCARDINE, Ont; . Phone 450 -9 FINISH FEDERAL VOTERS’ LISTS THIS WEEK < e HOT WEATHER COOLERS at I. G. A. Libby’s Tomato LG. A. Blended Juice, 20 oz. 2 for 29c LG,,A^;. ; Prepared Mustard, 6 oz. .. Kam..... ................. I.G.A. Raspberry Jam, 24 oz^ Jello x................... 3 for Juice, 48 oz. ...27c 10c 31c 37c 29c ?. f Dainty Rice ...J............ lb. 20c For Iced Tea — Salada Brown Label, lb. 53c California ' Lemons, large size .... 6 for 29c Sunkist Oranges— - 220’s ........; 288’s . f. .. Peaches ..... L,—— .... 39c : 25c 6 for 25c SMITH’S FOOD MARKET Why. Pay, More? Shop at . Smith’s I. G^ A Market * MEN’S WEAR ... < • r THAI' Miss Margaret Salkeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, is taking a summer course in history and French , at Western University, London. ^kX.Margaret teaches school at Duncan, B.C. - .She came east : . by motor. Her sister,.’ Miss Helen Salkeld, who is serving as an entomologist. w^th. the ' . Dominion Department of Agri­ culture, is /.spending the suiri- \ mer in the Holland Marsh area, conducting an investigation . aimed at finding some means b£ controlling the insect which causes damage to carrot Crops/ ■ J- ' ' . ' >' ' ■ . '• ■■ . THAT Jim Begley of Moose Jaw, arid Warner. Begley of Parls< ville, B.C., visited with Mrs. Margaret Sprouljan.d-, Mrs.^Mil­ lion for a week? They attended a family reupion at the home - —o fHrheir~7sfet ei7 Grade VIII VIII vocal, Congratula- THAT Shirley Burden has suc- ‘ cessfully passed the Royal Con­ servatory of Music of Toronto examinatioris in piano and Grade held at Goderich, tions Shirley! - ■ ■ ~~o—~ j THAT Mr. and Mrs. Ross McLen­ nan (Shirley Johnston) were honored at a reception in, the Ripley Township Hall. Jim Blue made the address and a purse of money was presented the: newly weds by Bill Mc- Creath. . • —O— • THAT Miss Nancy Tuck of Wing- ham commenced her duties the first' of the month as steno- , grapher at the Bank of Mori- treal. ■ —i—■ s -of—their—Sfeter; Mrs: Oliver Smith of Ripley.. It was 35 years sipce Jim had been here arid ten years since they had seen Warner.. rt • .. ,' THAT Balfour „McLeahT-_snn- nf- Mr. and Mrs. Bert McLean of Kincardine and formerly of Kinlough, has joined the staff of. the Royal Bank at Kincar^ - dine. Printing of the voters’ lists for the Dominion election is? being ' completed this week. ?Enumera­ tors’ lists- are subrnitted to the Tiding returning officer for \ checking, and are then distribut­ ed to the printers; The printing the middle of this week. .. . Enumerators are required to be at their place—of- residence _ on , Thursday, July 23 from 10.00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. standard time to take care of omissions pr correction which electors bring, to their at­ tention. Enumerators in this vicinity are as follows: Lucknow; Donald Mc­ Lean, Fred Nixon, Wm. G. Arm­ strong.'' ' ■' .Kinloss: No.. 1, James McEwan, JY.; No. 2, J. R. Lane; No. 3, P? A. Murray; No. 4, Frank Mac- . Kenzie; No. 5, J, Wesley Tiffin; No 6, Ross McGregor./ „ West Wawanosh: No. 1, Wm. A. Stewart; No. 2, J.ohn Foran; No. 3, Ross Murray ; No. 4, Cairns Aitchisoh; No? 5, Archie Ait'chi- son; No. 6, H. P. Jefferson* —?Ashfield:-No^.—ly-MTs~GracirMt"------ Dairmid; No. 2/ Walter Claire; No. 3, Wm. Helm; No. 4, John Bennett; No. t-5, Dennis Daltori; No. 6, Ll°yd MacDonald;. No; 7. John McLerinari. .MEN’S PYJAMAS of fine quality closely woven cottonf . broadcloth in plain shades with smart pi#ed trim. All sizes, \ priced at .................................... $4.50 a pair .... v '."v ; STRIPED COTTON PYJAMAS in iwpular shades, $3.98 ^p reduced to clear . .. ? SWEATSHIRTS OF. COTTON JERSEY . Softly fleeced lined-white only, $1^95 PAINTER’S WHITE OVERALLS ’ / v Cotton drill—Price $3.95 BOYS’ RAYON GABARDINE PANTS with self belt. Colors blue; grey, brownPriced at $4 95 fa $5;2& j^ir F ■ ■'./I.\ ' I Ottawa Valley PURE WOOL MOTOR RUGS Scotch tartans—-Size 54x66—Price' $7.95 .. °Y' RWE wool blankets , Slight imperfections classed ds seconds . ■ 60x80—■ Sn petal V . ’ v 60x80 — Special $8.95 .TERRY TOWELS 49c each —- 95c a pr. .... I > J*