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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 7
4 r 4 a * I.4 HEoHk*1.» ex ! •r. * 0 WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 » • • 3 THELUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Reminisce At South Kinloss WMS 65th Anny. Twenty-Third Psalm Repeated In Gaelic * ■ South Kinloss W,M.S. marked. ' ■ its 65th anniversary with a spe^ ■ cial meeting at the home^of Mrs. I A.^Hughes, Home Helpers secret fl t ary. There/}vere 63 ladies present fl and the program had*an old-time B’ flavor.' The ■ president, Mrs, G. ■ Bauich, opened the meeting with I prayer arid ■ sung- Scripture and meditation . based, • on ’. God's command to fl Joshua to .be strbrig and to press fl on to the conquest of the Prom fl ised Land, was ably taken by fl . Mrs. Douglas Graham. Mrs. Philipp fl Steer sang a hymn of ^assurance fl; “I Know” and Mrs. Bauich then ■ called on the guest speaker, Miss ■ Dorothy Douglas, who .is sqon fl returning to her mission field In fl Formosa. She spoke in a rem in i' iscent mood of *her connection / ’fl with South Kinloss and its local/ . fl ity, her grandmother paying lived fl on the 6th Concession until her fl marriage. She compared some of. fl her grandmother’s stories of thej, ... fl first church—in- the ibush; wherF fl the worshippers sat on logs, with: R some of the churches she had vis- - fl/ ited in Formosa years ;agq. She . fll stressed ; the /wonderfill present fl day Christian youth movements ■ in that land and.the evangeliza- "fl7 Jion of the aboriginal tribes once* ■ called the “Head Hunters”. That .■/strategic little island, with its : W needs and great possibilities, pre fl sents a challenge to the Christian • fl; ’ world. ;■ . _'__■. '_____ fl Mrs. John MacDougall repeated fl . the 23rd psalm in Gaelic, after H which four ladies, dressed .. .in fl shawls and bonnets, of former H days, .;sang . the z Shepherd psalm- " fl •(unaccompanied) to the Coven fl anter’s tune .with refrain.' The H' historical outline of the Society ' H since its . beginning; in -August was made very interesting by Miss Annie MacKay and the history of the Busy Bee Mission band and' its earlier days- was SVGnJby Mi,ss ’Mary MacLeod. Mrs. Bauich presented the pres et leaders, Mrs; T. Collyer, Mrs. L.. MavDougall^:M^,.Steer.-arid. Mrs. F. /Keith,. Mfs;.> Allan Mc- • u^ey Ripley, . PresbyteriaL President,- spoke at some length of hei^recoliections of South Kin loss and-also brought greetings from the Pres byterial Board. Mrs. Archie MacIntyre conducted a discussion .period in which she called on various members -to give reminiscences and the hos tess presented Jo .the oldest ladies, present lovely “corsages which had been made by Mrs. G. Lockhart. They went to Mrs. John MacLeod, Mrs. Duncan Graham/Miss Jessie MacKay, Mrs, E, Lockhart, Mrs E’ C‘ McIver and Mrs. E. Little. Mrs, Chadwick,' accompanied by Ml^_Hughes.,„sang “The Old Fash ioned Meeting”. Mrs. W. F. Mac Donald gave a vote of thanks to Miss Douglas and to all who had helped in the program., The. attractive - lace covered table had..,four- large angel cakes with floral centres and sixty-five candles in white holders,'grouped around a. lovely bowl of flowers and were flanked by tall white candles. Mrs.‘Hughes paid tribute ?®. Mrs. TomJMacKenz-ie and Mrs:: Frank MacKenzie.who had assist ed in the arrangement.\The honor of cutting -the cakes .fell to, Miss Douglas and. to her friend, Miss Chisholm, a • m i ss i on a ry_dxo.m—Eq i~ - mosa who .is yisiting. her..' After a closing hymn prayer was of fered by Miss Dean1’ MacLeod.and . ia_-dainty 4unch --was served; ~ FOURTH CONCESSlbN- ( “OLD TIMER” PAYS VISIT Mr. and Mrs. Wm./Townspn &. three children left on Thursday morning for Sudbury , due to the HURON CO, CROP REPORT The past week c has seen the 'best haying weather to date. However, haying1 is only approx^ imateiy one-half completed in the County. Farmers report they are having considerable difficulty in curing the hay because of the ex treme dampness of the grotind, AIL other , crops made rapid, growth during the week,, wheat is commencing to turn color and al though some farmers report slight rusting the ■ crop on "the^whole is abpyze Average. . .•/ . * There is still quite, a number' of heavy cattle in' the County which are being held by farmers? in hopes of higher prices. this’ n’ that . J.1’? ■ '■ ROSEMARY THYJ.IE •z n BACK TO LUCKNOW Mr. Robert Stevenson of Chi- i cago paid a recent .visit to Luck -illness of-Mr. Fred Townson, Sr. 4 ♦ u- h? u /Ann is staying for the s.ummer. ;knC)^’ *'here spent, his boyhood L Mr. and Mrs. Harvey MacDoug all of Willowdale and Mr. Rod; I MacDougal.l of Lucknow were re-- I cent guests with Mr. and Mrs. I Lloyd MacDougall. r Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Irwin, Gail i I and Marg and little.’ friend and i I Mr and Mrs.’ Creighton, ^allAbf ljToronto, are vacationing at the I MacDonald farm. I Mr. Sandy MacDonald of Nia- I gara Falls visited with his aunt I and uncle-J^hy-anU-Mrs. L. -M-ac^ I Iver on Saturday. Berry time is .here agairi. Strawberries going out . . /'com ing in, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, blackberries, . mulber ries. Berries, and cream are al ways tops,; but after a few times you fear the family will think that- is too easy, so you get busy and stir up a bit of this and that.’ .... ..My .mouth waters for ;gooser berry pie, but I haven’t seen any gooseberries in this part of the country. We have had blueberry pie a couple of times recently . . . blueberry pie and ice’ cream . . yum.lyumm., ---- - - - Blueberry Pie: Plain-pastry.'3 Cups fresh, hulled, Or, frozen blue berries, 1 cup sugar, 4 tbsp., flour, I.V2 ‘ tbsp, lemon juice, 1 Vg tbsp, butter, pinch saltJMix^a-llUn^red-- jerits except butter. Fill paStry- lined pie plate with, berry mix ture, dot with butter. Cover, with top crust., Bake. -—^Blueberry~Puffs'r71“tbsp.'Terribn juice, 2 cups fresh or frozen blue berries, partly thawed, 1 cup sifL ed all-purpose flour, 2 tso. bak. pdr., V4 tsp? salt, 2 tbsp, shorten ing, V2 cup gran, sugar, L egg, Va tsp. lemon flavoring, 3/4 cup milk. Preheat: oven, moderately hot. Sprinkle lemon juice on ber ries! place in custard cups, about t’wb-'thirds full; .Sift flour, bak. pdr, ’salt. Work shortening with spoon until creamy. Add sugar slowly, working until light. Beat in• egg and flavoring. Add flour mixture and- milk. Stir until mix ed. Spread over berries. Bake about 30 minutes, or until done. Turn out, berry side up< Serve with cream or ice creamy at the homespf his uncle, Mr.' Mac Stevenson, who resided where <Jim Culbert now lives, just.south of the Village. . The Stevenson family included. | Robert, Dave, John and Susie,' who .is pow. Mrs. - Campbell/of- Detroit and who may eventually return here to the Baker Private Hospital to spend her'/declining year’s. Dave lives in Chilliwack, PC: Tohn/ '-.Jio aa/a Juelui m I rhiHjcl'ry-Spuiigfc: j' package Spokane, died a few years ago. < i. .. ' ' ...... ’; • ... - * Here’s What % ,1 i i i i i PAGE SEVEN-»>* Mv. 4-.tsp. 30 min. Serve/Hot with cream,. 1 a ■ V o t » = zg« 2 (D CO “n m hot Hay. J/2 cup finely sieved raspberries,. 1 pint vanilla ice cream, .1%; cups cold milk. Add sieved raspberries to half of ice cream. Beat with egg ibeater, un til smooth, and creamy. Add milk:, i Continue ' beating until' well 'blended and frothy. Sweeten to taste. Top with remaining ice cream. Makes 4 tall servings, ? Blackberry Duff: 4 cups fresh blackberries, two-thirds cup gran butter or margarine, 2 tbsp. gran, sugar, 5 tbsp, milk, 2 tbsp, melt- ted , butter, 1 cup packaged bis- cuit mix, 1 tbsp, gran, sugar, one- eighth tsp. cinnamon. Heat , oven hot,: Heat together first 4 ingred- ients. ,Pour into, greased shallow ' j loaf pan. Stir 2 tbsp, sugar, milk, melted butter, into biscuit mix.. Beat well. Drop by spoonfuls on’ fruit. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon mixed. “Bake at 450_ gelatin,, 3 tbsp, cold water, % .cup sugar, tsp. salt, 1 cup hot blue berry juice, 1 tbsp, .lemon juice,-1 cup . blueberries, 2 egg whites’. Dissolve gelatin in. cold water. Stir in the sugar; salt. Add <?up. of hot juiceL (drain juice from berries,, water ■ or other fruit juices may be added jo make one cup). Stir until sugar is dissolv ed..- Add lemon juice and blue berries. Cool: until it< begins to thicken. Beat until fluffy and thick. Beat 2 egg whites with pinch of salt until very stiff and fold into mixture. Mold and chilL Old Fashioned Blaeberry Pot Pie: 1 pint fresh or 1 pkg. frozen blueberries,, one-third cup sugar, cup water, 1 cup- all-purpose flour,', l]/2 tsp.. lbak/ pdr.., V2 tsp. salt,; 2 tbsp, shortening, % cup 'milk (may take a,-wee pit more). ._Bi-ingV-bkioberr-iesT^-sugai^TTafrd' Water to a ;boil,. and .boil 5 min. Sift, together into mixing /bowl sifted , flour, bak. pdr- , and salt Cut in shortening9 until like coarse cornmeal;’ Stir ih enough milk to make srift dough. Drop dough by ■tablespoorifulls into . simmering xblueberries?. Cover; simmer fif- . teen- min. without uncpveririg. serve..hot; : Blueberry Cake:; .cup mar garine, 1 cup . sugar;;- I1/? cups milk, J tsp. bak. pdr.,, 1 tsp., van illa. ^2 cup hlueberriesj or .mrire. Cream margarine and,sugar. Add eggs. Blend well. Add milk, al ternately with ’ flour. . Add bak, pdr. and vanilla. Fold in blueber-, ries. ‘ Bake in greased, pan for ab'outr45. min? Cover with Berry Toppi’hg: Cook”! cup berries', With' j idcet^^^/tbspxlodrnstarch. -wi-th-44- cu’p sugar until it starts to thick-■ ebAChiil and put oh cooled cake. T Raspberry Frosted’ is a refresh ing , and nourishing drink., on a -tr rn~ siiSJ 5^ —«< 2rox r~ 7) m r- X»OT X O O r*x tn A* suggested on the floor, of THE HOUSE OF COMMONS the'following benefits for the Caiiad- ran people: j In 1945 ; | ANDY I ROBINSON t ' '*............. i I i 1 , Vote— ROBINSON A t ■ J^et’s elect him as the first step in,bringing about thesfe beneficial changes tyr YOU; You and Yom . • ’ • i . • . j In Southampton Last Week-:' b Reduction of, Hidden Taxes; Reduction of Sales..... ' Tax.. i 3. Floor price for Farm. -F“*roduce; T *• .' '■’'’'i' , ■ '■ j b Overseas markets for j farm produce.. 7r“ —•CO O -4 co c: < n r? n r s' - I fl\ I V- ’ ■ ’0 •. . © • ■ , C ” ’■ ’SJe- ■B'F’ ? c S > .... 5 v) .•• ■ ' .. .... 1 *’ »’ 10 h §