HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 4t ■ * WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953PAGE FOUR *1 * LUCKNOW f BUSINESS aid 31t 8 ) I Moderate Prices i 'Vy P. Stuart Mackenzie v. I i ST. HELENS \ J 3 ■r <’4l 1•’ # —>1 MEMBER OF • Ontario'Insurance; Agents’ Association MILK ROUTE OPERATING — anyone wishing to ship milk con­ tact ATvm B/ Hamilton; R.3R. 6, Lucknow, phone Ripley 11-7, or Kincardine Creamery, 176. FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, ; approved by the Health Unit. We deliver them. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 2Q6-r/ll, Lucknow. Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 Apply? R. (Meff) Johnston, phone 202, Lucknow Joe and Mr. arid Mrs. George Stuart. Miss Isabelle MacPherson is spending the week at1 Grand Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone' Roy. MacKenzie, 96-r-24' Ripley. FOR SALE-r—Roman garden trac­ tors. Have one on display now. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-U, Lucknow. ' Telephone 175 . • I, ‘ FOR SALE—-a two-burner Gra- hamette electric range, with1 oven, practically new. Apply to Albert Chin. FOR SALE—-Model S Case tract­ or, in good condition. Ross Henry, RJ; 1,: Port Albert, phone Dungan­ non 23-r-5, " . . • ' ■ / . / * v 4■ »3 *** PROPERTY FOR SALE — good lot, basement and sub floor, chirii- ney, septic ^.tenkLand % tile,'3hydro.. » •; * f. »'■ 3 *•■ Thursday, v^ith and Mrs. "Wai- F. T. ARMSTRONG OPfoMETRiST FOB APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ' For •• • Appointment or Information See Wm. A. Schmid,. ’Phone 167-w Lucknow GENERAL INSUltANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew -—“ Jos/A^ LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wed; FOR SALE- -20 young weanling pigs. Gordon Barger, R, 3, Liick:- nqw, phone 65-21Dungannon. NOTICE 7 A Progressive Conservative or­ ganization meeting will: be held in Holyrood. Hall, Friday, July 17tlj . at 8.30,. The candidate and* othe£ speakers will be present, PERSONALIZED ITEMS Have just received the. agency forf personalized napkins, coast­ ers, pencils, matches, stationery, business cards novelties, etc.', A phone call will bring the sariiples to your door. DON THOMPSON, phone 33 or 35 MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under licepse from the. Department of Health. Highest quality meat. Lowest prices.. v. ' Raynard Ackert,Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled 'horses or cows removed free, of ’ charge., For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21> Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. FABMWAPiTED Want to rent ori shares with option of- buying, dairy 'farm about 150 acres, lock, stock and equipment. Milk contract prefer­ red,, and possession by September 1st, Highest references, Apply to Cyril Tucker, R. R. 1, Port Dover, Ont. j COMING EVENTS] ANDREW-LANE PICNIC The Andrew-Lane picffic will be held at the Ashfield Public Park qn Thursday afternoon, July 23rd. ; RECEPTION FRIDAY^ A reception in honpr/of Mr. and Mrs; Harvey Irwin (Jean Rutherford) will; be held in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, Friday, July ’ 17ith; Henderson’s orchestra of Wingham. Everyone 'welcome.". ‘.:/./ /"• ’ l?:j PALACE dARDfejifS, FORMOSA Sunday/ July 19th, entertain^ ment: Rt the Palace-Gardens, For­ mosa, by The BUckeroos from Ed­ monton, Alta.j the two youngest in music; Herdson Tischardt, one- string violinist and Reg Britton, accordianist; JUNIOR FARMERS ! CHURCH SERVICE The annual Church Service of he Colwanash Junior Farmers' will be held, in Dungannon Un­ ited Church on Sunday, July 19th at 8.00 p.m. Donald Middleton of Granton; president of the Ontario. Junior Farmers Association, Will be the guest speaker. Harry Hern of Exeter will be the guest solo­ ist. A cordial invitation is extend­ ed to all. . ■■■• , 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist . . Office on Patrick St, just off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination ? Opticaf Services ' Evenings, by appointment. Phone!: Office 770; Res, 5. ... ■ .. ___ JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 s Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At Nq Extra Cost r [ DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN ■ 'i ' ■ Havelock St., south of. Supertest Garage «r T F Wefli .Mid < ELECTRIC MOTORS general repairs, re-winding,cleaning, brushes, bearings, etc.: Electric appliance7 repairs. Efficient ser- o vice, reasqiiable^rates. HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phone- Ripley 18-20. : . 3^, FOR SALE.— good rubber-tired wagon and new sliding rack, Mas­ sey-Harris seed drill, Massey- Harris hay loader, McCormick- Deering mower, 4-section har^ rows. James Sherwood,- Dungan­ non, phone 78-r-2. / MORE PULLETS? Bray has day- old and started for immediate shipment. Ask us for particulars. . And br<Jer your August-Septem­ ber broilers now too. Agerit— D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. y NOTICE &TO CREDITORS All persons having c lai m s against, the estate of Alexander McKinnon, late^ of the Township of Kinloss in the -County of Bruce^Tletired Farmer, whb die± on or’ about the 7 th day of Jurie^ AT). 1953, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of August A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims in writing. (Immediately /after the said 1st day of August the assets of the said intestate will be dis­ tributed amongst the parties en­ titled thereto, having regard only to claims pf which the adminis­ trator. shall then have nritice? DATED this 9th day of July, A.D. 1953. 3- ' Crawford & lietheringtori, . WINGHAM, Ontario. Solicitors for the Admihistra- tor. / . • culross corners; Mrs/ Wm;; Campbell,. Kinloss; Mrs. Jim Carr, Winghain, and Mrs. Wm., Slessor, Bervie, were recent visitors with their sister, Mrs; Alex Whytock. ' Wp,are glad to report that Mr. Reg Brown is improving after being confined to bed the past week.' > ■ ' / . ■ ~ '_i. Mrs. Ethel Wilson and Mr. Wm. Kidd, Toronto, were recent visi­ tors with Mr£. Mary Wall arid Jim and Orville Wilson. -^We are sprry-tp reporMhat/Miv Orville /Wilson is riot very well. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart arid Harold and Miss Joyce Haldenby took in the 12th at Goderich. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart Were Mr. ’ Mrs; Gerald Stewart, Mr. MacLENNAN and! MacKENZlE - FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accoi^ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or. Night PERSONAL HUSBANDS’ .WIVES! WANT ^/PEP/T-housands-of-couples-weal^- wdrn-out because body lacks iron, get vim, vitality taking Os- trex Tonic Tablets, Introductory size ONLY 60c. At all druggists. CARD OF THANKS The McQuillins wish to: thank friends and neighbors who came .on the night of the fire; to be of help if possible. It was ap­ preciated. We wish to extend our grate­ ful thanks to all our neighbors, friends and'others who helped at the time of our fire. It Was deep- " ly appreciated, .....— ; . Lawrence Reid and Family.. Mrs. Charles MacATee of Mc­ Auley, Man., is a visitor with, _ber—br-other3M^—John-Cainer-on- and Mrs? Cameron. . Dr. and Mrs., Harold Moore and their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ron­ ald Moore of Saskatoon, Mrs.- Sam Mewha arid daughter Miss Priscilla MeWha * of' Edmonton were visitors pri their cousins, Mr. lace-Miller^ .. ' Mr. Mef urown of Waterloo Was a “week-end visitor With Mr. arid Mrs. R.» Woods; . . -”~3Miss MyrtfedPhiltips of London called on old friends in the’vill­ age on Friday. ‘ Mrs. George Anderson (form- , erly Nancy'Webb) of Craik, Sask.. ..is renewing' old acquaintances, as the gubst of her niece, Mrs. E. W/. Rice arid Mr. Rice, and her brother^ Mr; G* A Webb at Luck- ■ ■ rioW/. "' / . 3M^3Bharlie Stuart of Reginr ’ is a visitor With his* brothers, Mr/ TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74. - Lucknow, Ont Office in* Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w 1 INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY — AUTOMOBILE - — AND LIFE To Protect Your JacKT Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH . R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon * B •* Frida Onl Mj Mond; RICH Wedn ■ ■ < Hump] PL Mr. ar -------- --------------------------------------------- '—l------;---- -——--------------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having c 1 a i ^n s agamSt the estate of Mae Mac­ Millan, late of the City of London, 4n__the^County—of-—M4ddlesex- Widow, who died on or. about the 15th day of Junef A.D. 1953, are notified to send to the under­ signed on or. before the first day Of August, A.D., 1953, full .par­ ticulars of their claims in writ­ ing. Immediately after the said •fi^rst day of August the assets of the said testatrix will be .distrib­ uted amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of' Which the executors shall then have notice. DATED this ninth day of July, A.D 1953. ’ Crawford & Hetherington, ‘ W^ 3 '; Solicitors for the Executors. and *. Mrs. Ralph Goesel and family and Russell Stewart, Kincardine .and Alex Stewart, of the Department of Highways. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mann Of near Hamilton visited Monday with Mr. and MLs. Midford Wall and Donnie. ■ ■ r \ Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall, Lucknow. . CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE . > ....... .. .; . ....... . .. ■ ■' . Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCimOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r^l0 JOHN MeMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile — Insurance —’ Mercantile & .Farm, Fire . 3- Insurance Economical and Reliable. T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon' son of London is holidaying there too. The Women’s Institute, is spon­ soring a bus trip to Eiorri and other points on Thursday, July 30th. Anyone wishing to go is to get in 'touch, with Mrs. Gordon MacPherson 6r Miss Jean AiichL Sob. ‘ ' '3 .Kenneth Gaunt of. Londesboro is visiting with his cousin, Mur­ ray Gaunt; . -3.. 1 .. ' . ’ ' 4 * -- -J : •' ■ ■ » I Flew Faster Than Sound Jacqueline .Cochran, America’s Only Wohidn jet pilot, relives her unforgettable experience! Ip The American Weekly, with this Sun­ day’s (July - 19). issue Detroit Sunday Timses,? Jacqueline, tells how she flew faster than sotirid arid reveals how it feels to be in the mysterious^wo.rld beyond. ^the soriic barrier. Get July 19 De- troit’.Sunday Times/ / .- . I AM PURCHASING BOARS AND MEAT HORSES Boars at 20c ‘to 12c per lb. liveweight. LEROY ACHESON Phoiie Atwood 37-r-12 collect *3 . ‘ ’ T- or contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNG^ STATE FARM MUTUAL HLUT0MWL&3 INSURANCE Investigate Before; In Vesting ' 3 i • x i ; £ / ■ ■ ■ • ■ I Mil II' 1 ‘ . • • ■* “ ■, REUBEN WILSON,'' 'B. B. 3, 'Goderich . "■ • ■ f , • '■ w > <■'• '' . 3 v '.P ..." TPherip 80-r*8.Dungannon Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. ,’3 ' . .Optometrist • LISTOWEL, ONT. '■ Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, JULY 29th and feve'ry Second Wednesday. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SH6p « We Have Beefi’ Meiriorial Craftsmen For Thirty-Five . Years, Always Using ~ , ■: THE BEST GRANITES ’3 3 Along With Expert Designing abd Workmanship., Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty /-Rr'A^POT-TON^ Phone 256, Wingham. Ontario R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW 3'. ■ ' ■ Every ■ Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon . Office in the Joynt Block ; Telephone: -Office-135——Residence-34-J- Barrister and Solicitor 3 — . z' / • . . . WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday6 OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R.S. Hetherington, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. 1 33' Wingham andLuckno w : IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground floor , } in the front of. John Kilpatrick’s Building . ’Phone Wingham Office 48 : / Residence 97 . Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. '/-, for /' , Reasonable rates, sound pro- tectfRl & proniptj satisfactory settlement df elaihi^ FAKlSHJjtfOFFAT ’ R. 3, Toeswater. Phone Tees water 57-r-4l, • I • ‘ 3 ■ ' < • - ■ " • / v 3. -i -North B well of des and ,1 Mrs. zFrs Mrs/ Art of Wella home of .McCosh J Mr. ar River vis son on S • ’■/Mrs, G ■ present after und Quite Grove ai attended celebratid Orangemi ern O’ntai part in or ever seen Mr.- anc • Stanley \ week-end Stanley. Mr. an< Velma, M; last Wedr v Mr. and snd famil Mrs. Andr Sunday al Mrs. Burt The puj lough,- pr Mr.. Goldie conclusion His wife, s’onL.alsp necklace fi 7, Kincard .The foil Kinlough ■; in passing Marion .Pe Douglas. St H