HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-15, Page 1T
^■5<> A Year In Advance $1.00 Extra Tp U.S.A/- ■ ‘r - LUCKNOW', ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JULY 15th, 1953 ■
___-U ' .
On. Wednesday,-. July 8th, Mr.
and Mrs. L. Q. Macjver celebrated
the golden, ^gnniversafy of-their
marriage at The^ home oL then?
son-in-?law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Dickie, 4th Concession of
Kinloss. ■ '
Many guests called during the
afternoon and evening. Although
in poor health for the past six
months, Mr. Maclver enjoyed see
ing relatives, friends and neigh
bors. During the ' afternoon, hi£
brother, Mr. Trios: Ross, enter
tained the guests with his bag
pipes. "Music was also provided
by Mr. Wrn. Townson and Ira
Dickie on the guitar, violin- and
Tea was served from the din?
ing room table covered with a
.white. JineiLtableclothr-a- gift to-
the bride and groom fifty years,
ago. The table was centred by a
three-storey * wedding cake. ; in
the afternoon tea.was poured by
Mrs. W. F. MacDonald arid Mrs.
R; G. Martin^ and. Jri_the.„evening
by^Mrs? T. A. MacDonald and
Mrs. Wilf. Hackett. Tea assist
ants were Mrs. Don Maclver, Mrs.
Wm. Townson* Mrs. Ira Dickie
and Misses Ann and Wanda
Townson. __
?~Mr. arid Mrs • Maclver received
many beautiful gifts. The; eleven
grandchildren, who were all pres
fent, gave them a gold china tea
service and the family a handr
-painted_Ttea_"set7“TKe neighbors
and .friends presented them with
an ivory and gold trilighf, a rose
and igold wool blanket, and a’
for Mr. Maclver. The Kairshea
W.I. and South Kinlo&. W.M.S;
remembered Mrs, Maclver with
a dozen ydllow roses. From the
members^of the family , of- the
lateMrs/ -Dan (Dory)
MacDonald they received an el
ectric clock and from Mr. Thos.
Ross and Mrs. Murray,' fifty dol
lars. Several other lovely gifts
were received besides many an-
-niversary cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Maclver (the
former Margaret La Chapelle)
were married at the. bride’s home
at Harrisville, Mich., on July 8th,
1903, and have lived on ;the 4th
Concession until moving to Luck
now a year ago. On this farm
their -fami' - -
grew up,‘ Frances,. Mrs. David
Brough, who passed away in 1932;
Donald* who^was fatally injured
in 1951; Sarah, Mrs. Wm. Town
soil, who now lives, in Sudbury;
and. Elizabeth, Mrs. Ira Dickie.
Mr.. Stuart / Brough of Paisley
was present for th.e occasion, -also
Mrs. Donald Maclver and three
boys of Ashfield./ •
Mr. arid: Mrs?Leo. Huber and
two children, Francis and Lucille,
have moved\ to Lucknow from
Mildmay, They are occupying+th>
rear apartment fn the, MacKdrizie
residence,on Havelock St , recent
ly vacated--' by'Mrs: Charlotte
Weafherhead, and Donald,''
Mr... Huber has .been, employed
here on the C.N.rL section since
Maple Grove L.O.L. 1044,. Zion,
boasts-'a, family membership of
three generations, in the persons
of John, Fred and Ivan McQuillin
—father, son and grandson. In
1905, Mr. McQuillin, Sr., j'oined
the Lucknow Lodge,' Whose mem
bers have of late becpme_i^fjJLiat.-_j.
;edrwitK.TtHqT”growing Zion lodge.
Ivan, the ‘’third member of the
McQuillin family, joined the Zi.on
order this year,
. Plans are being made/for a
►memorial service at South Kin
loss Presbyterian Church dri Sun
day afternoon, August 2nd, , at
w h i c h - th e m e m or ia 1 - g ates~ir o n
fencing and other improvements
will be dedicated. . <
Invitations tp this service are (
being sent out by the Board of I
•I . ■ t -
Council struck/the 1953 tax rate
on-Mohday-hight^at;^Wills, ■ an
increase of slightly' less than, four
mills over last year’s rate of .50.8
mills. . • •
. The general village rate re
mains unchanged from last year,
but there are slight increases in
Other departments with a 2,5 mill
debenture levy for the construc
tion of the new school, which is
a.new levy this year. .
The 54.6 rate is*' designed to
raise, a total of $35,070.11 on the
1953 assessment figure of $642,310.
The. rate breakdown compared
with last year, is as follows:
Levy 1953
Public School 7562.84. 1
!■ High School -
i Maintenance .. 1786.03
i Debenture 1632.60
| Village 18581.00
i-R/Trie farm home of Mr,, arid
Mrs. Law^encb; Reid, Concession «
12, West Wawanosh, was totally ,k
destroyed by fire /which, broke
out about
Thursday. ■
The .farm
old timers”
.V ■
■ During: the showing ' of “A
Queen Is; frowned” at the ..Play
house Theatre*-, Bill Pappas ioqjk
the film to the home of Marie
Cupskey at Belfast where it .yvas'
screened for . her entertainment?
,Marie xyhq is an invalid from the
ravages of polio, Onjoyed the film,
very'much. Bill also showed the
Abbey scenes at the home of Mrs.
John Jamieson, who was delight
ed to see the pictures, yet unable
to- attend the show? .
Upwards of 1800 persons saw
the film during its run’ at~The
Playhouse. . ? ? I
midrafterpobn last ‘
is best known to
as the 'Wat Wilson .
around , the chimney on the roof
of the kitchen, and the flames
! quickly spread to the > upstairs of
the main house, and prevented
willing workers from removing’
■ &nything.,from the second floor. /
! As a result practically all their
clothing was destroyed along with
the contents. Of?The..upstairs. A-
i good deal of the downstairs furn
iture was removed before the
apparently started
’• t‘ "J7 '
The Rathwell twins—Beverley
and Barbara—had their tonsils
i emoved last week in Winghatn, , . , ■Hospital and it wasn’t a pleasant | fiarnes enveloped the lower floor,
ordeal.; Beverley hemorrhaged’ Lawrence was ploughing buck-
and had to go back to the opei^ [ wheataground at the back , of the
stopped.-~:She •was "able"To" relurh"/for a rest, and when her • fit-ten-\
home on Wednesday. i tion was/»attracted ,by the reflec-
During the night Barbara had I tibn‘ of the fire, it was gaining
a clot form in her throat an d , i n | a stgrt. Bob Lyons was passing,
the morning it was necessary for t but without help couldn’t con-:
the doctors to act quickly to re-jtrplthe outbreak and had5 to go
—----.---------- ------------- ---- T-----
her. Barbara, was permitted to 1 farm to. phone in the alarm. Mr:
». i rr,, • • Reidas .attention was attracted by
his wife’s: calls, but his view was
obscured by the barn and he
i .--------• neared .the house. He had started .
’ George Anderson, a student at1 across the plowed field on the
af; Lucknow District High. School, is ^n and was almost exhausted, as.
. ■ • . - .» ;• • i. one of* sixteen Western Ontario { he neared the house.i irame construction, at the new-.i <• \ w. vwell south of the Flax Mill, and “d.e,s S0:r!8 Job.th^ i The Lucknow Fire Brigade '
to' have the work done at the I , ade\;an^?.,aV j “rt®w^red the .alarm, but trouble .
3 ......... - - • from Jiily 19th to August 9th. | oeyeloped with the pumper, and
George is the son of Mr. and i with no water supply available
! Mrs. W. B. Anderson. He left, for drafting were ' helpless to
| last week for Ipperwash where stem the flames.,
’ the group attended a one-week j. . Mr.. Reid had $1600 insurance .
,______....jmight depend oh such equipment. in^ the West. George has , contents, which will only parti-
• _;i _____ _ ___i__ _ taKen previous cadet training at' ciiy
Ipperwash. Roger West of Tees* are as yet indefinite as to re-’
water is the representative from . building. They have one son, Jim,
School. j employed with the GN.R. in
———— • ; Northern Ontario and a married
NG CLAIMS daughter living near Kitchener. .
$35070.11 54.6
, 4
L. . A breakdown of.“ the""Villagfe”
rate is as follows: ..;/
Rate Levy
General governrnent 6.8 $ 4380.'
i Protection to persons
I & property .............. 9.6 6207.1
i Public' -vyorks ^^..-3, / ]
Health & sanitation .. .7
■ Social welfare , 5.3
; Debt charges ............. 3.6
i ■ ?
Lawrence was ploughing buck-
ating room to have the bleeding | farm. Mrs. Reid vriad/J-ai-n^-down-L-^
1826/ ! -1ri0^e^- the clot-which-was choking ’-some, distance ^tb^'tNd7 M^gbffm
460'I1 . ~ ’ . . -
3390.' i'bturn home Thursday. .
2318 I “— ----’—'— —””■ | GEORGE ANDERSON OFF TO
... ?.9, cadet_c^mp^3lbanff^
Decide On Pump House
Council decided to ..,-buil'd
i: semi-collapsible pump/house, of
well south of the Flax Mill, and I
Xirgclbrs- of-Sou-th--Kin-loss-Gem^~^~
etery Corporation; ' ,
.'individual donations ’have been
largely -responsible for. the fin-
anC.i.ng of, th,e .work of beautifying.
This • century-old cemetery, as
well as the ■.renovating of the
church. /' '
Donations to’ the ' .’Memorial i , £ «< • i
Gatc-s^und, not previously, ack-
npwledged, are as . follows: Mrs,. ‘ ■D. "N: Lawrence- Flint, Michigan;- •'?*a?
$10.00;. Mrs- , W. D. MacDonald,
Toronto, 5.00; Mr., and Mrs, B.
F. Sangster, Toronto, 5.00; Mr.
and Mrs. Mark Johnston, Holy- jP«^neu pur-, rood, 5.00: Mr. and Mrs. Robert I .cha§,ng 250 feet of hose which
MacDonald, Holyrood, 5.00; Mr.
Donald MacPherson, Holyrood,
5.00; Mr; Jack Switzer, Holyrood?
5.00; Mr.' Wes MacPherson, Holy
rood/5.00; Mr. and Mrs. Ed.Little,
Lpbknow, 10.00; Dr., and Mrs. J.
E; Little, Lucknow,. 10.00. . -
On Thursday last,,. Mrs. John
Cox celebrated her 99th birthday
and received many gifts and con-
gratulatory messages from fidends
and relatives who hope she may
mark. ■ .
In the: evening relatives gath-
for the birthday party< Her.
sori,-the .Rev. Benson CoXj de--
-lighted the. gathering with the
showing df pictures .after which
partook of a bountiful lunch.
The, lovely bjr.thday cake was cut
°by Mrs. Chester Boyle. Mrs. Cox
expressed her pleasure' in having
? gathering Jor her. .All joined
2. s\hging ‘‘Happy* Birthday’;.
-Miss—Veixi- Boyle,- with her bi o-
ther Chester and his: wife,’jnotorx
ed from Moose jaw to be present
fit this occasion. ‘ <
On .the following, evening Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins enter*,
tamed at their home when a din
ner and,party Was enjoyed/ Also
Present were Ml and Mrs. Mark
gening of musical entertainment
refreshments wdre served and ah*
’Other happy gathering,,brought, to
a close? - . -u
, .1. ’*■*
earliest possible time. J
A request from the Fire Com-
equipment which enables" al fire-
.- to? enter \a /.smoke-filled .^^ auena^az?-7 -
building. It was felt that a. life j preparatory camp^prior to leaV-j on the house and $9bQ on the
Council approved the ourchase. at: taKen previous cadet training at ally cover their lbss. Their plans
] a cost of$309, but postponed pur-1 . ..... .
.were also requested.'Installation Wingbam High ^School.
of a new motor in the fire truck! -- ------------------------------------------ —-r—
was necessary after the motor DROAwNING CLAIMAS . daughter living near Kitchener,
burned out at last. Thursday’s i i '
fire at Lawrence Reid’s. Cost”of. YUUNu fVlAN 5 LIFE <'
! the motor and installation ex- !
’ ceeded $400,
The Board commented on the in this comm
i ■■ ;—.rv —
.______. i.'.'. • "
The sympathy of many friends CHIN FAMILY BUY
, -.....-unitv l*np<i nllt tn TAPrtMTrt 'high cost uf fire protection and I and Mrs. D. R. (Rae) Mac/ 1 • V nvmE
the investment in the truck and .tv • .J > i ~ tt At/- • .? . ' ,equipment, and questioned if the I Diarmid of Shaker Heights, Ohio,, The Chm family have bought
rural rnuriicipalities served by I who lost their only, son find,, child* home in Tor oil to at 304 Glen
( the LucknoAy Fire Company, and ! in a tragic drowning, accident last Po^d, end the mpther,
The 1954 assessment roll: of the who. have .no inV.estme.ntin equip-1 u:eek ?! GOre Bav on the Man-* ^u in’-4^aSA Up re?;<?ertC/ 111 .
I itoulin/Island. Donald would have : in change of the restaurant, and’
( been eighteen, in the fall. I is being assisted during the sum-'
j Donald was camp counselor at ' J1-r by Morley, arid othei* mem-
. Camps^dariac, at Gore Bay. It .is 1 hers of the family. •
I a camp for 'boys ^from 9 to 13 [ While the severing of the Luck-
years, and Donaldffias been there fnow assqciations is not complete,
(each summer for*jhe past few pit is the first step in what may
seasons? , . ' eventually lead to the departure
He and another camp, official of • the entire family to Toronto,
had some of the boys out .for a and such a move will be most
picnic trip on the lake in two j sincerely regretted by Lucknow
motor boats. One of the motors ! and district .residents without ex
started giving some • trouble* so •• ception* - .
< they landed the. boys on . a nearby 1
j .island, aridJDonald and the .other-
young man started for the main
land. While Refueling, some of the
-gas"Wa#sptried on the.hot motor?
and fearing an explosion, the two
boys, both good swimmers, jump
ed into' the water to swim to
shore.- ' -
When jvithin almost wading
distance .of shore* Donald ‘failed
td reply: to his companion* *It is
believed he’, may have suffered
a cr’amp and gone down’ without
y/arnihg; . . ' : ■ -
? The fatality occurred on Tues
day and it was Saturday before i
•-U-he-bod-y--w/TS"r€ycovered, althocrghH
grappling efforts were carried on'
continuously. Donald’s . father
flew from Toledo to\ Gore Bay
upon being /informed of *the trag
edy; Grant MacDiarmid of town,
Dbnafd’s uncle; motored to Mani-
The funeral /servied was held
at Shaker Heights on Tuesday a&
... ternoon. Those, attending the ,funr‘
• eral/rom here were Mr; and .Mrs.
Grant .MacDiarmid,1 Mrs.
M^eHeri^ie and her. daughter,
Mrs? George MacGregor.
.' • ■ -t ■ ' ' :
Village of. Lucknow was accepted . ment, realize”what fire protection i
by the Municipal Council at their jg costing locally,
regular meeting* on Monday night; I.
I The -Court of Revision will not
be -held- until a later date-, which
was not 'Set on Monday night. It
will probably be* held .at the Sep
tember- meeting.
• The last - day. for appeals is
Thursday of this Week. A number
have already been received.
On’Friday of last week. County
Assessor Everett ‘.Finnigan and
Village Assessor A. C. ■- Agnew
sat at-the Town Hall from 1,0.00
am. ..till • 1LOO pm. that evening,
explaining the' new .assessment
schedule, and showing ratepayers
the .work sheeis'
'new' levy was arrived at. s
The much-discussed assessrnent
under which, the whole of Bruce
County- is being equalised/ has
increased the overall .Village ass-,
essment to over a million dollars.’
It is pointed Qut’\that this: will
result in a corresponding • reduc-
.tion in the tax rate. •
.The' assessors, also emphasize
that this'assessment is the basis
of .taxation for next 'year—1954.
K p h f • n-a \
.Sidney Whitby has been ..ap
pointed caretaker o.f the new
i Lucknow District High School,
£nd commenced his duties this
week. His was onie of twelve ap
plications for the position.
' " ,. ' x.,,.'zC?—-----;--------_L_------------i.
Meeting Friday
H. R.~Baker* assistant agricul-
! tural representative . }for Huron
^1C'7c^nty, announces that a joint
imeeting of the leaders and mem-
1 bers f. of .the /Dungannon / and'.
Lucknow 4-H" Clubs’.will be held
on. Friday evening.
th.e .‘.farm of Andrew / Gaunt
1 *
I «
l»‘. ‘;l
' It
The Chin family, individually ’
and collectively,, have been wpll
mannered and exemplary in their
leading and outstanding role „in.
Church, scholastic, and sporting
activities here > and ,have won . ,
piuch favorable publicity through-^
out Western Ontarip not only for /
themselves but for., the Sepoy ,
They have been an ambitious,
studious family? and Toronto and ,
the; large.!? centres afford them ’■ ’■
the opportunities and fissoeiatiohs • '.
that Lucknow can’t1* offer as • . • •
! the.v.2re.ach -'adfji^6dT^feer4^'
wishes of this Community go with
.them, arid no doubtXucknow wilP :
always.be home to the Chins rib'
matter where they .inay be..
Charlie Chin and his wife Rose
came to Lucknow from New- . ■
■market in 1928/ Charlie died in
September of 1951? ’ ’
There are fourteen children. Jn *
the family-fTeleveh sbris/arid1three?
daughters, ' jim< Harry, ‘.Sam,. ■■•?’■/
Ffarik, Bill* Albert, Gborg0, Maryr
Margaret, Morley^ Gladys'* Char*
lie? Jack . ar^LAltam * •
-'•■■■■ s t
, !
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray wish,
to annourice the' engagement of
ihei'r daughter, -Mary Eleanor, to
Mr/ Lome George Kraemer? son
■ Greenock Township, The' mar?
riage to take ■ place; August 1st
:in, Stu Anne’s Church', Riversdale
•af 1,0 a.rri. : ’ " .
, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L.
Meyers of Toronto,, wish to an-
s riouhce the engagenierit of their
daughter, Rowepa Mary, to Rieh-
■fil’d..Allan.. Turner, . son.. . bL.Mrs,
Turner and the late. Mr. Allan-
Turner. ; The marriage ^to take
place in Toronto, Saturday, July
. 18th> ’ ■ ’ ' ... ’ .
A ninWr. . . .
been revised since the notices,
were sent out, but with , the ac
ceptance,'Of the roll on Monday
the only recourse to have changes
made, is now ^through the Cour.t
of Revisiqni . . . ■ ' ‘ •
Before accepting the rollfCoun/
cil discussed with the. assessor
'some revisions- that had ‘.been
iriader-jrid- -compl^in^ .w
personafc been made to members
w.j/Board . ■, , ' 7 7.™
The i assessor^'. salary of $600
Wfis' approved/'
of the /Board; .
* Ji