The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-08, Page 3[i; t 1 9 V WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th, 1953 V"* /. ► ► ► A A I next land “Respect-the rights of other's* “Set a goodr example. sd/tW I <9 richment of life’ though unity 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Play Toss For The Family SPORT SHIRTS — T’S4HJ^I}S — SWIM SUITS . \ . (all.sizes) ... ' 7 BATHING CAPS by PLAYTEX ' . ’ . SHORTS. & SLACKS, DUNGAREES. & JEANS . SOX and ANKLETS > BLOUSES and SKIRTS,* TROUSERS anjl JACKETS 7;-/-----BPEOlALsB ’ BLousEi''. , Cotton, Nylon, Criskay, reg, to $5.95 . k ; HOSIERY ► ► ► ►. *. *'• ► \ Nylon Subs, reg. $1,75; 45 gauge, 30 denier, light, colors S’/a to 11 ............................ 99C Sanderson’s LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR ' ■ - - - * * ■* ~ - . . . . . . . lucknow j UNITED CHURCH j i l i 5 Minister: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, I -....— i ■■■ i i . .j --B.D. SUNDAY, JULY 12th 10 a.m.7 Sunday School. . 11 a;m. Rev. C. A. Winn guest | ...minister.' ■ ■ ■’■•':.■;■’■ • -•••• I- A cordial welcome is extended I to the Presbyterian congrega- j tion and to all visitors. j <■Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, JULY 12th 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. . 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship in the United Churchy with ReV, C. A. Winn, in charge.; 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan-1 ■non. NO EVENING SERVICE cago is a visitor with his .sister^- Mrs.' Geo.. Stuart and Mr. Stuart’ Mrs. Charles McAree (formerly Miss Mary .Cameron) of McAuley, Man.;, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas, Mrs. Bart and Mr. Malcolm Doug­ las of Mitchell were recent visr- itors.-Witlr- -Mr and ‘ "MfS; 7John Carneron. , ‘Mrs. Gordon MacIntyre and Ronald are holiday visitors with •Mt., and Mrs. W, I. Miller. . PRESENTATION MADE PRIOR TO LEAVING LOCHALSH Pupils and parents gathered in Lochalsh school at the. clo?e of ~the school” term to honor Mrs. Roy MacKenzie of Ripley who has taught in .the school for the past five years. The children pre- -sented a—short-’ program after which Barbara Finlayson Vead the address, while Elaine MacIntyre and Marion MacLennan .present-’ *ed' the teacher with a beautiful wool blanket. Lunch was/ served by the ladies of the section. Mrs, MacKenzie has resigned as. teacher and will be succeeded term byi Miss Ruth.. Pent- d.f Ashfield. ■ - • CHURCH CHANNELS ST. HELENS . \Children,s~Day was observed L on Thursday at the July meeting ’ of the Women’s Institute held on dhe lawn. at the home of Mrs. Frank McQuillin, Besides the children . 24 members, 3 visitors and 7 teenagers were in attend- i ance. Mrs Andrew . Gaunt, 2nd vice president, was in the chair and the roll , call was well re­ sponded to’by the bringing of a t flower and naming it. It was de­ cided to.have a Jous trip the last ■ week in .July with arrangements to be made by a committee corm • prised of Mrs. G. MacPherson, and I Miss.JCan Aitchjsonl It was also I decided to have a picriid^at Kin-, I catdine with Mrs. A" Gaunt, Mrs. I. H. Webb and Miss Jean. Aitchi- I son as committee in charge <hiu . .• •.I with Mrs..Hunter, Mrs. Gammie < • Be ..hon^ , • s .* LgndLMrs^^ others in.; what I say jnd .do, I of sports. It was suggested and . .‘‘Learn, and. practise.npy telig- I agreed .that the<president,.list, and ion. ?. I 2nd vice presidents each haVe j “Honor my• paernts, mv elders I charge of the riieetings fdr four smd mv teachers. ■ I months; The motto,. “Life is like ! “StriVe’ for ‘ health in body, I, .’^isarden/iVbears , I sow” was read by Mrs* Fred Me-1 . “Respect the rights of others. I . Quillin; Mirs*' Harvey Webkgav^ f a ........ ’J I a Very interesting demonstration 1may enjoy-and profit by I.’ and tdlk on flower arrangement*1 r .Garnes wete enjoyed Joy the1 I? :ouhs fblk uhdeit the direction of I Mrs. „Alex -Mj lrdie—a-n, A Double-Edged Charter The. New York State Youtlh commission last ..year distributed among parents a “Children’s Bill of Rights”,“in which was empha­ sized every child’s right to af­ fection, ; physical care, material and emotional security, education, religious guidance and opportun­ ities for wholesome community life. . The “Bill of Rights” was followed by a “Children’s Bill of Responsiiblities” ..containing «ithe following precepts' to each indiv­ idual: 7 _ ' “Grow; in character and ability charge and LgrOw- in size. . • - r ’ krtn/ief tvifh * iYlVSnlf * cl n d* my company. .. ■ ', ; * / “Give honest effort to my work. education/ds Local & General Mrs. D. C. Taylor has been ill with pneumonia. ' Misg Lorna Campbell of Tor-,, onto is- hoIidaVing at .the home of her sister, fc. R. H. Thomp­ son. . X ‘ ■ Miss Flora Webster of Kitch­ ener is spending a week’s vaca­ tion at the home of her parents, „.and.wMrs^Richar-d-~Webster;‘- Mrs. Lloyd Hall Dispiriting, iri Ottawa with’ Mr. syid Mrs. Doug­ las Clark; ; :/ » • 7 b .. Dr. ^W. G, MacGrOgo.r-Aof' Chi­ cago is. visiting his:. sister, Cath­ erine MacGregor and other rela­ tives. . Mrs. Mary Webster returned to’ Kitchener on Sunday after visit­ ing with her mother, Mrs. Annie Jewitt. < ' . ’ Mrs. Bessie Shirley and Eliza­ beth Ann Webster, are visiting at Fort Erie with Mrs. Shirley’s’ daughter. For personalized napkins, coast­ ers,, pencils^ matches, playing cards, stationery, etc.,7 call Don Thompson, phone 33 or 35. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McNall and daughter June of Wallaceburg are holidaying with relatives in r the/gQrri'munity^ ! --- - = Mrs. Robt. Smith and family of the Canadian Soo are vacationing With her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John A.-MacDonald, ■ Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Murdoch and daughters Karen and Gail of Toronto are spending a month at Point Clark. Mr. _and^Mrs.- Earl- GibSori-^of Toronto visited, last week with relatives and friends in the com­ munity. , • _—Mrs—Tom-Scott of—Berkley,” Mich., is spending the month of July with the Misses Pearl and Elizabeth Henderson. •' • c? ’■.•■,•/• ' ' ■ Mrs< Jack Wiegand and two daughters, one of Detroit and the other residing in California, call­ ed on Lucknow friends Sunday last.’ ■ Mr. and Mrs. Lome Jdhnston, Mrs. Connell Of Galt and. Miss Winnifred ' Farrier of White­ church left on Monday on a motor trip to Saskatchewan. • Mr. arid Mrs. A. Gx “Andy” Smith of Toronto called on friends , in town last Tuesday They had been up to Wingham attending the funeral of Mrs Charles E. Siriith. . ’ ' Visitors with Mrs. Isabelle Mac­ Donald were Mr. arid Mrs. Mike Kosmyna* and James of Toledo vand Mr. and Mrs. FrankJking- and Billy of Toronto. ' Mrs. Russell Clipperton, Linda and Raymond, of London spenf the past* week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reid who cele­ brated their 45th wedding anni­ versary. . * 7 . - Miss Eileen Campbell, daugh­ ter of Mr* -arid Mrs. Cyril Camp­ bell, left by plane on Sunday for'Red Deer, Alberta* to visit for two weeks with her brother. Harry and family. I ■ ■ ■ STREAMS RESTOCKED Twenty-fopj* streams in the dis­ trict have • been stooked with thousands of speckled trout this spring by the / Department of L.ands. and Forests, Geo.- McBride; local cdriserva't.ibfi officer fepprits; The' area covered by the Stdcfcing -program covers the districts of Wingham, Blyth, Lucknow, Tees- Water, Mildmay, Clifford arid Brussels. 7; >•... .• ' 7 , Part of the province-wide pro- gram to. keep game fish in the waters of. the r6vince "SALADA ;* Mr; and .Mrs. " Wm- Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wareham of Holly, Mich, and Miss Gertrude Macintosh, R.N., of Detroit, vis­ ited the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance E. Anderson. Mrs, H? 0. Sherriff is visiting here. She. accompanied her dau­ ghter, Mrs. George Marr of- Dor­ chester, who remained overnight and on her return was accompan-; ied by Mrs. H. R. Allin, who went to London to attend the reunion of nurses of the 1937 class of St, Joseph’s Hospital. .7. Joyce Mowbray has been spend­ ing the summer in Detroit help* ing.to care for little Judy Agnew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs<J Joe . Agnew. Joyice and Judy are at present visiting with Mr., and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. Judy is wear­ ing a cumbersome looking cast to correct a hip ailment. Look At The Record £ w In campaigning for return on August 10, the Liberal , Tarty does not have tp rely on an assortment of nebulous promises, impossible of fulfillment, as an appeal to the voters. Instead, it offers a record of solid achievement over the years. • ‘ SOCIAL SECURITY: Pensions of $40 monthly without means test for all Canadians over 70; federal-provincial pensions for needv persons be- ’tween 65 and 69; expansion of national health § services; increase in veterans’ and war widows’ pensions. AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT: Support prices under meat. products extended to include dairy >' products. ‘ / >. ' ^7'. '■ ' ; LABOR AID: Unemployment insurance bene- t fits extended; racial and religious discrimination ; banned in employment under federal jurisdiction. ; HOME DEFENCE: Aircraft warning system ! developed in the north; tax reductions in spite of ’ increased defence expenditures. • The Prime Minister has > said and I am in complete J. accord. 2. i*. . /The government does not claim all the credit, for-^thisy—but l—hope—mOst^-Tca^uirairle people will admit we deserve some credit for a Situation .where it . has been : possible .for/ the Canadian people, to achieve so much. And when we vote, I am sure most of, us will want to be careful we do not risk lbsihg what has been gained. PROTECT YOUR GAINS ASSURE YOUR FUTURE served. . -7 Service in the United Cf urch program was tarried, ouit last month by department officials in co-operation with Mr. McBride, and included’. .the stocking; of the way of life ahd govern-!'four branches bf the Maitland / ; j River with thousands Ot bro\Vn , HrouL A number of spbckled trout were also put into, the Maitland in a section Where It was thought they would stand a good chance of -survival.' Most of‘ the fish planted-,jn this area- came. from the Provincial Trout Rearing Sta­ tion at .'Wiartoh:* «■■.,• ' v . •. i ..... may live more happily together, vuc “Preserve and strW,th.en ourwill be held 'nfekt.Sunday at. 11 f A1T17ribiin * - when if Is bxpOcted thpt the ; new minister,^Rev* E. X Wolland rf wost such .preebpte were ob- w1h be in charge* / ■ ' by the rnajorjty of yotithS' Miss Eileen . Sparkes, student; fh^*.would find' in such obsorv- ■ ?Urs6 Victoria Hospital, uon,--wbs ^ week-end guest "of r.om'es frdm a-sehse of achieve- Mrs.7^red 'McQuiIlinl.mentand fair play and’frdrii en- ,'M w McQuillin. . '■ v” richmenf ,ot through gmty £r* W% C. MacGregor, of Chi- with one’s fellowmen. • , . /•/...■ 7 ’ ' . / . >BRUCE LIBERAL CANDIDATE ' —■■ ■ ' ■,/.’,■. ■ ■ ■ ■_ , • -1.7 ■■ :■ ’ This advertisement is inserted By the Bruce Liberal Association. M Mr.' ■i^- I,x * ■