HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-08, Page 2A ■ SAGE TWO • it THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 'l ri" GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY MARKED AT KINGSBRIDGE JOHN grant: . 62 Riverside Drive Kapuskasing ASHFIELD -Mrs. R. Martin of* Toronto is visiting with relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett and little daughter of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie. • ' Mr.. John Bradley has the ’ foundation of his house finished. He is building on the 12th Con. < r . . • . • ■: The Girl Guide Camp at the end of the 12th Con.. is in full swing. A - The boys from Kintail Camp with their leaders attended the Presbtyerian church in a body on Sunday morning. „ “ • Advertising doesn’t cost • pays! BORN . ILOCAL PLANT BEING STEWART—in Toronto on Mon- day, June 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Bain Stewart of Toronto, a son, Dayid Grant.. . SCOTT in Wingham General Hospital on Monday, June 29th, 1953, to Mr. arid Mrs. Ken Scott Of Belgrave (nee Lottie Saund­ ers), a daughter.. ' \ ADVE^TISEP FOR SALE Toronto' dailies have been car­ rying a large ““For Sale’’ display advertisement, including a pic­ ture of the local furniture^ plant which has been idle for many months. -The description of the plant was as follows: With Moore,Kiln) about 1,700 feet track storage for lumber. Air machines are motor­ ized, An ideal little plant, ap­ proximately 28,000 square feet, 210 feet long x 60 feet, two stor-. ^’s.. 'elevator, ~paibt shed; sprink-: ler “system,"and brjek. house for1 mariager/-or. bwn,er.' Located, at Lucknow Qri No. 860 Highway., For appointment or further de­ tails see W. P. Renaud, 476 King St. West, Kitcheher, telephone 6-6427. NETHERY REUNION HELD IN LUCKNOW SATURDAY About 110 members of Nethery Clan . gathered at home of Mr. ’ and Mrs. . Douglas on Saturday for their annual reunion. Supper was ser­ ved in the Recreational Centre, across from the Douglas, hqme the the W. J. arid fHe~visitors were generous m their praise of this building, which offered spacious accomo­ dation, complete With all the facilities necessary for conven­ iently serving such a gathering/ _D./ A/ MacLennan of Lobhalsh. was on hand to provide bagpipe selections and piped the gather­ ing into supper. Members of The Clan were present from Quebec; Hamilfrinr-^Sarnla, Galt, Wain- Tleetr-London^Cliriton^Goder-ichy^ Londesborb, Wingham,? Bly th and Belgrave. ATTEND ORANGE SERVICES “M^embersoPMaple-Grove Orange Lodge of Zion held their annual church parade on Sunday evening, June 28th, to Zion Un­ ited Church, where they were ^addressed by the pastor, Rev. J. *R, Dickinson. Last Sunday morning Maple Grove members took part in a church parade to Kincardine Ang­ lican Church, and in the evening attended service in Dungannon United Church' Where-t-hey—were addressed by the pastor, pev. George R. Watt,: The fact that-, th'e hydro Went off .midway thru the service did not interrupt pro­ ceedings, aS hymns were sung and an impressive sermon . was delivered by Rev. Watf. • ■ During, the service Miss Olive Blake sang a solo arid Messrs, Thomas and Howard Blake, a duet. \ 4 *Join in the excitement of inviting your friends to come to ONTARIO Canada’s All Year Vacation Province. Let a postcard or letter be your, personal invitation now to friends in .other parts of Canada or in the United States to visit ONTARIO, Ask them to enjoy a real f amily holiday where accommodation is good arid rates are eqsy on the vacation budget ONTARIO offers hundreds of attractions which will appeal to any taste. Visitors can be assured of heart-warming hospitality with memorable happy holiday experiences wherever they choose to go amid ONTARIO’S 52 Vacation Areas. ; \ .. . . ;" :Your Department of Travel and Publicity will send illustrated literature to your friends with your compliments if you fill in and mciil the coupon below. / ONTARIO TRAVEL compliments the winners in the recent letter-writing contest. The appreciation of the Department is expressed to each student of the thousands >who submitted an entry. They wish also to thank those teachers throughout the Proyince who cooperated with students in making the Contest such a success W/MWQ ut CJNTAW Wetf; .* 1st PRIZE 2nd PRIZE 3rd PRIZE (fie) $400.00 Government Bond $250.00 Government Bond $100.00 Government Bond each RHODA SVENSK . JOHN GRANL. DOLORES LONG, LISE dIrY J k-?* t ?.............. 62 Riverside Drive 809 Donald St., and College of St. Joseph Whitefish Kaputkasing Fort William North Bay ' Winners of additional cash prizes have been notified by regtsteredrmaik OHlWvatoliity WEDNESDAY, JULY 8th, 1953 ■ ZWHITECHURCH ' Mr. apd Mrs. Herb Laidlaw & Ivan are spending this woek vis­ iting friends in Cayuga & Cleve­ land,. Ohio. y ‘ . ’ ♦ Mrs. Jas. Wilspn had a. plastic demonstration in her . home on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. R; ONTARIO TRAVEL, ROOM 0000, COLLEGE ST.-, TORONTO, ONTARIO 1 r&& PLEASE SEND WITH MY COMPLIMENTS ■ f------r-fflEE-MAP-ANLHNFORMATION-ABOIH. ONTjjR|0T(j. . » (rUAM MINT) NAML-.._ ADORUi. STATE M __............ ■ ADDRESS The week-end saw district resi­ dents and old boys arid girls, flocking to Kingsbridge for the 50ith anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of St; Joseph’s Church. ...■ Under'the'direction of the par­ ish priest, Father H. Van Vynckt. no effort was spared to make this. eVent the success it turned out to. be. . An anniversary banquet ‘was held at noon on Saturday pre­ sided oyer by Father Ed Gar­ vey, C.S,B. An official welcome was extended iby Reeve,Elmer Graham of Ashfield, and provin­ cial and federal, members were among others called on. . A reunion of old schoolmates was held at thescrioolhouse^in, the. afternoon and. a big garden party held in the evening, follow­ ed by games arid dancing. Special services were held on Sunday. ■ ‘ '/ St. Joseph’s Church has an en­ viable record, for, this parish through the: years, has produced some thirty-five sisters and eight* een religious brothers and priests. MAGISTRATE McCLEVIS CRITICAL OF CAR JDEALER. .^. Magistrate McGlevis was highly critical of- a Wingham car dealer, who took a; 16-year-old boy’s note on^a used car, and then .refused tri take the Car back. The de­ nunciation came while the Magis­ trate was hearing a change. ,o| gasoline theft in Lucknow involv- Jng_A;.jpcaL .yobngllman^and —a Wingham youth/ The former re­ ceived a three months’ jail term, demonstration in her , home oh Wednesday of last week. Mrs. R. Seddqn was the demonstrator. • BQBNin Wingham Hospital to Mr. arid Mrs? IWn Dickson (formerly Mildred Moore), a son bn July 3rd. Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier, Mr, arid Mrs. G. E. Farrier and family attended___ the 45th wedding, anniversary of Mr. .and Mrs/ Sam Reid at the home of their daughter, Mr, and Mrs/ .Peter Cpok. , ’George McClenaghan’s house was struck by lightning on Sun­ day night, - Mr. Fred Moore has started to work for Mr. Cecil Walpole in Wingham,. Mr. ” and Mrs. E. H. Groskorth and daughter Karen and Rickie Bagg spent the week-end at Unionviller Rickie stayed down home and Paul Groskorth, who ' has been visiting'* there for the past two weeks returned home with them; J _lMr.jand__Mrs.~Itwin/McClena- ghan and daughter Mary Louise of St. Thpnjas' visited at the home . of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Et D. McClenaghan on Sunday, Mrs. S. H. Thompson is visit­ ing with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs.-Stanley- Moore for a week" or two. . Mr. and Mrs. “ Jas. Paterson of Kitchener spent the week-end at . his brother’s, Albert Paterson. MrL and Mrs. Gib Hamilton & family/ of Lucknow visited? Sun- day with. Mr, rind Mrs. T/ Morri­ son and Mr. arid Mrs. H? Buck­ ton and Miss Joan Hamilton who has been visiting here for the ’ last- week; returned"'home witlT" them. ; Mr. Thos. Ross, Mrs. A. J. Mur- r. '■ ray and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fells iandilf amily, .all of /Toronto, are. Spending a few days at their sum­ mer home at Langside. • Mr. and Mrs. * Orville Mitchell and family of Toronto, spent the ° week-end. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W-m. Henry. Francis Henry / who has been visiting in Toronto, returned home with them. ’ \ kMr. and Mrs. Allgood of Bur- / . ford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W, Bell. Misses' Roxy AllgoOd and Janis Mudford are spending: their holidays with Mr. and Mts. W.. Bell. / . ? . Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Parker and . farhily of near London visited on Sunday with ljer parents, Mr. & Mrs. B. D. MoCienaghan. We are sorry to hear that Mrs/ _Jas. Forster isn t. .as!—well—as^het"------ many friend^would like to hear. . Misses r/Margaret and Fanny Paterson and Mr. Fred Paterson'., all of Leamington, are visiting7 their brother, Mr/ McK. Pater­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Johnston of Lucknow and Miss Winnifred Farrier left. this week’ for the . West for a visit. ? Mr. arid Mrs. Archie Watt arid , family of Toronto visited a day last week with his parents, Rev- and Mrs. W. J. Watt, Rev. W. J. Watt had charge of the services in the Gorrie United church, . BORN—in Ridgetown to Mr. & Mrs. James MacIntyre (formerly Faye - McClenaghan), a son, on July 6th. . Mr. and Mrs?~ Bucktori .an- . - spending-* a Jew day^ with their ^daughtery-Mr.-an d—Mr sr-G-i b-Htn i n——; ilton of Lucknow. Mr..and Mrs. H. D. MacDonald '• moved to their new, home on the ,10th Con- of East /WaWanosh, y the former Stanley Snell farm, last week. ,We' will miss them ' in our community. with the Wingnamite receiving suspended sentence. The Walkerton Herald-Time.^ quotes Magistrate McClevis as . -foIlQWS; -— « ■ —r—.j “A dealer who . would sell a . jalopy to’ a 16-year-old boy ought to be in jail- himself”* said the . magistrate. Wheri informed by Provincial Constable Boyce that •• . th^ car dealer had the boy’s note ’ ’ for $300 against the car* the mag istrate-said that while it Was not ' / his place to give legal advice, thy " riote cririndt be- ‘cqllected^/oh; 1 suggest you run the car into tht /dump?.;,, ;/■ : . . #r.'z , . .." BORN