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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 8
WWNESDAY; JULY 1st, 1953 ft' , " i i :< ■■i PAGE EIGHT LUCKNOW sentinel; twe^Now, ©TO®l© A ♦ ft 4 LADIES’ Sundresses : A; WK of better Sundresses , Sizfes 12 t<> 44 ’ /S, / Regularly priced to $4.98 PRICED FOR QUICI^SALE at $2<49 and $2.98 DRBSSBS FOB COOL SUMMER COMFORT—in patterned and plain Krokays, Criskays, Blister Cloth .and Shark skins. Among this group are a few regular $9.95 numbers PRICED at .... ..o. $4;98, $5,50 and $6.95 FRENCH’ CREPES & NORMANDIE CREPES at $3.98 & $4,98 A good .selection of LADIES’ BETTER SUMMER DRESSES foryourapproval. ^ ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goodo and WooUem / //■• ♦ 3^ * •»: ’' I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) interior of Blake’s Church an^d hall. /< </?://; THAT Girl Guides and Brownies have been receiving cdrdsT^dm Mrs. A. E. McKim from Lake Louise, Alberta. Mrs. McKim and her daughter, Mrs. »Neil Graham of Toronto, are on a trip .West. . /' THAT John Hanna/M.P.P., ar rived in Wingham at the week- yend upon his return from at tending the Coronation and visiting on the cqhtinent. He returned aboard, the /‘Queen Mary” which docked at; New .//^ork..,/■;■’/,// „ THAT Rev. G.W. Gardner has / accepted a call to become min ister of Trinity United Church at Beeton. He has/been at Grand Valley for the past sev eral years.Rev.and Mrs.Gard- . ner have moved to the new charge'when he takes over his duties on July 1st. THAT Philip Stewart has the contract .for redecorating the. ■■ wPICNIC < EATING at I. G. A. ....31cSwifPs Prem ... Sockeye Challenger iSalmon Peanut Butter, M Freshies . ........................... 5c Duchess / Picnic Kits, set for 6 „ Paper,Cups,,2 pkgs. Stz Williams 2‘Friiit Marmalade, 24' oi/ jar Marshmallows, 8 oz. .. 37c 25c 19c APPIMARD AT ANNIVERSARY (KINLOUGH NEWS) . The Anglican .congregation marked another' milestone on Sunday last when the church was filled to'capacity -at both morr^. ing - and -evening services. The Rev. John. Prest conducted both Services assisted by. the jRev, G. B. Pox ‘with Canon H. F. Apple- yard delivering stirring messages at both services. Miss Edna Boyle the church organist/ was in charge of the' musical part,, of the services. Mrs. Harold Haldenby and, Mrs1,- Jack Hewitt were the soloists., The church choir rend ered suitable < anthems at each service and1" were assisted by Messrs. Stanley Uptigrove and Jim Townshend of Huron College. At the morning service 'a beauti ful altar .frontal and communion linen were dedicated by Canon Appleyard, the .gift being giyen by Rev; G. R. Cox who purchased the frontal laqe in Brussels, Bel gium. The church was beautifully decorated with summer flowers, while red and white carnations adorhed the altar, iviases arid were placed to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson by her husband and family. Following the evening service theUW.A. ’ and ^Evening Guild served refreshments. The two tea tables were prettily de corated, wjth fourW.A.ladies pouring tea, Mrs. James Hodgins, Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Mrs. H. A.” Graham and Mrs. Miltori Walsh. A social time and friendly 'chat brought the Summer Festival to =n^lQse/^Frierids^were/-present- from Detroit, Toronto,. London, Woodstock, Angus, Bervie, Kin- garf, Kinlough Presbyterian cbn- gregation, Victoria, B.C., Wing* ham, Goderich. Burlington. Walk- ertori, KihlosS, Ripley, Thessalon, Tiverton, Brantford, Listowel and Buffalo. ■/.■/■■'•■ : < Relatives from here attended I FORMERLUCKNOW RESIDENT PASSES AT HAMILTON The death of Miss Agnes Eliz abeth Alexandra Geddes occurred at her home in Hamilton on Sat urday, June 13th. She was born at Lucknow' 71 years, ago, but ^ha^Tresid^ many years. .'/ • •• ■' She was a member of Melrose United Church of that city and belonged to the W.M.S. and vari ous other church organizations. She had been employed by the United Gas and Fuel Company for 35years until her retirement in the spring of 1946. Miss Geddes Wasthe only dau ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Geddes of Lucknow, her father having operated the coop er shop for many years. There are no survivors. The funeral service was held in the Robinson funeral chapel on Tuesday, June 16th, with burial in Hamilton Cemetery. 't $ I.G. A. Prepared • Mustard, 6 oz. 10c; 16 oz. 17c Jello .m...,....;...;. 3 • for 29c Food Saver Wax Paper ......310 Bananas •v.m,19c < New Cabbage 2 for 25c .California Grapefruit 5 for 39e Head Lettuce, large size 15e 288’s Suhkist . — Fancy Oranges 33c SSHTH’SHFOOD MARKET Shop & Save at Smith’s LG.A. Cash and Carry Food Market • SUMMER DRESS MATERIALS COTTON & BROADCLOTHS from ‘19c yarR , . ■ .. ■ ■ „■ ' .'’'r’.. - t". ,t' ■ GINfeHAM'PtAiDS 79o yord DIMMITY, plain Ot patterned from 69c yard ’ KRISKAYS, klltri 83c ml win llnll III ll Uddin INTERIOR &EXTERIOR WE HAVE IN STOCK '■ TURPENTINE SCRAPERS RAW UNSHED- OIL ' ' PATCHING RASTER " ’ putty: ■ • . '■■ ■ • ; ■ A PAINT BRUSHES/ SHELLAC ■ ' ' FAINT BRUSH CLEANER & V */ririd’/' . • /■ ALL PAINTS, IN COLOURS AND WHITE Finlay Decorators ’ Thone 218., Lucknow ( >. the Scotf reunion which was held last Saturday at the . home of Mr. and'^Mrs. Gordon Alvis at Tiverton. : / Mrs. Gertrude Walsh spent Fri day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Os borne, Huron. '"'•/ /. Mrs, Clare Sparling and Allan of Walkerton .spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. George" Haldenby.. : Mr. and Mrs. Karl BOyle,Mari lyn and Carol, Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Lloyd of London spent the week end with relatives here. Miss Agnes Hall returned to her home at St. Thomas after visiting with Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm. School closed on Friday irntil fall. Mr. Kenneth jfcdginsi ex tendedbest wishes to Mr., Goldie Emerson, teacher, and on behalf of; the school pupils/ presented him with h suitable gift. lit. Em- erspri gave the children a treat and all went to their homes to enjoy the holidays. / / Dr. Don Mason of London and his mother, Mrs. Wailaqe Mason of Simcoe, were recent visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Hewitt arid family.- ■ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haldenby and Mr. George Haldenby of Tor onto spent , the Week-end with .relatives^ • /■.■■, • /./’ Mr. arid Mrs. Verne. Hddgins of Angus were week-end guests of •Mr. ^arid Mt& Tom Hodgins., • Mr. and>Mrs. "WilBert-Haldenby .arid David of Toronto visited bn -Sunday^with“Mr7~ahd“MF^rArt Graham. . . . Canon Harold F. Appleyard, Mrs'. Appleyard and Nancy of Brantford renewed acquaintances here on. Sunday,. Mr. Appleyard was the guest speaker at the Ang- -lican-Summer-FestivaLser-vice— The Presbyterian service was withdrawn on Sunday last in fay- bur of South Kinloss and the Anglican anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lioyd of London-visited Sunday with.'Mrs. Johri Cox and family. Mrs; Ada Hodgins Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and Calvin of De* troit spent a few days with Mr. arid Mrs;:' Maurice Hodgins and other-relatives. - Mr. and Mrs.; Georige Hodgins of Woodstock/Mr. and Mrs. J. La Fiamm of Buffalo were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jaihes; Jlodgins.——; Mr. and Mrs. LpVi Eckenswil- ler and Douglasr of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Listo- wel visited Sunday with Mr. an^I Ivt^TH/A/GraHamr /~ Mr. Ralph. Haldenby was home for, the Week-end before going to attend summer school in Toronto. Mrs.. Harold Haldenby was guest soloist Sunday pm. at South Kinloss ahniversary ser vice. ■ . /; y-. ■ /■ '/■'::/ /-.Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins’ vis ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Torii Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Mason, Mr. and Mrs, Currie Colwell, Bruce and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc- iCosh, Mary and . Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster and family visited Sunday with their mother, Mrs. X W. Colwell. Miss Eleanor Murray of Tor onto spent the week-end . at her home here. ' ■ > Sunday visitors With ®4rs. Mil tori Walsh, Jack” and Scott were, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie and Brenda^ Huron; Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ler Hartiwick and Wayne, Kincar dine; Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Avis John Emerson. Present Retiring Teacher The. pupils of S.S. No. 3 had their annual picnic on Thursday and .entertained-their mothers to mark the closing of school. Games and spofts were ehjbyed. At the " conclusioh of a pleasant afternoon Mfs.- Frank Thompson, on .behalf \ of the section, read an address to Mrs. Dan McInnis, the retiring teacher and the presentation of • an end table and piece of pottery was made by J R. Murray, Ron nie Thompson and Gary Graham. Mrs. McInnis replied fittingly and the ladies served refreshments. 7 DRAYTON DRY. CHESLEYWET ■. ' ■■■ / Drayton, in its second vote in five years, increased its dry maj* ority on the beverage room ques-. tibn by a vote of 491 against and 134 for women’s rooms and 180 against and 149 for- meh’s rooms. In Ghesley last week a slim dry margin four years ago, swung ; to a decisive wet majority Of 606 for men’s rooms and 371 'against; While 629 favored women’s rooms and 405 were opposed. ENGAGEMENTS ' The engagement is announced of Miss Jacqueline Ackerman, Only daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackeiman of Elora and Mr. Edward England, son of Mr. John ”P, England, Lucknow, and7 Mrs. H. Figg, Elora. The wedding to . take place at Knox Presbyterian Church, Elora, July 18 th at 2.00 p.m; Hydro Service Interruption /’• ■ /.., - IN LUCKNOW ‘ Sunday, July 5th ./:. ' ’ ... ' ,i • ». ? ' ■ • / FROM O0 to 7.30 A.M., D.S.T. J ■ ■ :• -IiiIi- / $5.69' pr $5.98 pr. $4*49 each MARKET . : torthe cottage; PLAID FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, 70x90 • IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. 70x90 ... INDIAN 'BLANKETS, "fi0x7i B!LANKETS. COTTON, &. WOftLJMrOT0R.Rl’GX. <Wil/$3;89^ MEN’S WEAR "MEN’S BROADCLOTH PYJAMAS ....... $4.50 MEN’S STRIPED PYJAMAS $3.93' SM/1RT TIES