HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 7*
> «
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1,953
'in Went*
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' Dungannon and Lucknow
Box 47, Lucknow
'Phone Dungannon 46 Collect
Member of Ontario Motor_
ipCsaclTOperators’ Association.'
, l..I ■■■ - '■ ■. . . I I. .T 4
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You are invited to.hear*
been made by' Mrs. Alex Purves.
Proceeds/amounted to over $20.
The ladies are reminded of the
Institute meeting to be held this
Thursday afternoon , at; the home
. • ■ I
& . ; . •-
...-<■■■ - I J.r-i.i ■ '...... a ..i'i.i
John Diefenbaker
■ ■ r-. • : ' ; ' ■ ■. ;
formerly of Bruce who will speak in
Tuesday, July 7th
in the interests of • / y
your Progressive Conservative candidate who
will be present along with other
prominent speakers^
‘ * Bring yolir lunch and enjoy a visit to;the lake
Bruce Progressive Conservative Association
Brightened b/* large baskets of
summer . flowers, the Sunday
School room of the United church
was the "scene , of most success-'
ful Coronation Tea on Thursday
afternoon under the''apspices of
the • Women's . Assbciafion. Mrs:
James Curran, the president, was
plk the chair and welcomed the
guests including quite- a ’number,
of ladies from Lucknow^ White-’
/ch^rchi^-Bungannon!. ’The zpro-
•’ /grain included the scripture les-
Spn.read* by' Mrs. T.. J. Tbdd,-
choruses sby ,the . girls of the St.-.
Helens sehooL* solos by ’ Mrs. . J..
W; Joy nt. off Lucknow, Phyllis
Barbour and Mrs.' E. W, Rice;
duets by MrsySehpltz and Mrs;
Laidlaw of . Whitechurch and
Norma Murray and Anne Todd;
piano solos by Alison Webb, Mrs.'
SW. R. Earner, of Whitechurch,
Mrs, Will Rutherford, Donna
Woods,* Mrs, Chester Taylor and
Norma Murray; a .reading by
Mrs'. Falconer; a guitar number
by Mrs Dustan Beecroft, both of
Whitechurch and a patriotic drill
by the girls.. At the conclusion
afternoon tea was -enioved with
Mrs. S. E. Hayward and Mrs; W.
I Miller poujir^g tea from a lace-
covered table centred with' a
three-storey cake flanked b.v
white tapers in Silver holders and
decorated with streamers and
/pansies:in-the "coro'riation colors.
I Mrs;, W. J. Humphrey one of the
j older members, cut the beauti- I fully decorated cake which had
’ - r .....-••-'-y-,;.- L
program of sports, after which | Midford Wall and Donnie,
a lovelyc- address was . read and
the presentation, of a pair of sil
ver candle holders and candles
made, to the teacher, Mrs.’ Olive
Hanna,. The children and parents
are all sorry to-knew she is leav
ing, A bounteous lunch was/fer^
'ved;s/ : •* •* ■
‘-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hackett ■
and Brian, Toronto and Mrs.’Tom
Hackett," Ashfield, visited Satur^
day afterndon. . with Mr- . Mrsri
Sunday visitors with Mr/and
Mrs. Madford Wall and Donnie
were Canon"and Mrs. H. F. Ap^ •’*
pieyard arid Nancy, • Brantford;
Mrs. George Honour and Billy*
/rhessalon; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Pollock; and Kaye, ^Ripley; Mr. & . ’
Mrs, Ed..Coilins, Port- Elgin, and
Mr, and Mrs, Joe Wall, Lucknow.
Mr, and Mrs; Murray Hender-'
son? Lucknow, visited ^Suhday^.__J_i
with Mr. an d Mrs. Jas. . Wraith.
Service Between
Can also arrange charter
trips with Western Ontario
Allan Reed
The regular meeting of the I
Kinlough L.O.L. 1139 was held on
Thursday evening of last week,
with, a good attendance. The
monthly meeting, which is sche- .
eduled for the second Tuesday
every month, Was postponed on
account of the Scarlet Chapter,
which was put on last /Tuesday
evening. WM. John Emerson pre
sided over the meeting. .Plans
were made for the 12th of July
celebration which will be held in
Coderich on Saturday, July 11th.
County Master Claude Dore spokb
on his trip to Grandf Lodge arid ,L
Requested that the brethren pre- .
Mshed to continue on with, the
District Lodge or riot. A vote was
taken which decided the-question
to the negative; Mr. Frank Col
well, Clarence McLennan, Russeli
Hewitt of .Kinloss Lodge were
present and favored With fife and i
drum music*. The Lodge closed
■nduefoi'rn and will meet , again
Oh July .-14th.
~^AZI IInr 17/^*I IT io11 ?■ pf Mrs. 'Frank McQuillin. Roll■ 7*Ar*ylvv.rl . (call, Name a flower and bring
m. . T T?- - --1-th.e- same — io^make " a"~pouqi^-/Phe-/Whitechur^h held i There will be a picnic., lunch. *
its annual picnic <at the school. ]. Thommv Collvpr nf T.iirlmnw
Races and relay races were en
joyed by all. Mrs. Norman,, the:
school teacher was presented X.VMC.»
with a silver creaih -pitcher and | snj children of Hamilton were
sugar bowl on a tray with salt >
and pepper shakers to match. !
Mrs. Norman is leaving this year '
and Mr. McAllister frorn Dun-i
Lthe^same--io--make-~a^bOWuet” f ■—ri—__, ■’
I Thommy Collyer of Lucknow is
l a holiday visitor with Terry Wil-
'son,. ....
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McQuillin
, week-end visitors .with Miss Beat-
j rice and Mr. Wm. McQuillin.
Miss Jessie McChafles of Rip-
gannon is engaged for next veor i guest , last week of
The boys &
j card 'table arid wooden tray Tic-IZ A/rioc t a* vxr
kets had been sold previouslyand Karen Grosko'rth- won the > // A*hlle!d S^ho°! Area after
.(able and Mrs.. J? Conn the tray,h-S Ca“ ls attending summer
Lunch was served and a social]
half hour was spent. .< I
A reception was held in the
Whiitechurch memorial hall for
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Lougheed. Music was supplied by Tiffin’s I
orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Lough-
eed were called to the front after
_ .lunch,—Mil—Er—Dr—Newman~read“
an’ address and Mrs. C.w Mac
Gregor presented them with a
purse of money., Mr. • and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, ( gathering of the congregation on
Mrs.LJ. Falconer, Sr. and Mr! Bert
Coleman all of -Caledon spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore
and other relatives and friends;
Mrs. V. Emerson returned on
Saturday frorh Wingham hospital.
Mrs. Margaret Turner is spend
ing a few weeks in Toronto. /j
I Mr* and Mrs. Cameron Sim- j
mons and daughter Nancy of Lon
don spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mar
tin.' . " >■ '
/ Mr. and MrS; Stanley Moore
and family spent tl?e week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. /Thompson Qf
.Caledon,- . . 1
Rev, Hayward_pxea.che.(L_hisl[
farewell sermon in the United
church on Suriday., At, the. close
of the service Mrs. Hayward was
called to 'the, front .and Clarence
. ' ' • - -4 • - -1 J,-------... 0.
Clifford Laidlaw presented/them
with a'well filled purse of-money i
prior to their leaving for Oak
dale. Both Rev. and Mrs... Hay-'
'ward . replied with ‘words' of.
ihariks and' appreciation, ■. .
Miss Wihnifred Farrier-of Tor-.
; . Mr.' and- Mrs*. Jas.. Henderson^
and . family of. Brantford-j5pentr
the week'-ond with their relative's
heie. , ■ ’ • • ■ -. ''■. ' ' -
Mr* , and Mrs, Walter? Lott are
leaving-this week for. the'■ West
'where • they will Visit their son
in'Calgary. ./ . ’ -■
„ ■■ ■'......... ...............C ■■ r-iiii... ' ' . .
sonali'ty”. ’ . L J
'^•No.' 'wonder. Evorythmgw. ^ho,
has,oh;is charged.’1, , . i
school in Toronto.
Mr. Murray Taylor, Who is
working at St.?Marys for a few
weeks, is home for the Week-end.
There will be no service in the
United Church next Sunday.’ It
is expected that the following
Sunday Rev. E. J.1 Wolland of
Dresden will asstintie nis duties
”as~pastof"here with service: at 11
Rev. S E. Hayward preached
his farewell sermon to au large ‘ gathering of the congregation on
Sunday evening, when he chose
as his text “I have no greater
joy than to hear that my children
Walk in ‘ truth”. After the ser
vice a social hour was enjoyed
when ^rr Lome Woods read an
address of appreciation and good
Wishes to Mr. and Mrs; Hayward
and Mr. Will Webster made the
| presentation of a- purse of money.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Hayward ex
pressed their thanks. They leave
•this week for their new charge
at Oakville.
'J^rold R, Baker is the hew as«-
agri.cti ltural represen tative Huron County, replacing John
' Rnller, who has,, been trans*
to Renfrew county/- Mr.
is. 25 ydars old, single ;and
graduate of OAC, where/ iWalizod- in-animiri'^husban-
e has been assistant ag.ri-
J ^PTSsentaitive ,'i
wrth. county.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher
spent Tuesday evening with-Mr.
Mr. Morley Wall Was at Lon
don Wednesday /having ; taken
Gordon Riley to the' hospital.
. j Miss Marie Edgar, Port Elgin',.
McClenaghan read an address & | spent the week-end' .at her-.home.
’ ■ 1 /Mr.. Don. Donaldson made a.,
trip.by truck to Quebec province
last - week* for a Dion threshing
.sejoarator.’ . ' ' . ;
Mrs. Don Willetts* Guelph,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Dune Thompson. . '
-LMi^is^^R^y-Bewnett, Kij leardiTfT
spent'the week-end with her par-’
,ents< Mr/and ..Mrs.. Archie Bori-
.rrett. >., . ■ ,’Vw• : ■ ■■ ’ ■. . • '•
'/We are sorry- to'report that
Miss Edna, Rbss^has been a pat
ient . -jri • Wingham Hospital for
.’over, two weeks* -Also that Mrs.
Alexx Whytook was iakep to the
hospftai on Sunday. / . : < , ■
-Ma de-TPres,entati()ii-“Tp-Teacher^7'
• The annual school picnic* was
held on* the school grounds Fri
day "afternoon. There Was a long
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