HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 6I, I I ■around the hot corner; i Mann to thrid,. Trying a squeeze "I >. it o-o-o X-.,X V f it; 4 •$: it WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1953 H,. ■ ,....- ' . ■■■ ----;Yi.. .. ■ ■ .->• ■ ’ / Meaford Lucknow’ SPECIAL : District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS Sifda^e iri jtower silds and, B horfzphtal silop1 both below or' above. the .ground' -and also qu.ito "X htthibd^ bi fawners are .phitjhf. up’stacks of silage this year. „ / FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. < COACH 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN I FLEETLINE COACH . J TRUCKS ^-TON PICK-UP / < Was silent last Friday night .in ionnaires edged out az5-3 win akeside nine to run ak to three straight. ArtGilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon PAGE SIX f BARGAIN DAYS FOff} TH® LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 194? Ford Seclap ‘ <$895.00 1S53CHEV. BELAIR COACH, two-tdne ; L 1Y, 1953 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1953 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN/tyvo-tone 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAC COACH ' ( 1952 CHEVt STYLELINE SEDAN 1 V’- > 'THREE 1951 CHEVROLET SEDANS . ■ • >. TWO 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACHES. < ; 1951 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. >1948 DODGE COACH > 1948 CHEV. > 1948 CHEV. I 1946 CHEV. VALUESj 1947 CHEV. ... _ _______ ■ < 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP < ARMY TRUCKS PRICED FOR QUICK SALE j Brussels Motors Huron, County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers < ‘ Cash,. Trade, Terms — . Open Evenings Until 10 ! Cities Service Dealer .... ‘ •—Y Phone 73x, Brussels Grant To Walkerton Hospital A grant of $4,445.75 has been made to* the Bruce 'County Hos­ pital at Walkerton by the Atkin­ son Charitable Foundation. At Walkerton, aid from the Foundation will permit ; the. County of Bruce General Hospi-1 tai to purchase 15 bassinettes, an obstetrical / table and lamp, and I dry equipment; - lowinga 7th inning rhubarb but didn’t follow it through, so it ap- j, pears. Se,em§ that Bob McLean • was on second, On a fly to» left he was on the runway with no intention of attempting to. ad-, i vance following the catch, The return throw to the infield took a pad 'hop and went-out of; the playing field ’with‘McLean going I to third -and on home, First called , rsafe the ump changed his;decis-- I ion and sent him back, , . . * SY’--. . r h e Lucknow .,,.,..^030 0 : 3. :2 , Goderich-...........200 001'009-^3 (6 3 ; .SPORT ..... ' —^-o-b-o^—r,.'t TENTH INNING RUN SENT PORT HOME WITH 2-1 LOSS The “hard-luck” Port Elgin Pontiacs sank lower, into the cel­ lar when Lucknow Legionnaires squeezed out a .2-1 tenth inning victory that stirred up another rousing rhubarb. Plate Umpire Widmeyef and. his running mate had a grim time of it more than once with Port El­ gin doing most of the squawking,: led by the fluent Guy Sparrow. , But while the umps Were boiling m-their- own—oil"the-fans^were- enjoyng.it. • Y A perfect peg to the plate in the 8th inning by Don Haldenby saved .the. game for the Legion-1 naires. Port’s left fielder was hit I by a pitched ball 'and stole sec- ^ondTYAiTj®^^ senOhim tor third and in attempting (to pick h ini off Mann threw into ” left field;. Haldenby retrieved and cut him off with a dead-ceritre: peg to the plate._1'j Y; ' \ ‘ * It was: Lucknow’s 4th straight! Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing and Heating ,Automatic Oil Furnaces In­ stalled—See The Oil ^Ranges.. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, __AirtlS.on^itlbmng^^^l Lucknow Battery On Radio Hughie Hall and Felix Mann, the Legionnaires’ Fastball bat- itery, were interviewed by Tom Rafferty of’ CKNX last Friday. Hughie says he’s been playing ball “for 10 or 11 years, playing his; first ball in Canada on a tour • with'. “The CloWns”. He’s firing 4iis^third-sea'son--for_Lucknow,-af— ter. a one-year lapse last year when he toiled in Port Elgin. I Felix, who is no mean puncher, I claims the * distinction of having l sparred for Ezzard Charles, He [played triple A ball in Buffalo uniform* Y:.- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE—23 pigs, just wean­ ed ; one Ayrshire1’heifer, due sbon. SPORTv.. ■ 1 2 ■ nears, oepms wwJUVENILE BALL TEAM HOLDS ^as on second. On a fly to-left PRIZE DRAW FOR BIKE J’ ~ Members of lhe Lucknow Juv-, enile softball team are currently selling tickets’ on ; a prize-draw for a boy’s or girl’s bicycle. Sec-? end prize is.a softball mitt or a] lovely ~ doll. The . draw ; will be | made at the Lucknow-Formosa I game on Friday, July.47th. cPro^eeds are for equipment for the” bal|.< team. ~ It is the' first time" Lucknow has ever had a, juvenile team entered in the W.O.A.A., and. a promising looking squad has bOen lined, up, which got qff to a good start by winning their, first game last week, garnet Hen­ derson is managing the team. ; • '■ ■ , ' ’ ■ Y ■. * ■ O-0rO LEGIONNAIRES KNOCK OFF LEAGUE HEADERS BY 3-1 Y Three runs in the first , inning ; • ■ of last Wednesday night’s game in Caledonian Park/were all the, ■Legionnaires heeded to knock off ? the leagUe-deading Meaford ’ Knights 3-1. The visitors got their Y'rlone^tallyinthe-7th~ihningy-It- i was their third Y1 oss in a row. [ | Keith FrOeman Was on the * Ymouhd for the visitors: and after [ .1 the disastrous first inning set­ tled. down to pitch one-hit baM the, rest of the way., Russ Jo>hn-< rsfori "waT^ihYriShO^ and went hitless in four trips. Hall was master in the -pinches, although nicked for eight hits and allowed two walks. Highlight of the game was the way Felix TMahm got the Knights frozen To A ($176,000 renovation program i the. bas^s, and with good reason. “ ill include a new elevator,! With one away in the second, Douglas doubled and went to 3rd on a passed ball: Chapman walk -; ed but his attempt to go down to second was cut off so easily by Mann’s bullet-like throwing; that Douglas never Stirred from third. That same pattern- Unfolded more than onde during the game, with the Meafordites . clinging close“to. :the bag. They left nihe men stranded. ' In the bottom Of the first, Tem­ pleman just failed, to beat out a bunt. Harold Greer singled, and Hall drew a pass. Mann^sllshed one to third that caro/ned off Douglas’ arm into left fiefld. Greer scored on a canter arid Hall kept legging it round the sacks and crossed the plate standing up to» beat the throw. MannY pulled up at third and scored .on a passed ball, before Geo. .Westlake singled* but was left stranded after steal-; ing second. ■ , Y 1 ; Meaford got their’s in the 7th. Lome Gardner, playing a neat game - ' ’ / __iT__, threw Freeman out’ at first. Doug­ las singled to right field and when the ball took a bad hop on“ Morley Chin, kept going all the way to third. He scored after Temple^man made a nice running catch of Chapman’s fly to left centre. ■ ■ • • ' In the 8th Meaford threatened againt Freeman was on third arid Douglas “frozen’ 'on 1 st, 1 when Hall struck. Out Chapman to re­ tire * thp side. In the_9fh i,t was three up and three down in short order. ’. . " \ Y . Y 1 '■ ” .. ■ - . r h e ...090 001 000—1 8 2 ...300 000 OOx—3 3 3 0^0-p- scrub-up Sinks., _ ' The hospital; with 36 beds, senves some 13,000 people in rural JBruce county. It was established 75 years ago and - the present ISuiKlmg ’wascompleted in T903Y will ........ _. _______ steam generating plant and laun- pHTSBURG^ proof house paint Most important Paint Advancement in ZS^years • New Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint produces a film of unusual whiteness. STAYS WHITER LONGER ’ It will not discolor or darken frdm cogl smoke or industrial gases. . It’s self-cleaning,'too—removes surface dirt. Years of extensive exposure tests under many types of climate conditionsrfromstfong^nlighrafld^ fume areas, have proved the superiority of this new formula over ordinary house paint. . » : ' : . : Come in and ask us about new Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint. , JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED ' ‘ ^udtCNWi -oNfe ' y* ■' : ■: ■ ' Y' ■■ .' z, v * ’PHONE 150 ' | Port Elgin HALL STOPS MILEY AS ‘ LEGIONNAIRES WIN AGAIN . The potent bat of Shelley Miley ■was silent last Friday night .in Goderiph, as the Lucknow Leg- over the their wi Milej^weht hitless in four trips, although" Justice got two of God­ erich’s six hits. , The Legionnaires' again fash­ ioned’their victory on three hits, one of them a timely circuit clout ^n^he^th4nning-hy-the-rampag“ ing .George . Westlake. Hughie Hall was aboard via an error. Goderich got/Off to a two-run form, although he got off to 8 shaky start when Port 'bunched two, of their hits, a double by^ to scofe what looked like a big run as the game proceeded with­ out further scoring untirithe 6th. Sparrow struck out ten men and had retired the first 15 men to face him; Mor ley ^Chin came up in the 6th and drew a walk.. In an attempted steal the ballYgot away on Bates at second and Chin went for third. The umps both on their way to the hot corner, conferred on the play and called j Morley' safe.: That started Guy i stampeding from one to the other until the watch was: pulled on I him arid pldy resumed. Sparrow I promptly lost; his own ball game/- by taking Paterson’s sacrifice ana ! heaving high to first with Chin.| scoring.::'/ ■ ; ] Came the 10th and Manri^beat | out an infield roller -and stole second. Westlake popped. to sec-1 vlIt, ici;3L .vvccrL rtI( UC1 in/mc Mann to thrid.. Trying a squeeze 1^/- ttih play Lorne started .for second and 'Mann got trapped' between ithird and home. In racing for the plate McNeil was (bowled over. He held the ball momentarily be­ fore dropping it arid the whole team isurged in on^ him. Wid- meyer ruled. that Mann was out but due to port’s impulsiveness, time wasn’t calledr’artd at the whole Port infield moved in to- Ward the plate, Gardner circled the bases and scored the winning ’■run. ; ■' .' Y; ‘ ' The Legionnaires have became masters at winning ball garhes with but few hits. Sparrow limit­ ed them (to: two bingles. . . ' 'Th;e-i L ....100 Q00 000 0—1 6. 3. Lucknow ...000 001 000r . • -—-0-0-0 ___ ______ ~ [ Apply 7 to *WIlTred Farrish, R. .7, win, and Hall was again in super ] Lucknow, phone 82-r-16; Duh- Y | HAY FOR SALE—16 acres' of (standing timothy. Thos’.-MacDon~- aid, iR. 3, LucknoW.; LANGSIDE NORTH A very sucdessnrrschodl^cnrc^r7 Was : held on Friday afternoon. The teacher, Mr.Wayne ; John­ ston, was in charge of a full pro­ gram of races and contests. Mrs. . Peter G. Moffat received the prize ,f0f ‘ the oldset present: and Mur­ ray Moffat, son of Mr. and Mrs: ! David Moffat, the youngest, i The Y.P.Sk met at the home’of . . j Mr. and; Mrs. Frank Miller on Friday evening. Rev. Currig was Y in charge of the topic.:: < , ; Mr, F. G, Moffat attended’ the 4 . Craik-Drape wedding at Niagara.-' cn-the-Lake on Saturday and also . visited friends • in Toronto arid Hamilton, * Miss. Doleana Orr of London, spent last week at her home. of West Hiir spent Tuesday night with Mr,.and Mrs. Parish. Moffat. , Mrs. Bob Brown and Garry of London visited With Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans.- “ Mrs; Clark Johnston, Linda & Janet visited wiith Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Tiffin. ’ . The members of TeesWater Mission Band were guests of the Langside Mission Band on Mon­ day at the church. The* leader,/ Mrs, Charlie Tiffin presided over the program and presented the flannelgiraph . of “Jesus arid His DescipleS'’!. Recitations .We're- giv­ en by Nancy .Scott, David Wall,Y . Marion Wall and. Janet John­ ston ; d trio, Myrtle. Crowstori, • Colleen Tiffin and Shirley Scott sang “Children of Jerusalem”. , ■ Marion. Scott, p'oris Moffat, AudY ,. I fey Young, Cecdlia Crowston, Joe ■.... ; / Past’ W^k^n^sirtts ■;'' . Lucknow 3, Meaford 1 Hanover 6, Port" Elgin 4/ • Goderich- 8, Kincardine 3 Meaford 5j Hanover. 0 - Lucknow 5, Goderich 3 . Walkerton 3, Port Elgin 1 Goderich 4, Meaford J2 (13 in- hings) , . Lucknow 2, Port Elgin 1 Kincardihe 3, Hanover 0 1 ? ;——O-o-o------' . THE STANDING ; -T/(Dichidijrg^^ •Walkerton Meaford *'i rey Young, Gecelia Crowston, joe Ahrie Connelly and Donna Mol7-7-- • fat saiig “A Mi&sionai’y Hytrm’Y • . Rev, R, D. A, GUfrU gave a. very inter esting talk on “The Value of Life”. Mrs. .Wesley Young read the scripture and Mrs. Bert; Mof- fait. gave the closing prayer. Mrs Wm. Scott presided at -the organ. Mrs. Gordon., .Wall, conducted games and contests. Lunch was served in the-church basement. / ' HURONCROPREPORT jump id the first inning with a ’ Kincardine and'a passed Balt Lucknow wentlLuckhow ahead in: the second with th^ee [Hanover .... runs 'when Patterson got on by] Port Elgin '4!' ’ - ;r— Giames^Cbmihg Up ' '. WaS ^16M€T.s{^hlyY^ii'tiCkhpW. ait Meaford !i ’ Goderich entered a protest fol-July 8-^Gojerich at Lucknow couple of hits, ;a pair Of errors /Goderich and a passed Ball. Lucknow went I Luckhow ahead in the second with thfee [Hanover . an erro,. Gardner and Hanna bunched -a-pair--of- hits and Hah W L 8 4 9 5 9 5 8\ 5, ' S'" '5 3 9 2 Ii • (By G. W. Montgomery). ‘ A considerable quantity Of ex­ cellent hay., was stored on Mon- ( day arid Tuesday Of last week • however. heavy rain Tuesday night further delayed haying op-‘ ■ erations -in the’conventional m a n her.. More farmers than ever be- Pct. .667 .643 :643 .615 .509! .250 '........................................._____r. - .150 fore in the counfy are putting up b. [fetr Rak 1I! «e’ < re