The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1953 , THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Lyceum Theatre > wingham'. < Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 -dly i, 2Wednesday, JAMES MAS^^, DANIELLE DARRIEUX ' >• ' ■ — in —..... FIVE FINGERS ---------J—-----------------—-------------------------------- ...............................■-;------- Friday, Saturday, July 3, 4 PETER LAWFORD, JANE GREER . — in — YOU FOR ME MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, July 6, 7 RORY CALHOUN, GENE TIERNEY . in Way of a Gaucho Wednesday, Thurs., July 8, 9 Lana Turner, Kirk Douglas '■ in ’ . “THE bad and the „..^.:BEAlJTIFUL’fc-“--:^7”’- 4 • ft- CHtJRCH NEWS f!* f^ve ; V PAGE* ..........."" ■*<"■ •'........ —....... pres., presided for the devotional exercises and business. After singing "Breath on me Breath of . God”, Mrs. M. Sanderson read the scripture .and Mrs. Vernon Hunter gave a reading On the scripture theme. The picnic was discussed and..owing to the<S.S, picnic To’be held this ’ThurjSday- the. Auxiliafry picnic ..Will/be Jul^ 9th at Mrs. Capa Thompson’s c(Jl tage; Amberley . Beach. Reports ■ werej. given, .afnd;. 'Miss/ Margaret’ - Rae read .an", innferesting letter from Miss Nancy Edwards, / our missionary in ' Newfoundland., .Mrs. Armstrong Wilson then took charge of' the /program including a reading by Mrs. Couse, and a vocal duet <by Mrs; O. Jones arid. Mrs; J. ^Armstrong. MrsT . H. R; Allip gave some interesting facts, pertaining to histprical and* re­ ligious .history of |he Coronation ceremony. A report of the Presr bytery of South Bruce which met at Southampton was prepared by Mrs. K. C. Murdie and read by Mrs. A. Wilkon.’phe hobby sale was conducted with Mrs. Harvey Webster acting Us auctioneer; Lunch, wasiserved and Mrs. Nel- son Bushell molved the vote of thanks to the hostess and com­ mittee. d J ■N^ The PLAYHOUSE ■\r"• ' '•" ■ ' .. ,/ ’■ r . .■ . South Kinloss F. & F. Group The ® Faith, and «, Fellowship Group of South Kinloss Presby- terian- Church- met at the home of Mr. and Mrs.’Herb Buckton with a .large attendance, The opr ening hymn 126 was followed by the. Lord’s'jprayer in unison. Joan Hamilton,acting as. secretary, read the^. minutes.. Mack MacDon­ ald gave the treasurer’s..ireporti. Mack'•:;M^cDohald',”’Mr-i. L- Mac­ Dougall^ Mrs; D, L. MacKirtnori, Mrs;: H, Lavis arid, Mrs. H Camp- 1 ■' ~ for the weiner rpasLon June. 27th at Mr. and. Mrs. L^ Macpougall’s. The annual picnic is to be held at Poplar Beach on July, 2nd. The theme of the program, was “Our Nation” and scripture readings containing”'the word nation or dominion were given by Mrs. T. MacKenzie, . Mrs. H. Lavis, .Mar­ ion Buck ton, Joan Hamilton, Margaret.'Baulch, .Mrs; G. Hamil­ ton, -Mrs. Baulch, Mrs. P. Steer, Amelia Carruthers, . Ruth Steer, G. -Hamilton,. Bob Gilchrist, Mack JVLacDo n a 1 d- -an d -J-i-m—fcav is .Rev Baulch gave the, meditation on the subject of our nation and the church’s duties to our nation. He -also gave -a talk on the churcb functions across the sea which he heard at the (^eperal^Assernbly- Hynrin:"6~49 "was; sung ollowed^by. the film, . The Royal Tour. The mizpah benediction, followed by lunch closed this meeting. United Church Evemi^ AjixiliarjL The-June? meeting :of the Ev- ; was held at the home of Mrs. L. Ash- ; ton. Mirs: T. A. MacDonald, vice bell were appointed to .arrange Tap urAiv>nrjit RUNNING ALL THIS WEEK ’*’** . * ■ • / . ■ * •;10 ■f 1 PAISLEY has signed a contract for $26,000 for the installation, of. artif iciaricerTf is- estimated th atartniciai ice. lv.ib e^iinaveu uicu • Aiiviriarv tn W M q the total cost of the project will* .7,*:... . . * „ ’■ f- run to $29,500. Group II of the W. A. The June meeting; of Group II, of- the - Woman’s 'As’sociation wais held at the home of Mrs. J. W. Joynt with 21 members and three visitors present. Mrs. Kenn Cameron occupied the chair. Mrs. Harold Treleaven gave the scrip- -ture and medjtatibn and led in prayer. The- roll call was answer­ ed with each member telling what they were making or had ft I I I 7 I ( TIMKEN //u/(r/naffc OIL HEAT <23 FREE SURVEYS ANO; ESTIMATES BURNERS • OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELEk and SON, Phone 426, Wingham JE a o to S i ■ -» * 1 > n**SLrW 7 \ > i , e KPORTj’’ / W.' X ■ 4 FARM NEWS EDITOR C F P L. DIA L 9 80 LONDON V. »« A beauHfUL panorama of historical importance revealed be-. fore yodr .«yes^in technicolor/ See the big parade ahd the „Coronation ceremoniesjn the Abbey. A must for everyone, and. for the first time "north of London—at regular prices. 1st show at 7-.00— 2nd show at 9.30. 1 And fdfr your added enjoyment—. - ‘‘LET’S GO NAVY” with the Bowery Boys SATURDAY MATINEE At 2 15 p^-Doors open at 2 pan. ; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 6, 7; 8 GENE KELLY — A Q.I. on a wild adventure, PIEf^ ANGELI — A girl who said M am no angel? — but The Devil Makes Three A story of crime and nassion.—————— COUNCIL MINUTES TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS Kinloss Municipal Council met in the Hall, June 1st, .1953, AIL membefsnpfeserii/^ Percy-Murray: that the minutek of the regular meeting of May special meeting of May as^fead be approved and oKinnon: that the live, stfrfk claim f “Win. Carter be paid. Moffat-McKinnon: that' Clar---------—Moffat-McKinnon: that1 Clar- made for the fall bazaar. Mrs^ ence McClenaghan be billed for $16.00, his share. Gaunt Drain Re­ pair. ■ Percy-Murray:, that the Clerk look up the Carrick Drain, Award re cleanout asked for by Hugh Simpson. . Percy-Murray: that' Councillors McKinnon and Moffat be com­ mittee to. contact the Wallenstein tile yard re tile required for mun­ icipal drains. * : •, Moffat-McKinriom/that the re­ port on the Elliott Drain in Huron Township be read on June 12th at 8.30 p.m. • . Percy-Moffat: that the consid­ eration of the Royal Oak Drain Report, adjourned from the spec­ ial meeting of May 19th, „be re-. sumed. After discussion with ratepayers and in response of the ’petitioners withdrawing 'their | names from the petition, and pay- j ing expenses incurred to dafe^. supplies, 15.97; Municipal World* supplies, 15.64; Alliste’rHughes^ fox bounty, 6.00; Win. Colwellr fox bounty, 6.00; Wesley Ybung, fox^ib,ounty-,^2<OO^Ted^G014yer7Tox bounty, 4.00; Donald McFarlan, fox bounty, 3.00; Dr. W. G. Bruce, dentaT clinic Work, 7.50; H. H. Bannerman, work on Gaunt drain, 31.50; Farish Moffat, insp, Gauntsdrain, _ 6.00; Saugeen—Vr-Cr A., 1953 leivy, 75.67; ;>JrR. Lane, 'unemployment stamps. 6.48; share grant Ross Drain—-Stewart Mc­ Gillivray 3,13, Markwohnston 11.91, George; Colwell. 13.47, Rich* ard Elliott 390.06, Archie Bonnett 124.69, P. A. Murray 15.04, John Ross 13.47, Harold Percy 54.51,; Treas. Qo. Bruce 35.09, Treasurer .Kinloss T\vp. 111.54; rebate de­ benture No. .1, Ross drain—-Ed Frieburger 7.05, John Robb 5.09,. Mrs. J. Murray .88, Miss Belie Ross 6.26, John - McInnis 3.20, Maurice Hodgins 5.8Q Dan- Mc­ Innis 5.49, Eldon Eckenswijder ^72; Mrs. Adam Stumpf, June relief, 100.00; R. C. McClenaghan, work on Gaunt drain, 3.00; Mrs. James Smith, caretaking, 7.18; relief, 90.00; treas. Twp. Kinloss, share exp. Royal Oak drain, 34.00; Jas; A- ’ Howes, engineer’s fee Royal Oak drain, 450.00; J. R/Lane, clerk’s fees Royal Oak drain, 45100; . Donald McKay, Huron, clerk’s fees Royal Oak drain, 35.00; Elmer Daniel, Kincardine^ clerk’s fees Royal Oak drain, 35.00: J ^JEL-X a n e.—li v dr o---a t--:hal lT 7.29. ' Highway cheques: Pay Roll No. 6, $404.60; B-A Co., fuel oil, '40.95; King Bros., gravelling, 176.30; .Rosco Metail Co., culverts, 149H2; Dominion Road Mach. Co., re­ pairs, 150.71; Dept, of Highways, gas tax, .23.10; W. C. Becker Co., repairs, 28.90; H, H. Bannerman, bulldozing & gravelling, 3359.00; Armco ^Drainage Co., culvert, 98.00. ' J. R; LANE, Clerk. Roy Alton gave a fine "report of the activities of: the Cheerio com­ mittee. After the business period Mrs. Roach took- charge of the following program, the theme be­ ing “The Bride”. Mrs. Lawrence McLeod gave an interesting read­ ing pn the tradition of the bride’s gown, veil, etc. and Mrs. H. Rit-J ch’ie on “Somebody’s going to be married”. A pleasing solo was. rendered by Mrs. Roibt. Andrew of Lis towel; Mrs, Geo. Andrew gave an interesting paper on “Thoughts for our summer vaca­ tion”. Miss Margaret . Rae rend­ ered a solo and Mrs, Harvey Web­ ster .gave an-> amusing reading. Mrs; • MeDiarmid tendered a vote of thanks to the hostess. A bridal contest was conducted by Mrs. Sam Alton and a social hour, fol­ lowed. i Ashfield Presbyterian W;M.S. —-The~June meeting of the Ash-” | field WM.S. was held at the home' ] of Mrs. RuSsell Bissetf Mrs. Hugh McKenzie^ was in charge of the program. Mrs? Duncan McKenzie offered 'prayer. Anna Mae Mc­ Donald read the scripture lesson. Mrs. D, A. MacLean called ,the roll, answered by a question and answer from the Shorter Cate­ chism. Mrs, H. MacLean read, the 4th chapter, from the study, book on African Life. -Mrs. Neil G, McKenzie gave a good report of, the Maitland Presbyterial at Whitechurch. Mrs. Wm. McDon­ ald read a paper x on--“The En­ during Crown” which dealt with dealt with- the . Coronation. The president,” Mrs. Wilson, thanked Mrs. Neil. G. McKenzie, for her report. All present signed, a card to foe sent to Mrs. Jack MacKen- zie who is receiving treatment in W4ctbrra—-Hnspitalr”London. The meeting ' closed, by singing the mizpah benediction. There were 35 present- and Mo visitors, Mrs. Moncrief and Mrs. McKeith from Bfitfeh Columbia..:.. Olivet W.M.S* The June meeting of the Olivet W.M.S. was held at the home of Mtfs/ Alex McTavish. Mrs. Oliver' McCharles presided' for, the open­ ing portion Of the meeting. Mr^.; perance Report. Mrs. Alex Mc- Tavish, convener for the meet­ ing,: took charge of the remainder of the program. After the sirtging of a' hymn, Mary Roulston read the scripture and meditatiofi. Mrs. John McCharles sang, a pleasing solo. Mrs.' Alex McTavish read a letter from Miss Edythe Clarke. Mrs. Dl A. Brydon giajve a talk on .“Ad venturing in the Bible0. v Mrs. MoThvish 'ciosed the meeting with prayer. Lunch vvas served and a 1 the report -of .the Engineer be abandoned. ' . . Murray-Moffat: that we now adjourn to meet again on July 6th, 1953, x\ \ Cheques ^issued: Wm.' Carter, livestock claim, $12.00; John D. McLeod, insp. above, 2.IQ; John Downey, W.F, operator, 90.00; Or­ ville Elliott" W.F. tractor man, 156.00; Ed Thompson, W.F. iri- speetpr, 156.15; Geo. Hiltz, W«F, •S* i . ’ i f < CANADA b‘social hour enjoyed.,t ■ ■ K ■ ' »' ■ 1 •tJ COME IN AND SEE IT NOW IN STOCK ih Phone 150| Lucknow I The New “Berry” An all steel garage door complete with overhead hardware. Total weight only 125 pounds. This door combines the smoothest of Action .with the strength heeded for the roughest kind of abuse. Ontario j ■ - ■ ■ i