HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 4t a »■* „;4 I FREE .< LOST—in Lucknow on Saturday evening, a parcel containing, pair of elastic stockings. Finder please' leave at Sentinel Office^ . * < / _ FOR SALEr—Boman garden trac- tors/Have one xm;, display now. Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 2i)6-r-ll, Lucknow. WANTED — Girl for general (housework, middle aged prefer­ red, surroundings, good, wages. Phone 58 or call at Express Office. FOR SALE—1933 Chevrolet se­ dan, good condition. Wilfred Pit­ man, Lochalsh, phone Ripley 12-r-4 or Dungannon 62-16. FOR SALE — 4-year-old black mare, about 1300 Jibs.; Well brojc- / en; also good rubber tired buggy. Eldon Ritchie, R. 3, Lucknow.;• /LOST—ring of keys last Wed- 7™^esday^/Finder v plegseJ leave™ at Sentinel Office. '■/' FOR SALE — Allis Chalmers model C tractor iri good shape; and. general purpose horse; Ed Moore, Whitechurch; APARTMENT FOR RENT—Ap- ply at The Playhouse; phone 160. PIGS FOR SALE—11 pigs, i ei%ht . “ : weeks old/ Wm. /. Button, Luck- - /now. ’ FOR SALE—house and lot, mod* ^jern. conveniences. For informa- tion phone 142-R Lucknow. • ‘ r -- ■ ■ --/■, ■ .■ -'j r-// . ' WANTED—200 square bales of • ™^redcloyer..or.--gao(i..mixed„hay. . Jack England, R..6, Lucknow.. APARTMENT FOR RENT—avail­ able, heated. Gamniie ApartT ments/ . ‘ . •’ ;; PAGE WB FOR SALE — electric washing (machine. Phone 206-r-2, Luck- ■ now.: * \ RADIO FOR SALE—one year old, life new to sell less than half price .Can be seen at B-A Garage. fi? > I ■« THE. LUCIOW SB^^ ONTARIO I CARD OF THANKS Mrs.'Chris Cooke wishes to sin­ cerely thank all those who re- membered her while 'in the hos- p'ital, and -to also thank friends and neighbors who were , so kind and helpful while in the/hospital arid since returning home. All ^heg'e thoughtful acts were, much appreciated.. ' , The family of the late Mrs. Isa&c .Andrew wish to most sin- derely , thank friends and neigh­ bors for all their kind acts dur­ ing Mrs. ^Andrew’s illness and for their thoughtfulness and sym­ pathy at the. time of their be­ reavement; . - < /. Dave and Elva, Edith, Alfred and Mabel, Gordon and Jessie. J COMING EVENTS | F AL ACE GARDENS, FORMOSA . ‘Bund'ky, July-5th,the feature attraction will be the St. Andrew Highlander Band of Mount For­ est. Junior boys and'girls in full dres^/ '■ ■ ?, ■' *■ ■/•. ■ *■ . ; ' PRESBYTERIAN PICNIC . The > Presbyterian Church an­ nual, congregational and- Sunday School picnic will be held -on Harbor Park, Goderich. Bus -will ;leave churcti at’1,15 p;m. Those wishing transportation contact Innes MacSween, convener of Transportation Committee. ’ ORANGE CHURCH PARADE Dungannon local Orange Lodge No, J324 will hold, their annual church service On Sunday, July 5th at 7.30 p.m. in Dungannon United Church. Rev. Geo. Watt will /deliver the address.. Special music. Visiting Orangemen invit­ ed to meet at Orange Hall at 7.15 for parade. All others invited. I I I 1- Yj > +'■ A .*■'*.*• -■ ■ WEDNESDAY, JUMP IsV 1953 .■ I?TS--r-r;--; ' ,',7,TT .Mi : .'4 f 1 :'r. *p ■J.X if FOURTH CONCESSION CAMERONr—In losing memory of a dear son and brother, Glen, L, Cameron, of Powassan, who pass­ ed away July 5th, 1952. . Gone but not forgotten. - —Sadly’missed^by-FatherrMoth-/ er, -Sister and Brother. - FORv SALE—one horsepower 60 cycle electric motor, re-built, guaranteed, $65.00. Haldenby El­ ectric, Kinlough. FOR SALE—cement septic tanks,1 approved by the Health Unit. We. deliver them/ Forster’s Welding Shop, phone 206-r-ll, Lucknow: FOR SALE—McCaskey cash reg­ ister, used one year, like pew, reasonably priced, callz at Hal- denby Electric, Kinlough, or phone Ripley 18-20. ------2 —2^.—■■■■—— 7 PERSONALIZED ITEMS Have just received the agency fer—personefized" napkins-, coast-- ers,7 pencils, matches, stationery, business cards ndvelties, etc. A phone call will bring the samples to youi door. / DON THOMPSON, phone 33 or 35 BRAY PULLETS. Dayolds; Arid some started. Immediate shipment for quickf ordering. Your Bray ’broiiers’^TOr^TAugust^eptember should be oh order now too. Ask us for summer particulars. • D; R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ■ singeiTspecials •' r”. Used electric (portable Sewing Machines from* $60.00 up. Limit­ ed, .quantity. Ail^imachines guar­ anteed. For a home demdhstratipn phone 403’or write Box 306, Han­ over; or call Robert Armstrong, phone 198; Lucknow. Mrs. W. G. MacKenzie .was a patient in St. Michael’s Hospital recently. ‘ ■' ■ ■ ’'■; '■ T-~ . Week-end .euests with Mr.'and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald included Mr. and Mrs. ~ B/ Gangster and family of Toronto and Miss Mar­ garet ^MacDonald of Sarnia. ; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Townson & family of Sudbury are spending their ..vacation with Mr. arid Mrs.- L. Maclver and Mr. and Mrs. I. Dickie and family.’ Mrs. DL. MacKinnon left on Monday for a trip to the: West; Mrs. Cruickshank and daughter arid Mr. Rennie Graham of. Tor­ onto and Mr. & Mrs. Angus Gra­ ham . of Lucknow visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs Allan Graham. Advertising doesn’t a cost ?— it pays! ' ■' . . : 7 ■' i i MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Reef killed under from the Department pf Highest quality meat. .prices., ■ /license Health. Lowest - '"J RaynardAckert7~Holyroodr Phone 24:30 Ripley. CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can. Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-iO JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY* Phohe 20-r-23 r G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office Uh Patrick St;,, just pff the Main St. in • ' . WINGHAM . ProfesMcmM Eye. Examination Optical Services ’ zEveiyUKs by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res? 5.^ £ JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 , ,J Ray or Night' Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate prices I MacLEMNAN and 1 MaOHZIE r^^FUNERAIT-SERVtCE—“ Services conducted accord- ihg to your wishes at your . Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional; charge; ■/ / ■ .• \ , AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night /.. Agnews’ Agency Howard Agnew ~-: Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario: Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over -30 Years Ago Telephones: / Business 39 ' Residence 138 ,T DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN ; Hay elock St., south of Supertest Garage * ' ^uckno w Telephone 175 \ businessand TAX SERVICE monthly audits . ' For The ''' • Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. ’ S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block .’Phone 23>w / ^t.lARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR' APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 I /For. ' '< , Appointment or Information Sfe Win. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow .. INSURANCE EIRE, WIND, CASUALTY - AUTOMOBILE ’ ' ■' AND LlifiE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. j. A. McDONAGH ’ ; R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon : R. W/ ANDREW Barrister arid Solicitor ONTARIOLISTO1 IN LUCKNOW STANDING HAY FOR SALE—16 / acres of timothy and. 18? acres of red clover. Richard Baker, Luck- / .now. .:/•■,?" .. f ■: FOR SALE — Peerless threshing separator, 36x527 equipped /with : new Mildmay grain thrower arid pipes, one year old; also new cylinder, and concave teeth. This ‘ machi , .good rurinj for $300 or best offer.‘E. G. ,25inn & Sons, R. J,. Dungannon, phone . 14-f-IiKr’'*r'"^ > -..— ood belts and in order. Will be sold ..IMPLEMENTS, ETC., .FOR. SALE - McCormickrDeering ’ separator, ,1 arge capacity; double hay rake; fanning mill, with all kinds of screens; Cpckshutt fertilizer drill, size 13; McCormick binder, walk­ ing plow, logging chain and . toftglj 2 canthooks, sugar kettle and pan. Many other articles. . \ Mrs. C. Weatherhead, R. 2, Luck- * now, phone 42-r-2. . FREE — FREE A Beautiful 20x40 Bedroom '/ 'R®?'.' ■ ■ From Factory to you. Yes, we will give you, ’ absolutely free, a gift of a matching rug with each purchase*?)? our Lux­ urious Cofdurby Chenille Bed­ spread. This is the spread that has thousands of- velvety tufts which completely coyer the spread. Nov< bn safe for $6.99 each, sent. C.O.D. plus. postage; In all ; shades, in both single and double bed sizes. With either multi-colofed or solid; same color patterns on top; First, quality; A truly remarkable buy, when ydu 4jphsider> that you. get* a irug worth $3 aS a free gift^tO match. Im­ mediate money-back guarantee. • ■ Box 904, Place D’Armes, „ ; * ; Montreal, Que. MOTOR MECHANIC SERVICE Due to: increased police safety check on cars, why not avail yourself of a custorri service/I goffer LIVESTOCK WANTED -—^Deadr-disabled-hotses-or-cows- rentoved ''free of charge. For prompt and efficient service >•' call “STONES” colfect Ingersoll ’ 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. am now in a position t<>«pfl you. Motor Overhaul and intake Jobs a specialty, backed by^ 25 years’. experience. Drop in, let’s discuss it. ’ . ELECTRIC MOTORS ^general ‘repairs*’ re-winding, cleaning, , brushes, bearings, etc, Electric' appliance repairs. Efficient set- vice,reasOnablerates;*HAROLD HALDENbY, Kinlough, phone Ripley 18-20, / ’ . / . FORAGE HARVESTERS , Fox Forage Harvester, with quick change . harvester unit, now being solely distributed by zthe Waterloo. Manufacturing, Cd., Waterloo, and -sold by George Wraith, Goderich. Come in apd see, the most iripdernt Forage Har- /vestet" bjOhe,fhd0OET'^ -on the market.......... ..... GEORGE WRAITH Rhone 1285 or 931-r-3 Goderich r‘ . ' 'X’ • I AM PURCHASING BOARS AND MEAT HORSES Boars at 20c to 12c per lit liveweight. . LEROY ACHESON . Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect "or contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW ’ ■.'' ' , ■ ... . INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance / /'^^ Ecohomical arid Reliable. Every Wednesday and Satyrd Afternoon OffiMjiT the Joy nt Block Telephone: “effire-rlJS^^Hesidericrai^ L- / T. A. CAMERO . LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon I P. Stuart Mackenzie ROY N. BENTLEY ■:/:jy7:..7;;'//: ■. 1 Kensington Ave., LONDON, ONTARIO Phone 2-9152 ; 7 STATE FARM MUTUAL insurance Investigate Before Investing / ' REUBEN. WILSON .3t GndeTiah ............... Phone 80i-r-8 Dungannon ‘i&ii v i. I Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at .Wroria’s Jewellery store, Ripley; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., THURSDAY, JULY 2nd ^nd^everjL^econd-Wednesdayv- Eyes examined i Glasses fitted For ‘'appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley*/ WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been Memorial -—Craf tsmeruFor-Th i r t-y-F-ive—- Years, Always Using ■■ TSE BE'st .hRA^iT-ES' • . ■*/;Along With :■ *' ’ . Expert Designing and Workmanship. - - Prices Most Reasonable ■ Cemetery Leiierihg a Specialty //r/'-a: spoftbN/- Phone 256, Wingham. OriUHb Barrister and Solicitor walkerto^o^tario IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R. $. Hetherfoston, Q.L Barrister, Etc. . Wfrighani and Lucknow Eatli Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground . floor in the front of ’ John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham f Office 48 « Residence 67Ottice 48 Insure Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. 7 ■ .. fdir \ y" . ", Reasonable rates, sound pro* tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims PARISH MOFFAT Your Local■ Ageift . . R, & Teeswater. ’ _ ’Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 V * t . .’t . ' •