HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-07-01, Page 2WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 1953THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW5, ONTARIOPAGE TWO PROGRESSIVE •A (CONSERVATIVE ♦J* WOLF-CUBS Robinson ; Lester Burden, Marie Duncan, Bob Gilchrist,, for the Riding of Bru<^. ♦ , announces with pleasure that he is your ? GIFTS PRESENTED PRIOR TO LEAVING HANOVER , * Miss Helen Thompson was the “Helen Thompson, in appreciation [ Duncan Simpson Of Kintail and CANDIDATE j I Kirkland; Team Player: Fraser Ashton, Alan Chin, Paul Hender­ son, Donald Kirkland, Gary Rit­ chie; Observer: Bill Andrew; Gardner: Bill Andrew; Cub In? structor: Alvin Baker, , Arnold Hartford, jBilll Ritchie^_:_______ , The final standing in the Tn ter - Six competition was indeed close which goes to show what keen competition existed Throughout the year:. Reds 2298 points; Whites,^2293 points; Greys, 2274 "points; Tarvhys, 2137=points“ ““ Each member of the Red Six was presented with a comic book, and Sixer Bill Andrew received the Honor Award Pennant for their achievement. Members of the Red. Six were Sixer Andrew, Second Gary Ritchie and Cubs Bob Andrew, Tom Rathwell, Paul Emberlin and ROh Abridge. T_he winners of the indoor floor hockey schedule were presented Wjth Cub diaries. They were the White Six under Sixer Fraser Ashton, Second George Gibson, and Cubs Evan Agnew, Frank My r die, Kenneth Jones, Thom Collyer and Paul Henderson. In the Sunday School attend­ ance contest 5 Cubs had perfect attendance of ,35 Sundays and were suitably awarded with plas­ tic book marks andscripture , folder. They were John and Bill Andrew, Fraser Ashton, George Humphrey and Kenneth Jones. The award for the best Coron­ ation album went to Evan Agnew, with Fraser Ashton, Donald Kirk­ land, Ronnie Attridge and Gordon McNay receiving honorable men­ tion. Worthy of mention is the per­ fect attendance at Cubs of Mur­ ray Hunter and Gary Ritchie- , The following are the present tations and awards made at the Parents/ Night meeting on June 17th, which served to mark the close of meetings until Septem- jJber..__“2_• :... . V ..........;■•••• Service • Stars •< ■ Fourth year,. Fraser Ashton; 3rd year, Alan Chin, Bob Hob­ kirk, Gary Ritchie, Evan Agnew, ----BiR. .Andrew, -Franklin - Mur die; second , year, John Andrew, Bob: Andrew, Thom Collyer, Raul Emberlin; 1st year, Bob Hunter, Qary MacDonald,. Ken­ neth MacDonald, Alan Mowbray, Tom Rathwell, , Rae Thomson, Tom Wasney, Murray Hunter,- Kenneth Jones, George Gibson. ' — ’ • ■ ./• ‘ • .• ‘ u- Proficiency Stars . First star: John Andrew, Bob Andrew, Murray Hunter, Ronnie Attridge, Bob Hdriter, Donald Kirkland, George Humphrey; Tom Wasney, Kenneth Jones, Paul Henderson, Thom Collyer; ‘ George Gibson, Patil Emberlin, Evan Agnew, Franklin Murdie, Jack Button, Bill Andrew, Fraser Ashton, Alan Chin, Gary Ritchie; •2nd star, Fraser Ashton, Franklin Murdie^ BilLAndrew._____- Proficiency Badges ■y Collector: Bill ’/Andrew, John Ashton, Donald with 32 meetings being held. I tf , I I (' % I V reliable information and sound advice. Today hecan do more for you than .ever before — T services and accumulated knowledge built PRE-NUPTIAL EVENTS FOR JUNE BRIDE •’COME RIGHT IN” werp guesrs ana piv- seMed the bride-elect with a tri- through the wider contacts, the specialized When you walk into a bank ' manager’s office, you look to him for THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY new, berlin, PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS (Names in alphabetical order) ROOM IV From Giradc VIII to Gradf EK Honors: Teddy Collyer, Paul Couse,. Bill Fisher, Bill Kennedy, Bill Marshall,’ Tom Pritchard, Ruth Steer. P Reyta- C ■Roy ........... .............. . Georjge | Habkirk, , Donna John^ : stoji/lan Marshall, Pick Murme, Mabel . tanleyf Elizabeth .Ann Webster,. Jim Wilson. From Grade VII to Grade VIII Honprs; Sara Jane ■ Bannister, . Shirley Irwin, Shjrley MacLure, Qprald Mowbray, «Jim Petersen, Donald Reid. Pass; Betty Arm­ strong, Eugene Gardner, Alvin Hodgins, Melvin Hodgins, Bob Ir­ win, Mae Ketchabaw, Bill Miller, Donna Miller, Eddie Percy, Eldon Wraith. , ' Stuairt E. Collyer. ROOM HI From Grade 6 to Grade 7 Honors: Fraser Ashton, Billy Buckton, Marion Biickton, Alan Chin, Angus Cline, Joan Craw­ ford, Betty Habkirk, Joanne Hu'n- : ter, Jack .Kennedy, Jean Mullin, Jean Richards, Douglas Schmid, Phyllis Steer, Nancy Webster* Pass: Harold Elphick, Arthur Howald, Margaret Lyons'0^ Mar­ lene Stanley, Bobbie Struthers. From Grade 5 to Grade 6 : “HonbrsT^Evam^gnrewT^Bpbby" Andrew, Nancy Forster, Donald Hamilton, Harm Hofstede, Nancy Irwin, Allan McDougall, Franklin Murdie, Gary Ritchie, Patricia Thompson. Pass: Bruce Baker^ Jack Button; Thom Collyer;. Bob­ by ;Halijkirki: Carolyn Mathers, Bill Robinson. Conditionally: Jpek Miller. Ruby M. Webb, teacher. ....... - ROOM II * - —: - : ■ From Grade III to IV Honors? Thomas Wasney. Pass: Ronald Attridge, Robert Austin, Keith /Gardner, Joost Hofstede,, George Humphrey, Gordon Mac- Nay/Joseph Marriott,. Mafjorie Miller, Alan Mowbray. , From Grade III to V . Pass: Mary Allin, Karen Bur-’ “den, Janet Finlayson, Elizabeth Anne Henderson, Thomas Rath­ well, Richard Richards, Judith Webster* From Grade, IV to V . Honors: Elizabeth Ann Banni­ ster, Johanna De Jong, . Denver Dickie, Elizabeth Anne Finlay- • son,George Gibson, Paul Hender-, son, Kenneth Jones, Kenneth MacDonald, Joan Marshall, Gor­ don Miller, Margaret Ann Mullin. Pass: Leona Collins, Lyn Couser Paul Emberlin, James Gardner, Lorna Hbwald, Murray Hunter, Garry MacDonald, Marguerite McKenzie. Helen M. Hall. up.by.his bank.TKrough the years-Canada’s ‘ . I , ’ . ' (T ' • chartered-banks, hatdkept-pticeim-t^ ever-widening, ever-growing needs. I WEDDING BELLS I LOUGHEED-FISHER There were one hundred and reXien?CoF‘seV«aiHToveiy~gi>is' ten guests ' presfent for a lovely nrior to leaving Hanover where early summer wedding held, in- she has taught school for. a good Whitechurch Presbyterian church many y6ars §he. will join the | on Saturday June 20th when Lucknmv staff'with the opting jlfev. B. D. A. .Currie united in nf thp fall term 1 • niarriage Vivian Geoi^ma Fisher,9 She 4as Sted with aiCUp daugljtdr of Mr and Mrs. Georg/ and saucer by the Evening Auxr ^her .of Whitechurch and Mr. iliary and with, a Coronation cup Herbert Arnold Lougheed,. son of and iaucer by the Bridge Club. Mr - and Mrs. George Lougheed Mfs Elginr Foster entertained a Pf J^pridQn. ; . j : group of friends who printed i marrite by her f ath- her with the book, “Mr. Jones, [er,, the. bnde was, lovely in a Meet The Master". The mothers5 gown of French lace .and'.nylon' Of the children of her, class held I tulle over slipper satin, with her a tea in'the school auditorium |.ldng veil falling frorii. .a peari last/Wednesday at which Miss I coronet headdi'ess. She carried Thompson received a copy of the Sweetheart rosbs. _ revised version of tbe Bible. .Miss- Alice Kalman Of Aylmer •At a staff party she was pre- was maid of honour. Her gown revised version of t^e Bible. sented with a^Hummell figurine, i was of yellow net_ over ta’ffela and a reception arranged by the School Board was held in the school auditorium on Thursday in honor*1 of two retiring members of the staff, and of Miss Thompson. The entire student body as­ sembled in the auditorium as well as Board members; the Inspector and interested friends. .—Rach2oL.the_jthreeJteaichersLW.as presented with a. lovely rose bowl with one of their students pre­ senting each teacher with a-bou­ quet of . roses. Miss Thompson’s and she carried yellow roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Foster of Mitchell, chose pink net over taf­ feta with a’ bouquet of comple­ mentary color. Each wore long gloves and headdresses to match their gown. Sandra Fisher in green net over taffeta made a charming flower "girJ^She car- ried a basket of sweet peas. Best man was Howard Lough- eed of Toronto, brother of the 1 groom. The ushers were Bill Fish- _ ____ ___ ____ _____ er of London and Ronald Gifford gift had 5the. following inscription:: l Delhi. The organist was Mrs. “HelenThompson, in appreciation [ Duncan Simpson of Kintail and ^T^lrei^faithftfl==^ryice^l93.1^b=HyiTs*^^St^ley^Doan=of:=^Aylm 1953. Hanover Public School”. ; ' ' -. ’ Miss Thompson also received a numbers number of personal gifts. ”r •» — ... •' *. ' 7 ■ • ” ' /. . ■ ' ’’ ; • ' f . . . ’ . . ’’ •: . ROOM I From Grade II to Grade HL , -------- Honors: Anne Baulch, Lynda, ies and pink roses corsage. She Button, Dale Congram, Glen i was assisted in receiving by : the Cowan, Ross Hamilton,. Robert‘groom’s .mother in powder blue Hunter; pianne Jamieson.;; Pass: l cfepe -with navy accessories arid- Anthony (Tony) Johnstone, John,. corsage. Marshall, Clifford ,Wagner. * moted conditionally for month: Thomas Andrew, Johnston, Ian Morton. From Grade I to Grade II Honors: Lynn Cowan, Nikki De , £<*14- The bride *. presented the Jong, William Gardner,-Esther i bridesmaid with a sterling silver Gibson, Dianne Humphrey, Herb-} eboker; the flower girl, with a ie Hunter^ Douglas Johnston, U°cket, and to the others, each Louise Jones, Douglas MacKin-CUP abd saucer.^ non, James McNaughton, James. For a wedding trip to Muskoka, Mullin, Barbara Rathwell, Bever- j Toronto and Hamilton, the bride ley Raithwell, David Thompson. I donned an aqua suit with white Pass: Ronald Austin,. Bryan Con-j ------- gram, Janet De Jong, Douglas Dickie, Ross Forster, Garry Gam- rnie, Roy Gardner; John Hall, Marilyn Henderson, Laverne Hod- •gins, Emerson Howald, Betty Marriott, Elizabeth (Betty) Math-, -ers;- Beverley-—Ann—MeKenzier Glenn Miller, Irene Miller, Mary Murdie;. Glenri Porter, peter Steer, Cheryl Whitby. Isabel Havens. . sister of the groom, was soloist. ' <' “The ” •/ j Wedding Prayer” .arid1 “Because”. For the reception at the Queen’s Hotel, Win|gham, the bride’s mother wore aqua nylon mesh ..... lover taffeta, with white^accessor- Pro I The bride and groom were pre- one sen ted. with a white Bible by Rew Gary , Currie on behalf of the session I of the church. The groom’s gift [ to the (bride was a dresser set in 9 - accessories. i KINLOSS F. OF A. ADOPTS IMPORTANT RESOLUTIONS At a recent meeting of the newly form^L KinlpSs' Township Tmit pf the Federation of Agricul­ ture, two resolutions were, passed ^nd^ommended^by^eldmair-JhiT— Powers who is forwarding them to the Department pf Agriculture for further consideration. One resolution recommended that all community sales be call- . ed off for one moritth after hog cholera had been declared eradi­ cated. It was felt that the fin-. , ancial gain by havirig the dist- ease cleared up as quickly as possible and obtaining the Mon-, treal hog market once. again wpuld bffset any hardship ex­ perienced by shutting down the sales. • The second resolution was that j brands for cattle be alloted to a farmer for his lifetime. In this way a farmer who droppecj, his ■ brand for a, year would hot find a similar brand being used,, dup­ licating that which had been used on his. farm. i ..Several pre-nupti.al 'events„\s ei e. held in honor of .Miss Vivian Fisher, a bride of June 20th. ■ . Mrs. D. H. Carruthers \vas hos­ tess at. ’3 miscellaneous -shover held by aurits pha CPUS iris of. the ?, bride and Mrs. .Wm. Evans of" Langside entertained at a shower -held—by-^former' schoolmates apn’— neighbors of Vivian,.?.. ; Mrs.rF Newman rind Mrs. Dori*.’, e aid MacDonald entertained at th • . latter’s home at Walton in'Viv; r ian’S’.honor.. About, twenty ladie* ’ frbn), the Wnitechurifh arid Wiiu.- ham district were guests and'prv ' light lamp.- ■ ' 1 > J. ’ , was held in Whitechurch Hall/ m ..... *