HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-24, Page 8WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1&53 ' «’•* ' t v "•, •• , *- / PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW. SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Special Clearance ?/“'"• in oni'-' - ; CHILDREN’SWEARDEPARTMENT .Be' Have A Number of Childrei^i * , SiHnni0r SunwiWan4 Play Toga - that were water damaged but were not put on sale at t^ie time of our water damage sale, partiy due to lack of_ "^^ce^^d7 partl^te afnihaOmhe, .* out-of-season goods. * . ' 7m m ” ' WB OFFER THESE* NOW TO YOU AT ■. GREATLY; REDUCED PRICES Drop In And Look Them Over. " ASHTON’S I MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens. . WEDDING BELLS McLennan—Johnston A lovely early summer wedding was held in the Lucknow United Church on 'Saturday, June 20th at 2.30 pin., when Shirley Mari- Jyn, eldest daughter of Mrs. Ed­ ward Johnston of Lucknow and the late Mr. Johnston, became the bride of Alexander Ross McLen­ nan of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLennan of Ripley. Before a pink and white setting of gladioli and peonies the. double ring ceremony was solemnized by Revi Grant Meiklejdhn. ‘ The bride, given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Kenneth Johnston of Kincardine, was lovely in a gown of white nylon .tulle over satin and chantilly lace jacket With long lily point sleeves. Her, -•--^4ingertap,-Veil fell from a cap of matching lace and she carried a riiower bouquet i?of American . Beauty roses. • \ ' Maid of honor was Miss Betty ' . v Johnston, sister of the bride. The bridesmaid was the groom’s sis­ ter, Miss Jean McLennan of Tor­ onto and the junior bridesmaid was Miss Donna Johnston, young­ est sister of the bride. , All three attendants wore idem tical blue , strapless balled length gowns bf nylon tulle over taffet, .with matching headdresses, stoles and shoes. . 7 The groomsman was Mr. Don­ ald McLennan of Sudbury, bro­ ther of the groom, The organist ' Second Big Week of I.G.A.5 ■■■/| Summer I BARGAIN 1 STAMPEDE ■4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 KI N LOUGH W.M.S. MARKS MILESTONE Special Service -Held In Com; memoration Qf Diamond Anni­ versary Mode '. Mts* ■ <>• Be' Lane; A' Charter Member, * ' * iiMiliiTiaiTu*ililnn llUil! I, (KINLOUGH NEWS) Qn Wednesday afternoon 'the W.M.S. enteriained neighboring ’ church missionary groups at a special 60th anniversary celeibra-, tion. Miss Margaret Malcolm, the church organist, pldyed ah organ prelude as the ushers, Mrs1* John , Emerson ‘and dErlrpa Jean Percy, seated} the /guests'. Mrs* Perry Hodgihs presided. -The scripture and meditation was read by. Mrs. Frank Maulden and prayer was offered by Mrs. Wes­ ley Guest. The president welcom­ ed the guests and read the fol­ lowing historical sketch; “In 1.893 Mrs; (Rev.) Johnstone of Paisley organized a W.F.M.S. Auxiliary jointly between Kinlough arid Riiversdale Congregations With .Mrs. (Rev,) Gray the firs^presi­ dent and meetings- were monthly* ‘Tn 1895 Mrs. HuntCr was,, el­ ected * president ’ and held that position for a four year term- Then each congregation formed its own Auxiliary with Miss Pax­ ton the Kjnlough president, fol­ lowed by Mrs. (Rev,J Maxwell, Mrs. (Rev.) Matheson and Mrs. -(RevJ~MacKerizie.=Space--forbids= naming ’the many others who were faithful Officers’ and mem­ bers carrying on the work dur­ ing the intervening years. In 190.1 ^Miss $adie Dyatt presented her uiuece^Mis^Hrien-^Malcplmy^lth- a life membership. A second life membership was given to Mrs. Peter Fisher. Later Miss Paxton was given" a life iriembership cer- tificateby/theWJ\4.S.and4n 1952 MrS, .j. R. ■ Lane, was also, pre­ sented with a life membership. “The officers in charge at the present are Mrs. Perry Hodgihs, ^resident; Mrs. Harold Percy, secretary; Mxs. Clark Needham, treasurer. >*.'■,-Z,i “Looking back Over the years there have been failuressand-"mis- takes but all look forward to* the future with hope and courage that the Auxiliary may be used by the Master with greater re-' suits’*. ■ - Following this the Rev. G. S. Baulch, pastor of the church, in­ troduced the guest speaker' the Rev. B. F. Andrew who had ser­ ved in the riiissionary Work in British' Guiana and told of his Work there, the people and their ’customs. The speaker was thanked by Mrs. John Emerson. Miss Agnes -Hall of. St. Thomas. sang a' very' pleasing solo, “Jesus Lover of my Soul”; Mrs. Frank Johnston and Mrs. Ed Thoriipson received the Offering. Mrs. A. McAuley, Presbyterial president, spoke ibriefly, bring­ ing greetings and congratulations from Itihe Maitland Presbytery. Mrs. TReV-) BaUIch closed the meeting with prayer. Three ap- propriate hymns were sung dur- l ing the service/ Mrs. Janies Hod­ gins of z the. Anglican W,A* ex-, pressed the thanks of the W.A. ladies. Mrs. Wm.* Campbell spoke chi behalf .of the Kinloss W.M.S. Mrs. parish Moffat voiced the ap­ preciation of the LangsiJe ladies and Mrs. Harry La vis of South Kinloss expressed the thanks of ■their W.M.S. . , .'./'j-l/j.'7. ’ A letter of sympathy Was' being isent from the^eeting to the Mc- ^Pherson^amily^of“MrlYeilorr~^s Mrs. McPherson was a former W.M.S. officer arid had planned to’ attend. '■ ’ *7 Mrs. Hibbert of i Waikertbn, s' .0 1 &■ v’as Mr. Elmer Umbach. Mrs. J. W. Joynt, as solist, sang “The lx)rd^s-Prayer”-and7“Oh~Fair;~6h Sweet and Holy”- : The' Ushers were Mr. Kenneth McLennan,' brother of the groom and Mr. James Blue of Ripley. For the reception which follow^ -ed^tHhe-ChurchT-Mrsr-JohristoiF received in a dress of pink sheer w* i th navy accessories. The groom’s mother chose" a rosewood dress with matching accessories. For . a wedding trip to the Southern" States’itfie:7bride,s tra­ velling costume was a blue suit with White and blue accessories. Upon their return" Mr. and. "Mrs. McLennan, will reside in Tor-. • onto. ' ...; ■' ■ ENGAGEMENTS ’ \ ... . ? •-....r, Mr. Edgar Ritchie of Huntsville - announces the engagement of his daughter, Jean Elizabeth, to Mr. Kingsley Floyd Hortori; son of Mrs. Thelma Stickiand of Hunts- villfe. The wedding will take place in I Huntsville United Church on Saturday, June 27th. V1 We are pleased to announce Hie of our WALLPAPER DRAW ■ 1 ’ MISS DEAN L MacLEOD winner is \ " i PAINT UP TIME " ?■ Now’s The Time To Do Thaf Outside Paint Job -77." That“Th0' Weather Kept You From. ' ALWAYS USE THE BEST — USE KYANIZE SUPER SERVICE PAINT ’■ ' from '■ Ki ’Phone 218, Lucknow I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) THAT a visit to the shredded wheat factory, the hydro plant/ Brock’s monument and , . Fort George were highlights of, a bus trip enjoyed by 38 students of the Second Concession, and “Zioii^Sch^ teachers, Mr. H/B.Burden and Mrs. Lome /Johnston.. Allan Reed was at, the wheel of -the. bus and he gets a big hand from the passengers for his care ^andcourtesy. “7'-'7',/ •' THAT proceeds of the Navy Lea­ gue Tag Day held here on Sat­ urday were down sharply from ^ yea^r—ago. Contributidns amounted to only $29.88 which .*Mr. and Mrs. William Camp­ bell, Kincardine, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Janet Margeurite, to William Colling Kempton, only son ■' of Mr. and Mrs/ Thomas Kempton, Ripley. The marriage, to take place early in July. j LGAl. ■ 4 * Tomato Juice, 20 oz. 2for 25c I.G.A. Choice G.B. Corn, 20 .*..2 for 29c I.G.A. /";7 •• Strawberry Jam, 24 oz. .... 41c LG.A. Catsup, 18 oz............. 22c Hereford Coni Beef ...........43c Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon I.G.A. Red ” Maraschino Cherries 39c 24c VelVfet Flour, 5 lbs. 37c . I Head Lettuce 2 for 19c : Cabbage Green 15c ' Lemons, 252’s ............ 6 for 29c (CANNING SUPPLIES . Redpath Sugar, fine or med. / Certo/ Zinc Rings,. Crown Jars, Mason Jars, Mason Tops/ Seal-A-Wax; ■ 7 Strawberries by box or cratie. .....'' ■ ....SMITH’S FOOD MARKET Watch For I.G.A- Advt. In Thursday’s Free Press UNDERWEAR . Penman’s Summer Weight Under We Ar Vests and Drawers $X00 h. pair * 1 . WORK SHIRTS Men’s Summer Work Shirts from, $2.49 ta $3.49 V' former member, voiced her dp- light on beih^g present, Mrs. J. R. Lane was presented with a corsage, she being the only char­ ter member now living in this vicinity. They wei»e then invited to the Sunday School room where a prettily arranged tea* table awaited the Visitors/. A three- storey .anniversary cake, bearing its 60 candles Was very attractive and Mrs. j. R' Lane had the hon­ our of cutting it. Mrs. John Barr and Miss Nellie Malcolm poured tea and all enjoyed delicious re­ freshments .served ‘by the W.M.S. ladies and a social chat renew­ ing acquaintances concluded/ a very pleasant afternoon. Deepest sympathy is extended to. Mr" and Mrs. Wm. McPherson in the death of their daughter Grace. The McPherson family Were formerly of Concession 10. On* Friday the teachers and pupils of our school, S.S. No, 2, the 10th School S.S. No, 3 and , the ,6th* Con., School SJS. No. 5, enjoyed a bus trip to Niagara. Mr, and Mrs. John Robb, Mr. and Mrs .Cliff Robb, Con. 10, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. How*. McGuire motored to Milverton on Monday to be with the McPher­ son family. On Sunday next, June 28 th, at 11 a.m. arid 8 p.m. the Anglican congregation will welcome Canon H. F. Appleyard of. Brantford, a former rector/ who will 'be the .guest preacher at the Summer Festival services morning and ev* ening. Formed parishioners arid all in the community are invited to -attend these services* There will be refreshments arid a social time following the evening ser­ vice*. The Sunday School Will be at 10 a.m. t Whs less than half of last year’s receipts. Included in the-lag". ‘ gers were boys who had-helpac? with the canvass a year ago. This year’s creiwe was compris- ed of Jimmy Wilson, Jimmy . Petersen, Bob Gardner, Fraser ^Ashton, Murray Hunter and , Thom Collyer. J. W. Joynt, who wishes tq thank the boys and v those, who did' support the .■ cause. /.• ■ ■ THATthe Right Reverend G, N. ~~IhixtOj^WhAr^;D.,^iI^ ate; at the rite Of confirmation « in, St. Peter’s Church, Lucknow on Sunday afternoon, at 3.00 A p.m. The four congregations un- dertheincum!bencyofRev.H L. Jerininigs win join for this< service, arid one of the largest classes in the history / of the parish is expected to "be pre- sented for confirmation. THAT Reuben Wilson of Ashfield attended; the State Farm Mut­ ual convention held last ’ week at the Royal York Hotel, Tor­ onto. ■ ■' ) OVERALLS Painter’s White Overalls ■ sizes 36 to 46 , • Price $3.95 pair THAT Miss Dean . MacLeod was / the winner of the wahpape^ draw in connection with the in- troductory sale held by Finlay , Decqrators, Who have taken over Purdon’s gift and wall-. paper shop. < THAT Gfedrge E Harrison of Rip­ ley has ibeeri elected . grand warden of the Ontario Grand Lodge of ithe Independent Order of Odd Fellows* THAT an article iby Rev. A. W. Brown, “All ip the Month of May”, is a bit late in finding room in The Sentinel columns, but despite the tardiness will no doubt be of special interest, to Mr. Brown’s old friends on the Ashfield Circuit and Sen- tiniel readers in general.;, THAT Mr. Stahley J; Pymm ar­ rived back in town last , week afterap^xtended (Visit in New . YorKwhere Mrs. Pymm is hos­ pitalized. THAT Jack McKim, successfully : passed his first year exam i n a- tidns at the. University of Wes- / tern .. Ontario where he. , is studying medicine. THAT Mrs/ Wilfred. Hackett ;.was in London at the week-end ah ■ tending“,the reunion ot the 1933 „ graduating class of rihr^&> st •Victoria Hospital, London. " IDEAL RUGS FOR THE COTTAGE _ Wool and Cotton Flaids, only $3.89 each >. • STRIPED TERRY TOWELS ‘ Grand for the children to take to camp Only 49c each or 95c a Faif** * ■ SEE' OUR GOOD SELECTION OF-': ' ■ ' ' SUMMER TOYS Just The Tliings To Keep Them Happy I •*.-...................«... ..!><____u....:.--'_____). 4...,...^.....................................................