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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-24, Page 7
WEDNESDAY,. JUNE 24th, 1953 THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ft from, my diary •IL IN THE MIONTH .OF MAY (By A.W.B.) To me it has been a full month, almost as full as dandelions in the'green grass and blossom on the trees, Nearly every day was a .busy day and abounding with incidents, most, of whi^h were happy Garden and lawn work, spring cieaning "and community interests, all made their claim. Visitors came from' near and far, and neighbors- were in and out. n. „One^siiQtubiQught^th^ eat and young kittens along, see- ! Tv,' ing she was going to, leave the house* vacant for two. or three days The sleek>busy, ‘good-look ing mother had quite a time mak- im® up her mind that this was the place to stay. Methinks she would have hiked home the, 30 - miles if her three'baby kittens had not been in a Comfortable basket ’in a kitchen corner. How cute they were! The . children on the street were in to see them. One was donated to a nearby home. Kittens don’t go as fast as hot cakes off your hands; but : nice-looking, cuddly ones like these have all been disposed of ! ^They-bore histdrical-namesj-made-' Gardner;"~Robt."""~; sacred in a Testament story of Hamilton, Bruce .. long ago. Seeing they .were males,' Hartford, Arnold ... ithe lady had named them Shad- Little, Joyce .......... jach, Meshack. and Abednego. JV^feDonald, Marvin Evidently one lady wasrigndrant A ” i>of that Babylonian jtory,; and the. feobiFTprmces that “bore™ such , [ names in the company of Daniel. [ For oh asking what was their given names and being told these, she said “Wherever did yoii get I such names as these?” She there- _ __ ____ Sy shewed herself ah indicator ’ Treieavcn, Ruth of how . ignorant so many aye of even the striking stories of the U)lcl and New Testaments. I By,-the way,„ one_. of my„.May [ tasks was to serve as a. Bible, I Society collector of funds for this l.desservinig' organization. 1 found | it much easier to give my five [dollar bill.and try torexcuse lny-- | self from the .task of soliciting | from dobr to door for this cause. | But I said T • wouldn’t-/go, but [went. And glad I did. The home ■ that reaches highest up with its I noticeable television. - wire and Icross-bar outfit was the only ■ home w.here I was treated by I • PAGE SEVEN .. Lucknow District High School Exams contest speaking jaunts, or run into Agnes McPhail, whom I wish that .our Federal Premier would make a 'Senator. Is there any more deserving woman who ought to .be an occupant of that upper chamber? And I am no CCFVer. That would outshine the. fine gesture recently given’by the Prime Minister in bestowing a deserving honour to the Leader of" the Opposition. : ■ t<: Two pleasing events have oc curred in the merry . month of May to me. One is the baptism, of two babies where I was the officiating minister, and books • that c^me into my hands from the. public library. Are you following me in my .choice, The Story of New Zealand;- Yugoslavia, and Tito;. Chilean Notes; and .don’t - laugh, when I tell you I have re-read from the .same source Robinson Crusoe, and thoroughly. enjoyed it, goat^ and cat andz good man Friday. O Defoe, how mjjfch we owe thee! I 5 nerve to solicit funds at hi^: Hal den by, Dale door/ when they were doing all Johnston, Lois .. Miller, Margaret We Live. Yet It is like pullihg .♦/ . i . .1 4-/\ ciitxtYnrt, Mvvnen rooung must ©e renew-1 ’ , < This church record had the eutry that it was decided to buy Kjlpatr ? 12 ft. ladder. .It occurs to meDonna West, Marianne • ■ ’’F- . J . that church building. And that church has a great name1 r\_ [climbing high on many things. GRADE IX • GRADE *4' GRADE XII •...^S S- Cb ■ -i a cn to “K < to GRADE IX Chin, jack Conley, Douglas .... Crawford, Ann ... Elphick, Irene ..., Elphick, Kenneth Hamilton, Lome ^owaFd”-Rbzella Irwin, Jack ........ Jbhnston, ‘Nancy' Kilipatrick,’ Marilyn’ Kirkland, David MacDonald, Shirley .. MeDonagh,.’ Ro^s |. Miller, Allan. ........ Moffat, James. ’.:. , Reid, James .....:...; Wraith, Rodwell . Young, Jim "Oh McQuillan, -Allan .....c c c c 3 c c 3 Q -------------------r—T— 2j!ic>^uiLrdn^/iEGnie==^FFi —1—. 1 ■ 1 1 1 1.1 i 1 / T) <( Miller, Doris ...... . .2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2Petersen, Ann ............1 1 3 2 2 3 2 3 .1 1 ■■ 1 * .J. \1 m x Rea vie, Bessie ..;.......2 .2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 J \5 J; Reid. Wilda ......... Ritchie, Bill ...... ; Roulstoa. IreneL__„^.._ 2 z2 3 2 3 c 2 3 2 1 2 I 1 ■ 3 2 2 3 2 - c.-“ 2 c c c c 2 c c 3 2 3 3 ,2T~ V o S J OS. JJ /-x GRADE X .Armstrong, Marjorie^ j Ashton,* Beverley Baulch, Margaret.. Collinson, . Noma Colwell, Gwen Bai-r, Percy Gibson, Ernest ... Graham, Belle....... Graham, Ronald . ... _ Hamilton, Shirley the ma*n of the house as if I had Hamilton, Raeleen A*<£ CU S' » F ’hey could to make both ends meet. Yet', that was the place where I thought I would be treats ed in the nicest way.... As a member of a church pres bytery another task was thrust upon me, and that was to exam ine some business records? of a "very fine church, records'whicIT were finely kept. One got a kick out of some ,of the entries in a minute book. One made me smile concerning a - ladder, seeing I [had, just about that time, pur chased on^ at an auction sale, an 18-foot one, in splendid coiidition for two dollars. I don’t need a ladder, very often as my days of climbing ! high are over. But I am tired of borrowing such a use ful thing when ithe squirrel holes [must be stopped up and paint [must be used on. eavetroughs and Ikitcnen roofing must be .renew- Johnston, Ruth .... Lane-, Stewart ...... MacNay, Kenneth MacPherson, IsObel .... McInnis, Robert ........ Marshall, Edith ...... MacDonald, Isohel Nixon, Carman . MOulton, Ben Richards, George Stanley,- Mary Steer, Margaret Todd, Anne Barger, Sibyl Chin, Charles Guest, jean .. Hackett, James Kilpatrick^ Gladys MacDonald, Mack McNain, Laurine lSa! ^er® *s a sixty-foot spire on 1 for M^cQuilla?’ F16r^ Kdd^^ khoir gowns, had been donated to 1 A„drev haby cause in church on.the^ Re of. the city. Another entry • J[fold of how. the pump Was hot WeI^ ’ ’* “ ^tisfactory and there must be a Juzz6r extension installed in the far 9? thOjdiurch^thought bu2- «rs belonged to factories and sundries. Perhaps I am ignorant J the use. of buzzers in the rear fe ’n sucb a well equip- RhuIcIu William requirement of BUrdent Shirley hn^r-.wba X) O >' (0 » ”7“ ui ouzzers in me rear . ,j,Churches. .1 could,’ understand ’Anderson, George.. S 5 © •■ . cs o. to . Lnl£lcal-1 k'i* in gymnasium. I Gibson, Cafolyh A^pOa/tle"..fRa.u It-*“H'cd d cin by»''' -D ou-g of that entry on one Hamilton, Joan .... which he '-Johnston, Betty,*.- He: would okay the pro- MacIntyre, Mary 5s ma^e *Gr additional hymn and school had me iear tta t. ^kingVin ni.post^di L_. w speakers. • i; to talk'about The CitFin .Which would be a loud political, howl. The winner won a mile—a I- hope-she. will-meet* up-with Charlotte Whitton at Ottawa in her goings arid comings‘On this jr> itifj • *v * *" ** e hj ■ft. U. ■ tn £ tn » & "S ---------------------- , .. . fn cimnort bright girl. With, a well-told story, candidates for pubiid, teeth to T Mr}li ™ '■-r -r-cohtesriiy TotiF a WjTdn JheMB<S ’ ho a S J girls. Where were the .and if One offered WJ* «!. P* j ..... I-felt like asking ameiitary representative thei 3 ■ M