HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-24, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1953 WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 !T THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO r* Wednesday, Thurs., June 24, 25 LAST TWO DAYS IVANHOE Friday/ Saturday, June 26, 27 JAN STERLING,. ‘ ' ‘ ? CHARITON CARPENTER • /• — in Sky Full of Moon MATIXEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, June 29, 30 WILIAM HOLDEN, ; ALEXIS SMITH .—in — The Turning Paint Wednesday, .Thurs., July 1, 2 JAmES"MASON, ~"T~ DANIELLE DARRIEUX — in — FIVE FINGERS r I AM PURCHASING BOARS AND MEAT HORSES Boars at 20c to 12c per lb. liveweight.— LEROY ACHESON Phone Atwood 37-r-12. collect or contact—----’—— SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW t A MYSTERIOUS COINCIDENCE ' Many peculiar and . mysterious things happen wheh a cyclone strikes which are almost "uribe, livable as the following ’would indicate. Miss Helen MacIntyre from Flint, Mich., , who has been Visiting relatives and friends ’in and’..aroUnd Lucknow, had many interesting and strange reports of 'What happened in that, disastrous toi nado that struck her home city of Flint, Mich,, a’ short time ago, but one of the strongest of all to her . was when her- uncle, Mr. W. L; Mac'Kenzi'e, handed her .a docu ­ ment-that-had been blown across the lake and? landed in Canada on a . farm. owned, by Mr. A. Gascho near Zurich, Ontario. Mr. Gascho showed this to Mr. Mac- Kenzie and gave him the docu­ ment to take home to his Piece because it dame from the Buick Motor Co, of Flint, where Miss MacIntyre . is employed. . . The Buick Motor Co. is build­ ing a plant in Chicago *and Miss MacIntyre has charge of the pay­ ments for all material and con-1 structiOn ,expenses in the erection -Of-the-C-h-ieago-plant/^This^docu- ment was in connection with the purchase of a large storage tank and had been personally attended to by Miss MacIntyre in Flint, and fyied away in a temporary ‘construction, Qfficejthat-hapDened- tb~be in the path of thie cyclone. This office was levelled to the ground. When you look at your map and see the distance this was -$arr ried over. Michigan State from Flint, then across Lake. Huron and on inland on the Canadian side, picked up and by coinci­ dence reaching the ’one who or- iginally hacL_-hadT-char-ge--oMt7^is7 astonishing. Miss MacIntyre could hardly believe her eyes and will no doubt give the Buick Motor' Co. officials and staff a surprise, -wherr^he^r^ufns from her holi­ days in Canada and displays > mysterious keepsake^. WOLF CUBS For1 our final meeting of the term, the Pack held a Parents’ Night ^gathering on Wednesday evening, June 17th. in the Recrea- tidnjCentre# with the parents and the local6 Boy Scout Association as guests.,A display of work ddne by the Cubs throughout tfie year was'set Outr and the presentation "of various badges and awards was made. Elmer. Umbach led the group in a sing-song. Due to a last, minute postponement from Tuesday, our, regular meeting night, until Wednesday, . Scout- Chaplain Rev. H. L._ Jennings was unable to speak to the gathering as arranged. The meeting beg^ri in the usual Cub fashion wittr Sixer Bill Andrew leading the Grand Hdwl -.followed-by- the~repetitlon of the Lord’s prayer, the’Cub Law and the Cuib Promise. All then joined in singing the national anthem. Cubmaster , Willard Thompson welcomed the parents and ex­ plained that the purpose .of__the- "meeting was to bring parents, leaders, Cubs and Scouters into a closer; fellowship and that all might gain a fuller insight into the work bf the Pack and Cub­ bing itself. He then introduced- the members of the local Boy Scout Association, his assistants and the Cubs themselves. Rae her 5 PAGE FIVE The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday Saturday, June 25, 26, 27 A sweeping technicolor picture of the early West* .■'Ah-- with JAMES STEWART i, '• 1 0 y in a picture just made for him Bend of the River SATURDAY MATINEE At 245 p.m.—-Doors open at $ p.m,... ALL NEXT WEEK—MondayThru Saturday A Queen Is Crowned A beautiful panorama of historical importance revealed be­ fore your eyes in technicolor. See the big parade and the Coronation ceremonies jn the Abbey. A must for evelryone, and fqr the first time north of London—at regular prices. Come early and avoid the line-up; 1st show at 7 JO — 2nd show at 9.30. And for your added enjoyment— “LET’S GO NAVY” with the Bowery Boys . '1 DOMINION DAY MATINEE—2.00 p m Come and see Our Queen in her glorious hour — in “A QUEEN IS CROWNED” Wednesday Afternoon at 2.00 pan. The first real holiday event ever held in Lucknow ■ ' in recent -years;—r. HARRISON FAMILY HOLDS 18th ANNUAL REUNION • The 18th annual -ceunion-pienie- of the Harrison family was a happy, arid sociable event for ov&r 100 descendants,, held in Lions Stanley then read a report of 0 j Saturday, June Pack activities for the year, and, 13th.Theyattended^from_Luck- -HaroldhRiUchie" gave the (Pack Goderich, Clinton, Kippen, ft i l r r to ST. HELENS 'WHITECHURCH . jWiss Margaret MacPherson, Reg.N.j of the staff of St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital, London, was home for the week-end. .. Mr. and Mrs.? Stan Todd and Andrew of Southampton, Mr. & r Mrs. Neely Todd,. David,. Janet & Mary of Stratford were week­ end visitors with Mrs. D. Todd- . Mr? and Mrs. Mel Brown of Waterloo were visitors for; Fath­ er’s, Day with .Mr. and Mrs.. R. Wpods, / , - . Bob Murdie of Waterloo is spending the vacation with his mother, Mrs. Alex Murdie. - Children’s Day will be observ­ ed at the meeting of the Women’s Institute to be held at Mrs. Frank McQuillin’s1 on Thursday./July 2 at 2.30. Roll, call, “Name7 a flow­ er and bring same to niake a bou­ quet”;, demonstration, Flower ar­ rangement by Mrs. Harvey Webb; motto, “Life is like a garden. It bears the seeds we sow”; games . in charge of. Mrs. Alex Murdie i rnd MrSf Mel Browh. There will I ’ .• ' v , '' .. be a picnic lunch. , Describes Arthur r, . . . . . zs, 'Godfrey’s Operation : Services, m the United Church • -OperatiOn Godfrey! Here comes . next Sunday will be held in'the an exciusjve account of Arthur evening at 8.00 o'clocki’ Please ’Gocjfi’ey-S . recent operation.: and convalescence •. . the 'behindrthe- .Mr. financial report. . The pr< / ‘ ‘ the top Six in’the Inter-Six com­ petition was made by Assistant Stanley, and Assistant Umbach presented the tap Sixer with the honor award /pennant. Assistant Ritchie presented the prizes tb the winners of the Indoor'FIoot^I Hockey, and for the best Coron­ ation album, Awards for the best Sunday School, attendance during the Cub ,term were made by As­ sistant Umbach. The presentation Hensall, Hay, Goderich Town­ ship, Kirkton, Brucefield, Sciencetesentation of prizes to Hill,’ Seaforth, Stratford,’ London Oke; men kick the slipper, Cecil Harrison, Albert Taylor, Wilmer Harrison; youngest, Gerald Wayne “Willert;“oldest7_Mira7isad Har­ rison ; longest married couple, Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Scotchmere; far­ thest away, Wilfred Harrison; largest family, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Collins,MrrandMrs.JiiffOke (tied); draw, for bath towels, Mrs. Fred McCullough. After the races were over a. ball gable was_held,-followed by •a. ^delicious supper after which the officers for 1954 were elect-., ed: pres., W. F. Aikenhead; sec.-„ treas., Mrs6. Jack Aikenhead; dir- . ectors, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Har- rison, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil- lert; sports. committee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodgert, Olive Aikeri- head, Olive Harrison. The picnic next year will be held the second Saturday in June at Lions Park, Seaforth. and Egmondville After dinner, races were the order of the day, with winners as follows: girls & boys, 5 and under, Douglas Al­ ton, Bobbie Collins Dorothy Tayr ^lor; girls 8 and under, Shirley McCullough, Joanne Harrison, Di­ anne Faber; boys 8 and under, Bobbie Oke, Jimmy Collins, Ken Taylor; boys 11 and under, Bob Proctor, Ken Black, Ralph Harri­ son;, girls 11 and under, Betty Qke, Betty Harrison, Margaret Higgerson; girls 13 and under, Betty ' Oke, Marion Oke; Betty Harrison: boys 13 and under, Bob Proctor, Bill Proctor, Ken Black;, young ladies, Ina Taylor, Olive Aikenhead, Betty Oke; .; men, Chester Hackett, JHarrLs£)ii5—Donald—Ok-e;—married" ladies, Phyllis Harrflson, f Wilbert- Anna Wallace; married men, Stan ’Collins, Albert Taylor, Miss Clarabelle Clowe and W.., Hall of Kincardine spent Thursday, with Mrs.. E. Wei wood., Mr. arid Mrs. Bruce Bogg and i of Service. Stars was made by son Ricky, and 'Mrs. Bogg of‘ Gerald ~ Aurora spent Thursday with the latter’s- 'daughter, Mrl -and. Mrs; ficiericy badges by Kenneth Mur- fe. Groskorth. Paul Groskorth re­ turned home with them & Ricky is staying for a week or;two; Mn and Mrs. Tobias Jantzi and family of .Milverton attended the .LougheedrFisher wedding on Sat- "urday and visited with her aunt, , Mrs. D. Kennedy. • ‘“i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parker and family of near London spent the week-end with her'parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D, McClenaghan. Miss Murdock of Palmerston,, spent the week-end with Miss Mildred McClenaghan? Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ryan of God­ erich spent Saturday ,with Mr., and Mrs. E. Scholtz. , I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichborne of Goderich visited with ihother, Mi’s. D. Kennedy.. Rathwell; proficiency stars by Lloyd Ashton and prox her. if evening . < note the change in time. • Mrs. Harry Day, formerly Miss >.scenes story, told by one qLAi- ' BORN , .■ CANTELON-—in Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital on Wednesday, June 17th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Cantelon' (Agnes Patterson) of young 1 Wingham, a daughter, /Patricia Wilfred 1 Ann. .die.. • i." ' ' ■ To close the meeting, Akela! ( Thompson explained some of the { I work of the Pack, also giving a | ! brief ■ outline of the histoTy of hthe-IocaLPack-since-its begirnring" | in. 1949. He also explained the background of the Cubbing Pro- ! gram itself as conceived by the i late Sir Baden-Powell, and how •the leaders’ names such as Ak-. ela, Baloo, Bagheera and Kaa are derived. Sixer Fraser Ashton led in the Grand Howl to conclude the meeting. The names of the prize win- | r.ers and those receiving badges ! and <stars will be found kgr next week’s Cub* News. Your leaders wish to thank all those parents who came out, andJ trust that .there will He a larger . ! turnout, next. year. , . ‘. Preceding the Parents’ Night meeting the ‘-.Going Up” cere­ mony was held, when 8 Cubs left the Eacklto__b.ecome_members- ! of' the Scout Troop. They were ' Sixers Bill Andrew, Fraser Ash-/ ton and., Alan Chip, and Cubs Ev.an Agnew, Jack Button, Bob t Habkirk, Franklin iMurdie ahd, (Rae 'Thomson.-Cubmaster Thomp­ son and Scoutmaster Collyer and Assistant Burden were in-charge. I I Annie Rij.ti1erf.nrd nf _Read-^Op-; ~B C., accomanied iby Mrs. Oliver oration Godfrey , in The Amei - r Anderson of Belgrave and MrsJ ican. Weekly with this Sundays Bryce Elliott and young 'son of: (June 28),. issue of The. Detioi Lucknow, called oh old friends j Sunday Times. You 11 find niany here.on Monday. * i m01.e intriguing attractions,^!^-. I I1 I •I .« MARRIOTT—in Whigham Gener- j al Hospital on Wednesday, June 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mar- •*. SdOTT—-in Wingharn Hospital on Saturday, June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Teeswater (nee Mabel Hedley, a soh- Donald Eh mer. ■ . ’’ TIMKEN OIL HEAT f I* ' • ' vl ■ - ■ , . WWlVd AND EtflMAtES ■ t WATER HEATERSj Jill BURNERS Oil. FURNACES « Oil BOILERS "HTSELER and SON, Phone 426, Wmgham men, ouui.vomns, /iroen layior, t> a t ..-i — j .Percy Harrison; 3/legged (mixed) , n“tt’_®- 6- LucXn«w. a daughter. —Chester Hackett & Donald Oke, Ina Taylor & Olive Aikenhead, Joyce Townsend & Ruth Gareau; ladies kick the slipper, Mutiel Harrison, Joyce Wilbert, Betty 1 I I '■ I “ ? I I 1 j i■ 4 .a ! t• .a. .I'-i. /■I.' SHINGLE ROLL I... . .. ....... v. j •: i ■i.' •• i ■ . i :jb~ y, duu.c iwm oi i h-*;*’ j .... , ■.; ;.. . ., ■ : - | JOHN W. HENDERSON | - | LUMBER LIMITED | Ontarioj INSULATED SIDING . '• / //■/■."'./ ' ' ■ IN BRICK AND STONE PATTERNS V. X also The New . ' '-4. ‘. ■■ IN ATTRACTIVE COLOURS WEDDINGS " STEWART—CHASE ----A^tviet-weddinig-toolrv Wednesday,. Jurie 10th at 7.30 p.in. at\ the-Beil SHINGLE ROLL CAN BE USED EITHER FOR ROOFING OR SIDING --------—o oT^GertrUue malic, hter of Mrs. Mura Chase and , lath Herbert Chase, to Don- ’ alcolm Stewart, only son of d : t '• ,Mk arirMrs. Malcbim:;Stewart of Lucknow. A reception was herd at the brides hpm6, after which - ^.rf he tor Ham-' ’ Htom They have taken up resi- dense:m"Gbtoiek/, . ' J.'the cOoMe 4eft on-a-trip-to Ham ,s„ Lucknow L Phone 150