HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-24, Page 3Wednesday, june 24th, 1953 •
■> —.11 ■■II—I. H.M8.8 ■— u ■><«<>«
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,
‘ SUNDAY, <UNE 28th
I 10.00 alm.: Sunday School.
111.00 a.m,: , Sacrament of thej
J f Lord’s Supper,
j 7,00 p.m.i .‘‘Recreation’’.,
2 tbsp, lemon juice. Sift
i'i r-
»I Mrs. •
Presbyterian Chu^h
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.,
Minister. .
10.00 a.m.: Sunday School.
11.00 a.m.:/Sacranient. o£ Bap
3.00 p.m.: Erskine. Dungan-
■' ' '
Evening Service Withdrawn
for South Kinloss Anniversary
St. Peter's Church
Rev. H. L. Jennings, B.A., L.Th.
79th; Anniy er s ary
.- SUNDAY,'JUNE 28th
00 p.m^^
Preacher: Right Reverend
G. N. LUXTON, M.A., D.D.,
6 Bishop of Huron.
Dedication of New Lights.
The Public Cordially Invjted
Local & General
Mr. Harry Hackett of Belfast
spent last Friday at the horned
Mr. and Mrs,- Walter Lane of
Toronto. . •• • •
Mrs, Evelyn Barkwell is spend
ing'the month of July as a helper
-aL-Kitoh-aga-mi—Camp; souTh of
Goderich.' ' •
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hall and
Jdhn have taken up residence in
Detroit where Harvey has been
employed for. some time. ' . > •
‘ Sunday .visitors With Mr. and
Mrs... Wm, Busheli were Mr., and
Mrs. Harvley Srriith,_Mel.va, Gloria
..and Stirling of Underwood. .
. Mrs. Walter J. Birch of Cov
ington, Virginia, is visiting, with
her■ mother, Mrs. T A. MacDon-
Mr. H. A. Hayes has. returned
to Fort William after vjsiting ,for
two weeks with Miss Mary Mac-,
Kenzie- and' Mrs./Ross ..MacMil
lan, . ; ; / ■
; r Mrs. C/ H; MacDonald has r.e-
/ turned to her. home here after
^^end'ing^-^ouple^of^ m
Tillspnburg where she underwent
an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Menai-y and
Mrs. Menary 'visited last wbek in
London with the latter’s Son> Mr*
1 Vance Menary. arrtfwith her sis-
.*er, Mrs. Lotiis^ Naylor.. (
• Mr; and Mrs; John G. Carruth-
• JA Gayle and Anne 6f Delhi at-
tended the Lougheed-Fisher wed-
$ng'Pri .Saturday/ Mrs; JohrTT/
< thefri far a yis.it, ■
: Wry {indxMr, and Mrs.. Wm.
■**<Dwyer and daughter Dagmar, l
ii Shilp; Manitoba, have I
|en visiting in The community^
>,n6y attended - the wedding Jh
; S >ph,.of Mr/■ and Mrs.- And-
Iri^Vlghter.. jacauelihebJb-’A-
Mrs. Dwyer, fbrmerly
Andrew/'i^‘. a sister- of' , thP bride." , , < 1
t Give unto the Lord the' glory
due unto His Name”. This was
the call to worship , in the solemn
and impressive service* of. Divine
Worship in South Kiriloss Church
last Sunday , afternoon, The psalm,
“I, joyed when to the House/of
God go up, they said to pie’’ was
sung with deep appreciation Iby
the congregation. This was the
fifst service of. Divine Worship
in the .House since the re^deeor-,
ation and rie-,furnishing of the
same: ■
* -Remembrance was.-made of :the
holy purpose .for which the
House of God is set apart. These
were set forth as follows: for the
worship of God in prayer and
praise, for the preaching of the
-everlasting Gospel, for the cele
bration of the Holy. Sacraments,
for comfort to, all who. mourn,
for strength to those who are
tempted, Tor light to those who
seek the way, for the hallowing
of family life,, for teaching .and
guiding the young, for the per
fecting of the. saints, for the pro
motion of righteousness, for the
-diffusion- oi‘7"knbwled!ger^foF the
extension of the Kingdom of
God./After the reading, of 1 Kings
9:1-9, prayers and supplications
were, made for blessings and ben
efits unto all i who seeking the
Grace and Favor. pf J,he^Lord^im
tins' place. ' =
Rev. G. S. Baulch spoke briefly
of the stewardship of David the
King who devised arid prepared
liberally for the House of the
Lord. Then acknowledgement
yvas made of the gifts as provid
ed for the re-decoration and re-,
furnishing of South Kinloss
Church. Calling to mind that no
I word;/or. work of ours ; aviaiieth
unless it be acceptable unto -and
blessed by Him, .prayer was of
fered invoking the. Divine Bless
ing upon the givers- and the gifts,
-and““expYessm§"“thankfulness for
the labors of all who' had given
freely of time, talent and strength
to the end that Jlie-House might
be restored.
After the. singing- of. the’ hymn,
“All things are Thine”, the -min
ister • read Jrorn Isaiah . 6:1-8.
Speaking of the experience which
Isaiah had in that hour of. wor
ship in the House of God, he re
ferred to ■ the elements of that,
e-xperiience. .’To share' in these
blessed experiences in wdrship is.
.our high privilege. But sharing
in .thenV should lend to. deeper,
consecration of ourselves' to the
service of. the- Most High/.Calling
to .mind what, we owed -to. the
•Consecration of others,^ many of
w/horTThad entered into-their res.t,
the minister called upon‘the peo
ple to join .with him in a beauti
ful prayer/Of thankful remem
brance.. The hymn' “For all. the
saints who from their labors rest”,
was sung arid the benediction pro
nounced.'After the. service many
of t|ie members arid adherents of,
the church retired' .to the'-cem
etery where they made remem
brance df loved ones now depart:
ed by placing, fiofa'l tributes
their .graves. ■ '
this’ n’ that
Can you make yourself believe
that this is June?. Apart from the
fact that it doesn’t feel like June
with the cold rain daily beating
into the spdden. earth, where did
April eind May go? Where were
all the balmy days; smelling. of
new mown, grass and lilacs . and".
valleys lilies? . I’ve been cheated.
And, regardless of the fact that
the hofnemaker rnay be/ Wielding
a paint.‘brush, or a paste brush,
the family ^till must eat. I know
of nothing more annoying than
to be nearing the end of a job
of that sort and find that the
clock is saying 11.15 or 5.40, and
you must drop the paint brush
in the turpentine pot, clean your
hands of paint.. Baby oil is "a
great help with this and doesn’t
leave them reeking, as does turps
or kerosene.
I wish some one would tell me
somethinig__new- to-do-with^meatr
I seem, to have run out of ideas
... I still have plenty of them
for using hamburger, but you
can’t use hamburger every day.
Here is a tasty way with’ ham
. '2 thick slices cooked„_ham,
J/2 -cup^hrWh^ugaf /1 tbsp, pre
pared mustard, 1 tbsp, horserad
ish, ^2 cup cornmeal,' 4 tbsp, mar-
garene. Grease casserole: put in
one ham slice. Mix sugar, must
ard and horseradish arid spread
over ham. Slice. Cover /with sec
ond ham slice. Melt margarene
and lightly brown the cornmeal.
Spread thin over ham. Bake in
medium hot oven. _ until -heated-
thr ough. For another topping,
after which a: dainty lunch was
served by the hostesses, Mrs. J.
Rf Johnstone, Mrs. Philip Stewart,
>Mrs. Elmer Johnston and Mrs.
Beatrice. Yovan.
The .regular /meeting of the
Lucknow. .Women’s Institute was
hold in the Town "H411, oh June
T2th at 8.00 o’clock. Mi’s. Charles
Cook, -.the president, was -in the
erciscs were conducted, The menw.
bers. voted. $15 to the, Salivation
Army in Winghani and to send
trip A.C.W.W- ticket money to the
district secretary. . A. committee
was. for med'to,-;100k rifteri the
short' course which has to be sent
in before July 1st The picnic .to
Goderich was left in the/bands
of the committee'. ■ A- commri^e
was foriried to,, look after, the iian
exhibit.’ Miss Dean McLeod gaye
Guelph. Mriry McLeod, gave a re
port nf d strict annqal andjiic
gave her’, report of the blt ficers.
I Mrs. McGill- and Mrs:- Koach each
I favored vvith.a reading. The'toll
call was/ answered’ by. 25 mom-.
a.rib.14 visitors, Blit were
shown . oh/Goose Bay ,by w1
Robertson thanked all those who.
I took' part 'onlJ’n
meeting, closed .with the Queen,
‘ r‘ r
rrii,^ brown sugar with crushed rang molds. Mix sugar, honey and.
pineapple usin.ig just enough’juice cloves. iPour this over*, washed
to moisten it. v berries. Let stand. Top rice 'with
We bad a .most tasty chicken berries. Serve very cold. '
dish at . a friend’s recently. On I Nice with fruit are Lemop-Bis-
the. order of chicken a la king,’.quits: 3 cups flour, 2 tsp. bak.
creamed chicken between halves pdr., 1 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. soda, one-
of very rich biscuits; topped with third cup butter or shortening, 1
more cream chicken? and topping/ tbsp., lemon rind,, 1 cup butter-
that, which was really the crown-. milk, 2 tbsp, lemon juice. Sift
ing touch of flavor . . . slivered dry ingredients, ctit. ip butter,
toasted almonds. You have no add lemon rind. Combine lemon
idea the flavor it added. . |juice and buttermilk. Add and/
Coming strawberry time. This mix. well.. Knead times and roll
Strawberry Whirl is a bit differ- ^tp^^-inch^thiekmess.-Bake^
-ent version of a strawberry short- ! 12 min..
cake. Make a rich biscuit dough.! Butterscotch Biscuits are "well
Place in well-greased and flour- 'liked around our house too . . ,
ed round pan. With the back of a , 2 cups; flour, 4 tsp. bak. pdr., I
spoori^; or the fingers hollow out tsp. salt, one-third ;cup shbrten-
a groove, round/and round . . . ing, % cup milk,^y/„cup^ melted^^
.^filliiig^i^jo^^i-thr^butteF^crshortenihg mixed, 74
strawberries as you go. Bake in ’ cupjSrown sugar. Sift dry ingred-
*/4 •. •• '
a moderate oven for 30 min. As ients> Cut in‘. shortening and add
a really special dish, mix a small milk’ Knead 10 times lightly oh.
can of crushed pineapple in the. lightly floured board. Roll to '
biscuit dough, keeping out a bitthickness,\ahd spread-with ntelt- ‘
of the juice- to ' mix with sugar,, ed butter and sugar well mixed.,
and spread over the. top to form Roll uo like jelly roll; cut in
a “glamorous glaze”., slices one inch thick. Place cut
Strawberry Rice Pudding . . . sides down in greased muffin
cup rice, ¥2 cup sugar, 1 ..qV/tins. Bake-15. mint-in fairly hot
-milky^l-tbspr lem^^ 2 tbsp.. oven-
lemon juice, 1 pint strawberries, * -To the biscuit topping of a
14 cup each brown sugar arid chicken or meatpie,add chopped
honey, 1/4 tsp. ground cloves. Sim- chives, peppers, parsley. Cut. thK—- —
mer rice until tender-in the ■mitkr?bi§c'dit! ■'dough, with a doughnut.
Until the milk is almost absorb- cutter, and when baked fill the
ed. Add sugur. Simmer few min^- centres with corn, or small diced
utes. Add rind & juice. Chill in carrots or greeri peas; "
S?.(, '' ■ '' ' . . ■■ ■ ■ ; ;’•:■■//•• a-'
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