HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-24, Page 25»AGE TWOi
r T
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ruppell, .Mrs.
Huippell Sr. arid Miss "Pamella
Huppell of Listowel visited with
Mr. and Mrs, E. G-roskorth on
Quite a iew from tlje White-
church United church attended
the Brick church on Monday ev-
^ning when Miss Agatha Coultes,
missionary, showed films, pn
Her work and othdr interesting
pictures. •
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Newman
IGelehr’ated their_25th wedding an-.
Tiiversary at Stheir daughter’s, Mrs.
MacDonald at Walton, The fam-(
lly presented’ them with , a cor*
onation ?■ chest of silverware and
<he Presbtyerian church7with? a
3-tier end table. / .
Mrs, Wilson, Sr., is visiting her
^daughter, Mrs. Fairbrother at
/Toronto for a few days.
. '7' ‘ ‘ ;.......... * -j
Charles McQuillin, Who teaches
school at Grand < Bend, S.S. No.
15, Hay, was home for the week
end and brought some souvenirs
of the tornado at Flint^m<4he
form of scraps of paper blown a
distance of 100 miles or more.
One was a cheque, long since
cancelled however/■' an order
blank of Sears Roebuck of more
recent , date and, by coincidence,
the cqrner , off a greeting card,
with the words, “Hello Neigh-
Ayhen the first wind-blown
sheet was discovered in the
school grounds, teacher and pup
ils took an excursion^ through the
nearby fields which added Several
pieces , to the collection.
Mrs. Sam Emerson' and Hilda
attended the gnaduetidri rif Bay*
mond Emerson in Toronto recent-
ly, •
Mr. and' Mrs. Kenneth Scott &
family sdf Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
. Largely attended . funeral ser-
ivices • were held last Wednesday
for Mi's. John'MacMillan of Lon:
don, and formerly of Lucknow,
♦ ' + A 1 b ‘
She had been in tail,
o CJ7?y It7nao v?1'?’■rr ■ ■ ins health for some time.
Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard Har- 1 .A ’«».«■ ..._cn
The school term is fast drawing
to a close. High School students
^Completed their year last week,
and on Friday of this week pub
lic school students start the sum-
mervacation. -—-———-—
For high school students it
marked the last term in the “old”
/School, which has served as a
combined Public and High School
for many years. The fall term for
high schooPstudents will operi in
the new Lucknowpistric^THigK
School, and, the “old” school will
’become solely a public school,
with Grades 3 . and 4, which have
been accomodated for two years,
in the Recreational Centre, re
turning to /fdiiher quarters..
Six bands—the Owen Sound,
Kincardine* Mount" Forest and
Lucknow Pipe Bands,Seaforth*
kiltie Brass Band and Lucknow
High School Brass Barid — will
converge here on Friday for af
rousing band tattoo in Caledonian.
Park^at-8.30.——L _ r—■.—
In case of bad weather the
Jberif will be held in the Arena.
The band program wiss’be. sup
plemented iby numbers by Mel
Lavigne and .his Bluewater Boys,
and by spme tqprranking Scotch
dancers frorri Owen Souridj tutor
ed by a former professional dan*
cer, Amy Johriston. Mel Lavigne,
as Canada’s champion old-time
fiddler needs no introduction and
his band will play for aMance to
follow in the Town Hall.
• » * • ’ / _______ ' ■ ______
Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Har
ris, were recent visitors at the,
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cur
rie. . .
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Maxwell, Mr.
and M^,_ Joim Walker of jgfcks^-
burg visited at thb home of ’Mr.'
John Emerson On Sunday. •
” iMr. and Mrs; Victor> Gawley,
Velma, Marlene and Gladys . visit
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Trouces on Sunday.,
Messrs. Calvin and Donald Rob
ertson spent a few; days with Mr.
Kenneth Robertson of Zion.
Mr./and Mrs. Donald McCosh,
Mary and Dickie visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Colwell of Kin
loss on Saturday evening.
Miss Winnjfred McFarlane vis*
ited at her home recently
Sohn, Carman, Ralph and Del
bert Nixon ^visited with Mr. and
Mrs. John Emerson on Sunday.
Mrs. Burton Collins, Mrs. Ste-l
wart Needham, Mrs. Peter Lee
son, Barbara and Iyna attended
a 'shower for Miss Vivian Fisher-
at the home of Mrs. David Car
ruthers. -
GEORGE LEITH was elected by
acclamation.to fill a vacancy on
the Listqwel town council. He is
a produce merchant in that town
and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Leith of Hamilton and formerly
of Luckhow.
When the tornado hit, window glass, dust and debris
blasted into the room where operators were working
at the long distance and information switchboards.
Some of the girls were cut by the flying glass; all
were ordered to another floor where, it was safer.
Even before they were asked to go back, Marna
Levan (left above) and Pearl Roberts (fight) returned
oh their own to their, switchboards.
Mrs, MacMillan - was 60 years
of age and was formerly Mae
Cecelia Morrison, daughter of the
late John. Morrison and Cather
ine Kennedy of East Wawanosh
and Turnberry Township.
. Qn June 12th, .1923, she mar
ried” John MaqMiilan who .pre*-
deceased her on' November 28th,
195L They had farmed in Kinloss
Township until retiring tri Luck.-,
now a few years ago. Following1
her husband’s death, Mrs. Mac
Millan moved to London to re
She was held in high regard
by all who knew her and was av
good friend aqd neighbor and
devoted wife-and mother. In Lon
don shq was a , member, of St.
Michael’s Ronian Catholic church,
a menfber of the Altar1 Society
arid the „ Catholic Women’s
League? .
stone Funeral Home, Lucknow,
until Wednesday morning when
solemn requiem high mass was
sung at Sacred Heart Church,
Teeswater with Rev. Fr. Brick as
celebrantRev.__Fr._R_ E. Keon
of St, Michael’s R. C. Church,
London, aS' deacon; Rev. Fr., S.
Toth as sub deacon; and a neph
ew, Mr. Rae Morrison of'Toronto
as master bf ceremonies. Present
in the sancutary was .R^Y- B,
Durand of Wingham.
’Interment was in Teeswater R.
C. Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Scott Patterson, John Kilpatrick,
Pharis Mafhers, Archie McKin
non, P.. A. Murray, Frank Mc
Cormick. . • ■
Mrs. MacMillan is survived by
two sons, Myles of Hanover and
daughters, Yvonne and Patricia of
London. Surviving also are two
brothers and two sisters, C. A.
Morrison, Toronto; W. E. Morri
son, Brantford; Mrs. Cletus Ret*
finger (Catherine) and Miss Anne
Morrison of Turnberry. I
Predeceased besides J^er hus-1
band were two brothers, Angus1
and John and a sister Margaret.
The death occurred very sud-j
denly at her home in ’ TOeswater I
last Thursday, June 11th, of Mrs.
William. MacDonald, age 66.
The former Elizabeth Simpson
was bom on' the 6th of Culross,
a daughter of the late Mr. arid
Service Pqtween
^J>iingannoii and Lucknow
. ' and
. • • - ’
■ ’ • . ■ ’ “
> .. Can also arrange charter
trips with Western Ontario
' Motorways.
/Allan Meed
Box 47, Lucknow '
’Phone Dungannon 46 Collect
.Member of Ontario Motor .
Coach Operators’ Association.
Miss Marion Triebner and pup
ils of S.S; No. 9, Kinloss, enter*
tained her school~section tb~~tfie~~~
annual picnic Friday afternoon. :
Games, ball game; and lunch were
enjoyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ’Evans and
Teddy were in London Tuesday. .
^.Mr^ andMrs. Neil.McCallum_oL^
Lucknow spent Sunday with Mi<
and Mrs. Wm. Scott arid attended
anniversary services.. ■ ,
The Young People’s Society is
invited to the home of—Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Miller Friday even
ing. Mr. Currie is to address the
meetirig. ‘,
Mission Band will be held on
Monday afternoon instead of. Sat*
urday in the chuTch-entertain ing : —
Teeswater Mission Band.
;■ Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.
Elmer Scott (nee, Mabel Hedley)
on. Ahe.lb irth._o.L ason Saturday:,___
June 19th. in Wingham Hospital.
Mrs. Wm. Evans entertained at
a show,er on Tuesday evening in
honor 'of Miss Vivian .Fisher, ' Who' ‘
received many lovely presents.
Vivian graciously thanked, every
one. '■. ■'
Good crowds attended anniver
sary services in Langside church
cn Sunday. Rev. D. G. Campbell
of Seaforth gave inspiring mess
ages morning arid evening. The t .
choir gave special music for the
occasion. . ' .
a daughter of the late Mr. arid The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mid-
Mrs. Arthur - Simpson^—In—1928--fbrdHVall and -Donnie is ; taktiTg-
worst night...
Truly there are times When no price can measure the
value of your telephone service —‘ ready when yOu
■** waht it most. Such a time came to Sarnia on fjfay#2ist.
When the tornado ripped through the downtown area.
-—That night; Bell equipment -^Iho telephone building A
itself—built, to. stand Up in emergencies,, came
• ? through One of the toughest tests,.
ZLn^emergency power Unit kept building and equips
meht alive. Dial mechanism, property housed, re*
■ mained undamaged. Light from the Bell — shoWn .
. above streaming through the building^ shattered,
doorway-^was for hours, lhe only electric-’ light in
' downtown Sarnia. It became a beacon that told of
, " service Working for nearly all of. Sarnia^ i2;6db.
customers. Less than ,1200 telephones were put out of
action and .by the end of the next day alLbut_a few_Qf_
these Were baqk in sefvice^thariks td 'telephone rneh
frdm Sarhia* Windsor and Chatham. Outside wires
■; - suffered .littfe'damagTbecau^ihey werTdth
ground t,otit of harm’s way, or overhead ini reardane»
Eueas, safer, from falling trees. , - ’
Chief Operator Alice Ed- :
wards (shown here directing
an off-duty volunteer to her 1
post at the switchboard)-
found, all but those more. rowl/o
seriously cut anxious to go .
back to their switchboards; and when the room was
made safe by plant men, they did. In addition, girls
off duty came in without being called, and rendered -
first aid; gathered food, eppked meals, and refused to
leayc until they were no longer required. One girl
from Quebec on vacation in Sarnia came in <0 help.
As one newspaper columnist Wrote, ZAc Re// opera-
she was married to William Mac
Donald, and they farmed in Kin
loss until just aver ri year ago,
when they retired to Teeswater.
She attended Langside Presbyter
ian Church:
Surviving besides, her husband,
are two brothers, William and
Hardy Simpson of Culross, and a
sister, Mrs. Graham Moffat, also
of Culross. \
The funeral was held from the
W. G. Church Funeral Home on
Saturday at 3.30 p.m. Interment
took place in Teeswater Cemet
ery. Services were in charge of
ReV. Mr.. Currie of Langside, as
sisted by Rev. A. J. Simpson.
< Pallbearers- were six nephews,.
Lloyd, pave, Tom, Bert, Jim and
.William’'Moffat. < ‘ '
on a new look these days? It . is
being painted by; Mr.. Moffat and
•men.-' ■ -,■■■•- r'''.;.' ■;''' ' -■
Mr. arid Mrs. Everett Whytock
and Garry, spent Friday evening
With Mr..and Mrs. Alex Whytock.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stewart and
Harold: .spent Saturday, at Owen
Sound and. attended the circus.. .
Mr. and Mrs, Bannerman, .Tees
water, s^ent Sunday evening with
Mrs. Mary Wall,
Mr. and Mrs.,Ron Stanley, Kin<
loss, were . Sunday ; visitors with
Mri, and Mrs. Tom Stewart. :
. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Zettel &
Jean Elizabeth - and Mrs,. Schu*.
macher, Formosa, spent Sunday
evening witlj Mr< and Mrs. Jack ,
Schumacher and Helen.
1 :...
tors were the heroines of the Sarnia disaster^
Miss Donna Hamilton, nurse-in-
training in. Woodstock, spent a
fe\y days at her home here;
Mrs. Mac Hanna of London W’Ss
a week-end visitor with"Mr. ■ and
Mrs.,'Frank Hamilton. . , -
Quite ^a number from, here at
tended the Drumhead servivce'in
Tiverton on Sunday. ' <
ReV; G,. S. Baulch Of South
Kjnloss was' the guesf speaker for
the Presbyterian annfvprcar- 2
the bell telephone company of Canada
• THE MORNJNG AFTER —; the Beil building tfeindt di a . -
i , , ; «y«ool?o‘f.0ntlnulhfl
vices on Sunday. The choir had
prepared special riiUsic and. wete
assisted--at the -morning~ service~
by Mr. B. Farrell of Ripley and
in ‘ the evening by Mr. Vinbach
of Lucknow.; ‘ ,
Mr., -Malcolm MacLenhan,« of
Barrie called on friends here on
Saturday. He and Mrs. MacLen^
•. ■ '
“week-end at their Cottage' at pt,
. A miscellaneous shower in ,hon:-
our of the coming marriage of
Miss Mary Radcliff Was held at
the! home of Mr. and Mrs.' Alli-
ster Hughes on Saturday evening;
Mrs. Harvey Webb led Miss Rad
cliff to a tastefully decorated
chair to the strairis of ‘the. u ad
ding march played. by Mrs< Will.
Rutherford, Miss Marjorie Stuart
Wheeled in a Well, filled basket
of gifts. Mary was' assisted in
Murray and Isabelle MacPherson> •
y_ser»~ veiling Jiie—gifts^by-JVt-issx^J^onLi
A short program, consistccl^d.
music, Scotch dancing and a sing-,
song, after which a dainty lun. h-
was Serived, rounding out a plens-
ant everiirig. Among*the guests,
were Mary’s only living aunt,
?Mr&. 'MacPhersdn ■ pf».ppek--
Herb Bu|nstead and friend,: M?......
Milton Taylor of Meaford. -
’/. •
*"i' ''A’'' ' *