HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-17, Page 8t , ki fc, I' * n ► i .. k. ' v <' ' k •-W ' i y- ’ i ►'/ / '* ■ y .Owr• ■ Introductory Sale . Continues ALL THIS WEEK Still Many Big Values Tp Choose Fr0iny, A Visit To Our Store Entitles You ■’ ' to a chance in the'’ FREE WALLPAPER DRAW ► ► ■ * k ; >• ► t FinlayDecorators ’Phene 218, Luclmow ‘4> X'Aii'Xii'XiA A Ai A 4 A A .A, AniA CHURCH NEWS Group 1 W.A. Meeting Mrs. Art Breckles kindly open­ ed her summer home at Clam Lake for the June meeting of the W.A. Group 1. Mrs. Orville Jones .presidedand oHered prayer, . fol­ lowed by the opening hymn. In­ teresting items concerning the Coronation were related in re­ sponse fo the roll; call,. Mrs. H. FOR 5- Late Sowing ,■?. Hungarian Millett Sudan Grass ?: Sorghum Dwarf Essex- Rape English Broad Leaf Rape Narrow Stem Kale Seed Corn for grain & silage Garden and Root Seeds / Pasture Mixtures-' - Seed Potatoes D. R. FINLAYSON v Phone 91, Lucknow x Summer BARGAIN STAMPEDE ; LG.A.^ Sunny Mom Coffee, lb. 91c >KeH0«’? Brunswick Sardines, 3 for 23c LG.A. ‘ ’ Choice Peas, 20 be.* 2 for 39c i.g.a. 7 ■ •_ Choice Corn, 20_o«*2 for 29c LGJk. ; Pork & Beans, 20 oz. 2 for 29c SMITH’S FOOD MARKET Watch For LG.A.Advt.in Thursday’s Free Press V ,MEN’S WEAR ; . . ; Plus 4 pair of WjDRK SOCKS FREE, all sizes New Shipment of CLIPPER.WORK CLOTHES ; '' OVERALLS,. Size 34‘ to " JEANS, size 31to 46, only ; .7 " <■ :> ■’■ ■■- 111 ;1 wltJLr'"“t-MwoKw & 9 Haldenby -favored 'with a vocal solo;:accompanied by MrsrSpence Irwin. Readings were, given by Mrs; t E. Taylor,' Mrs. W. Eadie and (Mrs. Roberts, and Mrs. Irwin &aing a soln, jyith Mrs. Jas. Web­ ster accompanying on the harp. The, meeting, efosed, with hymn 376, arid the’ mizpah benediction. A Social time followed with Con­ tests toeing conducted by Mrs. Eadie, ,‘Mrs. Johes arid M[rs. Howey. Mrs. R. Johnstone voiced the appreciation of the group, -<o: >the hostesses; the committee arid those takirig part in the program. W.A. Hunter-Kilpatrick Group ^Ttoe^une^e0in^ of the W-A. was held on Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home bi Mrs. Vernon Hunter with an-.at­ tendance Of 17 members and four visitors. Mrs. Kilpatrick presided for the opening exercises. The secretary’s report and roll call was . folio wed by the treasurer’s report and correspondence was read. The scripture reading arid meditation Was given jby. Mrs. P’ MacMillan. Mrs. Alliri favored with piano inrtrumehtal, Mrs. Torrance Anderson read two: in­ teresting poems. Mrs.. Jessie Al­ lin gave a very interesting talk on the Coronation and the life history of our present Queen. A pleasing duet was rendered by Mrs, Drennan and Mrs. MacMil­ lan. The .meeting, closed with a hymn and mizpah benediction, after which a happy half hour "was spent over the tea 'cups. a LG.A. Tomato Juice, 20 oz«, 2 for 25c Sunkist Grapefruit, 100’s ........ 3 for 23c California ? Caiirots ........... 2 bunches 23c Ontario Grown , A. Radishes, bunch „ 5c Ontario Head Lettuce. 2 for 19c i ■ // i see m the: sentinel. ; (Continued from page I) THAT on Sunday Joe Conley motored to St. George, , in the , Galt-Brantford district, for a visit with Mr. W, ,!.• Paterson, yviio is in charge of,an oil drill- ing rig in that locality. Mr. Paterson, despite his 85 years, is still fulb of iviigor and is as enthusiastic^asever in his • search for, and development of, new bi! fields,. He, iwas brought >down from Alberta to super- ' vise Ithe sinking of the test hole at St. George. a . ’ <&', —v~~ ; THAT Mac -Stewart recently uri- • derwent an operation to cor­ rect an arm ailment and is going about at present with a rather cumbersome looking bast. . ■ •' —O—-r THAT George Pappas of North,, Bay, a nephew of Bill Pappas qf town, suffered injuries,: though not serious, in a motor . accident in which his friend and driver of, the car was kill* ed.' ■ THAT Bill Hewat who is employ­ ed’ by a chemical plant in El­ mira, left a few: days ago in charge of a weed spraying train operating on the,.C.N.R. line in the Capreol district. His son ^bb“is ^h^berbrthe^ ing crew? They will spend several weeks on the job, spraying about forty miles a • .day.' - f THAT Alex Havens and J. C. Johnston have been operating a County power painting mach­ ine, to paint parking stalls on -MainStreet.They’ll -increase parking accomodation—if mot­ orists heed them. —•. ■ THAT ;mdmbers-of-^Grey-Courity7 Couricil were guests of Bruce County legislators last Thurs­ day. Following dinner at the Formosa Community Centre the group itoured the southern part of the County including a visit to the;/ Teeswater Creamery, Luckrio'w Flax Mill, Ackert’s farm at Holy rood and the Geo. MacDonald and Lome Reid farms in the Amberley area. The tour concluded at South- ampton where a banquet was h^jd that; eyening.. THAT the Lucknow Pipe Band had an engagement at the Shelbourne races on Wednes­ day. On: Coronation Day they were aUWatefford in the after- noonand returnedto Seaforth for a band tattoo at night. The Band travels by Allan Reed’s . ibus, .. ' . ——O— ■ ■* ■ THAT Elizabeth Henderson en­ tertained a number of friends on the occasion of her 9th birthday an Monday with the group seeing “The Quiet Man0 at The Playhouse that evening? THAT Mrs.Robt. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Wareing motored to Midland: Thursday night where they met Harvey McQuillin, who returned with thbrn to visit for a short while with Mrs. McQuillin and babe »iri Goderich Hospital. They left again on Friday highf ‘ in5 tinie to Catch the S.S. Burlington ent —route-to^ortAArthurr^~^r^-^ THAT the increased prices for “The Quiet Man0, showing this week at The Playhouse* are re­ quired by the producers of the - BORN SWAN—in Wingham Hospital on Sunday, June 14th, /to Mr. arid Mrs. Wm« X Swhn (Ruth Arider- son), a daughter* * »ASHTON’S MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Gooas and Woollens ;piC!ture. r \ " THAT Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd who have resided at Southamp- ton for some time, have bought a home there overlooking the lake, and,'are now occupying it. THAT a new front has been in-; stalled' at Button’s Meat Mar- ket. ■' • ; ; ■ Takes Oyer Mill Business j John Gaunt has purchased the farm and sawmill on the 3rd Con. of ^inloss .from^the estate bf hisl late pafrtnet*. Duncan Ken- riedy. Mr. Gaunt' had bberi as­ sociated for some time with Mr. Kennedy in the operation, of the ' ttiill; BORN McQUILtiN—at Alexandra Mar­ ine and General Hospital, Gode­ rich, on Sunday^ June 7th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuib tin (Isabel Scott), Point Edward, a son, Ricky Scott. ~ , t x w DON’T FORGET DAD ON HIS DAY ^ A^Fcw Fatlier’s'Day Suggestions: ' abnnm Striped M P^n. ^W sizes, only ..$2,95’. > cSS£It~ray<>n S., M. & L., only $3.95 * rf»/nBTSHs,j' .. . "WMHTME^n M StriP*<l b'’oa4c,oth I4-50 * $19« ..............' . .........Attd Many Other Hems. . '• ■■ ’ ;; - ,j ■ ’ HOUSEHOLD ITEMS BLANKETS O.V. Pure Wool Satirt Bound ■ Blankets, size 60x80. slightly imperfect, r . * ■ *. ■. ■■■’• WABASSO SHEETS, 81x99, only $6.98 W WABASSO PILLOW CASES, only $1.49 pair (Wonderful QtjhlRy^ SligHtly Imperfect) , J House Awning, green, black and orange stripe* 7fiki ,and_ $L00 HOUSEAWNING—-Heavyweight,30’’ wide.