The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-17, Page 5■<! 4 *r ......- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17th, 1953 ~~ '■ « ■ ,. T u & LIBERAL for the RIDING OF BRUCE WillBeHeldlnThe^FownParlr^ « ' a ■uMai^Mriktf^Hii^nenK ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND ■ ♦ : ‘ . ■ > Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; June 22, 23, 24 This is a picture tAat you will remember for a long time— People Against O’Hara with SPENCER TRAC Y and JOHN HODIAK. “ CHOOSING OF A CANDIDATE /' ■ *1 WHITECHURCH i I V..f 4 SW ___EVERYBODY Ken Symons, Pres. M . Tom Duff, Secretary j “GOD SAVE THE QUEEN” / j • a» t . THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KINLOUGH .Miss Agnes Hall of St. Thomas is visiting with Misses Nellie and Margaret. Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. Jfack Graham re-? •tprned to: their home at Ann Ar-r bor after spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. H.’ A. Graham and other members of his family. Mrs; Charles Bonnett \ enters tained a number of ladies . at a . -nylon plastic party on Thursday evening. . ’ • , ; ’ A number <from here attended .the. farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. George Percy and faipily on ’Friday evening. . - • Mrs. Wesley Guest and Fred, Mrs. Tom, MacDonald and Mr. Noble Guest were in , St, Thomas on Monday attending the funeral of a relative. . , / ' The W.A. met on Thursday at , the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox and Mrs. Cox, Sr. Mrs. Tom Hodgins i presided and the opening hymn^ • was “O God our help .in ages past”. Mrs. Ralph Hill read the scripture lesson. Mrs. J. W- Col- well ;_had-x-.Jthe—praver—partners- prayer. “Forsake” was. the word for the roll call^ Further plans ^ere made, for the garden party and the summer festival.. Mrs. Arthur Breckles faivored with a solo “Face to Face”, after which the-Rev;-Benson Cox shdwed pic­ tures in keeping: with the Cor­ onation; Rev. John Prest closed the meeting and a dainty lunch was served. ''-x, Mrs. W. _J., McLean of-Kincar- dine and Mrs. Bern. Corson of London Visited on Wednesday with relatives and friends here. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. A... Graham—who celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary on Friday, Juiie 12th. Miss Eleanor Murphy and Mr. Dennis Miirphy-of-St. Marys vis- ited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray. Mrs. A. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and Calvin of De­ troit and their son, Elroy. Sieloff, who is serving with the United States navy and at^present is stationed in B.C;, spent the ^week­ end with relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Wall, is in London with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall at . .. • . * . • . • * .V •present. . ‘ Mr. and Mrs.' Harold Slessor and family of near Glamis. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, ’ There will “be no service in the Anglican Church next Sunday owing to the special services at -Bervier-— On Sunday morning at the» Presbyterian church .two were (baptized. They were Philip Walt-^ er and Arthur Russell, children ! I of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles. laxing on <the <verandah of a Buf-i This was followed by the service i ■ of holy communion. • : ... ' Mr. James McEwari spent a few days with. Mr. and Mrs. Don McEwan. The ■ Presbyterian . Sunday School and Young Peoples picnic will be held on Saturday, June 3O.th at Poplar Beach: The W.M.S. met on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Edbert Bush- Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM ❖ , Two Shows. Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Thursday, Friday? Saturday June 18, 19, 20 GEW ^UTRY, „^ j_ .. -r--in — . ; j- Winning of the West MATINEE SATURDAY -■t Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. JUNE 22, 23, 24, 25 ROBERT TAYLOR, JOAN FONTAINE, ELIZABETH TAYLOR — in — IVANHOE Admission: ___ Evenings-~_75c_and-35c— Matinee -—50c and 35c Friday, Saturday, June 26, 27 Jan Sterling, Charlton Carpenter ^SKY FULL QF MOON^™ I AM PURCHASING __ BOA MEAT HORSES Boarsat20ctol2c per lb. live weight. LEROY ACHESON Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect or contact < SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW HORSE NEVER REPLACE CAR THAT WAS 45 YEARS AGO PAGE! FIVB: I Russ Johstone had occasion re­ cently to dismantle an old mirror and from the back of it he re­ moved a icopy of the (Buffalo ... Courier of June 28th, 1908. The front page featured in plc- . jure, and” story of the manoeuvers ■ of 6,600 Canadian militia during encampment at Niagara-on-the- Lake. It also featured Ja° columru-on- harness horse races and dr i ving- horses in igeneral. Qnex paragraph referred to the opinions of a number of equine admirers who were discussing horses while re-1 falo district hotel. They had seen a number of autos pass when a pair of trotting - bred horses wheeled up to the hotel which touched off the discussion. They were. “beautiful speci­ mens” and were “hitched as only a genuine horseman knows how to harness’.’, b . * ' The item then continued, “one! had only to listen to realize ’that { ell with Mrs.. Perry Hodgins in the automobiles will never force.] charge.. Hymn 188 was sung fol- • , horses out. of’ the position they lowed by prayer. Mrs. Wesley occupy as an adjunct to life .in Guest read the scripture and J hiost enjoyable state. There is gave the meditation. Prayer fol- *-• * * i S . . . occupy as an adjunct to life in no doubt about the superior speed I lowed by Mrs. F. Maulden. Mm- of, the auto for a d.ash_-aciioss_Lu^-. 4 . . 77 country—<when it.-Works properly’ I port of the 69th prpsbyteria —’but the rush and roar ’of an.1, urq<s hplfl af Whiteehurch inanimate machine cannot ’ be compared for a pleasure^ trip, to the quiet peace of a journey, be- hind a pair of beautiful and in­ telligent horses”. utes-and-business-fol loWedr-A-re-v which was held at Whiteehurch was given by Mrs. Perry ’ Hod­ gins ..and Mrs. Frank Ma'ujden. Current events from tihe •* Glad j Tidings .and the Presbyterian Re-,! | cord were given by Miss Nellie 7 f A TI’JSiFA OIL HEAT OIL limr sihvtYrtgirBfr»ATEf • “ .• OIL FURNACIS * OIL BOIUM • WATIR Hf ATIM __H1SELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham j. n Mr. and Mrs.. Edward Moore and family spent the week-end | at Woodstock and Preston. f . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Small of Toronto are visiting, her sister, Mrs. Maud McGregor and other relatives and friends. - J. Miss N.. McCall of ’Prince Al­ bert, Sask., visited ;a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Moore. Mr,. and Mrs. Jack Reid from Goderich visited . one' day last week with Mrs; p. KennedyL Mrs., Toynbee Lamb and Mrs. Reihl of Goderich vsited on Fri­ day with Mrs. Kennedy arid- Mrs. Turner. ■ , We are sorry to hear that Miss Grace' Richardson isn’t as well as . her many friends would like to hear. She is a patient in a Lon­ don hospital. , / ' ' We. are sorry to hear that Mrs. V. Emerson is ta ’ patient inthe Wingham Hospital suffering from acute rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Leaver and daughter Evelyn visited on Sun­ day-with-Mrr^and~ Mf§TA7”Cbult- es. ■ Rev.* and Mrs. Gray don Cox and daughters of Fonthill spent Sunday at her mother’s, Mrs. M. Ross. . The anniversary of the . United Church” was hold on Sunday with Rev. Chas. Cox Officiating; The morning services was assisted by Rev. R. D. A. Currie of the Pres­ byterian church; The choir ren- deredspecial nurnbersincludihg an anthem, a quartette with JMrs. D. Tiffin, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. E. Scholtz ahd Mrs. Groskorth; a duet by Messrs. G. E. Farrier and .J. D. Beecroft-; The evening: ser^' vice was well attended. The as­ sisting pastors were Rev. S. E. Hayward and Rev. Graydon Cox i j of Foothill. The choir rendered a lovely anthem and a quartette! was sung by Messrs. G. Farrier, | D, Beecroftj C. • Martin and O. i Tiffin. A duet was sung by Mrs. E. Scholtz and Mrs. D. Tiffin. ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Secord of London visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs.'E...Groskorth. ] Miss Jean Henderson has starts ed to work in Wingham Hospital. Wedding bells are ringing mer­ rily. There will be no service in the iChalmer’s Presbyterian Church, W'hitechurch, owing to the anr>iy yersary services at Langside. Rev. Campbell from Seaforth will Ibe the guest speaker. ’| Ivirs. C. R. Moore and Ron and} 7Mrsr' Wfnr”Henry spent MondayJ in Pjeston and Galt. I | ST. HELENS ■Miss W. D. Rutherford gave a most interesting and informative talk on the United Nations and • (the part that Christian' Missions has to do with it at the regular meeting of the W.M.S.; held on Wednesday at the home of ‘Mrs. George Stuart. Twenty-three lad­ ies were present and Mrs. W. I. Miller presided ahd the theme of the worship service was “A great door and effectual, is opened”. Mrs. J. Cameron read a poem. Mrs. Frank McQui'llin read the scripture lesson and Mrs; W. A.J Miller , led in. prayer. It was I agreed to hold .the annual social meeting and to invite Miss_Lor-- othy Douglas as speaker. Mrs. E. W. Rice favored With a solo, “His eye is on the Sphrrow”. The PLAYHOUSE * ’f Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 18, 19, 20 Final Three Days Yes, It’s THE QUIET MAN Ask Those That Saw The Show, . — FIRST, SHOW STARTS AT 7 00. Prices for this Engagement: Adults 55c; Students 35c Children 25c SATURDAY MATINEE At-2.15 p.m.—Doors open at 2 pan. i •« 4 * - 1 ‘ . «. . ftj ‘ ' ft ?■ ■./ ■■ ■ .. 1 •! ■ • w’ ’ -J ” * r ■1 • ' 1 f ’ ' ; Mrs. Jas. Curran, the president, ] Woods made the-presentation of SS IT) th A . P.h fliTP “fni* ■fiFicx * rr ' nnwas in the chair for the meeting: of the W.A., the theme of which was “Purity of . Heart”. The meet­ ing was opened by the. use^ of_the. theme ""hymn, prayer and the creed. The roil call was respond­ ed to by a verse of scripture. Mrs. Murdie read the scripture'lesson and Mrs. T. J. Todd the lesson -thoughtsr Plans were completed for the Coronation Tea to be held on Thursday, June . 25th; At the ^conclusion Mrs W- A. Miller spoke *a f^w words of apprecia­ tion and good wishes to Mrs. S. E. Hayward and Mirs. Lome, an electric iron. Mrs. Hayward thanked the ladies for their gift and a pleasant social hour was X en j oyed over—the tea4cups”witli Mrs. J. Cameron and Miss Annie Durain as hostesses. .. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt and Mur* fay were week-end visitors with___ her brother, Mr. Charlie Sfier*3 wood and Mrs. Sherwood a t De* troit. ■' .' .• Mr. and Mrs- Jack Berndt of Detroit were guests of-Mr^ and——■ Mrs. Gordon MlacPherson during the week-end. I II Nominating Convention i 9 , June at 2.00 p.m. sharp I . ■'T r' i I GUEST SPEAKERS iTheRightHonourabl Malcolnv Hyfnh^ 4501 -wa$.~sunfe. The study,- book was taken, by Erlma Jean Percy. Mrs.Mark Johnstbn, • Mrs. Frank Maulden, Mrs. John Emerson and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Meditation was given by Mrs. Perry Hodgins. Hymn 254 followed. The meeting-closed- with prayer which ,was followed I •bv 'erace and a daintv: lunchIby 'grace and a dainty lunph wasrserved:• *•: \:'■ 1~~ Mrs. John Colwell; Mr. and Mrs. Currie Colwell. and family spent Sunday with, relatives at Bayfield, and also visited with Mr; arid Mrs. Bill Sterling. Mrs. Sterling was the former Gwen -Ack er h . Mr. Jack.Ltidgate and daughter Sylvia and Sharon Will of Lon* don spent Saturday with Mr. Wm. Wall. • •’•;r » •: • * ■ . . | . Prune Minister of I Canada 4 i 11 Hon. Walter Harris Minister of Citizenship and Immigration I 1 !•: ■ 3 .I i iI i i I t i i ! i i