The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-17, Page 2'■* >AGE TWO
■ f£
.1. . ■■ '
Mary Wall and Jim wd" Orville
Wiilson. ?
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson,
Ardis and Harvpy of Rervie vis
ited Sunday evening 'with, Mr, &
Mrs. Frank Brown and. Reg. .
Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Annie -spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Collins, Port Elgin.
Sunday afternoon visitors at
Hanna’s were Miss Muriel Shiells
from Ethelbert, Man. arid 'Mi?
Dave Neilson, Gorrie, .
. Miss Norma Esplen, Port Elgin, teacheryfor Westford school.
next term, visited the school Mon
day* afternoon. While there she
made the, draw oh* the? velvet
cushion made by Grade yill
girls. .It was- won, by Paul Ste
phen. ' ■ .......'■ :
■ Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Bell and
Douglas, Toronto; Miss Ruth. Mc
Kee, George Harrison and Mr.
and Mrs* Norman McKee visited
at Hanna’s on Sunday. , ■ f ■
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs.,
Alex Whytock,' who will cele-
brate their 25-ih wedding anni-
versary Saturday. Members of
her family held a surprise party
. picnic of fho Ash*. field Public Scheel Ama was held
^t Camp Kintail on Wednesday
•nF last week..This popular event
;was favored with good weather
and attracted a large gathering
of pupils and adults who enjoyed
the outing. * ’
. ■ The sports, program was. con
ducted by the Trustees arid tea
chers. Mr., J. H. Kinkead, J.P.S.,
—w^s- also present. /""'
Winners of the- sports events
, and novelty contests we£e as fol-
■ lows': ;
' 6 years and under—girls, Bar
bara . Nelson, Linda Vascella,
Sharon West; boys, Billy Blake,
Kenneth Kirkland, Larry Pent-
land. . \
7 and 8 years—-giflsi. Jiine Fin
layson, Anri Vandelay, Alice Dal
ton (tied), Helen McNay; boys,
Alex McIntyre, Jerry_ Ellis. Al-
lan Brown.
9 • and 10 years—girls, Dianne
Compton, Eileen Vascella, Betty
Farrish; boys, Donald Kirkland,
Donald Johnston, BiUy Barger. .
11 and 12 years—girls, Kathleen
Hackett, Gertie Campbell, Elaine
McNay; boys, Bob Ellis, Wayne
Brown, Morris Dalton. \ ;
13 and 14 years—girls, Marion
Hamilton, Emeline Miller, Norma
_ .JPfcfttland^ boys, JRichard J2omp-^
ton, Marvyn Bennlger, Wayne
. Brown. : - ■
Young men—Marvyn Benniger,
. Wayne Brown, Jim Reed; young
ladies, Norma Pentland, Marion
7 Hamilton, Joyce Hackett; " r "
. Wheelbarrow race—Ralph Nix
on; arid. Donald Kirkland, Billy
Brown, and Bob Ellis, Mike Dal
ton and Don Benniger.
— Kickingslipper—Emeliine"Mil-
|er, Janny Yowsma, Betty Lou
Vascella. ; ■ > , . •
Sack race girls, Kathleen
Hackett,Joyce-Hackett, Janny
^.Yowsma; boys, Donald Kirkland,
Jimmy Blake, Donald Beririiger.
* . 3-legged race.{^_ girls, Marlene
Maiz^ and' Margaret .Carter, Ger-
j tie Campbell and Joyce Hack
ett, Norma and pat Pentland7
: boys, Ralph Nixon and George
Hackett, Maurice and Mike Dal
ton, Wayne Brown and Donnie
‘ Relay race, Dungannon school
—Wayne Brown, Raymond Chis
holm, Richard and David Comp-
■' ‘'.ton.,- ■
Softball throw, Jr.—girls, Eil
een Vascella, Mae Stewart, Mary
LouDurnin;boys, Donald Kirk-
Softball throw, Sr.—girls, Em-
eline Miller, Norma Pentland,,
Marion Hamilton; boys, Raymond
, Chisholm, Barry McDonagh, John
McKenzie. ' ' < ■.
Running broad jumip* Jr*~girls,
Eileen Vascella, Mae Stewart,
Betty Ann Farrish; boys,Wayne
Stewart, Danny Dalton, Donald
Kirklands Senior—girls, Emeline
Miller, Betty Lou Vascella, Ger
tie Campbell; .boys, Billy Black*
John McKenzie, Mike Dalton,
Running high jump, Jpnior—
girls, Joanrie Altorij L. Logien-
burg, Martha De Groat; boys,
Donald Kirkland, Donald. Ben-
niger, Alex. McKenzie.
\ Running high jump, Senior-^
girls, Ndrma Pentland, Margaret
/Carter, Marlene Maize; boys, J.
C.< Durnin, Mike Dalton, Douglas
'*■'? "Kilpatrick:: - 1
, Pole rvaulf, junior—Donald Ben-
ger;' Senior, Richard Compton^
\^_-Mike Dalton, John Johnson.
. Champion freckled faced child'
—Dean Bowler, Irwin Campbell,
.Emeline Miller.
.' Champion curly-headed child—,
Jacbar Groort' Faye Henryk-Linda’
Little. . ... ’/ • ’< '.I
. Oldest person present Mrs:
RCynMEls, 86; Mr, Danny MaC-
'/ Leari, 73.- ' 1 • •'
• Youngest person present—Ron-
’ riie Strachan, 4 weeks; Charlene
Anderson, 6 weeks? . > V
‘ ... .....
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hender
son returned home Friday even-
. ■* irig and sperit- the night with Mr;
. ■ -rindr Mrs." Ja& Wraith. ' -
^*T^Mr7rin<r Wall and
■family spent Sunday, with
....... ■ —r"
for them Sunday at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Slessor, Jtef-
vie., They were presented with
a lovely .chest of silver, It was
also the occasion of Mr. Banner
man’s 80th birthday.,
.......... •• \
he11■ Anniversary services will
held on Sunday, June 21st at
a.m. arid 8 p.m. Rev. JD. G. Camp-r
bell of Seaforth will'be the guest
speaker.'' . ' ■ • •. -
“^e^GOth anniversary ; of the
WMS. will be held in the church
on Tuesday, June 23 rd at 8.30
p.m. Mrs. Baulch of South Kj’n-
loss will he the guest speaker.
A large number from here at
tended the funeral of the late
Mrs. Wm. MacDonald in Tees-
water on Saturday.
Mr. Ray Stanley of Lucknow
was guest speaker' at the last
Y.P.S. meeting. Mr. Stanley ex
plained the work of the Y.P.S; .
A very, successful Sunday
School picnic was held at the
school on Coronation day.. Mrs.
Dungannon United Church
MissionBand ’
■ Mission ‘ Band mot Bunday,
June 14th in the basement of the
United: Church during the* church
service. Wayne Brown,, >pres.,. op
ened ’the meeting with the call to
worship. Jimmie Blake played the
opening hymn, “X Would Be
True”. George Dawson and Lome
Alton found arid read the/ Biible
verses. The collection was taken
■by Patricia Pentland, during
whicih Richard Compton read the
.verseS of the Whisper Song. Mrs.
Hobt. Irvin told the story of the
change from witchcraft: doctoring
to medical missions in Africa.
Right across the country the trend is to Ford! Ford’s stepping
ahead everywhere because Ford is ahead in all the things
car-buyers want /most,. . . because Ford is worth more when
you buy it... worth.more When you sell it.
Ford’s acclaimed from coast to coast for its great Strato-Star
110-Hp. V-8 engine, delivering the same kind of power
that you find in the most expensive cars -^Smooth, lively,
dependable V-8 power.
Ford’s applauded in every province for its wealth of fine-car
. features, including the choice of three ultra-modern trans
missions—Fordomatic*, Overdrive*, or Synchro-Silent shift.
Ford’s admired by everyone because it’s such a beauty—
inside and out—and because it offers such a satisfying choice
of colours, trims and fabrics. ..
Yes, there are plenty of reasons why the steady, continuing
trend to Ford has made it beyond any doubt the success
car of the season. You’ll discover all those reasons when
you test-drive Ford. ; . .'./'/"
f < - ifO'
- ’ -0,1 THE GREATEST •
» . Drive, Overrfrlve ant/
- w/iire sidewall tires optional at extra cost.
Wm, Svans'tad Mrs. Eugene Con-
ley ware in charge of the sports,
Mrs, Clifford Yoyng.:and Mrs.
Arnold Scott had charge of the
ldnclv .
The Mission Band met at the
home Of Mrs. Bert. Moffat. Mrs.
Charlie Tiffin and Mrs. Wesley
Young were ‘in charge. Plans
were made to entertain'Tees wat
er Mission Band on June 27 th.
•w J - ■ .’-friT— ui,
: Mr. Ray MacKenzie pf Windsox* .
is lyisitipg at his hpme here.
The sacrament of ’ the ' Lord’s
Supper wasobserved in the Pres
byterian church ph Sunday .with
preparatory, services Friday even
ing and, Saturday morning
Mrs. R. Bissett will be hostess
for the June? meeting of the W;
M. S. Mrs. Hugh MacKenzip .will«.
be in charge of the program,’The
roll call to be answered by
Shorter Catechism, ■
• The Presbyterian church will •«
hold their: anniversaryservices.
cn. Sunday, June 21st. Rev, G. S:.
Baulch of South Kinloss will be?
the guest speaker. J
Mrs. Ewart McKeith of Van<~"
couver is spending her vacation
among relatives here.,
.Miss Powell, RsN. of. Wingham,-
visited with Miss Sadie John- .
ston, R.N., before starting on an
extended trip to the West, which
will take her as far as the coast.
She Will travel by plane,