HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-17, Page 1$2.50 A Year In Advance—$(.00 Extra To U.S.A.„ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 th, 1953' 'EIGHT PAGES
j • . * <• J Vlill; 1 *1* vJX.XAA LAV* VXXX ' VX X.^ A V i • ___ • . . . ... i . ... .n Monday evening JThe young-people’s choir -render- s^iGu^ on ^^ay night about 15r
Ardonna Johnston.
attractively redecorated closing and. salp of this church
vices at Dungannon morning Little addressed the Visitor^ with
and evening* ,• 1 Rev. Norton of Paisley replying.
Members and officials of Bruce
County Council while in session
last week formed a Masonic de
gree team to confer the Third <
the Kihloss hills and as far north
as the Greenock Swamp area.
older residents by her maiden,
as Maggie Langford.
James St. mountain steps in
Hamilton. She was found uricon-
The degree was conferred on
Tuesday evening at Saugeen
Hospital,: London, on ■
June 15th.^ Her 'husband prede
ceased her by only eighteen
June 30th, 1940. < . ...
As might well be expected, the
THAT John D. MacLeod of Kin
loss suffered an infection of
the right hand that required
the. amputation of the index
XVXlXi^X . JL1CI1X UXX uumi-
stone Block. . ture lesson. '■ • .
Readings * were given by Miss I.. ~___-__L.____ _
,Dean MacLeod and Mrs. Jack Kil- > -IAI fiCCjpatrick and Mrs. J. W. Joynt. andj “"A I ElNLz l\I PlLv/Jw
, ■!— Kr-liS—
Mcuivduon oi me enuren wnicni------- -r- ~ u •**. « heirig re-painted and re-carpet- i the anniversary held, on
‘ nnxL id AH *
J.ii.il. .. r
, ■ / '■ f ...................... X .
Date of the Federal election
was set last Friday, and as had
been forecast, it/wilrt
. August 10th/ All political parties
are whipping election machinery
into shape ;for a whirlwind sum-
" oner campaign, that will be high
lighted in this district next week
by a visit from the Prime Mini
ster, the Honourable Louis St.
to fill
> Exeter
Prime x __„
nominating convention at South
ampton, called to select tihe Lib
eral candidate for the riding ofl
Bruce. Donald B. Blue, who has
represented the riding during
the last Parliament, will no doubt
fop the choice to again carry the !
.' banner. ' ' , .
Andy Robinson was named sev
eral months ago as Progressive^.
At the Southampton rally an-
* other speaker of . considerable
prominence will be Hon. Walter
Harris, minister of citizenship and
- - -immigration;
In informing^ The Sentinel of
the Prime Minister’s visit to
Bruce, Mr. Blue pointed Out that
he is running on a close, exact-
ingschedule,andit "Twill-hoT^e
possible to have him stop over
or pass through Lucknow ^enroute
to Southampton.
St. Laurent will be in
Connty next Wednesday
speaking engagements at
and. Wingham. .
Thursday afternoon the
Minister will speak at’ a
• . t ........ ■ • (
The annual tag day -of the NaVy
League of Canada will be held
in Lucknow. on —Saturdayy^Juhe:
20th.. will be convened by Mr.
W.’ Joyfit and a number ?of
boys will do the tagging and.
make a canvass of the tvillage.
; The Navy League uses^ these
funds for its services to Canadian
seamen and its youth training
program throughout Canada. To
seamen serving in Korea go the
popular Nayy League ditty bags.
Tent caterpillars are currently
plaguing the district. Their webb
like nests are to be seen most
everywhere and the evidence of
their leaf-stripping appetite is
equally apparent.
j They scan be cleared from folj-
| age by the use of commercial
• DDT, in a solution of two; table
spoons to a gallon of water.
Graduation exercises for eleyeh
'members “ of " the, Owen Saund
General and Marine Hospital
iSchool of Nursing,- 1953, were.
h61d oh Friday afternoon, June
12th at Division 'Street ’, United;
Church. - . 4
Among the graduates were
Miss Shirley, Robinson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinr
.son of, Lucknow and Miss Viola
Cook, daughter of Mr. Albert
Cook, |R; 3, Lucknow, and the
late Mrs, Cook? Both, girls will
complete their training course
later in the summer. • .
Miss Cook received the George
D. Fbrbes ; memorial scholarship
for post graduate study in sur
gical nursing or operating, room
technique. ’
/ Viola’s sisters, Edna and Eliza
I Cook are also graduates of the
Owen Sound Hospital.
, TT~~7 .. ... ■ ' '
An “open air” meeting of the
Luckndw Business Men’s Associa
tion was held at the Town Hall
N ■ : ■ ' • ‘ ■
Snowflu?iies daily is the “wea
ther report” from Arctic ^ay on!
Baffin Land,—according —to—Bob-|
Thompson via short wave, ..court, •
esy'. of Fred Bissett, “ham” radio
operator of Goderich.
The highest temperature of the
year’has—been—37— degrees^—and
Bob says the harbour is still solid
with ice. * '
They are anxiously waiting for BRIDE ELECT OF THIS WEEK
signs of a break-up, as days are.| - c... __ _____
. i ; A Miscellaneous shower was
MRS. JOHN MacMILLAN DIES '.eynmeirt ice-breaker D Iberville, I ,held on Mond eveni in honor
V ; starts her two-month round tap (of Migs shirle Johnston a bride.
rm_ _ • _i___._«» > .. ■» « • tn f anQHO.c mnof nnr'thnrhr r\iir • .* * 7.
Millan occurred Th St. Joseph’s P°sts- This ship is currently in;
— ... - - Monday I Spithead review off the Br.it-
• 1 ish coast. . ’ • . ,
J Tentative dates, are for her to
months. Mrs. MacMillan was for-1 teach Arctic Bay on September
merly May Morrison and was 61i -2th, and to dock at Queb.ec late
years of age. | in the month,' possibly on the
The remains rested at the John- •27th- i Mrs/ Grant MacDiarmid led in
Stone Funeral Home until Wed--’ ■ 1»!*a sirig-song. Shirley received
nesday morning, when ; requiem C R E iV E C H U RC H U PI many lovely gifts and was assist
mass was held at Sacred Heart r/\n CAI E'CfiOKI • ed *n °Pen^n'g ithem by her sisterChurth, Teeswater, with inter-7 * VK uALC aWIX . {Betty and bv Jane Johnstone and
ment in Teeswater Ronrian Cath-
olio Cemetery.
7"Friends,in this community were
grieved to. .learn of the tragic
death Of . Miss. Grace MacPher-
soh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. MacPhersori, former resi,-
i dents of Concession 10, Kinloss,
which0 occurred in St. Joseph’s
Hospital, Hamilton, on Sunday.
Grace, who was in her 35th
year, was bora on the 10th of
Kinloss and attended school at
j S.S. No, 3. She resided in Luck
now for a time making her home
Lucknow Pipe Band has plans
-complete—and—pasters- out~~fora~
big tattoo in the ’Caledonian
Park on . Friday night of next
week. There’!! be six bands,
Scotch dancing and numbers 'by
Canada’s champion old-time fid
dler, Mel Lavigne and his Blue
water Boys, who will' also play
for a clance to follow in the Town
Hall. Included in the .group is
Ward Allen, champion fiddler of
Western Ontario.
Scotch dancing will be by five i
outstanding Owen Sound girls, with Mrs. Wm. MacKerizie now
tutored by former iprofessiOnaL of Torhoto. During her stay here
champion, Amy Johnston. These ' “
dancers are tops and are among
the competitors at the big con
tests in Embro, Fergus and-Tor
onto. ’ »'
j Grace was active lri Young Peo-
| pie’s work in the Presbyterian
Chujch. She was a lovely, like
able girl with. a charming man-
her that won her many ,friends...
For some years Milverton has .
; been, the family’s home town, but
for the past few years Grace has
been in Hamilton where she was
a Bell Telephone. Comipanv„suD- ^
■ eiivisbr. She lived at the Y.W.C.A.
Police attribute Miss MacPher-
WilfrW'Drennan dea^h to a fall down the
The Sunday School, anniversary
was~ held“Tat~~the” United Church
oh Sunday morning with Messrs.
' yer assisting Rev. G, A. Meikle-
john in conducting the service.
|-time-was lost' in deciding to leave
retail business hours/ unchanged.
The proposal hadf been advanc
ed to remain open Wednesday
evenings and close all day Thurs-
ed an a-nthem.: Ushers .were Bill' feet from, the base of the steps,
Ritchie, George Webster, Kent with head injuries and cuts. Four
Hedley and George Richards. blbod transfusions and an opera-
During the service Rev. Meikle-j ^on failed to help her and she
_john-presented“three-Robt~Raikes"7^assed”away on“Sunday^
certificates for eight years of reg- ! Police conducted an inyestiga-
ular , Sunday School attendance tion, and believe she may have
and service. These went to Eliz- j either fainlted or slipped. It Was
abeth and Nancy Web^t.er:_ and- the first death from a- mountain,
Jimmy Wilson. . - ‘ steps fall in recent years.
At the evening service Willard I A service was held in McNab
Thompson gave an interesting' Presbyterian Church,. Hamilton,
description of Five Oakes train-! cn Monday, and the body takenThe death of Mrs. John Mac- to s . nortberly out- eiect of Saturday. Some sixty- ! ioig centre at Paris, and Rev. j to Milverton for service on Tues-;
e 0 five friends gathered for a pleas-;Meiklejohn dealt similarly with! day afternoon at Burns Presby-.
aht social evening held ip the i Miramichi Camp at Port Elgin, teriah Church with interment at
formervI.O.O.F; Hall an the John-'} Mr. ErnCst Bldke tead the scrip- Milverton.
Grace is -survived by her par
ents, a sister Ina and Three bro
thers, William, Gordon arid Jim. ’
Her mother, a former Lucknow
OIL LAND LEASES . } resident, is familiarly known to.
A number of birthday parties
have been staged lately by some
of Lucknow’S “little ladies’’.
Among those celebrating birth
days were Karen Wasney, age 5,
on June 9th; Louise Jones, 7, on
June 9th; Barbara Cameron, 5,
oil June 10th Kathleen Smith, 3,
on June, 12th; Jane Joyrit, 5, on
June 13th and Eleanor Whitby,
2, on Jyne 13th.
On Sunday afternoon, June
21st, at 2.30 pji)., a special seV-
Mice of Divine /worship will be
held at South Kinlossf Presby-
dedication of the church which
Crewe United Church and fur
nishings, and the adjacent church
public auction at the church
grounds, Seventh Concession of i
Ashfield on Monday afternoon,
June 29th’.
The frame church is 30 By 45;
feet and there is a frame L-shap-
ed she’d. The church contents in-
culde seats, pulpit, table, organ^
andfColeman lamps.. Terms of the
sale stipulate that the buildings
must, be removed by November
1st; •? . "
known as Crewe Metho
dist church it was. built sixty-.,
three years ago >ori a corner
quarter acre on the burnin farm
now owned by Jim Boak. Build
ing of the church commenced in
the summer of 1890 and was con--
tinued during the fall and winter
with the formal opening and ded
ication held in February 1891.
—An -extensive-program-of-reno^-'
vation and redecorating preceded
Leasing of. farm lands in the
Township of Kinloss by two
prominent oil companies, raises
hopes that the “black gold” may
yet .be struck in this vicinity,.—Lj
This activity also substantiates
the claims of W. Innes Paterson,
that Kinloss Township had def
inite possibilities aS an oil pro
ducing area. Mr. Paterson’s claims
were made following a private Degree on Gordon Stanley of
exploration and survey through Ripley, warden of Bruce County.
Mr. Paterson pinpointed the Lodge, Walkerton.'
I Two members of Old Light
i Lodge, Lucknow, took part in the
I ceremony. Reeve Stuart E. Rob- .
I ertson of Lucknow acted as tyler,
and T. Ji, .Alton of Walkerton,
Bruce County treasurer, was or
e<L - ■ _.
l The interior of the church has
been i ______
with pastel shades of Cfeam,
... rose and gold, with a sten
cil trim in zgold. Seats and stair
ways have been bfightened with
varnish and red carpeting in the
^sles, pulpit and choif loft iWill
C0JlP|e’!o the,,transformation. .
- redecorptiori work has
done by Phiiip. Stewart. His
” ?°n Allan is doing the art work
for a ‘'Burning Bush”, which wil^
Placed -at itlhte jrear of the
wurch in .the gallery,
The dedication service on Suh--
ay will be followed by ahniver-,
* * Q3ryj Services the next week,
r:„.™Way^.June -28th, With^seryices
11LOO . ahh, and 7.30 p;m/The
guest minister will be Rev. Wm.-
^• Henderson of Knox ftesby-
^nan Church;^Walkerton. 7*
has becin a controversial subject.
The congregation becomes offici
ally a part of the Dungannon
charge^ and we understand, the
proceeds of the sale .of the church
’property goes to the Dungannon
corigfegalioh* aS a property
solely for the. maintenance or im
provement of fhe church or par*
sonage. ' '.
A goodly number of the Crewe
hwigrfegation favored, ’the . present
move which - incorporates Dun-
ganno.n, Nile and -Port Albert
into a stronger three - point
-SdSa 'of' the Crewe members
and adherents may attend ser
vice at Bldke Church on the Ash
field Circuit which is somewhat
closei\ . > •, ■
THAT Miss Donna Hamilton, stu
dent nurse, Woodstock General
Hospital, daughter of Mr. and
j—Mrs72"Franlt^Hamiiton, has re-
.ceived" the intermediate Pro
ficiency Shield for the year.
THAT Norma! Sherwood, a Grade
13 student at-Lucknow District
High School, underwent an ap-
pendectomy - in Wingham Hos
pital on Friday. Norma had riot
been feeling well, but wrote an
.examination on Friday .morn
ing before seeing the doctor.
■ ——b-T~ ■ .
THAT Rev/C. A. Winn Was un
able to take the services’ on
Sunday dUe to a severe attack
of bronchitis. Rev* Robert Mac-
conneir preached ,oh Sunday
morning and at Dungannon in
the'afternoon. The evening ser
vice was withdraw. Baptismal
services at both charges were
....postponed-until June 28th.-Ser»-
vices this Sunday are with
drawn, with. anniversary ser-
richest deposit, in his opinion, on*
the Joe Conley farm on the 8th
Concession. That’s Joe’s pasture
farm on the south side of the
road across from the home farm
owned iby his son Jim.
Two years ago the Sun Gil
Company leased lands on the
SixJth Concession and along [the
. “oil run” to the 'West of "the
Conley farm, on the 8th. This,
spring Imperial Oil has been busy
leasing land on the Second ahd
-the^Fourth-and~has extended its
survey to the east .of the Conley
farm. As yet Joe hasn’t “signed
up” with anyone; .
He was in touch, with Mr. Pat-
| erson on Sunday^ who still favors
[the Conley location as a potential
1 producer and also leans to -the
I Kennedy, property at Dickie’s
Hill as an,other likely producer..
That, section' Was leased a year
ago. .
Oliver Stephenson of South
ampton, grand superintendent of
District 6 Royal Arch Masons,
paid his official visit to Luck
now Chapter last week. Leonard
’MacDonald presided for the re
ception in the * bahquet hall, W.
A; Porteous prOpdsbd the’ toast tp
Grand Lodge which was replied
<to by Mr. Stephenson. Dr. James
• Fife in a straw stack threaten-
ed a farm home on the 10th Con
cession of Kiploss 1 on Monday
afternoon and kept members of
the • Lucknow Fire department on
Sthe job for about four hours, be
fore the . pile zwas. pulled apart
arid thoroughly soaked. There
was a good water supply nearby
but tb reach it for draughting
the Brigade had to’lay all- the
hose they carried.
■^^The^Hbme is occupied by Mr
and Mrs. Levi Carter and a spark
from the chimney is believed'to
have_ started the fire in the pile
that lay close by the house.
’ -The farm Js oiVned by Charlie ■
Hodgins of Wingham'* The Hod
gin’s homestead is across the road
and is. farmed by Weir Ecken* '
.......• -
"'‘•The/fire call was turned in
about mid-afternoon arid it was
around seven o’clock b^ore the " .
fire truck and its six man crew
were to town. ■