HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-10, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10th, 1953 -THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO4 •
/ I
Service•■. Between
Dungannon and Lucknow ,
and j .
.. ■ • ■ • . * .
V . <-/■ . . 4 •
Can also arrange charter J
trips witH Western Ontario
; Motorways.
Allan Reed
Box 47, Lucknow
’phone Dungannon 46 Collect
Member of Ontario Motor .
Coach Operators’ Association.
Because of anniversary services
in the United Church, White
church next Sunday,0 the services
here will be withdrawn.
Mr. .Invin McCabe, and Brian
of Windsor were week-end visi- .
tors with' Mr. and Mrs. Frank
McQuillin and other relativesr^
' Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell and baby
Linda were- guests of Mrs. Mit
chell’s parents, Rev. and Mrs; S.
E. Hayward over the week-end; i
Miss. Ruth- Webb was a week1-
; end visitor in Detroit, the guest
of Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Stevens.
' Mr. and-fWsv Jim, Durnin have
returned from London rwh.ere Mr,
Durnin has been a patient ini Vic
toria Hospital. \ . + j
That the Junior Red Cross!
social has become popular was i
shown'on Monday, June 1st-when
nearly all the ladies in the Sec-
. tion gathered at the St. Helen’s
school for-this annual event.1 ar^-
ranged by the teacher, Miss Bea
trice McQuillin; the. music teach- j
(er, Miss Jackson and the,.pupils.
Alison Webb presided for the fol
lowing program: choruses by the
school, two-part songs by theCongratulations to •'Mr. & Mrs.
■ Murray Henderson who • were
■ married on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walk Kin?,
lough, spent the first of the week
'toith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schu-
■ ■ macher and Helen.
Miss Ellen h^cBride^jKingstpn,^
' "‘visited last week With Mr., and
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg.
Mr. and Mrs. 0 Tom Hodgins
spent Friday. evening . with Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hodgins.
——Several —from- this “ community”
spent Coronation night at Kin
cardine/. r.
Things are booming around the
Corners. Trench silos are near-
—-ing completion at Messrs. Jack-
Schumacher’s, Morley Wall’s and
Clayton Meyers’. The ^Imperial ____ __________
Oil Company has leased oil rights I Monument which many climbed
L from several farmers. — — j tortile fdp{ '
Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg and |
Miss Ellen McBride, spent Thurs-!
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Schumacher and Helen.
’ \ We would like to extend our
/ congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin, Zettel (Mary Schumach- ____________
er) on. the arrival of a daughter [McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. William
in Walkerton. Hospital on Coron- Wall, Kinlough,. spent the week-
ation day. I end at Schumacher’s.
. ■ -. ■.....................................................................................
senior girls and songs iby the
Juniors; piano instrumental^ by
Norma Forster, Eddie Gaunt and
Alison Webb; solos by Nancy
Dorscht and Gladys. McDonald
and - a patriotic drill. Rev, Mr.,
Jennings of Lucknow gave an in:
foresting talk of his ..work with
the Indians as a .missionary in
the far north. At the conclusion
a pleasant social hour was enjoy
ed wheh lunch was served.
‘*The Coronation” was the, sub
ject of an interesting talk given,,
by ;Mrs. E. W. Rice at the June
meeting of the -Women’s; Insti
tute held bn Thursday’afternoon
! at the home of Mrs- Geo ‘ Stuar,t.
■ The’: roll call too, on “Soniething'
' I remember about the life of bur
Queen” was . well responded to
and proved very interesting. Mrs.
Elwood Barbour, the president,
was in. the chair and. there were
.30. ladies present. .- A letter, of
thanks from Mtf.' Cameron, tea
cher of S.S. No. 3, stated they
were using their gift from the
Institute to buy music books. That
for S.S. No 4 will be used .to help
provide instruments for a rythm
band. $5.00 was donated to the
Salvation Army. Mrs. Alex, Pur
vis, Mrs. L. Woods and Miss W.
D. Rutherfordi were appointed to
] choose a pattern for the pot hold-
j ers which will be given to the
visiting delegates at the meeting
of the A.GiW.W. to ibejjie^d_in
Torontd^jb'Augtistr^ G. Mc
Pherson gave a fine report of
the district annual meeting held
in Dungannon. Itfiss Mary Murray
read a humorous poem “If—with
§polpgies^Jo„-Kipling~-and"- Mrs -
Chester Taylor favored. with; a
piano solo. After the singing of
“Land of Hope and Glory”, and
the Queen, lunch was served with
Miss Mary„Murray-:and~-Mrs—Cliff-
Murray as hostesses. ’■
I ‘"The
at the slimmer, home of Mrs. A’rt
JBreckles on Wednesday, June 3rd.
Mrs, Isabell Mackenzie opened
the meeting with1 hymn .638 and
offered -.prayer. The scripture
reading was taken, by Mrs.. Math
ers,; After the reading of the min
utes .by Mrs. ■ Rae ’ and .business
discussed* Mrs. J. W. Joy nt gave
1 ■■ ■ • ' V .
■ On Wednesday, our teacher,
! Mrs. Olive Hanna, 17 of her pup
ils and a number of parents and
members of the section -were on
. a-ibus-tr ip;; to-NiagadrarFallsAThey
were met at the hydro floral,
clock by a representative of Mr..
Saunders, hydro chairman, who
some time ago adopted this sec-
I tion. TheRepresentative-acted as
guide and showed them, the hydro
plant and construction area of the
Sir Adam Beck dam, which will
be three times the size of the
present one; Dinher-was-served-at-
the hydro cafeteria. Other places
of interest visited were Fort
George, Thorold locks & Brock’s
, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown and
Reg spent Sunday evening with
the Aftjall family, Kincardine-Hur
on boundary.
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Schumacher,
spent the week-end at Ailsa Craig
and attended the funeral,, of Mr.
So many wise men to-day/relyon the experience and
co-operation of a trust company.
’ * ’ ' ’ • • ’
.. Write for free booklet headed: "Blueprint For Your
-~lAHn#ytuvei'ihg some aspects, of estate ad-7"
ministra’tiori. r : .
!’And. neither would my Dadi He knows the
value of trust company experience in looking
after an estate* He wouldn’t be without it!”
; The past few weeks have been
busy ones for "both Cubs and
Leaders, with the Pack going on
parade on Sunday,. May 31st at
the annual Saugeeri District
church parade held this year in
Durham. Twenty Cufys from the
local Pack took part under the
direction of Assistaut-CubmasteiA
Stanley and Scouts Bill. Ritchie
»and Alvin Baker. The following
Tuesday, with Cubmaster Thomp-
i son and Assistant Stanley in
[charge, thirty. Cubs took part in
j the local Coronation Day parade
and service. This represented all
. i but two of the Pack which was
not only a splendid showing but
a fine. expression of our loyalty
to Queen Elizabeth. ' ' !
■ ■ ' ■ ' ' /HJ—
Parents of’ all Cubs are remind-1
ed again 'to attend the Parents*
Night meeting next Tuesday at
\ 7.30 in the Recreational Centre,
i We’ll be looking/for you.
i ■... . •;
’.THE ,
< 3ftBay $i.,~ Toronto I-3 Punlo|> St., Barri*
Almost- -continued rain has
brought seeding of corn, soy J
still. Farmers in the-southern end
of the county report ’poor gerrnin-’
ation in seed already sown and
there has been considerable dam
age by the seed-corn maggot in
•■'beans. 1 . .
Despite having to call off the
Fair last; Saturday and' also al
most being.rained ’out this Thurs
day; the Clinton Spring Show
was. again well attended by. the
exhibitors and people in ..South--
Estimate of the cyclone damage,
in the' township of Morris in the
north •> end of the county , at
$100,000 and Hn East Wawanosh
township at $150,0Q0 was announ
ced by a representative of the
Public.. Welfare Department of
the Provincial Government after
a survey this week. Assessment
1 of the daffiage in the btheiTthree
townships, hit [by the cyclone will
be cdnhpleted this next Week. . |
urch W.M.S.
?rnoon Auxiliary .of the
f the United Church met
a temperance reading and the roll
call was answered from a verse
in the Bible. The following pro
gram was then,enjoyed: reading^
Mrs. ^McKenzie;, solos; Mrs;. Hal-
denby,-'. accompanied by Mrs.
Jo.ynt; Bible verses, Mrs. McDon-' ..
hid; readings by Mrs, Harold. Tre-
leaven, Mrs. W. B, Anderson, and.
Mrs. Brooks. The meeting closed
with prayer by Mrs, McKenzie. ”
A social time was .then enjoyed.
• o