HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-10, Page 11
Umbach as collectors.
$2 50 A Year In Advance-—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,' JUNE 10ih, 1953
Killed In Fall, Recover Body Of
Aged Man From Burning Cabin
.old Kinloss Township farmer was
instantly killed in. a plunge down
the stairwiay of his burning cabin
On Sunday ; morning. / His body
was discovered and. removed
from1 the cabin before flames en-
• veloped. the structure.
Destruction of the building re-
nioves one of the few remaining
log structures in the. district,
landmark of the pioneer era,
Mr. MacKinnon lived alone in
the cabin on the Second Cpnces?
sion,f two miles east of South
Kinloss Church. A f rame kitchen
was attached, to the log structure
and to the rear of that was a
woodshed. It is believed that
overheated or defective stove
pipes started a fire above the
kitchen and tjiat the aged man
had climbed a stairway in the
main section of - the cabin to |get
inay have been met by a burst
of: flames as his hair was singed
’ and he had received minor burns.
Whether he stumbled or suffer
ed a heart seizure, in rushing
back, it was evident that he had
plunged headlong down the stair
way suffering neqk and head/in
juries that were instantly fatal
the fire about 11 a.m. He picked
up Harry and Jimmy Lavis who*
live across the road and they
went^as„ f hey... thought,. to—help-
Mr. MacKinnon, but could not
locate him. Entrance was possible
into the smoke-filled front of the
house and a search of two bed
rooms failed to find him. They
• ^kide^th^WdtiSef arid florn the
west side entered the burning
kitchen,, .while a section of the
ceiling was, then starting to fall.
From there they got back into j
the front Of the cabin again and
Ted noticed a door ajar. On open
ing it, He discovered the prostrate
form of the dead man/ Lawrence
MacLeod had by then arrived qn
the scene and he and Jimmy
Lavis helped Ted carry the body
out of doors.
in immediately as there was no
water supply on the farm for
<pumpiritg purposes. Constable
Alex Havens was notified and a
fire call turned in to the Luck
now Brigade, as the fire 'was;
then threatening the nearby barn.
/.. The truck’s water supply was
used to dampen the flames ;and
was replenished by drafting from
a pond down the road some dis
tance. /
Provincial Police Officer Lou
Boyce of Kincardine and Coroner
Dr. M. H. Gillies of Teeswater
were notified and a post mOrten
was ordered and was performed
in Wingham later that day by a
• Toronto pathologist.. Cause of
death was attributed to a broken.
--■-heckr " /
Vs The funeral service was held
—^on-Wednesday” afternoon at the
Johnstone Funeral Home, with
interment in South Kinloss Cem
survivor of .this family is
• Last week’s Hanover Post had
the. following Preference to Miss
Helen Thompson who has resign
ed from the Hanover Public,
School staff to accept a position
on the staff in her home town. .
“Miss Helen Thompson who^has
been a most successful teacher
here for a number of years has
resigned and will join the Luck
now Public School staff in Sep
tember. Miss Thompson is a
member of the United Church
groups and the Business and Pro
fessional Women’s Clubs and her
leaving is a distinct loss to the
staff and the community”.
, Miss Thompspn’s return
Lucknow has also necessitated
her resignation as president Of
the Federation of Women Teach-'
; ijses J?fSauth-Grey,^^fe4he_outbreak.^IUis-thought^he"H
,8 sister, Mrs, Flora MacLean
Ashfield Township. *
nameElva Elizabeth was the
given to the infant' daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie of
Zioh“ (who™ was^bornf obTI^brdria-
tion Day, 'June 2nd. To mark1 this
special birthday the baby receiv
ed a souvenir “anointing. spoon”
from the Ladies, Auxiliary of the
Wingham liospital and the wee
itot will also receive another
memento — a silver -spoon from
Governor-General Massey. 1
Mrs, Donald MacDonald, Reg.
N., is superintendent at Baker’s
Private Hospital, having assum-
ed her new duties the first of last
week. Mrs. McDonald has some
25 years’ nursing experience.
Mr. Baker has plans, which
aren’t yet finished,, to convert the
wing which they are now occupy
ing as their residence, into hos
pital. accomodation. This would
increase the capacity to about 40
" " ..........
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Finlay
have taken over the wallpaper,
paints,, chinaware and - gift- shop
formerly operated by Hector Pur-
dpn, / and -adjoirimg Johnston’s
Restaurant, It Will go under the
name, of Finlay. Decorators. ..
Mrs. Finlay: is ’a sister of Mrs.-
Lloyd Ashton of town and for
some time has. clerked in /Ashton’s
store. Bob,' whbse jhome town was
in Wingham, is a painter and de
corator by> trade, and’ will con-
J?rriue--in this work, in connection
with the operation of the gift
shop where Mrs. Finlay will be
in charge.
An introductory sale advertise*
ment is being run in this issue,
listing special bargains. A prize
draw will also feature the sale
with the lucky winner receiving
their choice of Wallpaper to re
paper any one "room.
• . L ' • . L-
.. <1 . ' ...... L'
Mr. and. . Mrs.' George Percy/
have’ sold their general store
business to Mr. and Mrs, Morley
Hobbs of Ailsa Craig, who are in
charge, The Holyrood Post Office
is located in this store and Mr.<■
Hobbs also takes over the post- .
Mr. and Mrs. Percy and three
children, Ed, Elmer and Eileen
will move to Kincardine where
they have bought a home. Ed is
a student at Lucknow High
School and will complete his term
here. Mr. and Mrs. Percy bought
the business a little over seven .
years ago from George Cplwell
For many years the business
operated by the late /^Tbhn
Susie Purvis.
Mr, and Mrs. Hobbs. have
children, ' Qary, age nine
Judy, age six. Mr. Hobbs ran a
school bus route at Ailsa Craig
prior, to taking over the Holyrood
business. : ’’ ; ■/ .
was r
• . ■ . V . ’ ‘ •.
Miss Lois Hunter of Armow
has been engaged io teach at S.S.
No. 9, Kinloss Township, , better
known as Murray’s School She
will succeed Miss Marion Trieb->
ner- Who has taught at No. 9 this
ment at Lucan. Seventeen appli
cations were received by secret
ary Russell Gaunt.
“Miss^ Jessica Bpak is a member
of .the graduating class of Strat
ford General Hospital. She will
complete her training early in
September. Those from this, com
munity attending the graduating
ceremony, last week- were -Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Boak, Mr, arid
Mrs. Aaron Boak, Mr. and Mrs.
! Jim Boak and Mr. and Mr§. Ewart
Jamieson; also Mr. arid Mrs.
Whitehead of Teteswater and~Mr.
and Mrs. McFarlan of Mitchell.
Mrs; Duniin Phillips, Newly
. ected President Addressed The,
Meeting On Her Recent Trip
To The South.—/—----
Mrs. Norman O’Connor opened
her spacious home for a large
meeting of the Kintail WJ. on
June 4. It, was the annual grand-,
mother’s meeting and each grand-
v —__—— • •
South Kinloss Cemetery Bdard
-t-it.-—- - ---- [ is grateful to Misses Jessie andThe rolf call was answered w>th AHnie MacKay ajl additiorial
an old fashioned song. There were donation of $500 00 t0; be use<1
42 members and vrators, also a;t0 extend the new fence to :the
Area picnic on June-10th. i
Mrs. Ray 'Dalton introduced
Mrs. Durnin Phillips of Dung’an-
non, our new district president,
who spoke : on -her recent trip to
• the Southern States, She. told of
the wide muddy Mississippi,- and
•1- L . .. .
damage, She’said, had been es-
timated at- $100,000,000. She jtolcL
of the vast cotton fields and the
small negro huts in which so
many negroes, seemed to live. The
peculiar system .of burial used
in New Orleans, where the bodies
are placed in vaults in the cem
etery Walls for a time and -then |
buried in urns. The reason given j
is the great population arid the
a* /lack of space. She passed cards
and fdlders to illustrate her trip.
She told of visiting a commercial
alligator farm and a snake farm
Coming home through Georgia,
she said it is rioted fof its four
P’s, peaches, pecans, peanuts and
pines. The. pine trees are tapped
for turpentine. • ; .
' Mrs. Gordon FinldySon thank-/,
ed Mrs. Phillips for her splendid
Mr. and Mrs. William Allan ijnother was presented with a
formerly of Lucknow, wish to an-
nc:c»npe the engagement of their
younger daughter, Mary Eliza
beth to Mr. Daniel/William Hie-
bert, eldest son Of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hiebert, Saskatopn, Sask.
The marriage to take place Sat
urday, June 27, at 4.00 p.m. in
Trinity- United Church, ,Hale St.,
London, Ontario-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven
-wish to announce the engagement
1 of their daughter, Jean Margaret
Rutherford to Harvey Johnston
Inwin; son oLMr.--and^-Mrs^-Clar-
;ance Irwin, the wedding to take i
place July 1st in Grace United J
Church, London, at 2.00 o’clock.
London, Ontario, and : lovely corsage of. spring flowers. ;i
Lucknow Municipal Council in
session last week accepted' the
tender of Raynard Ackert for 25 f
cordsfef elm .wood for Town Hall
heating at $4.90 a cord, ( Council
also decided to purchase a power
rotary lawn mower.
R/ G. “Goldie” Buckingham has
assumed ownership ' of the * Kin
cardine News, from the Arthur
Rogers Estate, Goldie has been
associated with The News for sev
eral years, J. W. “Wib” MacLeod
will continue with the paper as
i editor.
, .^cknow Pipe Band ,is finaliz-
ln8 Plans for a, big band tattoo to
. v® hdlj in the. Caledonian Park
evening of Friday/ June
Fiv Farids will take part
' J the'eVent There will be Scotch
dancing by, professional dancers
?n<*t musical selections by. Mel
f^yigne and his Bluewater Boys.
LS.LOn brio’s champion fiddle
.,":His orchestra. wiU blay for
; v« dance to follow fhe tattoo., .
i. 1 • ' 1 . ■
The ^Lucknow District High,
School Board is faced with the
necessity of engaging three new
teachers to complete the teaching
staff for next term, which will
open in the new school now in
an advanced stage of construc
tion. .' ' r
Present vacancies result from
the resignations of Miss Jean Os
borne of Huron ^Township, Miss
Isabel Gammie of Toronto and
Miss Margaret Sheridan of Ham
Mr. H. B. Burden has been en
gaged as shop work teacher. Mr.
Burden is at present teaching at
the Second Concession.
The District Board is current
ly advertising for a janitor for
the new school with duties to
commence August 1st.
j Work is underway this week.
I to . complete this ornamental
. fence, and is under the super-r
vision of James Campbell of Kin
Additional assistance is still
needed to complete the "financing
L". ’ ' _j
at historic old South Kinloss
Cemetery;, . s / —-
Donations not previously ack
nowledged are as follows; Misses
J. and A. MacKay, $500.00, second
donation; Rev. Donald Nicholson,
Kincardine, $50, second donation;
Mrs. Alex Johnston, Powder
Point, B.C., $20; Mrs. Maud Sher-
i wood, $5,00; Miss Dorothy Cooke,
$5.00; Harvey MacDougaU, Wil-
lowdale, $10.00; Wm G. Findlat-
er, Detroit, $5.00; Miss M. Fin
layson, Detroit,. $10.00; Mrs. Ed
Hodigins, $10.00.
the,means of flood control. Flood!0/ memorial gates and fence
RUSS button is
A resolution was adopted .;/
the annual meeting of the Luck
now Business Men’s Association
xm Monday night requesting the
local plant of Sil ver wood Dairies
to remain open on Saturday ev
enings as formerly. •
The Saturday evening closing
has been , qdopted generally by i
district creameries../
Russ Button was elected presi
dent to succeed* Gordon MonL
-gomerys-and -Bob MrhcKenzie sue--
ceeds Archie Smith as secretary-
tfea’snrpr. Jack, MacDonald—was-
elected vice-president... The Ad
visory Committee . is *—------
Montgomery, Wm. Schmid, Jack
McArthur',- .Bill Hunter; Sales
Promotion committee, Lloyd .Ash
ton; Gerald Rath well, Lloyd Hall,
Archie Smith and Cam Thomp-.'
S0The membership'fee remains at sei-vtee. 'Each'was presented With
S3 do with Bill Pampas and Elmer, a-.lovely .cup and- saucer, an In-
wnn n . pp stitute mn and a photo. ThejUmbach as collectors*
/ A idi’scussion of holiday and
-closing—hT^urs-'-feak phuce, . with"
one suggestion advanced to stay,
open'on Wednesday nights and
•close all day Thursday-during the
summer ^months.
Jt' planned th discuW tnis
proposal more fully
meeting tiext Monday, called for
YM ....:The Sales Promotion Commit
tee was authorized to work ov a
plan for holding special sales
days in Liicknow. .'
■ .... .’.... ■ ■
Mrs. Wylpls and Mrs. Wilkins
each , gave a reading, Mrs. Don
"alT'Blue was a welcome guest
r’ an^ spoke a few words of greet-
ing, and promised to come again
.and give'a talk. . . , i
At. this time the president call
ed forward six of the elder In
stitute' members, to honor them
for their ...long years of faithful
stitute pin and a photo. They
were namely, Mrs. Nell McDon-
■ ^ld^Mrs7--^ick-^VleDorrald^Mrs
N. G. McKenzie, Mrs. Sarah Me-/
Kenzie, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs.; Mar
tha’ O’Neil The institute took this
■way. Of honoring the older mem
bers instead of giving life mem-
bership. Mr; Henderson arrived
and took -two. photos, one of- the
six honored' grandmothers ,and
one of the entire gathering. The
Queen closed the meeting and a
DEATH /— — ~
' Fire On Sunday’ destroyed this
log( cabin on the Second Conces
sion of Kinloss and.one .’of the
few Ybmriiriing laridffiarks 'df the
pioneer era. Its. lone . occupant,
. - 85-year*old Alexander MacKin-
sdcial time' was spent ., duringnon, npLet death - when he plunged
L -/--.' ’_________■' ‘ I headlong down thb stairway after
being < met by k a burSt of. flame
from' the attic overtop of the- ' .
frame kitchen which adjoined the *
log structure. ’ . . /
Mr. MacKinnon’s body was dis- ’
covered and \ removed' from the ■ '
stairway before flames enveloped
the main, sect! an of the cabin.- •