HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-02, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1953 ‘
West . Huron District Wo
men’s Institute annual meeting,
held at the United Church, Dun
gannon, Thursday, - saw over 100
delegates present, representing 11
ibranches. The district fincludes
Clinton, Blyth, Dungannon, Wing
ham, Auburn, Londes boro, Col-
borne, Belgrave, Goderich, Kin
tail, St. Helens, and three Junior
groups, Belgruvg;^^.golwanash.and
Clinton. ;'
President for the past four
years, Mrs. Lome M.’ Scrimgeour,
Blyth, retired, to be succeeded by
Mrs, burnin Phillips, Dungannon,
who is vacationing in Mexico and
will not commence.her new duties-
until she returns.
Miss Edith’ Collins of the Wo
men’s Institute branch and home
economics service of the Ontario
department of Agriculture, con
ducted the election of officers.
Other 1953 officers are: Mrs. Tait
Clark, R. 5, Goderich, and Mrs.
Fred McGregor, R. 3, Goderich,
•vice presidents; Mrs. Otto Popp,
Dungannon, secretary - treasurer;
Mrs. Norman Keating, ^Wingham,
federated representative; Mrs. A.
Wilkin, Goderich, alternate; Mrs.
W. Pryce, Goderich, district dele-,
gate; Mrs. Stanleyk Lyon, R. 1,
. Auburn, alternate. . .
^Conveners-of standing donimit-'
tees are.:* Mrs. Mervyn Batkin,
Clinton, Agriculture and Canad
ian industries: Mrs. F. Oster,
Blyth, citizenship and education;.
|R. 2, Lucknow, historical research
and current, events; Mrs, Carl
'Proctor, R. 5, Brussels, home ec
onomics and health; Mrs. W,
Bradnock, Auburn, Junior insti
tutes; Mrs. Lome I vers, Dun gam
non, resolutions; Mrs. W. Brown
and Mrs. K. Dawson,' both of
Dungannon, auditors, ■
. Mrs. Hobbs of S't. Marys, chair
man of the London area conven
tion urged the women to read
good books by Canadian writers;
to have. a book review. at the
~W, I. monthly meetings; to take
a vacation,/and above all to tak$
time out for' prater. Prayer
sweeps ouUthe 'mind arid the
lieart, and leaves, them clean, she
said. •
Thd program included an ad
dress of welcome- by the Rev.
Geo. Watt, pastor of the church;
I piano solo by Mrs, H. Phillips,
Blyth, and piano duets by Wayne
Brown and James Blake, both of
Dungannon. Mrs. A, Robinson' of
Auburn, gave an interesting re
port on the conference she at
tended as . delegate „at O.A.C.,
Guelph. • >
. An invitation was extended by
Belgrave to hold the 1954 district
| meeting there.
----—-----:------- ------ . i
‘ / BORN ’
KEIFFER—in Wingh anwGenerab
Hospital on Thursday, May 21st,
1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Keif-
fer, R. 1, Wingham, a daughter,
IRWIN—-in Cliriton Public JHos-
Mrs A, Robinson, Clinton, com- pital on Thursday, May 21st, 1953
munity activities., and /public re- ’to Mr; ■ and Mrs. Grant Irwih,
latidns; Miss W.\. P, Rutherford, Clinton, a son. .
Most important Paint Advancement in 25 years
New Fume-Proof, Sun-Proof House Paint
produces a film of unusual whiteness.
-<«•/ ■ o, dim„
Years of extensive exposure^ tests .. heavy industrial
conditions, from strong sunlight and . ae5y__forjriula-ove£
fume areai havej^e^
(-orditrafy"house paint.
Come in and ask us about newFume-Pr<x>f,
Sun-Proof House Paint.
’pHONE 150 / . LUCKNOW, ONT.
Kinioss Council met in thejiall
May 4th as per, adjournment. All
members present. The minutes of ;
the regular meeting of April 6th
as read were approve^ and sign-/
. The. tax collector returned His
roll , and was accepted, the un
collected taxes being turned over
to the treasurer for collection. !
. Alex- Percy’s warble fly claim'
of 1952 was ordered forwarded to
the insurance company for atten
tion,: " ’ . \-
Russell BusheH’s . lease on ithe
road allowance between Con. 12
and 3.R.S. was renewed for an
other year.
Council adjourned and after
sighing their declarations, ’ was
constituted, a >Court of Revision
on the Dore Municipal Drain By
law with the Reeve as chairman.
There being no appeals against
the by-law it was given first and
second readings, and the Court;
of Revision was closed. .
Council resumed for general
business. Relief was granted to
the Adam Stumpf family due to
Mr. Stumpf’s illness, to be reim
bursed under recent immigration
notify all parties assessed on the
Eadie, Pinnell, Percy and Royal
Oak Drains, that the reports
would be read at the Township
Hall, Tuesday evening, May 19th
at 7.30 o’clock.
Council adjourned to meet
again June, 1st, 1953.
.Cheques issued: fox bounties,
James 'Cochrane $7.00, Ted_,How=-
ey^6:00r IL McQuillin 5.00, G.
Hodgkinson 3.00, Billie Percy
1.00, R. Thacker 2.00, Tom Mac
Donald l.pO; Dr. Marcus, calfhood
Vv Township share, 5-00;.McLen
nan and Mackenzie, ambulance,
2 trips to London, 50.00; Gordon
Wall, balance salary collector and
ektras, 44.20; John Downey, W.F.
operator,. 192.00; Ed Thompson,
WlF. inspector, 293.65; Orville El
liott, W.F; tractor, 256.50; ‘Luck
now Co-op, W.F. powder, 378.00;
George Hiltz, W.F.: gas amd oil,
26.40; G.. J. Dickinsoh, W.F. re
pairs, 7.75; Morrison’s Garage,
WT.F. repairs, 2.25; Culross Ins.
Co,, insurarice/on hall, 15.95; J,.
R,/Lane, unemploy, stamps 5.40,
postage 5.00—10.40; D. H. Car
ruthers, part salary, 25.00; Harold
Percy, part salary, 25.00; P. A./
Murray, part salary, 25.00; FarishJzXl _’_ui. ---- nt’ zvn. irx r'"' •
Moffat, part salary. 25jOO:—Dan-]
|“T7 McKinnon, part salary, 25,00;
Frank Thompson, part salary,
75j)0;< J. R. Lane, part salary,
] 00.00; George Hiltz, relief sup
plies April, 41.38; George Percy,
relief supplies April, 9.79; John
Ackert, relief supplies April,
21.00; Relief, month of May,
150.00; Carl .Willis, work on Har-
ris drain, 150.00,
Highway cheques:
Payroll No. 5 $437.80; E. Weiler,
blast material, $2.47; C. A.- Mac-
Tavish, fuel oil and grease, 72.95;
Fred Tout, bulldozing and gravel
ling, 795.50; H. Hr-^Bannerman,
tube and snowplowing, 504.84;
Rosco Metal Co., road signs; 34.10;
Dominion Road Mach., repairs &
labor, 389.91; Armco Metal CO.,
culverts; 147.20; JDept. of High-
^ays7^a^lax7“34T0; Bruce Mac
Millan, snowplow; 10.00; Tqwn-
-sh-ip:—assessment^'Guest Drain,
21.00. . ■ ’
J. R. LANE, Clerk.
Huron County assessor Alex
Alexander , and Bruce -County
assessor Everett Finnigan, have
made 'a spot check of properties
.in the villages of Brussels arid
. JCe£swater^as^-iueU-as-r-u^al-prop^-
erties in Culross, .Kinloss, Turn-1
berry and East WawanOsh, and
report that a very fair compari
son of values exists^ between the
twd counties;; •** ,
. This report was made- to the
.assessment -committee that, .was
set up by the municipalities of
, the . Wing-ham 1 High School Dis
trict,-whose- representatives : re
quired that a re-assessment of the
town of Wingham be made for
high .school taxation purposes.-
-. . ---------------- ..." ■■■"
The annual Saugeen . District
Boy Scout parade was b^ld at
Durham on Sunday ^fternoon
with a turnout of over 300 Cub?,
Scouts, Rovers* Leaders and com
mittee members. ' ’.J'-.
’ The Cubs were in the majority
with 168, and 94 Scouts. ‘ ■'
Lucknow, had twenty ^ one
Scouts, twenty Cubs, five leaders Is your”' subscripition pajd? *
i 3 i 2
and six committee men in at
tendance, arid the local organiza
tion! wishes , to sincerely - thank
thos& who took cars. ' v
The sreyice was held in Dur
ham Up ited 'Church with the pas
tor, Rev. F. J, Roberts, deliver
ing!, the address, District, Com
missioner Archie Gowanlock read
the scriture and Rev.. D. Ar chi -
bald 'offered prayer.
s <n_.