HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-06-02, Page 4WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2nd, 1953 WHITECHURCH A i & V I. the United / »> .• As ta ^otne^,° °u lu'/F’^Snd the germs thereon are trans- II sr 1, . .. - • nwia otic rxaius. niiun, uNow'the Wjority■ of counts- are ton and Barrie Hackett. i+fts- ArchieMacIntyre.< BOTH. LEGS BROKEN ■< rdciilic orirl CAtamig, bdlll-' nugll 11* 11, * -a ;tarjz standards at that particular miller , farmer, Restaurants .con-i . - ’ . * ft AGRICULTURAL REPORT FOR HURON COUNTY CORONATION MEDALS PRESENTED TO STUDENTS BELAIR COACH, two-tone STYLELINE SEDAN ' ' DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN; two-tone Check the label date, on your Sentinel this week. I I I i ■ BRtJCE DEANERY MEETING* I 1 WAS HELD AT WIARTON ph Tuesday of last week. He was sledge hammer oh a fire / Hugh Hili* we^ feWo Ben* had both legs broken in an accident on his farm • ft ■5 6 They’re Smart! Dependable!/ Economical! . ■ 'V*'- ' ,■/ ■.*!•■ ■ ''' ' rf.’ • ■ • ‘ ' • ’ • * ‘ ' ’ ■ t ' Concession of Kinloss where he ‘had resided all his life.- Of a quiet and retiring,’ dispos-. * 1948 CHEV. SEDAN, ft -Mu ■ 1939 WILLIS SEDAN g r . , carers' •or that chlorine was , not used, being Herbert Buckton, Russell ’ - Walter MacKcnzie, . . . ..............~-a;o restaurant by one such test. The ls test is used by the Inspector orily^ 'when compared-to previous tests and in the Jight of existing, sarii- , OvetheR'frd'' a dance: p .' r ! lovely young thing—“Pardon me. : , '/but J/i^^vrBihg^r ectory. Miy I have/ your num- ?, 'berr • . .........................../^.. Mrs. L% G. Crozier, Deariery j PAGE SIX ' •;..:.■;[//•;/■/.';///-' Service and Satisfaction In Plumbing , and Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In-? stalled—See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, . Air Conditioning. District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS t' ^‘4 ir- -t. . -?--■ ‘ , -......................... — • - Art Gilmore R. R, 3,LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon ZION -* I - • • ■ * • X Anniversary services will be held at Zioij next 'Sunday With services morning and evening. Special music by the Whitechurch quartette. ' • vX ’ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and family of North Bay visited for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Hunted. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ritchie & Anne visited \ Sunday with Mr. and jHrs. Cliff Menary. Douglas and Bruce Raynard spent Sunday? with«Arnold arid 'Frarik Alton. • / . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshall and son of Wingham and lilr. and Mrs; Russel Irvin and Jerry and Miss Dorothy Raynard and Fran­ ces and Larry Papernick visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son' Raynard. > THE iiU®JQWi*WRraW'j WCKNQW, ONTARIO SPORT LOST IN WAFOO After more than, days of rained-o’ut engagements Lucknow Legionnaires made their second start of the season on Monday night in Meaford when they dropped a. 15-^2 decision, The locals made a good start with a pair of runs off. Johnston, but last Vea?^ champs ’ came back strong and piled up a,< count* that permitted / Freeman fp /relieve Jphnstpn in the 7tif. Felix Mann clputed a (terrific homer off Russ with. Templeman on board fpi* their/two. runs. „ . Hall was laboring with a badly ulcerated tooth and ithe team wasn’t-at full strength by any < means. Y C.S.I. EXPLAINS T0T ' Mr. L. Q,' XopriflPSQri* Editor, Ti>e Luckpow Sentinel, Luckpow, Ontario. Pear Sir::. Recently a Lucknow restaurant leceived a perfect score in the The spring session! pf .the Bruce Deanery** of the Church of Eng-? land in Canada was held at i Christ Church, Wiarton, Wednes­ day, May 2Qth with 15 parishes'’ represented. The delegates atten­ ded holy communion With the Rector, Rev. M.’ A.. Stephens as ——0-0-0—-. Games Coming Up Friday—Lucknow at Hanover Monday-^-ljuckripw at WaHtertdn Wednesday—Lucknow at\ Goder- ‘ ich ■ -------Q-QJ0-— ■ Past Week’s Results • . • X ' t Hanover 4, Kincardine 1 Meaford 5, Port Elgin 4 Meaford 15, Lucknow 2 Walkerton' 2, PPrt Elgin 1 Kincardine 2, Goderich 1 BILL HABKIRK SETTING PACE ON QUEBEC TRACKS Place Your Order At THE SENTINEL OFFICE ‘ Phone 35, Lucknow Bill Habkirk of Lucknow, who has been doing the Quebefe /cir­ cuit harness/horse meets, is set­ ting the pace among -the jockeys according to an item from a Que-, bee paper. Bill boasts a record of 49 points and is v well on his way to win -the—coveted——Adrien-—Thibault- trophy. Up to the first of last week he had participated in 16 heats, and failed only once to be inthe./money.Hehad--brought home several winners, finishing first six. times; second, 5 times and third, four times. His closest riyal had 30 points up to that timer A-Y.- bacteriological test on eatingl assisted by Rural Dean utensils and we haive ypur letter R. m. Jones and Rev. A.. J. Ostle enquiring as to the ihpidence of off chesie-y. {perfect counts from this “swab Mrs< l/G. Crozier, Deanery test”. I feel that this ; straight- \y.A, president, spoke on the W. forward question can: be answer- * ed fairly only<> with a rather lengthy explanation? t a Ip Ontario, eating establish-, .ments operate under Province­ wide regulations which include a requirement to wash, rinse and Sterilize every eating utensil. This requirement, is met in small­ er establishments by the install- atiori of 3 sinks (one'for each of the above operations) and the immersion of the utensil in a germicidal solution in the third sink. If the utensil has been pro­ perly washed, thoroughly rinsed and immersed . in a chlorine or quaternary-ammonium coihpqyhd for 2 full minutes, such a utensil should be sterile or completely free from germs. ■ Health Unit Inspectors check to see that restaurants have the re­ quired 3 sinks and a plentiful supply of hot water and steriliz­ ing- agent./- /They. ...also ^ascertain that the operator knows the reg­ ulations and knows how to pro­ duce suchf a sterile utensil. They instruct as to .the Value, of hav­ ing a good stack of clean towels or of letting the utensils dry in ptheir , ovrn heat. They advise re’ protective, shelving and cabinets in which to store the sterile uten- siL until it is used and they in- struct waitresses in handling of utensils so that such utensils do not become re-contarninated by the waitress’ hands, etc. However, inspectors cannot visit a restaur­ ant every time that dishes are washed, stored or handle'd. They, therefore, call at the restaurant, quite unannounced at- irregular intervals arid test the dishes to aspertain how efficient have been the processes of sterilizing^ stor­ ing and handling. For this pur­ pose the “swab kit” is used? Four utensils are picked from the shelf A. Cross and presented, a W. A« banner. Encouraging reports were heard from Deanery secretaries. Mrs. R. A. Trelford, Southamp- ton, reported* that.' three - Indian girls were outfitted at St. Paul’s School, Cardston, Alberta. Bales valued at $241.50 were sent out. Mrs, Harvey, Hanover, reported that a rally had been held1 in Southampton for the Juniors. Mrs. John Scott, Pine. River, re­ ported having heatd from 204 Little Helpers, With givings of $82.13. Mrs. A. C. Calder, Diocesean president, addressed the morning session, She told of the Corona­ tion project, a new church in the Diocese of Huron financeid by W. j A. members. Mrs. j. Mirehouse, | Diocesan Deanery secretary, ad- j dressed the Guild* (members aridf the W.A. She described the new ,W.A. house at 284 St, James St., Dondonv The ReV; W-1 E.-Cr Vol--| lick of. Kincardine conducted noon-day prayers. Dinner was served to the delegates by the Wiarton ladies in Church basement. . At , the. afternoon W.A. joined with clergy and. laymen guest speaker the Rev. Canon R< !S._Newman—pf—the —Diocese—of-l Athahaska. He described the ex- • Mr, ran4 Mrs* Wallace.Conn & Mr. Chas? Taylor are spending few days at Kapuskasing with Mr. and Mrs, G. Montgomery and • " Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paterson. Mr. and Mrs, Lawsbn -Majury and family of Walkerton spent Sunday , at her sister’s, Mr, and. Mrs. A. Coultes. ? Mr. arid Mrs, Jas; Steele and daughter of Port Huron spent the week-end calling on old friends and her brother, N. Thompson. Mrf andT Mrs,Tiphbbrne .. of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Purnin and Mrs. D. Kennedy all ... visited with their mother, Mrs. / D.1 Kennedy on Sunday. The services in * the United: ’ Church are at 11.30 a.m. starting next Sunday for the summer' months. The anniversary is being held oh JUne 14th when the Rev. Mr. Cox of Belgrave will be the. guest speaker. Mrs, Fox and her daughter Iso- bel from Blyth called on . Mrs. Kennedy one day last week? 11 • I' session the v the Guild, |, to hear the[ I Athabaska. He described the ex­ tensive parishes of the West and the need for more missionaries and helpers. Members of the Ladies Guilds met in the basement of the church to form a Deanery, Guild. Mrs. Henry of Hanover was elect­ ed Deanery secretary. Heavy rains with cyclone like winds caused severe darn age in five townships in the north part of the county Monday night. Ap­ proximate estimate of the • dam- , age includes 44 barns and driving ■ i sheds RartiaHy destroyedand barns completely, flattened/A se­ vere storm and an all-night rain Friday night has left much of i the low-lying land partially un- ! i der water. Farmers . in between. I rains are trying to sow an in­ creased acreage of wihite and soy: I beans and grain com. | 162 contestants took part, in the ; County Livestock judging Com- j^petition and "in addition 250"girls were on hand on the same day for the Homemaking 1 Club pro­ gram. Approximately 350 people at­ tended a farewell party for Mr. John. Butler, assistant agriculture lepresehtative prior to his leaving for Renfrew County ’ at. the end of the month. ' tion of Queen Elizabeth II, public and high school students across the. pomiriidh are being present­ edwith an appropriate medall­ ion, /about the size of a 50-c piece. ?' ••?'. ’ ' /■•' ■ / Distributions of the medals was made locally on Monday. The coin bears the/ profile of the Queen ?and on the reverse side, the insignia EIIR, encircled by the inscription “Elizabeth Regina Coronata MCMLIII”. BIG VALUE CARS 1953 CHEV. 1953 CHEV. 1953 CHEV. 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STtLELINE SEDAN, fully 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN * _jt952 PONTIAC-COACH '.■■,?....... .. ......... TWO 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. .1952 PONTIAC, STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 chev. Styleline coach: 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. 1951 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. 1948 DODGE COACH 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. TWO 1948 CHEV. COACHES .1946 CHEY. FLEETLINE COACH 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN TRUCKS ,1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP ferred to a bottle and sent to one of the. Provincial laboratories. Here they are placed on special food 2 and incubated; so~ that the developing colonies may be counted by rriearis Of a special apparatus on a microscope. A re- pprtCiS--.then^eat-to^hO-Med4eal- Officer of Health and the Sani­ tary Inspector informs the'res­ taurant operator that the “Bac­ terial Plate Count of that- utensil was a certain number between one and 1,000,000 plus. The regulations set the stand­ ard, at” 100 bacteria. Any plate count under this nurhiber is ac­ ceptable, although theoretically all ufohsils should be quite ster-, ile. Wihen these “counts” were first taken in Bruce County, many of them were - Over one million.' HURON COUNTY HAS TWENTY-FOUR 4-H CLUBS >.___ There are twenty-four 4-H clubs in Huron County according to a list, submitted by the County agricultural office in Clinton, wifh. a total membership of 377 boys and girls. The Luckndw 4-H' Baby Beef club, sponsored by the Lucknow i Agricultural Society-, is included I days . before. his death?. The de- ’ in this list. There are 17 members. ]•_ceased? was born almost ".seven ty- ■■CrulT^adCrs are Tom TbdU arid “seven yeaisr~ago On~~the Fom th George Kennedy and club officers Concession of Kinloss w are Murray Gaunt, Ivan McQuil- lin and Helen Little. r .................. Dungannon Agricultural Soc- ition he made many friends and iety is sponsoring both a calf and I will be greatly missed in the:" swine club. Calf club leaders are' neighborhood. He was the son Chester Finnigan and John Clark, /of the late Angus and Margaret pfficiers are Lome Hackett, Ken-/MacDonald^ also of Kinloss town-, heth Alton arid Frank Alton, ship. A lifeiong member of South There are 15 members. Kinloss Presbyterian church and ! Arnold Alton and Omar Brooks lor many years a member of the are Swine Club Leaders. There Session apd also a Trustee, Mr! are eleven members and the of- j MacDonald riever , married and ficers are Frank Alton, Lorrie Al- leaves' to mourn, his loss,’ two sisters and one brother, Mrs, Jas., Netferfield and Mrs. Sydney /Smiith df Toronto arid Wm. on or “bac- |j the 4tih Concessiori - of Huron., The funeral service as conduct.-' OBITUARY JOHN A. MacDON'AI I) The death of John A. MacDon­ ald occurred on Tuesday morn­ ing, May 26th, at. the home of his • brother, W. F. MacDonald.;- .Mr/ MacDonald bad. been in . failing health for about a year but had v been able to go about tilla few 4 ?l 1■ Brussels Motors ... ?‘? . Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers , Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer Phont? ?3x, Bhi&els- 4 under the limit of one hundred. I , . ? ‘ ■■A swab is' taken on a spoon, a I —"'"''‘-2——~ fork, a tumbler and a cup. The I-value of the “swab test” resultant counts might b Oj.teriolo.gical test” can be. Ovei'rat-1 ■luuc.xai o<=lv*vC <» 65, 0, Such counts, are common'/ ed. It is merely an indicator or ’ ed by the Rev.- G. S. Baulch of m^pmperly _run eating-establish- gtride;;-iri ;99:“days perhaps? 15,000 "’S aufh-- Kmldss"" Pre^WrW -C<>4nVuf ?’ °’ °’ 0 - utensils are washed . arid 16 of; Church at ^Johnstone’s Fuiw’tal h,;. seldom atta^e^<jrhe.JLuckj^^ ar-e—&&lected-~for-H-h(r“test7r-H'Ome—iri“EucknTjwr-Wc“mTnH!is- A* b? *°r grftulpteJ The d£|y of the test rhight be the <’verb laid .tb rest in Sonth Kin- • 11 ^fh^^C°'nP fte.yjSter!>‘i!rj only day that, chlorine was Used, loss Cemetery, the ball bearers! bn! 't tesJed. ap-udld I that chlorine was. not used, /being Herbert buckton, Russell _ A, J placing them There are factors too in the nat* Middleton, Walter MacKcnzie, k IUre of ‘he test itself that, render i Richard Martin, Ira Dickie and.^±ng/hT.lnt?a,Y?lin^SVclLa M unsafe er unfair to iudge ■ • ’ state of affairs is the ideal,., To' * - - obtain r the ideal "even once noteworthy and newsworthy. HbWever, the practise of pub­ lishing such names of the. restaurants con- jestablishment. - .■ count be quite alarming. ‘Would ? all the restaurants in a town wish! to have all their “counts” ' u lished? It could he misleading to! & „x the public fo publish a low countr involved and withhold a high one. Other' iestaurants might allege “unfair competition” and involve . the . Health•• Unit in 1 unnecessary and I useic'"^ ......■ coifnt be nuft/I hope ‘‘ is, "ow apparent 1 using a-sled£e hammer on a tire w hs U' * am. Wright tb answer I rim, when it glariced off the rim •k lyour Question: as to the incidence' striking him a terrific blow on prio*, bf such “perfect” counts without j the legs. He will be laid tip . full explanation of' the factors eight bi4 t<ehi riidhths, . t . J This letter is for publication, in Whole, if desired. t.*,:-Yours very t?rulyr e’sS bickering. In addition, the ■ ChCiefPS^itrryr’lnsSpecto?'.’