HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 16i.pni.i...... . ...I l. j, .,,, 3*AGE SIXTEEN • —Il I , . ! ■ THEQUEEN-ISCROWNED. (Continued from Page 1?) who are come this day to do your Homage and Service, Art you Willing to do the sayne?”. Afiter the reply from the people, “God Save Queen • (Elizabeth”, the Queen stands and faces each side in turn. Then follows the Oath, administered to the Queen iby a Series of questions <by>-th(? Arch­ bishop. By this Oath the Queen promises to govern, her peoples an accordance with established laws and customs*of her .realm. After going to the Altar, kneel­ ing and placing her hand on the Bible1 to swear to the Oath, the QUe0ri signs1-the 'book,. arid the Declaration prescribed by Act of Parliament. ... . The Coronation Communion. It “is time now for the Coriimun- ion Service, a ritual of deep de- gether with, .a ceremonial girdle * THE DUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO T. . . y Vbtion, of spiritual and' religious significance. It is the Queen’s dedication to the service , of her people. The Queen discards her Robes of State and moves to ithe ancient Coronation Chair. of Ed­ ward I. A golden canopy is held over head' by four Knights of the Garter. The Choir sings the glor­ ious music of Handel. The Arch­ bishop, aided by the Dean lof .Westminster anoints the Queen on the hands1, the breast, and ,the head, intoning words not chang­ ed in. twelve centuries:. “And as Solomon-was anointed King by Zadok the priest and Nathan the prOphet, so. be you anointed and consecrated Queen over the Peoples, whom the Lord1 your God hath given you to "rule' and govern T?. .” A sleeveless garment of, gold cloth lined with crimson silk, to- Illll iw -i. / IS • ’"id, baby's sure built NETDRIVERIZEDCABSBUILT FOR DRIVER . 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After praying at the Altar that the * Queen’s sword ‘ may riot be borne/in vain hut use it as Ithe minister of God for IheT terror and punishment of evildoers. and for the protection of those who do well”, he .deliv­ ers the Sovereign’s sword irito the Queen’s right hand. Her Majesty is surrounded by ithe' Archbishop of York; the Bishops of London and Winchester and other high representatives1 of the Church in their rich vestments. Queens, pn- like Kings, are not girded with synibolic act of offering it in the service of God, Qn her return, the Queen is invested with the Armill, a kind of stole, then with the Robe Royal or Pall, of clotfr of gold buckled in front, The Queen is, seated again,. in the Coronation Chair, ready to re­ ceive the Royal Regalia. The Golden Orb is placed in her hand. The jewelled Ring, wedding her to the State, is placed on .the fourth finger-of her right hand. The .Sceptre with the Cross comes next, gleaming, with' the lovely “Star of Africa” diamond. The* Golden Onb i^taken*'to one side, momentarily, while the Sceptre is'placed in. Her Majesty’s right hand. The Sceptre with the.Dovh goes to the left hand. In a quaint medieval touch the Lord' of thfe ALL-NEW SMOOTH-HANDLING EASE IN THE GREATEST TRUCK LINE IN FORD HISTORY!-4 *1953 Ford Economy Trucks are a driver*s dream— because they embody dozens of new, vitally important ^ features, designed to make them easier to handle, more comfortable to drive, safer and more efficient to; operate •;. all summed up in ''Driverized Design”— .'. • * the most revolutionary advance in truck-building __ ever made! See them—inspect the new Driverized ' .■ Cabs, with every inch planned for comfort and con­ venience! Drive them—feel the new ride control, easier- steering, smoother shifting, safer braking! Prove it to your own satisfaction that Ford Economy Trucks are the smoothest handling trucks on the road! * GREATEST TRANSMISSION CHOKE IN TORO TRUCK HISTORY—Synchro-Silent shifting on all models means much less effort for the driver, smoother operation in traffic •--no more tiresome double-clutching. Automatic Transmission*. andOver- drive*< available, in all F-100 Series. Steering-column gearshift standard in F-100, F-250 and Fr35O Series. (*at extra .cost)?> h.My - GOOD.MIVOS txuvt SAH T»UCK~ ^gk.MAY IS SAFETY MONTN - - . .V ...—jsj-. ■:fijmpIefelyNEW fohrinkis Gty more andcatty H farther.. .for every trucking dollar SIE YOUR FORD TRUCK DEALER WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1953 i > • i • 0 Manor,, of the Worttshop step.s forward to support the Queers right arm. . . ? , The Moment of Crowning At the Altar tlie Archbishop says a dedicatory prayer over St. Edward’s Crown. With the Arch- > bjshbp and his entourage, the JDean of Westminster brings the ’ Crown ‘'from the*1 Altar and hands it to the Archbishop who places it on Her Majesty’s head. At this • moment, the peers and Peeresses, the Kings of Arms, even young Prince Charles and his sister Anne, put on their , coronets, and* . the entire1 assemblage shouts re­ peatedly, “God Save the Queen!1' The array . of silver. trumpets peals out a mighty concerted blast, Guns’ ’stariding by in St. James Park, at Windsor Castle, .and the Tower of London “ an/ nounce the .Crowning, to waiting multitudes as they roar in salute. /Elizabeth II is now the crowned Queen of England; The Choir. ■ bursts into song. The Bible re­ ceived from the hands of the . Dean of Westminster is given to . the Queen by the Archbishop. She holds it momentarily then it is returned' to the Altar. The Benediction -follows and further prayer. The Queen rises to face the congregation. TRe Archbishop and his aides, the Great Officers of State, the Lords and others carrying the Swords lead the way to a raised dais where an empty throne is waiting. The officiating JgroupUliftS,?the^Queem4ntoithe^-= huge gilded chair. It is now that Her Majesty hais “ascended” the throne and taken possession of her kingdom.', • \ / . .and Limb . . Now,/ anointed, crowned and enthroned, Elizabeth II is “the undoubted Queen” iri the sight ^-Gf--all-and"is^ready-t'O-receivqFthe" homage of the Princes and the Peers. First,' the Archbishop of Canterbury swears that he and the other spiritual Peers will be “faithful and true”, kissing either her left cheek or hand. He is fol­ lowed by the Prince Consort, the Princes of the Blood Royal, and - then by the Peers, who ^remove’ their coronets and do their hom­ age by touching the Crown and swearing to be: ■ “Your Leige man pf Life and Limb, arid of earthly worship; and Faith and Truth I will bear unto you, to live and die, against all manner of Folks”. The homage ended, the trum­ pets peil forth and the people cry out: “God Save Queen Eliza­ beth! Lpng Live Queen ERza^ beth! May The Queen Live For­ ever!” ■ • " The Coronation Finale The finale of the'Coronation is the ’Holy Comihurilon service. While the Choir sings, the Queen relinquishes her Crown and Scep­ tre to waiting nobles. At the Altar she offers; bread arid wine, making her . personal Oblation. Aftet the final blessing the Queen returns, to her Throne, assumes the Redesigned heart-shaped perial Crown of State in place of Edwafd’s Crown, , steps down and .makes her way to St Ed-' , ward’s Chapel* Here she is divest­ ed of her Royal Robe of State and assumes, the Robe of Purple Velvet, the itrrie symbol of Royal­ ty. The Procession is marshalled and ready to move. Wearing her new Crown and carrying in he£ hands the Sceptre with' the ^TrosSj. ~ arid ythe Groldeh Orb, Her Maj- * ~sety~leaves the Abbey through the '■ west door, to begin the, six- and-a-half mile drive baek - to Buckingham Palace; It is no. mere pageant—‘ it is a day on which past, present and ' future meet”. / “ GOD SAVE THE QUZEEJ< YEAR BOOK AVAILABLE 1 I, co pie ■ The 1952-53 edition of the Can- *Fda Year Book is off the press and is an. invaluable source of f authentic information regarding the _national economy and the pedple’svxvClfare. Cloth bound• editions are avail- able.'from the King’s Printer at Ottawafor $3,00. Paper-bound ' ssf are available at $1.50 to jbpna’i if ide.... teach ersr ...uni vers ? X-L students and ministers .of.relig-