HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 13Wednesday, may 3W 1953 / 1 •>*"* and particularly in when 411 poured bus ’ in a steady ► » DON MacNAY WITH LEADERS’ CLUB ON LONDON VISIT Donald MacNay, the Lucknow District High School representa­ tive on the Western Ontario Leaders’ Club, spent last week- GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! THE CROWN i GOD SAVE QUEEN ELIZABETH! ■■■... . .•• I . , ,'■.■■ Tom Anderson, Sec. ral. .Supplying j in the parish on Sunday-will. b$j Mr. Brydal of Lpndon *and the1 service will be at. 2.30 p.m.^with Sunday School fpllowing. • Everyone is cordially invited to attend the traveltalk and social, -even in g—jn-the-HolyroocL Hall . on Friday evening at 8.30 under the auspices of the Evening Guild. The Coronation 1953 ini niTTi ii \ jljlLd 1V1J11111/; • ■ t the LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO AT'’ SRasBSSBSfflSwe p.iir-.’-a‘,»n1,-g KCjai»sai= A Toast To HER GRACIOUS LONG MAY SHE REIGN! ■» • . • ; . i . • ‘ ’ . ., • Button’s Meat Market : -Fresh and Cured Meats and Frozen Foods Phone 54, Lucknow LONG MAY SHE WEAR Lucknow Fire Company k. (J. Murdie, Chief. KINLOUGH The Glam is Y. P. presented their play, “The Little Clodhop­ per” at Holyrood on Friday even­ ing. ■■ ; ■ ; ■■ Ladies from’ here attended a shower for Miss Gertie Wraith, -bride-electT-on—Thursday-evening ,at the home of Mrs. Morley Wall. She received many lovely gifts. Mrs. Wm,. Wall is in London With Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall. Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family spent Monday with relatives at Amberley. . ' , .. ■ , ’ ► * v rrt vv v v v. » tUCKNOW i > Fruit Market J ‘‘Where Everybody /Shops” Phone 119j LiicknoW Mr.-' Dehzil Staffers returned to Galt, after visiting with friends here. , Mr. George Haldenby has been confined to the house' with an injured foot. ’, The Anglican congregation are busy these days painting the ex- tenor of the church- and a new concrete floor in the basement was completed the end’ of last week. All is being done in pre­ paration for the garden party and summer festival in June. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hodgins of Angus spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.. Torn Hodgins, y Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham of Ann Arbor, Michigan, .are here for a three-week' vacation with , Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham and other relatives here. . ■ Mi*, and Mrs: Lloyd Conway of Muskoka .. visited with- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family. Mrs.' Bert Nicholson and family spent Sunday with';' relatives ■ at Kincardine. ' • Mr. John. Prest will be in Lon-1. dbn~bver the week-end where he I’,, will be ordained on Sunday at'- ^vdPaul-^CaflTedral. Supplying | “ ..... ... ■ j f h (ter feign l)t filled . with peace aru)pros per ihf LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! T . We join the Commonwealth in paying homage to our Beloved Queen. MAY SHE LONG BE SPARED TO REIGN OVER US. God Save The Queen! Chisholm Relieved Justice over Goderich>in the latter’s first, effort of the season, the Mea/o^d Express said that Charlie Justice! was cuffed for. four runs ih: the first inning and .when his sup­ port blew up in the 4th,. sik more ■runs , crossed '■ the plate. Grant | Chishojm took the mound with­ out glove pr spikes and, finished the game. Justice went 'to'short and Miley to first'.' X-RAY MORE THAN ELEVEN HUNDRED ♦ ;■ .y.i A* total pf 1146 persons were x-rayed here last Tuesday and Wednesday, during the two-d.ay visit of the mobile unit, ‘one of two that are touring Bru^e in a county-wide survey sponsored by the ,Bruce County Tuberculosis Association. • A community canvas was con­ ducted j-xy The Clansmen prior to last week’s “.picture taking”. ’Clinic arrangements;and secret? ;ariaT work at the blinic were in charge of the Local Association of Girl Guides; Clinic, assistants were members of ithe Association, as follows:' Mrs. George Joyrit, Mrs'.. Clair Agnew, JVIrs. Harold Treleaven, Mrs. Bob Finlay,1 Mrs, Clark Finlayson, Mrs. Roy Fin­ layson, Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Mrs,, J. iC< McNab, Mrs., Morgan Henderson, Mrs. Wm. Schmid, Mrs, Chas. Webster, Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. • . Boy Scouts in full uniform assisted. J ' The first day of the survey was light with only about four hun­ dred attending. Wednesday was a busy day, the evening Ithrqugh the stream.. This x-rayThis x-ray unit on wheels is valued at $48,000 and is operated in ^shifts by_tw.o_.tech nician s.™~—= This is the third survey to be made locally. The* first clinic, which ran for three days, was held in June of 1947 with 2,100 persons x-rayed. The second clinic was in August of 1949 with an attendance of 1350. ’ ■ ■ .,< The area covered by last week’s survey was somewhat more lim­ ited than formerly as x_-ravs- were held in adjacent centres as part of the county-wide program be­ ing carried out. • : end in London, when more than 60^members" bf -the ygrbap^WCrF guests of, The London Free Press and the University of Western Ontario. The boys, who are buitetandirig. athletic and scholastic members of secondary schools^ throughput Western Ontario, tourpd “the Free Press building and Western Uni­ versity. At a banquet in the uni< -versity~cafeteria^tlfejr'were pre­ sented.- - with r their leadership­ certificates, and were addressed by . officials of the University and of the Free Press.—. —— On Saturday the boys were guests at the WOSSA track meet. - Don is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacNay. The Ripley rep­ resentative was Bob MacDonald, and from Wingham is. was John Crawford. . • PAGE THIRTEEN MAJESTY THE QUEEN t' 'iMujMayShe'Ragn ■ lA GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! ■o- Wm. A. Schmid Jeweh^r/ Phone 167-w, Lucknow Gifts of Good Taste* Gifts That Last Sx■ML.A A », WHO JAN NAME GALS IN -- PHOTO AT SENTINEL OFFICE? There’s an old picture at The .Sentinel Office, that so far de­ fies anyone to name the young; ladies in it. The group of .seven young ladies, and pretty too, sur- round Jock Adams. The picture,, apparently was taken at reunion time on the Main_St.-The-ladiesr may have been visiting herb for a couple of them wore “Buffalo” pennants and two held United, States flags. r We received the .picture from Miss Mary Struthers of Toronto* who has been visiting here. It was among a collection of. .old pictures at the Struthers, home. ‘Old-tiipers* are invited to drop into the office to see if they can identify the" girls. \ . A s • V 7 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Phone 150, Lucknow ' • -t , .. • , < “Everything In The Building Line”