HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 12K*J» ! WEDNESDAY, MAY Fth~ 1953 4- hi: queen is crowned •0- ING Xi. i i THE CORONATION 1953 D. R. Finlayson Groceries LONG LIVE THE QUEEN! ithe—Q^ueerv-—takes-[~-j i'll A 5 I i Wishes on This Momentous Occasion for long life, good health and happiness. May Her Reign Be Blessed With , ....... a, ..-..'I'':,,.TV'.- Feeds — Seeds Phone4 91, Lucknow S. C. Rathwell & Son A; , * .•k Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizer, Farm Equipment — Phone 71 Groceries — Phone 27 GOD SAVE THE QUEEN7 Rae and Porteous HARDWARE MERCHANTS Phone 66-w< Luckhpw . ............................... i i i / .1 PAGE TWELVE TINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SYMBOLIC OF A GREAT EVENT Long May She Reign McKim’s Drug Store THE HEX ALL STORE Phone 32, Lucknow, Ont. God Save Queen Elizabeth! '‘IwyMay SMbijr May Her Reign Be Blessed With ’ * . ' • >’ ’ • ■ t * ' 0 " Peace and Prosperity ! McLennan and Mackenzie Funeral Service & Furniture Phone 181, Lucknow We join with Fellow Canadians and Peoples of 4he Commonwealth to honour one who has WOn the admiration of all her . subjects. LONG LIVE the QUEEN! i i H : 1 I . Ii “Fine Shoes Fori All The; Family » m^-Lucknow' (Continued from Page 9) . cession, the Yeomen march be­ side the Royal Coach—tradition­ al Tudor figure?. in a. ‘Twentieth Century se^tii^g, They appear at many State functions, and always al^the Opening of jparliBWent. The Day of Coronation. Juiie second, 1953-^-rthe streets of London, are ablaze with col­ our, Amid a riot of royal in­ signia, flags, bunting and flowers, the hundreds of thousands iwho have • come-4o the ancient capital from, every corner bf .the, globe line the Coronation route. Excite­ ment mounts as th^y wait for that thrilling hxprnent when the gold­ en Coachof.State, will come. A steady procession of open car­ riages has already gone along the historic drive to Westminster Ab­ bey. Relatives of the Royal Famr ily arid, (foreign/ representatives from every country in the world make up the cavalcade. iDowmthe Mall, past rigid fed-coated troops at thfe salute, <the processions move through Admiralty Arch into Trafalgar Square, where Loi*d Nelson looks down on the scene. Along Whitehall and then to the Abbey, go the coaches with royalties in scarlet robes, military arid naval officers resplendent in gold braid, diplomats and their wives in colorful costumes, peer­ esses gowned in gold,-silver and white, their mantles of ruby red velvet rich with ermine trim and gold embroidery adding brilliajrit. splashes of color to the parade of nobility. . The Royal Coach of State Like a tidal wave come the roaring cheer? that herald the approach of the gfeat Royal Coach of State. This magnificent coach was builV for George III at a cost of JSfWO/and was first used at th^Opening of Paflia- merit in 17o2. It is. now1 used for Coronations only, and7 will make its seventh appearance in a Cor­ onation—procession When-Queen Elizabeth II drives from Bucking­ ham Palace to Westminster Ab­ bey. _The State Coach, .is drawn by eight Windsor 'greys- iri gold and crimson harness with a postillion in gold-braided . scarlet jacket and jockey-style esq) astride the left-hand horse in each pair. Grooms and the ancient Yeomen of. the Queen’s Body­ guard march alongside. The Royal Coach is preceded by, a number of coaches bearing close relatives of tne Royal Family-’ In a glass- enclosed carriage, waving. with youthfur excitement are Prince Charles^ and his sister, Princess Anne. The captain’s escort of Household Cavalry with shiny "breastplates ' and tossing plumes lead this main procession, which is joined, en route by the coaches of the Queen Mother., ' The Historic Abbey When the Royal procession ar­ rives at the west entrance of Westminster Abbey, the young Queen and her Prin<?e Consort, Duke of Edinburgh, aref greeted by the Duke .of .Norfolk; He is the hereditary Earl Marshal of England, fesponsibie. for the or- iganization of the secular side of the complicated Coronation cere­ monial. . . J' . Upon the arrival of Her Maj­ esty, a magnificent procession makes its way up the Nave. The Choir bursts into, song with the AnthehL, Cfrom--the__ojie-h.uhdrerL: and twenty -second Psalm) surig at CoronatiOns since the crownirig of Charles I. As she emerges from beneath the ofgari .loft thri Qu^en is greeted' with, cries of “ViVat ReginaL - Elizabethan Viva.t! Vivat! Vivat!”, shouted fey Queen's Scholars of Westminster School, who have. exercised th is privil- egd™for^tv^elve-Coronations. Thjs greeting represents the Only sur­ viving use of Latin in ithe Cor­ onation ceremony. When the pro­ cession • reaches the High Altar .or_-2iTheatrel’T__i‘ ~ her ( seat on the Sanctuary^ sodtlv side. Then .comes the Re­ cognition .as the Archbishop of Canterbury, the great officers .of State and the Garter King-of- Arrris, go to each cornrir of the - “Theatre’*, in turn cal ling out : “Queen Elizabeth, your undoubt­ ed Queen: Wherefore All you I i i t Commemorating An Historic Event I SAVE QUEEN ELIZABETH! LONG MAY SHE; WEAR THE CROWN Lucknow District Co-operative | I i i I ToJRSiMIIHmhN t ' 4— ,L7 I ;■ •