HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-27, Page 7THE LVCKNQW , SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,
before the
Night When work
marriage. We take this opportun
ity ;iof extending to you our best
' wishes for a happy and prosper- -
ous married life.
You have grown up among us
Teacher: Junior, name two pro
nouns. „i. :_
Jr.: Who? Me?
Teacher: Well, you’re smarter
than I thought, you were.
The peyson who -said every-j
thing that. PflPS lir» rnuct.' nnmo ■
WEDNESDAY, MAY 27th, 1953
at whitechurch
Chalmers Church, Whitechurch,
Tuesday, Miay 19th, welcomed the
• Maitland Presbyterial Society of
the W.MJS« of ‘ the Presbyterian
church-in Canada for the May
. The meeting opened with pray
er by the president, Mrs. A. Mc-
. Auley, Ripley. Personal service
was the theme of the morning
_ .'session. Kincardine Auxiliary--Was-
in charge of devotions-. Scripture
and meditation was taken by
Mrs; J. G. Morrison; prayer by
Mrs. Bird. After a Short business
session, Mrs. Haulch conducted a
group discussion oh three import-
ani missionary, topics. Mrs. J.
Thompson, a missionary horpfc on
I furlough from Trinidad, outlined
' the work being carried on there
by the United Church. The ses-
sion closed > with prayer by Mrs.
Fulton of Brussels.
World Wide Service . was the
I . theme of the afternoon session.
|\ The devotions were taken by
I Molesworth Auxiliary; scripture
r reading, Mrs. J.* Campbell; med-
I ftation, Mrs. C. Stewart* prayer,
I Mrs. R. J. Boggs. Greetings from
I Presbytery were brought by Rev.
I J; Currie, Whitechurch, who gave
I the present day challenge to the
I church to thro\y off its passive at-
I “titude^arise;-prbclainT" and “com-"
I municate the gospel and ali ;it
I stands for; to all /people.
An honorary life membership
was presented to Mrs. J. Bell,
Kincardine, in appreciation of her
faithful \vork as treasurer of the
Presbyterial for a number.of
years. A duet by, Mrs. Aitchison
of Wingham and MrS, Forster of
Whitechurch was much enjoyed.
Mrs. MacDonald and Mrs. Lind
say who were delegates to a con
ference in Hamilton on Evening
Auxilaries, brought an interest
ing report of the very worthwhile
^meetings.;■ Mrs. Ritchie' of Sea-
-forfh-~spoke~on”Milestones. Rev;
Dean Johnston, chairman of the
Board of Missions, gave an in
spiring address. The meeting clos
ed with .prayer by Mrs. Dawson
Craig, Whitechurch. ’
THAT Bruce County Council will
. ’ convene^ in Formosa the week
of June 8th. They will be host
to Grey County legislators on
June 11th and together they i
will Ijour the southern sections'
of Bruce County, headed by I
Warden Gordon Stanley0 of I
.Ripley. ;
that goes up must' come!
had apparently forgotten;
a little thing called taxes. |
7-------------------—— ■ j
her reign be filled
c ‘ ■*’ \witk peace and prcsperiltf
Lucknow Sawmill
Hardwood Lumber & Logs
MAY WISDOM and might
given by god only,
i■ ti
Umbach Drug Store
Phone 13-w, Lucknow ’
r *■II
V .
W. €. Attridge, Phone 80-w, Lucknow
’ww w- w ey w w i
nuptial events
[for bride-elect
! On Tuesday evening of last ______________ _ ___
. week [an^lo^^l^tiipe^^
^pent“at“the Hunter home at Zion ways: found you cheerful and
when neighbors gathered to hon- helpful in the community until
our Miss Lois Hunter with a mis- (ruty balled you to train for a ••
cellaneous shower. ___ :j hjurse_in_jwhich profession we are.
i|. After—a shorVprogramTthe fol- * sure you were very kind arid.
| lowing address was read by Freda helpful at, all times. ‘ ’
! Hunter and a well-laden basket1
j of gifts was placed
: bride-to-be.'
I pear Lois:
.We, your friends
bors of the Zion
have gathered here
I honour you <ori your approaching
. With fine weather prevailing!
for last week’s meeting , the [
Tawnys and Whites-played ball, ‘
with the latter Six coming out on
top. ' The meeting was opened
with Sixer John Andrew in
charge-'of the opening ceremon- ,
ies. Akela Thompson then .con
ducted test work with the Reds1
and Greys, While Kaa\Umbach
took charge of the /ball game with
the other Sixes. '
By the time this issue of the
Cub news goes to press we will
have held our last regular meet
ing of the 1952^53 season. There
June 2nd, as it. is the occasion of
the Coronation of our Queen. The
Pack will be faking part in the
parade that day however, arid we [ will give you details a little later.
The following week, June 9th,
will be for those “going up” to
Scouts and for prospective Sixers
and Seconds who are advanced’
in 2nd Star work. On June Id th
your Akela is planning to hold
a Parents’
done by the Pack will be on dis
play and the presentation of var
ious awards will be made.
... *r—O-—-
.The. second hike of the season
was held on Saturday last with
the lads leaving in time to have
dinner in the open and returning
in ih.e„late_.afternoon.—The Reds
and Greys took part in this hike,
the Tawnys and Whites—having.
gone out a couple of Weeks ago.
More open air events are in the
offing with.a trip to the lake be
ing 1 uppermost on the list. •
The next few weeks appear, to
be busy ones for the Pack. Chief
“amorig^her"coimhg""eVerit§"is the’
arihual Scout-Cub Church Parade
for the Saugeeri District, It is
[being held this year in Durharri
on Sunday, May 31st. A special
. _biis_^vdlL^eave~--4he---Recreation-
Centre at 12.15 sharp that day. All’
Cubs (with the exception of those
who are pot yet invested) are
urged to attend’and be in full
uniform including shorts if poss
ible and regardless of color, neck
chiefs washed, sweaters, arid socks
mended rind ’ shoes shined. Yol-
1 owing close dh the heels ojf the,
-Sunday,:parade will be the* Ideal;;
parade, with other organizations, J
cn Comoation Day. It is hoped
that ail/Cubs will tan eui, aise
When you see and use these
shower gifts in your own home
•< . i may they serve to remind you -
j-<_ • b j of your Zion friends who wish
ana Jieign- -yo^ tue best "'of Everything.
1 td I Signed on behalf of your
■ ; friends, Norma McDonagh, Freda ’
Lois thanked, the ladies for re
membering her and after singing
-VFor She is a Jolly Good Fellow”
lunch was served and a social
time spent.
On Fridayt-evenmgTMrs. Chas. „
Webster held a kitchen shower
for Lois when some 18 ladies pre-
[-for this celebration. ‘Details will
i be found elsewhere in this paperr
? ’> —O?----- ' ‘ :
As this will be the last edition
of the Cub News before the Cor A,
onation of Her Majesty Queen
Elizabeth II, the leaders and
members of the 1st LuckpowJ sented her with a matched-^kib
-Wolf-Gub-Pack- take_th“is occasion
of reaffirming our loyalty as ex
pressed by “The Cub Promise”:
“I promise to do my best,
To do my duty to God, and the
To, keep the Law of the Wolf
Cub Pack,
And to do a good turn to some*
body every day”.
then set.
Previous to leaving Seaforth,
Lois was guest of. honour at a 1
shower when she was presented
with a lovely mirror from the
staff of nurses of Seaforth Hos
pital. The Hospital Board and doc
tors also presented her with- a
white Kenwood blanket and auto
matic toaster.
Contracting Co. Ltd.
We have sold our business and are clearing
out these machines 4—
These machines are used, but most of
them are like new.
“ Massey-Harris Tractor, 102 Junior
50-T I.H.C Baler
2 - Base t Massey- Harris Plow
Power Mower, I.H.C.
New Ring Wise Elevator
New. Rubber-Tired Wagon „
New Horse Mower
New Electric Stove
New Oil Stove, small
New Oil Stove, large