The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1953 —
Service and Satisfaction in
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Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs,
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. District Agent For
Art Gilmore
’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon
t T.
,y f
The . Whitechurch Women’s In
stitute met in the Community
’ Memorial Hall on Tuesday after
noon with Mrs. Jas, Mclniies pre-
siding. The meeting opened with
singing tfie Institute Ode and re
peating the Mary Stewart Col
lect. Delegates were appointed to
attend the District Annual, to be
held, at Bervie on Wednesday.
These, are Mrs. George McClen-
aghan, Mrs, Mclnnes, Mrs. ^rank
Mrs. Albert Walters. It was de-
cided, to send cards \to anyone.
“ sick in tfie community and all
; branch directors are, responsible
/for letting the secretary know
of anyone who is sick. Belgrave
Institute is to receive an invi
tation to the June meeting which
will. be held at’ the home of Mrs.
I Frank Ross. Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Burney offered her honi£ for the
: ' , picnic this summer. The motto,
Z7 “Should mothers keep pace with
the changing times” was capably
taken by Mrs. G. McBurney.
. Mrs. Herson Irwin read the cur
rent events prepared iby Mrs. Ab
Coultes. Mrs. George Fisher sang
the solo, ‘‘That Tumbledown
Shack of Athlone”. Lieut. Oates
of the Salvation Army of Wing
ham spoke on the work done by
their organization and the W. I.
donated $5.00 and collections in
—4he-village - amounted^tp~$35:00.
Mrs., Victor Emerson presented
the report of the Provincial; Of
ficers conference held in Guelph
last week. The roll call; was . ans
wered by a verse.or motto for
Mother’s Day and the meeting
. closed with God Save the Queen.
The W.M.S. was held in the
S.S. room of Chalmer’s Presby
terian church on' Wednesday p.m.
with Mrs. Mclnnes presiding. Th.e
meeting opened with the call to
Worship and psalm 77 was sung.
The scripture lesson and medita-
" tidh on Miriam Was itaken-by Mrs.
- Alex Robertson. Prayer by Mrs.
Frank Coulter and then hymn 212
was sung. The current events
from the Glad Tidings were read
by Mrs. Gordon Elliott and Miss,
Lila Emerson read a chapter from
the study bood oh Africa. Ibe
-roll call was responded to by 17
ladies with the word “sister” irt
. a iverse. Mrs. Wm. Dawson led
in ithe offertory prayer. The min
utes of the last meeting were
' read and the secretary was in
structed. to send a .letter of thanks
to our past‘secretary, Mrs. Fred
Newman, who is leaving the villr
__age. Plans- were made for the
; Presbyterial to be held here On
-^-^esday-^May^T^tit~The meet-
ing closed with hymn 553 and
the Lord’s prayer.
Mrs. J. Curran; lunch, Mrs. E. W.
Rice, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs. G.
MacPherson, Mrs. C. McDonald
and Mrs. Stuart. Arrangements
were made tor a quilting. Anf
used clothing for the bale may
be left at store. At the conclusion
a social hobr was enjoyed when
lunch was served by Mrs. F. Mc-
Quillin and Mrs, Curran.’
Mrs* Gordon MacPherson was
,. hostess tor the May meetings of
the W.M.S. and W.A. of St. Hel-
■ fns United Church when 14 lad
ies were present. Mrs. Wx I. Mil-
ter,, the president, was in the
chair for the meeting of the W.
M. S., the theme bf which wor
ship service Was “The fellow
ship of the church, the means of
grace”. The treasurer reported
the Easter Thankoffering to have
been $24.25. Mrs. Frank McQuil-
Hri gave the Report of the Pres-
byterial held in Goderich recent
ly. The topic “Needs of Africa”
rica Trails’’ was taken by Mrs.
W. 1. Miller. What the different
missionaries of Africa reported of
these, needs as read by MrsJ W*
A Miller, Mrs. J. Cameron, Mrs.
b Woods, Mrs. G. Stuart and Mrs.
,Mc^uilliml„Miss.. _W._„D..
'■ Rutherford read of what the
church was resolving to dp to
meet t^ese needs!
Mrs. T. J. Todd presided for
meeting which was-Qpr-
by the . use of the, them®:
. hymn, prayer and “creed. The
worship service Was Witness’’^ Mrs. Cameron, read
scripture lesson and Mrs.
. ^QuHlin, the lesson thoughts.' it
was decided to hold a Coronatioh
*ea in June with the following
committoes in charge: program,
j™rs' F. McQuillin and Mrs. if.
dewatidiiS,' Miss W. D.
Whetfort', Mrs. Alqx Purves &
^j^Qp price was $440 “at the 4th
^nnual/Suction sale of the Huron
Hereford, Association, held -in
Clinton last week. ’ With 44 ' ani
mals consigned, it was the biggest
sale yet conducted by the H.H.A.axiu ivirs curran . sai^ conducted by the H.HA,
Tho Cn \ ’ Jn line with current .marketSacrament of the Lord’s trends, prices ran lower than in
W3u obseJved, ih the Un- > previous years, averaging $284 for
ned yhurch on Sunday morning 17 males and $274 for 27 females,
w the following young people Attejidarice-at-the-sale—howpvprj-
irll° member- was good, and bidding was bpsk
Jup bf the church • by Rev. ’ S; E. right op tq,-and. including the 44th
Hayward; Lois, Ruth and Alison { offering of the day.
Webb, Isabelle MacPherson, Aniie
Todd, Dorma W6dd& Phyllis Bar
bour, Joyce McDonald,. Marvin
McDonald, Crawford McNeil and
Donald Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lawrence
and daughter Joan of Weston
were holiday week-end visitors
with Mrs. Lawrence’s brother,
Mr." Harvey Webb & Mrs. Webb.
Mr. and Mrs. (v Mel,. Brown and
Bob Murdie of Waterloo spent
the, holiday .week-end with Mr.
and Mrs, R. Woods \
Miss Anna Stuart was home
from Toronto over the week-end.
The day’s high price ' of $440
was paid by Roy Walter, Gow-
anstown, for a two-year-old heif
er,, Belgrave Patricia 13E, bred
and consigned by James R. Coult-
es, Belgrave. .
The top price for the bull, sec
tion of the auction was $379, paid
twice during the day. Lindsay
Stewart, R. 1, Walton, went to
$370 to buy a yearling bull, Sup
er Monarch 23F, bred* and con
signed by John McGregor, Hen
sail; and Gus Trentowsky, R. 5,
Mitchell, went to $370 to buy a
yearling bull, Braedon Pine Dom-
*Fordontatic Drive, Overdrive -
and white sidewall tires
' optional at extra
The best way to measure Ford’s dollar-for-dollar value,is to
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you’ll discover that Ford’s. Strato-Star 110-Hp. V-8 engine is the kind
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that it delivers the kind of power and smoothness you never hoped to
find in a car that’s priced as low as Ford. When you try out Ford’s
relaxing ’’Wonder Ride” you’ll sense that "bigcar” feeling that’s so
satisfying to a driver* When you take into account Ford’s choice of Fordomatic*,
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extra features Ford includes . . . well, then you’ll understand why_more_and_more—---
motorists are making Ford their hew first; choic^j
PffWiffiffMffiffie finest
ino, bred and consigned by Rbbt. I
G. Mason, Ripley.
"Auctioneer for the 44 lots was
W. S.' O’Neil, Denfield, himself a
Hereford breeder, Clerk of the
ring was Heber J. L, Eedy, Dun
gannon, G.. W. Montgomery, agr j-
cultural representative for Huron,
posted and tabulated the bids. As
sistant auctioneers were Harold
Jackson, Seaforth apd Edward El
liott, Clinton.
Lahgside^ W^I.Sr ' . • /
.The May meeting was' held on
Thursday evening^t the home of
Mrs. Farish Moffat. Miss Emma
Richardson' read the scripture.
Meditation was taken by Mrs.
Lloyd Moffat Mrs. Peter JMoffat
led in prayer. A talk on mission
ary wdrk; was given by Mrs^J.
Pollock. Reports of the Synodical
meeting were given by Mrs. Neil
MacDonald, 'Mrs! Farish Moffat
and Mrs. Lloyd Moff at.An instru
mental was given by Mrs; Wm.
Scott. The study, book was taken
by Mrs. Gordon Wall. The meet
ing closed with prayer by Mrs.
Jas. McPherson. The next meet
ing will be at the home of Mrs.
Peter Moffat, Kinloss.'
At a dance and prize draw held
at St. Augustine. Parish Hall on
Friday, May 8th, John Gilmore'
was the winner of the men’s Bt|U
ova wrist watch,, with the . lady’s
watch being won by Mrs, B. Wid-
meyer. of Ayton.