HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-20, Page 5♦ WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1953 ...I.....J.-.,,'.......................................................................'f. '.".A............. r. Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM ; Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Wednesday, Thurs., May 20, 21 ' DENNIS O’KEEFE, / Marge 6c Gower Champion —----X2—-—-in ——A~— Everything I Have A-A Is Yours . • .'?■ • ■. .. • • ■ ■( ' A ' Friday, Saturday', M^y 22, 23 RANDOLPH ISCOTT, CLAUD JARMAIN; Jr. — in*-—. • • Hangman’s Knot MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, May 25, 26 CLIFTON WEBB, ginger Rogers : ■ —iii'. — DREAMBOAT Wednesday. Thurs.,i_Mayi21, 28 SHELLEY WINTERS, RICARDO MONTALBAN . . — in —- My Man and I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO —1 >" ■ --J.,,,- ’r A a _____* CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Thomas. , Anderson and Family, wish to express their sin-? cere thinks and appreciation to all who were so very kind and sympathetic in many > ways dur- ing the illness and at the time of <the death of a dear husband and father. / . I cannot find proper words to express my heartfelt thanks to all who remembered me in so many--differentrways^durmgAmy stay in the hospital since rpy ac­ cident. Such kind’ acts will be all long remembered. Also Spec- iUb thanks to> Dr, Johnston and Dr. CorrinA - Gordon D. Fisher. • PAGE FIVE. | ' • •..........,’’s.." •.......... .....•'South" Kinloss W.M.S. ' ’ Mi^. Ira Dickie \yas hostess ior the May meeting pf South. Kin- loss W.M.S. which was held in jthe church basement with a good1 attendance. The president, . Mrs. Baulch, opened the meeting with scripture and prayer ^nd then hymn 81 was sung, Mrs,. Steer was appointed delegate o to the Presbyterial in Whitechurch on May 19th and Mrs. A. MacIntyre, Miss. A, MacKay and Mrs. A. :Suth.erland-were^npminat^ell^a^_a' Committee to work with the exe­ cutive to. draw up nevv programs. Mrs. Sutherland, supply secret­ ary; asked that donations of $1.25 per member be handed in by the June meeting. A fine message in song was. given in a solo, “The One the World Forgets” by Mrs. Chadwick. Mrs. Baulch used the flannelgraph to illustrate the scripture and meditation based on verses from Proverbs 31 fol­ lowed by ..prayer iby Mrs. R. Buckton. Mrs. W. Fj MacDonald and Mrs. D. Graham gave splen­ did readings and Mrs. G. Hamil­ ton took the topic from the study book. Mrs. L. MacDougall, Mrs. D, MacKinnon, Mrs. F. MacKin­ non and Mrs. A. Sutherland took part) / in the prayer icircle. All ladies who had attended the Syn- odical inJJVingham told what had impressed them most at meetings attended^Hymri-798 was sung-and the mi.zpah benediction closed the meeting. X The PLAYHOUSE \’ ■ Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 21, 22, 23 Outr of the American history comes a thrilling episode full of excitement— • * • ' r* " ’ • _ • Young Daniel Boone \ . • • ' • /with DAVID- BRUCE SATURDAY MATINEE At 2.15 p.m.—Dpors dpen at v2 p-tn. * / y: . .....•/•••■■• r ■ - —— •.<* a-...> .....a. . Mopday, Tuesday/ Wednesday, May 25, 26, 27 \ A terrific double bill Fever and WEDDINGBELLS STAUFFER—CVETAS A. pretty wedding took place on Saturday, April 25 th in Zion Un­ ited /Church, Brantford, when Mrs. Hazel Marion Cvetas, Brant­ ford, became the bride of Mr. William. Edward Stauffer of Kin­ loss. Rev. D. R. Vaughan offi- ated, The bride wore a grey suit and. a white and pink corsage. Her attendant was Mrs; George, Adams, sister of the groom. .The 'groomsman was Mr. Geo. Adams. Following the ceremony a dinner was held at the Graham JBell Hotel/__'■ ' A• •• • ‘ ' ’• "^Guestswere present from Brantford, Paris, Lindsay, Peter - boro, Kincardine, Holyrood and Stratford; After a honeymoon to Niagara ; Falls and other points the happy couple have taken up residence 'in Brantford. X * / A * Here Comes the Marines With The Bowery Boys. I. We Are Now Stocking A Complete Line Of ) FENCING AND ACCESSORIES f 4 I 4 K1NL0UGH I 9 # TIMKEN OI1L HEAT FREE SURVEYS AND. ESTIMATES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS i)dn-t Be Caught With Your Fence Down Luck n ow District Co-operative Lucknow Phone 71 What you need are ditches! - nWhy run an obstacle cqutse every spring and after every rain storni? ^Through a •, Iniproi/ifnent loan from the B of M you can finance the making of ditches, drainage sys­ tems, dyking,' as well aS many other farm, improvcrrietitS. ■ • / A u—you rieed rcady cash to^o~the-p)bra^r^- Infpfo^/went loan may be the arisWer. Drop id .arid talk over the details with our M nearest B of M rpanager. ' - , ... ,. . Remember, if your ”~Bank of Montreal.' Bank of Montreal A/ , .7 a iiy wr sound, there’s money for you, at me JFMT1?! — Rdnlz* Af Mnnfreal.' . i A ~ ro n Mftitoif ; .Lucktidw Branch i MOMRAY COUSE, ManSget. r ......... ■ : V'04 r; v a\ - Mrs. George Graham was hos­ tess to the Women’s Auxiliary on Thursday - afternoon with Mrs. Tom Hodgins presiding and Mrs. Graham,assistant"isecr^ai^,.' had charge of the books in the ab­ sence of the secretary. The hymn “^reathe on me breath of God” opened the meetinLg. Mrs. Jack ..Hewitt read the scripture and prayers followed, Mrs.^J. Colwell leading in the Prayer Partner’s prayer. The word for ithe roll call was .“Grace”; The thankoffering for the Columbia Coast Mission Was received and generously re­ sponded to; also a donation made to the Mohawk Institute. Church inmprovemenit was discussed and work will begin in the near fut­ ure. The committee froth the W. A. is Mrs. George Graham, Mrs. Colwell and Mrs. Maurice Hod­ gins. Further plans were ma^de for the Anniversary Sunday, June. 28th, With the' garden party fol-' .lowing it. The Litahy closed the meeting arid the, president gave the closing remarks. A dainty lunch W;as served by the hostess. The hostess for the June meeting [ is Mrs.AWm. Cox. ’ I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall spent! a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen, Cul- ross. ‘ •• ;; z Mrs. J ames . Hodge returned home'-from visiting a few weeks with her brother, 7tMr.' William’ .Weaver at Fenwick. Mrs. J. W. Colwell, with Mr. and Mrs George Colwell, were guests at lhe Pollard-Colwell .wedding at Kincardine on Wed­ nesday, The bride, ./the former Florence Colwell, -is/a niece of I Mrs. Colwell’s. . Mr. and Mrs. Clark Needham, Helen, were, recent .visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Stew­ art Needham, .Cdn. 10, Huron. ’’"“The Vita Gals meFih'Thie'Tbwn- ship Hall on Thursday evening to make the. final arrangements for’' the Achfevem.ent Day at Walkerton ./bn MaitUrday. Nancy (■ Needham;. read ari address . and ’ Helen Schumacher and Beverley ^tanley-Apr-bsented-^the—leadersy- Mrsi Raynard Ackert and Mrs., Jim Smith, With lovely gifts iri^ appreciation of their leadership to the Club girls. Following this a suhnptuous lunch.brought..a. ,.very . pleasant evening to a close. Deepest syiripaty is extended.to the Publisher of The Sentinel in the death of his father, the late R. Hi Thompson. x . . Mr. and Mrs/ Sam Emerson & Hilda visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs/ Golde Hrilhr- r son. A - .• ' V; Ethel Runchey of Toronto. , spent the Week-end here with 'MtAand Wb!l/; _ ’ Mrs. Gertrude Walsh -spent the * .. « ...» ■'r . V ■■ ‘ - ■■1,1 'Ey OIL BURNERS • OIL FURNACES HISELERandSON,Phone 426, Wingham week-end at her home in the Ivill- age,'‘ ■ ;■ ; A Mr.-and-Mrs. Arthur-Haldenby and Shirley of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr: and Mrs. Geo. Haldenby and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haldenby and qther relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley and family were guests. Sunday at. lhe golden (wedding anniversary of Mrs. Stanley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaal^e. of° Kinloss, Friends here extend heartiest congratulations and wish Mr. and Mrs. Kaake many more happy years together. Change in Service Hour The Anglican Service on Sun­ day next wilPbe at 11 a.m. ,(not I AM PURCHASING BOARS AND MEAT HORSES at top market prices LEROY ACHESON / Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect or contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW > i at 2,30 p.jn.) when the Rev. G.. B. Cox will be the celebrant for the service of Holy Communion, * TILE-LIKE FLOOR ENAMEL For Interior Floors or Concrete. This Floor Einamel recothmended for ail Floors, Stairs and protects Porches of wood or concrete. . It-is easy to apply and dries quickly to a smooth uniform gloss. . A rich colorful, easy-to-clean Floor is the finishing touch that completes the well. decorated room. A "The Home you Care for Best Deserves the Best of Car^".. * - A BEAUTIFUL FINISH EASILY APPLIED - —Dulamel ogives that restful low glosk which makes for attractive walls and. woodwork. It is noted for A its ease of application and its excellent Washing qualities. Ideal for kitchen and bathroom walls, A interior woodwork^ etc./Comes in bedytiful modern A colors/ ' ' A'"-'“yAA. , ■ THYRE 'S - N0 TRICK rN USING UTIL AC ENAMEL for Woodwork, Walls, Furniture and Trim . Here isjhe;_enamd^QLaJhousand-Use^T-Tbe-rnost—- versatile of ahy paint Utilac Enamel gbes b.n easier than any bnameJv you have ever tried ‘—no sagging — i want it. Dries tjuickly to d, lovely* satin gloss-A , washable arid highly durable^ V i&a no dripping- Stays right' where you ' Dries OLiirklv |a n IauaIv train .1 : ' *•«■<*»• > WM. MURDIE& SON v w ' ’Phone 10, Lucknow, Oht . .jl - , < V W -f* 1