HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT i —■ 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, QjrTARip WEDNESDAY, may 13th, 1953 ' / ' V • gy "y 7.^ yy -7.1 ; ► '* », ► A ► ► 4 ■—r BORN MCDONALD—in Kincardine Hos­ pital on April 29th, .1953, to the Rev. and- Mrs. JT. R. McDonald, Ripley, a daughter, Helen Eliza* ibeth. • BANNERMAN — ' in Kincardine Hospital on May 3rd, 1953 to Mr, and Mrs, Harold Bannerman; R. 4, Kincardine, a sop. WALKER—in. Kincardine Hospi- taF on May 4th, 1953, to Mr, and Mrs. Ward Walker, Kincardine, a (daughter, 7RT0BB'T?^rW7Wihg^ Hospital on Sunday, May 3fd, 1953? to Mr, .and; Mrs, Gordon Robb, R, 3, Goderich, a daughter, MacDONALD—in Wingham- Gen­ eral Hospital on Thursday, April 30th,1953, to Mr. and Mrs.1 Augus MacDonald, R. 1, Lucknow, a daughter. ’ . DRENNAN—-at. Alexandra Hospi­ tal, Goderich, on. May 4th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drennan, R; 7, Luqknow, a son. 4£ULBERT—at Alexandra Hospi­ tal; Goderich, on May 5th, 1953* to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Culbert, Dungannon, a daughter, Cather- ine_May,’ - ’ . ANDERSON—at Wingham^Hos- pifal on April ,30th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Anderson, R. 3, Lucknoiw, a daughter, Charlene Anne^ WANTEDfor...WARM WEATHER WEAR 4 , 4 4 ' 4 4 4 ■■ 4 ' 4 '4 > ■ ► ’■ ► LADIES’ NYLON DRESSES 1? to 20; 16’4 to 24ys $6iO5, $7.95 and up \ . .■.■yr..^T- :• FOR CASUAL WEAR /SUMMERSKIRTS—printedandembossedcotton. - BETTER SKIRTS—orlon—plain and pastel checks, perman- Antlv nlea.ted-—washable. ' ’ ► * ► ► ►. ► ► ► ► <1 ’ * • »> GIRL < <( ently pleated—washable. “ , " BLOUSES—new shipment of Cotton stripe blouses with cap to match—ideal for wear with shorts’ and slacks- <to match,—ideal for wear with" shorts’and slacks-. ■ ' • • : ■ • ‘ ■ v.’,'. ■ ' " .■■/.■ MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens ♦< ’« * .4 < __ _ T ., ....... ... » , ■. A A A A A a a Ju Jh?JU > I SEE BY THE SENTINEL, ■ ■ ..... ■. •: ? • THAT owing to? the thoughtful­ ness of Bill Pappas, Dale Con- gram had the pleasure of see- ing |he fihp ‘'Blue. Canadian ••••••■. ' '. —t "SUNOCOrH: f ?■ Rbss Scbtt of Brac^idWahr nounces the appointment of H. 0. “Bud” Jerry as Farm Agent distributing SUnbco. Produdts in the Goderich area? Backed by over 50 years of expert engineering experience |n Oil R^fiiuing; ^nd hot^ top quality and economy in performance, (Sunoco products, include Blue Sunoco High Test x Gasoline, Heavy Duty Dynalube Motor Gil, Mercury Made Motor Oil Lubricants — Sunheat - • Furnace Oil. ' •■ * ’ .• ‘ V‘ • • ’? .■ ’ '• ... . Now’s the time to switch to the world’s finest pettroleum products for the road — the . farm — the home. . SUNOCO j.. ...see • * ... H. O. “BUD” JERRY Goderich, Ont. - Phone 22 I I. I I i or MARRIED WOMAN to learn TELEPHONE OPERATING ; FIVE NIGHTS r®® WEEK ' Permanent Position -r- Ages 25 to 40 REGULAR WAGE INCREASES . Pleasant Working Conditions APPLY Miss C. M. McIntosh, Chief Operator v a. ■* * Rockies” which Bill brought to his home. THAT in Renewing his Sentinel subscription John B. DeCou in-, forms us of a change of address to 330 (Cottrell Street, Daytona Beach, where Mr. and Mrs. De- Cou - are-, now, . permanent, resi­ dents;-' . • > A The ' BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ' ■ ■ ' .' ■ .... Mrs. Stimson was born here on =April^24th^l896r=and —was^jusr^ nine days , past her 57th birthday \ when death struck so suddenly. ■ She was ’married on August 9th, y 1916 to her bereft husband, who withafamilyofthreesonsand cne daughter,: mourn the loss pf a beloved wife and mother. They are Bill, Jr., Calvin and Bertha Marguerite of Lucknow and Don- aldofGoderich.Alsosurvivmg is a half-brother, Charles Moore- of Lambeth. ' - Mrs. Stimson was first vice-, president of the,Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian,Legion; president of St. Peter’s Wortien’s Associa­ tion, and secretary of St. Peter’s Guild. In her association with these organizations, as a kind and .generous neighbor and as a de­ voted wife and mother, .she will • be greatly missed. MRS. WILLIAM STIMSON The death of \Mrs. Margaret Ann MhcKenzie Stimsoh, . beloved wife of Wm. Stimson/ occurred suddenly at her home here on Sunday evening, May 3rd, from. _hemorrhage. Mrs. Stnh- son had been-in her usual good health until stricken early Sun­ day evening with her death oc­ curring within a very short time. CJThs funeral service was held ' on- Wednesday afternoon at St. Peter’s' Anglican' Church wliere she was faithfully devoted to the women’s work of the parish. Rev. H. L. Jennings conducted the senvice. Burial .was in South Kin­ loss Cemetery with John Grace, Ed Baker, Philip Stewart, Car­ men McQuillin, Malcolm Stewart and Alex MacLeod acting as pall­ bearers. ' OBITUARY THOMAS J. P.. ANDERSON After a lengthy illness, death came on Saturday afternoon to jThomas^JamesrPalmen-Andersoir at his residence in Lucknow. He was 85 years of age and had been a lifelong resident of Ashfield Township until retiring to Liick- noiw a few years^ ago.«. . He was a ,son of David Ander­ son. and Mary Ann Webster and was born in Ashfield Township /On Januafy 22nd, 1868. v C ■ . yOn November. 25th, 1902, .he married Lily J. Re^d and th0y were spared to happily Celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary last fall with their family all present for the occasion. Mr. Anderson was one of the Township’s most popular arid prominent citizens. He was a good friend and. neighbor, an act­ ive churchman, and for a num­ ber of years served^* his munici­ pality as councillor and. deputy reeve.,.' . ‘ - The funeral service, which was largely attended, was held on Monday afternoon at his: late resi­ dence, conducted by his pastor, Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn;, assisted - -^by—Revv-HA-Lr-JenningST--Inter­ ment was in Greenhill Cemetery, the pallbearers being Jim Reed, Wm Reed, Hiarold Stevens, Dick Kilpatrick,. Fred Anderson, David’ Anderson. Flowenbearers were S.< B. Stojhers, W. S. McLeod, Geo. Andrew, Jim Cameron, Herb Curran/ Isaac Cranston, Cecil Johnston, John Watti I Mr. Anderson is survived by his widow, ithree sons and three daughters, Harvey, Dungannon; Tom of Lucknow; Gordon, on the1 homestead in Ashfield; Mrs. C. Pearce (Olive), Brantford; Mrs. H. Webb (Elsie), St. Helens; Mrs; 0. Hodgins (Jean), Wingham. There are 11 grandchildren. Also surviving are two brbther^ arid two sisters, Mrs. Isaac Andrew 4SusaaD~x]f_Zion4_Mrs._S^J^Kil- •patrick (Elizabeth), Dungannon; David of Red Deer, Alfa:.and Fred of LUcknbw. He was pre- deceased by two sisters arid two brothers, Mrs. A. Finlay (Janie); Mrs. John Helm (Sara) arid Har- v,ey and Robert/ VIRUS DISEASE <?OMBATS EUROPEAN PINE SAWFLY- ' ;■ : ■ .• • ■ • _J • A virus preparation ' for • the control of the European Pine Sawfly isi. available for free dis­ tribution rto landowners who have plantations or windbreaks whkh are infested with European Pino Sawfly. Distribution will be made from the Stratford zone office* of the Department of Lands and Forests, 430 Huron St.;-Stratford, Ontario. This sawfly can ibe rec­ ognized by the caterpillar and should be sprayed in the cater­ pillar stage? These caterpillars are about one inch long, olive I geeen with darker green. stripes l and with black heads. They will be eivident on Scotch, Jack and Red Pine trees from about May 15th to JunS 10th. > s Landowners will be required- to furnish spray equipment; Fur­ ther instructions and advice" will be supplied with the virus when distributed. , . lawyer: “But you can’t marry ’ again. If you do, your husband. clearly specified in his will that his fortune wil|. go to his bro­ ther”. i , Widow: “I know; it’s the bro­ ther Pm marrying”. . I- rr ► ■ ► ► ► V Io Ge Ao Wilson* Tomatoes, ’ , 14oz. cello ...... u,.......,-......... 21c Holiday ; g Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon 39c Paper Plates, pkg? of 16 .... 30c ■g Duchess PicrNic-Kit X set for 6 .......30c $ Miracle Whip Salad . ,Jlressing,.16~oz^..^^^~^ SChiquita’ ” > 8 banded Bananas, lb?.... 19c § Head Lettuce 1 SMITH’S FOOD MARKET g Watch Free Press On Thursday FOr I.G.A.;Advt. 19c ■ '...........111 11 ............................ ' ......................... ...... Time For Gardening Rehnieis & Steele Briggs. £>eeds Dutch Sets, special; lb, 25c ; Certified Seed Potatoes Cobblers, Sebagoes, Kaiahdin, Green Mountain 4: I Sanforized Summer Shirts good quality ■ ; $2.49 each — 2 for $4.80 Buy-nowandsave.r —'— —'—’ • . :—r •' 7 * * * * rr V. V V ▼ »4I Pasture Mixture < ' < ■ L. . < .<I. .’I <1 'i ;■ < > $10.00 : CERTIFIED SEED POTATOES ! Cobbler, Kathadin, Sebago, Gr$en Mountain / •< LONG TERM “24 Pounds to Acre” I i Orchard Grass ............ ...... 4 lbs. Timothy .... ......... ... 4 lbs. Meadow Fescue ........3 lbs. Canadian Blue ..... i ib. Kentucky Blue .....1 lb. Ladino .Clover ................. 1 lb. White Dutch ......j.................... 1 lb. AJfalfa .......................4 lbs. ► ► i ►. ► ► ► k Recommended by Ontario Department of Agriculture ? PUT UP IN 24 LB. BAGS ; PRICE PER ACRE . X .... " •' - ■ - ■ ... .. ■ ■" .'I, • ; ,. ‘ , I L .. .. r’i I R. FINLAYSON I ’Plipna 91, Lucknow, Ont Fi^e Crackers Don’t miss out on the Fun. , Buy your Fire Crackers now. p. . , Froth5c to 25c . ' t 4 ' X f z X ■f I UitaziWUalaiJ