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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-13, Page 7
It r ’ • WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th, 1953 . A I t 2 •* 3 r i I. IN PERSON " V I Hundredfold Prizes Valued at over $2,500.00 ■ j J?bk J r and supplied V •! • . T, ’ » J J A ; ADMISSION ' Advance Sale $1.25 — General $1.40 Sponsored by Kinsmen Club of Wingliam \ lie-surc~tb bring* a M'Gagbag° i asbopping ba g f itied Witlr-^ odds and. ends, One item in it may win you a ] ' - '. fine NEW EASY WASHER. J For forty years, in this office on Bridge Street, Dr. McEwen has answered the Calls of his patients. Today at 70, Dr. McEwen still continues his practice in lives of thousands. Think of the reassuring comfort, the help in time of trouble brought to millions because doctors everywhere t can be quickly reached by telephone. Think what this means to you,and your family in peace of mind, in safer, more pleasant living, Then you’ll realize that no price can measure the value of your telephone. ■ *• - ! r ■ v ..........\ DR« J .A. McEWENr physician and country, coroner, carries on me oldest practice in Carleton Place, Ontario. I ' THE-LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I^CKNQW, ONTARIO ■ PAGE SEVEN 7—— ----------- -— ..... FOURTH CONCESSION I the music for' the junior girls’ I (2)' Was it Miss Gammie? I X Mr. and Mrs. J*. N'etterfield and Mrs. Smith of Toronto have spent, the past week with Mr. John A: MacDonald. * Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacLagan and. family of London and Mrs, Ritchie of Lucknow visited Sun-' day with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Hector Cook of Goderich visited Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs.' Llo_yd__MiacD6ugaH and family. . ; : Mrs. George Gooch of Toronto spent last > week, with * Mr. and Mrs. Allan ’Graham, Mr, Gooch and four children and Mrs> Lov ering motored up for theweek- ehd and Mrs. Gooch accompanied them” home. Mrs. T. A."MacDonald of Luck now was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs, L. Maciver and Mr. and Mrs.1 Dickie arid family.. • anxiogs calls for help, words of comfort and advice... there’s drama every day Maypole dance and jn addition to (3) What was RusselJL doingg (4) Who else was? there? • (5) OoOh--— (moaned Russell—4’m -still hungry! There was no assembly meet ing on Friday as the Upper School Cpnfidentiar Examinations were being written. ; > *■. —o—i v ’ ■ The Editor asks the students to please, ’hand, in the ^rticles that that, played a short concert, at the conclusion of the cadet act ivities, • * • It. is interesting to note that L,p.H,S, rated higher in points than another, school “not a mil lion miles away”, o— Post Script;- (1) Who ate Russell Barr’s* lunch ? on Thursday?’ He couldn’t __haveJbeen-human-!—————•she requested some, .time ago; —r ’ V rnd Ch 73 c m . o ox 5 S 5 rn o H H S. z: 2 > 0^2= Z x X) ■ ................ z !ii"1 i • ; South Kinloss F. & F. Group The Faith . & Fellowship Group of South Kiriloss Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacIntyre. The meeting was op ened by the singing of hymn 374 and the. Lord’s prayer. The min utes being read were seconded by . Mrs. Harry Lavis and- Mr. Ted ., Collyer. The business period fol-' lowed and the offering was re ceived. Hymn 797 was sung fol- < lowed by a prayer . circle - with Mrs. Harold Campbell, Audrey Stanley and Mrs. Baulch reading prayers. Mrs. Campbell read the PURPLE GROVE Miss Margaret Robertson and Calvin spent the week-end in Toronto. ' * , Mrs. Dan McDonald visited with1 her daughter, Mbs. .Edbert Bqshell, last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson vis ited with Mr. Sam Emerson on Miss^” Edith Stanley of London visited at her home for the week end. | ■ .Mr." and Mrs. Peter Leesori, Barbara, Iona visited with. Mr. I. W. Leeson of Blackhorse on'Sun day. . Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patter son spent Sunday with Mr. tand i Mrs. Burton Collins. * ---- - I Mr. and Mrs, Frank Currie .& | Brenda Marie visited with the latter’s parents, Mr; and Mrs. Os car Armstrong of Berivie bn Sun day. • On Friday evening Mrs. Ern est Pollock was surprised by the arrival of all her neighbors who presented her with, a tri-light floor lamp, end table and bed room lamp before t moving to her new home in Ripley. scripture. The meditation, “The, Great Commission’’ was read by Harold Campbell,’ Allan MacIn tyre read the Bible * story, and Bill Baulch gave a reading. Hymn 373 was followed by the relig ious film “Wings to .the World”. Mrs. Ted Collyer, -Messrs. Stew art Stanley, Donald MacIntyre, Harold Campbell and Leonard Maclnnes read “Great Thoughts for the Day”. The film “The Royal Wedding” was shown. Mrs. Har old Campbell "gave the vote, of thanks and the mizpah benedic tion followed. — Featuring ■' ' . . § Roy Ward Dickson | ’ ■ and his . Goofy Gang : i ■ .' \ Tickets Available At - BUTTON’S MEAT MARKET ' ■ ’ ■■ ■ / ,1 " ■ ■ \... L.D.H.S. NEWS . ’ ' '■ s ' ■ - ■ • 1 ' —Spring is the season for gay ; festivity when a student’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of danc ing. . —So ithe L.DiH.S. Cadet dance, under the direction of the Liter ary. Society, was enjoyed on Frir - -dayj—May—8th;—to—the^nnrsic~l)T the Dixie Boys’ orchestra. —Guests of the evening were the members of the school board, the teachers, ex-students and Ripley D.H.S.. The decorations "were also in attune With spring. ■ In the centre of the dance floor, a colorful May .pole stood , with pastel shaded streamers sloping gently to. the walls. Gay flowers and balloons added a lovely ef fect.- .Again a vote of thanks should be extended, to the dec orating committee whose efforts and. initiative .achieved . this unique and tastefully-dressed ballroom, both at this time hnd ’the Christmas daneb. The beauti ful formats worn by- some of the girls blended harmoniously in -this—atmosphere-of-eolorr*-"^------ —The evening’s program .com- .’ _men.c.ed__svith__a_EauL-Jones —and- - Grand March, Elimination and spot dari^e prizes were won by John. Lahe ’ and ‘ Isabel MacDon ald, Charlie Chin and * Audrey Ross, The lunch committee, head^ ed by Joan Hamilton, served cake' and soft drinks during the inter- ■missidn and"dancing 'wasfresumed till midnight'. When, the clock struck. 12,: all the princesses hur ried home, bult they still have' ..that- glass slipper with their -memories—as—srsouvenir:--------- ■ •»’»* - • ■ t 'if :t . . ' I-------0—' . , ■ Congratulations are extended to^ the Cadet Corps whose success ful Inspection Day was held on Tuesday, Ma^ 5th, The * student cadets ■ were * copipliihbhted on their smart uniforms and fine showmanship by’ Staff Sergeant Romanchuck. The L.D.H.S. Band was 'a pleasirig part of the after noon’s program.' They led (the parade ddwntdwh -d ox X m30 05 • * Z Gl. CO 2? s. ■U> . cd© rf <r> T5