HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-13, Page 6>4 - ft PAGE SIX . I » ■'... - —^---7" . . . Rey. H. L, Jennings lot Luck-, now> wds the guest speaker . at . jthe May meeting of the Women’s Institute held at the home of ■ Mrs. Gordon MiacPherson. Rev, Jennings,gave an intimate sketch, .................. Of his impressions during ^filve -’ work by the Indians. Mrs. Jas. years spent as a missionary to Curran presided and the roll call, the Indians in ‘ the" Northwest responded to by . the; 24 ladies THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO..... .... . ■................... ; . .. Territories at Fort Norman, just 100 miles south of the Arctic Circle.. After his. address,which proved most interestingand in-1 >nr|e moccasins, gloves & parkas, any 'of these decorated with formative, Mr, Jennings. showed sor-~ man^ ... ... .... . ,...... beautiful needlework and bead- * ?They*re Smart! / Dependable!. Economical! *» — 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN ; - 1952 PONTIAC COACH WO 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS ■/ X 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. I 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN* ® .1951 CHEV. DELUXE. STYLELINE SEDAN. I 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE-COACH. 7 ' ’ § 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. X 1951 PONTIAC STYLEL1NE COACH. § 1951 DODGE. DELUXE SEDAN. ''■X:; i9'«f-DODGE;'’COACH:. § >1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. § TWO 1948 CHEV. COACHES « 1947 PONTIAC COACH with radio § 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN v § 1939 WILLIS ‘SEDAN ; • > .... § 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP. Phoi|je 73x, Brussels < . r" Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers g &■’ Cash/ Trade, Terni£Open ^Evenings 'Until 10 g K Cities Service Dealer Phoi|e7 73x, Brussels g present, was “Something1 My Mother Taught Me”. Mrs. Andr rew Gaunt read favorite verses from St. Jqhii’s gospel; Letters of thanks, read by the'secretary, included one from a pupil in Fordyce school “in which it was stated they were using their gift from, the W.I. toward the' pur-* chase’, of instruments for a 23^- pie’ce rythm , band. Miss W, D. Rutherford gave a short report :pf the short course held at Dun­ gannon on “What makes a good officer”. Mrs. Gaunt gave a read- ers”. A $1Q donation^ was voted “tp. the’ Mk Helen’s■ Public .Lib­ rary and ,«it was agreed’ tb ha.ve a booth at the School Area Field, Day with Mrs. MacPherson, Mrs, L. Woods and Mrs -Frank Mc- Quillin ,to make arrangements.- ’At the conclusion lunch was ser­ ved yfith Mrs. Ross Errington and Miss Jean Aitchison as hos­ tesses. ’ Mr. arid Mrs. Mel' Brown «and Bob- Murdie of . Waterloo were week-end visitors with Mr.. and and Mrs. R. Woods and Mrs. Murdip. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd, and children of Stratford spent Moth­ ers Day With Mrs; D. Todd. Christian Family Day w^as ob­ served in the United Church on Sunday morning with Mr* Lorpe Woods, the Sunday School super- intendent in charge. Tbe theme of the' service ‘ was “Christian; foundations for Every Home’1! Margaret Miller' read the story “They Stopped Their Quarrell­ ing”, and Isabelle MacPherson, ^^DavidfindsHx>meisBest*’.Mrs. George Stuart arid Mrs., E. W. Rice sang “Memories of. Moth­ er”. Rev. S. E. Hayward preach- _ed^_the2-sermon>. appropriate to Mother’s Day. 77-- v; - — f PAINT SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO s? V z i WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 th, 1953 SPORT... STIFF SCHEDULE OPENS MONDAY Lucknow Legionnaires pry the lid off the 1953 major fastball, serjes. next Monday evening in the Caledonian Park against ■Charlie Cotton’s Hanover squad. On the mound for Lucknoiw will' be none other than that “Com-on Hughie” Hall boy who is back 4n-^egiomiaire^^^ stint last seasdn with Port Elgin. Catching the big powerful right­ hander will be another colored boy, Felix Marin, of Buffalo, who also, claims to be able to/throw a few-arid that would be all to the good after a quick glance at the triple schedule. • The (battery dup are scheduled to hit town today (Wednesday). Mann, has been anxiously wait­ ing to get the come-along word, and at the week-end Legionnaire representatives ,met Hall at Port Huron and ironed out the wrink­ les that developed whdn Kincar­ dine made' a play to get him. , Lucknow is banking on Wing­ ham boys/tri round out d team and a half dozen or so were bn hand Monday night for the first workrout, of the season. A triple schedule means 36, games for eabh of the seven teams in the ioop. Opening on Monday/ so far as Lucknow is concerned, and closing on August 21st, means 36 games in about 95 days, or ap average of one .game ih less than ■everyTthiM dhy, Sundays in* . eluded. . 7 That looks as if will be pretty rough on the “old men”,, with Meaford in the happiest position - with a couple of pretty fair' local hurlers to share the load with Russ Johnston. Here are Lucknow’s games, at home and away: -—— LUCKNOW W. I. MEETING ; The regular meeting pf the Luckhdw Women’s Institute was held in the Council' Chamber at 2;30 oh < Friday, ; May 8th, The president, Mrs. Charles Cook was jn the chair, The'meeting opened with, the Institute dde and repeat­ ing (the Mary Stewart Coliebt Roll call was answered by fifteen hiembers,, each one giving their maiden name. Plans were made to go to Walkerton oh Achieve­ ment Day, May 16th. —Qfficers^forl-the.^coming^year- are-: pres.,. Mrs. Charles Cook; ist vice, Mrs. Beatrice Yovah; -2nd vice,: Mrs; “ Will Douglas; sec.- treas.; Mrs. Alex Havens; district director, Mrs. Bert Roach; pianist, Mrs. Rarkwell; auditors, Mrs. Russel Robertson, Mrs. . Gordon Fisher; sick committee, Mrs. Geo. Elliott, Mrs. Barkwell; Blue cross, Mrs. Beatrice Yoran; standing committees: citizenship, Mrs. Gor­ don Fisher; home economics, Mrs. Wm, McGill; agriculture & Can­ adian industry, Mrs. Jack Wraith; historical, research; Mary Macr Leod; activities and public rela­ tions, Mrs. Elmer Johnston; res­ olutions,, Mrs. Garnet ’ Henderson, Mrs. Morgan Henderspn. was guest speaker arid chose as her topic “Canada”. Mrs. Breckles favored with a solo accompanied by Elmer Umbach. Mrs. McGill I gave a humorous reading. Mrs. I: Wm-Douglas-thankecUthosewho took part in the program.I The meeting closed with The Queen, after which a dainty lunch was served ibjr the hostesses, Mrs, A.; J.: Wilson, Mrk Bert Roach and Mrs. Alex Havens. '? LANGS1OE NEWS - Ronald Conley is back to school again after a week’s holiday hav­ ing had his tonsils and adenoids removed in Wingham Hospital. Janetta Johnson of Belgrave Js Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Charles Tiffin. Linda also visited a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller vis^ ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller in London. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Pat MacMillan and Margarete to Lon­ don; . We are sorry to hear Mr. Mur­ ray MacKinnon is a patient in Wingham Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. Marlow and. Earl CroWston of Kincardine spent M°trief’s Day at their home. * Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Evans and Teddy attended the baptismal ser­ vice of their grandson, Eric Ran- ■dair Evans in Hyde Park^UmtecT Church, Sunday. Mrs. Edith Brown and Garry of London, who spent the week-end ate home, a'o companied them back. £ decorating satisfaction oor aim ;1- Azmotto is only o motto until it is applied in actual life. Paint U Only paint until it is applied to some surface—then it can be a thing of beauty, colorful, enduring and protecting. \ "■ . Decorating success depends on more than good paint. Our service is designed to hel|> you choose the right color; to recommend the right paint for a satisfactory job, and to give you value for your money. / * 'Bring your decorating questions to us. With Benjamin MoOre’s paint, free color and application literature, you get the highest Quality and the best yalue*X-anywhere. ;.• ’ 7‘ ’'• . / / ■■ • / ’ ‘ • /■.; • • ;'' FOR REAL SATISFACTION . ■ ' '' ■ • •• ■ v . 'r » The Finest Enamel Made—Impervo Enamel—with the “Plate Glass” finish built in for lasting beauty—Try Impervo in your kitchen. The White stays white and the colors won’t fade— 1 Indoors or outdoors Impervo Enamel can’t be beat. ■ JUST COMPARE ANYWHERE, - QUALITY AND PRICE I i# I Dulamel is. very popular with ' our ‘customers. gloss finish makes it ideal, for kitchen and bathroom walls. Easily applied with either brush or roller. ' " i. Its restful. lot^J J V 4 i Home Games May: " > '> f8—- Hanover at Lucknow 20—Walkerton at Lupknow 25—Meaford at Lucknow. ; June . 3—Port Elgin at Lucknow 12—Goderich at Lucknow 19— -Kincardine at Lucknow —24—Meaford at .Lucknow -29—Port Elgin at Lucknow 4 juiys 8—Goderich at Lucknow 15—Walkerton at Lucknow 20— Hanover at Lucknow 24—Kincardine at Lucknow , 29—Walkerton at Lucknow August 5—.Kincardine. at Lucknow' 10—Port Elgin at Lucknow" 14—Meaford at Lucknow . 17—Goderich at Lucknow , 21—Hanover at Lucknow AWAY GAMES at at I MEN! WE’RE WAITING Port Elgin Meafprd QRAW WOOD PRIMER} Here’s an item which saves coats of paint. Moore’s Interior Wood Pnrner is a heavy bodied, densfe hiding paint which builds up a desirable thickness of film ; to obscure the grain of ply wood and other surf acts.. ■• • i ■ I Moore's ntcrior W J^rimcr WhitE 5' —-B ETT-Y—-MOOR-E4^-T±~--l-9*S’^-~r*€Ols‘ORrSTYI. E^S-~~BO OKLET-"—IS—N AVAILABLE. GET YOUR FREE COPY AND LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THIS PRACTICAL FREE DECORATING SERVICE. WM. MURDIE & SON ’Phone 16, Lucknow, OnL ?« 7 / ■ W H I R E Y O U G E T MO O W? A I fa T V A L U E •< May 22—Lucknow June • 1—’Lucknow 5— Lucknow s^t Hanover 8—Lucknow at Walkerton 10—Lucknow at Goderich - . 15—Lucknow^ at Kincardine 26— Lucknow at Goderich July 3—Lucknow at Meaford 6— Lucknow at Kincardine 10—Lucknow aCWalkerton 17—Lucknow at Hanover -- 22—Izni-cknow’ at ~Porl~Elgih— 27- LLucknow at Goderich —^-31—Lueknow^tH^incardine7“ August 3—Lucknow at Meaford Lucknow at Port Elgin 12—Lucknow at Hanover \' 19—Lucknow at Walkerton 1 . 7 , The Kairshea Kitchen Kapers met at the home of Miss Helen Weiler for, the “round-up” meet­ ing. The two leaders and nine members were present. This was held as an informal meeting when the~notebodks were checked, also the posters and the speech for Achievement Day which is to be held in the Walkerton District High School on May 16th. Aud­ rey Stanley moved the vote of thanks and a tasty lunch was served. Is your subscription paid? ' 1 1 —y United Church Young Peoples ' Thie regular meeting of the Lucknow United Church Young Peoples' was held, on Tuesday, _May„51h_irL_Xhe,x’hurch_basement- and opened With a sing song led by Rev. Meiklejohn. Ruth Tre* leaven- gave a prayer. The hymn “O Worship the King” was . sung and Ruth Treleaven with the help of Matilyn Kilpatrick, Ann Crawford, Gladys Kilpatrick and Bill Ritchie presented the topic* Groups Were formed .for a dis­ cussion and business meeting fol­ lowed by ,games.. The meeting, closed' with taps. ■ ' Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing .■and ’ Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In* stalled—See The Oil) Ranges. —~FURNAUE~REPAIRS— Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs > Eavetroughing, Air Conditioning., . , ' District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS Art Gilmore R.R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-r-13, Dunganno,n ' f