HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-13, Page 3WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th, 1053 ' ‘ j - — - ■ - - - * • . ' ' a LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. G. A, Meiklejohn,. B.A., B.D. SUNDAY; MAY 17th | 10.00 a.m.: Sunday School. j ftl.00 a.m.: Rural Life Sunday ! ’ “The Earth is the Lord’s?’ | 7.00 p.m.: “l?he. Garden of | ; Happiness”; • ’ . f -4 4..ty----- - - Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev, C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, MAY 17th 10 a.m.: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Morning Worship. 3 p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p.m.: Evening Worship/ KINLOUGH The H.W.L met ori Thursday at the home of Mrs. Tom Hodgins. Mrs. Raynard Ackert was in ^charge.- Aftey the- usual .operiing correspondence followed,’also let­ ters of thanks. Plans for the 40th anniversary grit Underway. Com­ mittee, Miss May Boyle, Mrs. F. , Maulden, J<rs, Tom • • Hodgins, ’ Mrs. Jack ' HeWjtt, Mrs.> Wm. Eadie and Mrs. R. Ackert. Plans were made for the District An- . fiual to be held &t Bervie 'on May 20th. Mrs. Perry Hodgins’ is in -- charge of- the Sunshine Sisters;; It ■was decided to have a play soon; Four meiri'bers received gifts for perfect attendance, namely, Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs.’ Ed Thompson, : Mi’s., Tom Hodgins & Mrs; Frank Thompson. The convener, Mrs. Perry Hodgins, took over for the following program: a poem “My Mother”, by Mrs. Howard Harris.; Mrs. Wm. Eadie gave a weir pre­ pared paper on “Know Your Canada”; a paper on Citizenship was read by Mrs. Perry Hodgihs; current events were given by Mrs. Ed Thompson; a humorous . reading “My First Ball Game”, was read by Miss May Boyle. Mrs. P, A. Murray acted as auc­ tioneer and disposed of a num­ ber of articles that the institute had bn hand. The meeting ^closed • with ,The Queen and a dainty lunch was served. ‘ , Mrs. How,ard McGuire oF Oli­ vet spent a few . days with her sister, Mrs; George Haldenby. Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., of. L Woodstock-spent a few days..M. her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle, Mar­ ilyn and cfarol of London spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. J, W. .'Colwell spent < a d?y last week at London. . The W.A. will met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Geo? Gra­ ham. . ■.. . . - Mother’s Day services were 6b- served in the Village churches on - Sunday.. At the Presbyterian ser­ vice, three children were bap- .4 tized, Judith Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell;* Brenda Irene, daughter of Mr. * and Mr^s, Max Bushell arid Rita —AliceXouisey-daughter^of-Mr..^and.. Mrs. Weir iEckenswiller. Mrs: Harold Haldenby was the guest soloist at the Ariglican service. Mr. and Mrs, Currie Colwell, Bruce and Betty, Mrs. Waltei;' Forster and family . visited on Sunday with M^s. J, W. Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Campbell, Jackie and Glerina of Amberley spirit Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. We extend sytnpathy to. Mrs. —^h^lre^Hoariris^oF“Win^ formerly of h^re, in the passing of her father, the laioJT. J* Arid- cr$on of Lucknow. Mr. Anderson i had been in failing health for a I ; i°fig period of tim;e. . Mrs.-George Graham entertain- Jd. ladibs on, Friday5in. honor of . h6.r mother, MVs. C. Hewitt’s, birthday. , , • , ' • . , Mr;' and Mrs-.^Glen" Moore- ' of Hamilton, Mrs. • E, ’ N. Hodgihs of Buckhow visited* over the ■ week»j t LANGSIDE THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ' 1 ■ ■’ I Dedicate’Register Board Mother’s Day service was ob­ served in the Sunday School. The superintendent, Mr. Gordon Wall gave the address, on “Building A Homd”. Mr. Charlie' Tiffin and .Mrs. Neil MacDonald led in pray­ er. Misses Lois and Myrtle Crow- ston and Colleen Tiffin' sang, ac­ companied by Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Parish Moffat and Mrs. Bert Mof­ fat presented Mission. Band cerT tificates.and sealsyto Donna Mof- Tj^TMarion Scott, and Gordon Moffat. During the church service a Sunday School register Board was dedicated in memory of the late Robert 'Feagan. Mrs. Keith MacDonald and Mrs, Frank Miller assisted in the dedication on be- helf ‘ of the Ladies’ Aid. The May meeting of the .Mis­ sion Band was held at the home of Mrs. Neil MacDonald. The leaders, Mi’s. Charlie Tiffin and Mrs. Wesley Young were in charge of the program. The W.M.S. Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. Farish Mof­ fat on Thursday, May 14th’ at 8.30 p.m. (Note change bf hour). . Mr. Alex Mackenzie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rofbb, Amberley, on Sunday. , \ .-•Mr. F. G. Moffat and Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Evans and Ted attend­ ed the christening on Sunday of the infant son of Mr.; and Mrs. Eric Evans, Hyde Park; Miss Dollena Orr . of London spent the week-end ait her home. Miss Margaret Moffat of Tor-' onto spent the week-end with her father, Mr. F. G. Moffat.-She was accompanied by Miss Emma Rich­ ardson who had been visiting in the city’ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lapp and family of Wingham visited on Sunday at Wm. Orf’s. * end with Mr. and Mrs. Archie McFarlan and Spence,. x Mr. and Mrs. Perry Bushell and •Judith Margaret of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Bushell and Other, relatives here. Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm entertained the P.Y.P.A. on Sunday evening, . j The Prsebyterian Church ser­ vice changes from' 2.30 p,m. to 9.45 a.m. beginning Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. ,Elliott Johnstone ol Ripley , visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Archie McFarlan, and Spence. Mr. and Mts, Wm. Cox enter­ tained Sarnia relatives over the week-end. The Mission Band met on Sat- urday at the home of Keit’h'Matil- den. The opening hymn was “Sav­ iour like- a Shepherd lead us”? Marion Percy read the scripture. Prayer was given by Donald Barr. Mrs; Maulden - read a -story -and conducted a contest. Erlma Percy gave a reading arid Sandra Percy favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Perry Hodgins read a story. The closing “hymn was “Wheri He Cometh’’’. The afternoon wgs spent in work and, a dainty lunch was served. The rnext meeting will be-held at the home of Geo. arid ''Catherine Bushell on May 30th. I TELEPHONE 80-W. ■f I * 9 / •» M • X * ‘ f •I . V ■ « GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES and DEBENTURES NOW PAY Receive 4% on $100 of more for 5 years, 3%% for 3 and 4 years or 3% for i and 2 years. . > Recbgnized, by taw, as trustee investments. for-our-^20f2uestions!Lfoldejr__on_theSj Local & General Mf& ’ Haigh Of Hamilton spent the weekend here vVlth her sis­ ter, Mrs, Russell Robertson, Mrs.Mrs,. Frank King, • formerly Rachael MacDonald, recently un­ derwent a major Operation in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronito. v Little Jamie Cleland under­ went a major operation in Sick Children’^ Hospital,* London, a few days agb. , - > ' Mir. and Mrs. H. S; Lavery of Tpronto visited with Mrs, Robert Douglas ; and Miss . MacDonald ovef the.weekend/ ’ Mr. apd Mrs. Cecil Becker and daughter'Sherrie, of Travers City, Mich., visited, last week with Mr, and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. Miss Ellen McBride, who has 'been attending Queen’s Univer­ sity, Kingston, for the past two years, is visiting at present with Mr. .and Mrs. Cliff Congram. Mrs. J. A. Robertson of Mount Forest was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Agnew and attended anniversary services in the Presbyterian Church. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grdht and sons Jim and Dave of Chicago were week-end visitors with his father, Mr., R. A. Grant and other relatives. Their roldest-sonr Allan, is with the American Air Force in Germany and Jim has just taken his medical for military service. T < o , SPECIAL ■ ; Blouses in Cottori—white orily. Choose early from this sample 9 collection for warm days ahead to keep cook Sizes 12 to 40. Reg., to $5.95 •if' ■> CHURCH CHANNELS Diary of a Bible Jan. 15th—After the first of this year my owner read me reg­ ularly, but I’ve been resting quietly for a week now. Feb. 2nd—Clean-up. I was dust­ ed with dther things and put back in my place. Feb. 8th—Owner used me for a short time after dinner, look­ ing up a few references. Went to Sunday School. Mar. 7th—Clean-up. I am dust­ ed and in my old place again. I have Keen down in the lower hall since my trip to Sunday School. April 2nd—Busy day. Owner "led youth meeting andyhad to look up references. He had an awful, time finding it was ri^ht (there in its place all the time. June 3rd—Had a leaf clovers stuck in me today, . • July lst=—Packed in a trunk with clothes and other things. Off bn a vacation I guess.. July iOth-T-Stilb in the trtink, though nearly everything else has been taken out. < July 15th—Home again and in my Old place. It was. quite a journey, but I do not see why I went. I JU Hardwood' Hafd Maple, Beech, Cherry, Ash one, though couple of 4- L ■ ' I 1 '• j ■ I ! I J '■I ii j ' DRY SLABS, per cord i- $3.00 ... 8 Delivered in Lucknow| ' .... j GREEN SLABS, jper cord $2.50$1.50 | Delivered in Lucknow t- -. . .. i ■j; •i ... 'Lucknow SawmiU I I ■ Trrrnunw on iu ■■ • .••'!' I The Canada Trust Company The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation * "Oldet than the Dominion of Canada”*. yHead Office — London/Ontarto^ ? : District Representative -—Joseph Agnew, Lucknow 7 I T . . X..- 1 * • PAGE THREE •<h SALADA" tea * 4’•i ■ , 4. c f t * •c SPORT CLOTHES FOR THE FAMILY JEANS, SLACKS, SHORTS, T-SHIRTS Wide assortment for the holiday season. All sizes, new materials and styles. TROUSERS and SPORT SHIRTS Gay tones, top quality at medium prices. . SPORT HATS and CAPS, and SOX for Mexi^Boys and Girls. SEPARATES — SKIRTS AND BLOUSES August 1st—Rather stuffy and hoifc21 -have two - magaznes? a novel, and an old Kat on top of me. Wish they would take them oft; ’. ■. Sept. 5th—^Cleanup. Dusted and set right again. Prea'cher- coming for dinner. Sept, 10—Used by Mary for a few moments today. She was wirting a letter to a friend whose brother has died;, and wanted an ~ appropriate verse. Sept. 30th—Clean-up again. Oh dear, I dp wish I would be read more. I get lonely at times. Church of the Air, CKNX 10.30 a.m. Monday, May 18th, Rev. H. L. Jennings, Lucknow. -------:------,-------, .—.' - ' Slab Prices Slashed DURING MAY AND JUNE Mixed Wood Elm, Soft Maple, Basswood $2.00 i i i I i Ii i i r- i i • t t i i- i i Deliveries out of town, 2-10 mile radius, 50c extra per cord, Deliveries out of town, ll-20 mile radius, $1.00 extra per cord