HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-06, Page 8f A i 1 I ' 0 fl 4 ifesjs® EIGHT ■THE WCKNOW SENTIHEl/, LUCKNOWi .QKtARtO •» ~ ./■ , ___ __________ _ _________:___' ■' j!1.1. '..t-"R“" " k ‘ ’ WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1953 • It Free Socks! i ALL THIS WEEK With Each Purchase of Men’ and Youths’ “ Dress Pants, Overalls, Jeens and YVork Pants ‘i:..?‘ ■ ■ to Took over our Men’s and Youths’ i *SPORT SHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, TIES, SOCKS, WINDBREAKERS .“arid SPORT" JACKETS. ENGAGEMENTS-SPECIAL ► ► ► r ► ► ►, ► NYLON SOCKS , xA— ► ■ ' ' < . J ’ * ’< •’< 4 < • '< < .V ■ * ► ► ►. > for men. Guaranteed tor 4 months. From ASHTON’S J a*. i 98c up MtN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens & 0 This Week-End Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 7th, 8tfi, 9th < THE PLAYHOUSE, LUCKNOW /.< ; .z ■■■'■ A , u : ■ ' ■ » • . > will present The Hasty Heart” A . . ■ ■ ’ •. V. . ‘ • • ■ 4' • ' ■ t • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ r . • : Under auspicjes of the Canadian Legion x p7-I-SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT William Ross Matheson, who formerly taught at White- , church, has been appointed secretary -/treasurer of the Chesney Public School Board. He is bookkeeper for Fenton \ Motors of that town, and a son of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Matheson. * THAT Mrs. Josephine Cameron of Belgrave has been a patient in Wingham Hospital due to a fall on the left hip and expects to be. confined for a month or more before returning home. THAT Mrs* Montgomery of Dun- gannon—ha^-moved—into—the- Alderson Apartment on Camp­ bell St. recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson who have moved to their Ashfield farm. Mr. and Mrs, Wm.,O. Hunter wish to announce the engage­ ment of their daughter, Lois Mar­ ion, to Robert John McIntosh, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh. The wedding to take' place the latter part of May. Mr/and Mrs. Elmer Moffat of Pinkerton, Ont,, announce the .engagement of their ohly daugh­ ter, Betty Lue, to . William George,--second—son—of~Mr.~.and Mrs/John Mclnnes, Holy rood, the marriage tp take place the latter part of May, \ '/ , y .. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Dryden Cameron of* Walkerton announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Mary Louise, to. Ross Stewart Proctor, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Stewart Proctor of Belgrave. The marriage will take place quietly, Friday, May 22nd at Walkerton. BORN DEMONSTRATION I HACKETT—in Wingham Gener­ al Hospital’ on Thursday,. April 23rd, 1963, to Mr. and. Mrs. Don­ ald Hackett, R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter, Rosalea Jeanette. SIMPSON—in Kincardine Hospi­ tal’on Wednesday, May 6th to Mr^.and Mrs.itint^ a (fi&ghfer. CLARK — in Ottawa on Thurs- day, April 30th to Cpl. and Mrs. T. Douglas Clark, a daughter, Patricia Helen. .< / WATSON—in Wingham Hospital on Tuesday, May 5th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Watspn (nee Grace Hutcheson), Holyrood, a THAT Hugh Cook of Belgrave, won the $400 full-card prize in. the Wingham Kinsmen home bingo series. There were no winners from this district. THAT S. B. Stothers attended the first spring sale of the Western Ontario Aberdeen Augus As- sociation near London on Sat­ urday,. when 45 head brought \ $28,600 for an average of $650. Purchases were made by two teen-age calf'club boys of the London district who are start­ ing their own herds. so^i, David James. CURRAN—Mr. and Mrs; Bertram G. Curran wish to announce the birth pf their son, Daniel Bert­ ram, at Victoria Hospital, Londonj April ' 30, 1953. A brother for Beverly Gordon. . MacCHARLES — in Kincardine Hospital on April 23, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacCharles, R. 6, Lucknow, a daughter, Mary Katherine. r THAT in renewing her Sentinel, Mrs. Margaret Wall of Inger- Westminster Hospital for over five months during the past winter and that her daughter was/ill for 2% months. ■ , ’ ■ ■■—-■ ■■ n..',-—' '■ - —— V Shopping Convenience —Finest Foods— • Everyday Low Prices •• "A .W8a 1 Have vou callouses, cramped toes or burning sensations at the ball of the foot ? How to get relief from this or any other Foot Trouble will be demonstrated at our store WEDNESDAY, MAY 13th by a Foot Comfort Expert of the Toronto Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, noted Foot Specialist No Charge for His Services! yo^f^t^^illKeto y visit our store on the above dite. You will receive Pedo-graph prints of your stockinged feet from which you will easily he able to find, out exactly what your foot trouble ie. The Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy you need is then demonstrated so that you may know how completely comfortable it will make your feet AU this without cost to you. S. C, Rath well & Son onto spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. ,and Mrs. George Cuyler, Kenneth and Colyne of Miliarton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Mason of Huron spent Sunday with Mrs, J. W. Colwell. z ’ *■ . Mrs. Tom Hodgiris is hostess for the Institute, Thursday afternoon .—----------;—v- (today). Conveners .to Mrs. Perry Hodgins, Mrs. Win. Eadie; topic,xKnow your Canada; motto. Habits start like a cobweb but grow like a, cable; roll call, A custom or. condition of a different country from Which the delegates come to the A.C.W.W.; lunch, (s) Mrs. James Hodgins and Miss May Boyle, (c) Mrs Alex Percy arid Mrs. Don McEwan. if KINLOUGH The Evening Guild met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Toni Hodgins with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. Ronald Thacker, was in charge. The hymn, “The Love of Christ” opened the meeting. The parable ' of the Sower was read, by Miss Edna Boyle. Prayers followed. The roll call was answered with a promise taken from the Bible. Mrs. Jack ” Hodgins gave the thought for the day. Plans were made for a social evening to be held this month and Rev. Ben-' son Cox was asked tp show his pictures and give a traveltalk on his recent trip to the Holy Land. It was decided to assist with furnishing the church kitchen.1 Other ? things concerning the church anniversary, Sunday, June 28th, were discussed. The re-, mainder of the eveninig was spent on work for the fall bazaar. Mrs. Wm. Wall gave the closing re­ marks and a dainty lunch was served, Mrs. Ronald Thacker is hostess for the May meeting. —-Mr.and-MrsrGeorge-Haldenbyr Mr. and Mrs. Clto Sparling and Allan' visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Art Halderiby of Toronto. . " ( . Miss Eleanor Murray of Tor- on -i±L W GLAZED TILE Just Arrived — A Shipment Of 4” GLAZED SEWER TILE 4” GLAZRD ELROWS 4’’GLAZED Y’» - fe/ 4” GLAZED n - 4” FIELD TILE 'i Every Day Is MOTHER S DAY At I.G.A. Shredded Wheat ....... 2 for 31e Time to can Pineapples &)c ea. • ’ • • I ’ • . & Swans Down ? . '■ § Angle Cake Mix S York Choice Corn, 20,oz. ,.v....2.,... 8 Blue & Gold - • S Peas, 15 oz. 2 for 37c ~§'Clarks~Pork~& ' ' '■----- X Beknsf 20 oz. ....... 2 ^or 29c 59c 2 for 29c We have a complete line of Rennies and Steele Briggs GARDEN SEEDS —Certified-SeedPotatoes Dutch Sets; | SMITH’S FOOD MARKET § Watch Free Press On Thursday For LG.A. Advt. r ♦' 1 — Also ) syr 8%” «x, X iVa” GLAZED CHIMNEY TILE x 13” glazed Chimney tile CHIMNEY BRICK and MASON’S LIME 1 JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBERLIMITED > Phone 159 ■ Ontario' MARKET STORE / Broadcloth and Prints We have 300 yards of mercerized broadcloth and prints. Very:pop­ ular colors and patterns. ; Only 49c Yard Substandard Nylons ■ \ 45 Gauge Only 95c a pair «»> j—i MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS . .. < , ■ ” Here ate fett suggestions to help you: . H Gift wrapped Towe! Sets, Tablecloths ../. 98c up | Ladies’ Fancy Panties, from_.............. ..... 49c H Ladies’ Lace Trimmed Slips ..... $2 29 ■ Irish Linen Tea Towels, 29 x 20, only . ..............49c ■ . And Many Other Items. ' H —; .............. '' • <- '•■■■ ■ • 1 F Men’s Worjk Shirts All Sizes Each $2.’49—-2 for $4.80 Boys’ and Men’s Jerseys m All . Styles arid Colors Moderately Priced—J5c jK v 4,. r <