HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-06, Page 6WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1953 ZION I J •4 I I' < Paint jobs sometimes 0-0-05 BOWLERS TO ORGANIZE at PURPLE GROVE l I » ’.I 8 f & T f • I Lucknow Bowling Club will organize for the season at a meet­ ing called for Monday night of next week, May 11th, at; 7,30 the Clubhouse. ■in •< Cl ns lif in' a de ar an pr .. .. , , v J- '- / ............,'*/ g e t Moore p A i n r V A l b;E Paint jobs sometimes turn out well without planning—but more often they don’t. Are you vexed with application troubles—finish not,just right—colors not what you expected? Then we lp-youvXomplete-De£orciting_Saiisf.a£tipJL our aim. HERE IS OUR FOUR FOLD SERVICE PAGE SIX .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO They’re Smart! Dependable I ; Economical! BIG VALUE CARS 1 . / * * . ’ .. ■ ' - • *> -t - ? ‘ ’ 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully^equipped. 1951? PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAjil 1952 PONTIAC COACH., TWO 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDANS 1952 CHEV; DELUXE COACH, fully equipped 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 CHEV; DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH 195i CflEV. StYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. 1951 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. 1950 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN fully equipped 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 CHEV. SEDAN. TWO 1948 CHEV./COACHES 1947 PONTIAC COACH with radio 1939 WILLIS SEDAN TRUCKS * iphurch will be at 1I.0Q next Sunday, As it is Mother’s Day, , a baptismal service is to be held: Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie & Donna ’ and Mr., apd ’ Mrs* Will Ritchie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Papernick, God­ erich, • T r Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Mullin vis-. ited Sunday'with Mr. and, Mrs.. Nelson Raynard.. . . • • . Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett. IVlr. and Mrs, Sid Gardner and family visited Sunday: with* Mrs: Gardner and. Mr. iand' Mrs. Bill Hunter. ' v Mr. and'Mrs. Orland Bere and family of Dungannon visited on Sunday with Mr, arid Mrs. Gor­ don Kirkland: Mrs; Henry Horton- of Dungan­ non is spending a while with Mrs. Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. Gor­ don Kirkland. .. 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms Cities Service Dealer 7 Open Evenings Until 10 Phonq T3x, Brussels MacFARLANEBROTHERSIN BRUSSELS'NEWPIPE BAND ■/ \ 7’ . * ■; . * *. • * • Brussels Legion Pipe Band made ■ its first appearance as a unit last Wednesday after months of faithful practising. The newly organized band; a dozen strong, has ibeen tutored by Piper D. A. MiacLennan of Lochalsh, who is quite proud of “his boys”/ and 7 was in Brussels last “weekTW theBahdsteppedout/lboking smart in their MacFarlane tartans recently receiveddh*om Edin­ burgh; *The tartan is predomin­ antlyred with bold stripes of hunter’s igreen, • and’ navy blue with silver outlines. * . •' S / Two members of the band sue Tom MacFarlane, piper, arid Wal­ ter MacFarlane, bass drummer, sons of . Mrs. MargaretMacFar- laneofLueknow. —— LOCAL TEACHER PRESIDENT OF DISTRICT GROUP Organized the letter part of the year, teachers have formed what is 'known as district number five of the Ontario Teachers * Federa­ tion comprising schools in Ripley, Lucknow, Wingham and Kincar­ dine. ; :• ^Thegroupriletrecently. aLRip^. ley for a social evening. Members of the Ripley District’ High School staff acted as hosts for the gath­ ering. * . Executive members of district five are Miss Jean: Osborne of Lucknow, president; Mr. George < Jackson., of Wingham and Miss Margaret MacKenzie of Ripley, vice presidents; Mr. Clarke Miles of—Kincardine^seGretaiy. ’ ./ • Products with dependable performance in application/ appearance. and durability. Our Benjamin Moore paints are tops in all three.y The right color is important for house harmony. With1 the Betty Moqre Free Decorating Service you can plan a scheme for a single room or a, whole house. Moore's Paint’s are "priced right”—you will.find them the best in Quality and Value that money can buy. -Modern paints are made especially for certain jobs. Let us advise you on i;:, your choice of the right paint for the surface—-and application procedure, We make it dur business to know paint. See us when planning your next paint job—We're sure we can help. IMPERVO ENAMEL The white; stays white and the colors won’t fade. Tough andlong wearing—equally good indoors or out. Ideal for kitchen,and bathroom—-the plate glass finish takes repeated washing. * bitty moor i decorating sirv/ci "^BETTY-MX>o^Ej5~i^5-3-eew-RS-T-Y-L-es-BG^ia-^^^^ COPY AND LET US TELL YOU MORE ABOUT HER PRACTICAL FREE DECORATING: SERVICE, ’ WM. MURDIE & SON ’ ’Plkme 10, Luckri6w> OriL SPORT... PERMIT SEVEN TEAMS IN FASTBALL "There will be seven teams in the major fastball loop this seas- on, so decrees the Executive of the W.OA.A. • „ Last week it was. ‘^definitely decided thete would be six teams, Sounds like echoes from last year when it was “definitely” decided only, four teams would make the playoff, but playoff found all six in there. . ... . ^So; what thjs-.Joop does last week or next week doesn’t mat te? much, once the heavy press­ ure boys go to work. Rules and regulations are just so many scraps of paper. ’ v ... Anyhoo, at Tuesday night’s meeting in Walkerton, represent^ atives of the ...franchise holding teams had reaffirmed their six- team loop decision. The sixth team was to be. either Goderich or Kincardine. At this point the W.O.A.A. executive entered the picture and says “seven teams” and intimated that they would have the last say—so seven teams it is. President Hugh Hawkins still favored the six-team loop, but Business Manager Gregg and executive members were solid for seven. It was also intimated that Wingham 7 team,*Which would deprive Luck­ now of some fastball1 material, Lucknow was ready to drop out, but Torn Simnis put in a plug for . protection for- Lucknow, one of the originals and best draw­ ing clubs in the Circuit. A motion was later approved granting for­ mer. fastball players the right: toj decide if„ „they„. wished 3o^ fastball with their nearest club, even , though their town might have a softball team operating. This would permit the Wingham boys to play wiith Lucknow if they so wished. , Kincardine burned up the long, distance wires on' Tuesday and came up naming Bagnelle and Poloski as their battery., Goderich has signed Justice and Miley of last year’s Lucknow. squad. It was a haranguing gbod night ini Walkerton Tuesday, particu­ larly after the Executive stepped in, and schedule drawing got underway at ra late hour with only the first round decided on. Lucknow opens at home a week from Monday, May 18th, with Charlie Cotton’s Hanover squad as the visitors. \ , ASHFIELD i . Miss Muriel Farrish, R.N., of .'. Toronto spent the week-end o at her home here. • , We would like to extend con­ gratulations .to Mrs. Elizabeth MacLennari wihb. last week cele- ibrated her-88th birthday.c Held- Dedication Service At the Sunday morning ser­ vice in the Presbyterian Church, R'ev/ J. R. MacDonald dedicated the communion table, chairs and linen. The linen was ’the gift of Miss Allie Nelson; the chairs the gift of Miss Sadie Johnston, R.N.; in memory of -her parents, the late M^. arid Mrs. Thomas John 7 " ston. The table was purchased by z \ the congregation. . L ■r - 1 Js-1 ~ '1 Lucille Ball Tells “The Story of Desi and Me” Enjoy the delightfully daffy and heartwarming love story of- Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. Read ' “The Story of Desi and Me”, tell­ ing private adventures of the stars of TV’s “i^Love Lucy”, il­ lustrated with wonderful family photographs, starting in this Sun­ day’s (May 10) /issue of The Am­ erican Weekly with Detroit Sun- - day Times; " ; AUXILIARY NEWS ■ * ' ——t Mr., and Mrs. Goldie Huston visited at the home of Miss Mar­ garet and Donald Robertson last week.. ' ... . Mr. and Mrs. Vctor Gawley and Velma, .Marlene and Gladys vis­ ited the Misses .Lettiri and Ada ; Gawley on Sunday. * Miss Winnifred McFarlane of Walkerton was "home- for a Tew *days. o /^Mr^and~Mrs,^Ralph.Hill-spent- a day,at Goderich recently, Some'of the people in this dis­ trict have been engaged in smelt fishing and report a good catch. Owing to the wet weather? seeding operations have been re­ tarded for som.e time. ■ , Mr. ,and: Mrs. Donald McCosb, Mary and Dickie visited at the home of M;r. and Mrs-. Wm. Arn­ old. We are glad to report that Mrs, Arnold is imprb.ving after “her^perattbf^ — A variety concert was held in. the hall at Ripley Friday night J Two numbers were put op by i Purple Grove school. The friends of Mr. Jas. Need- ' ham, Sr., are glad to learn that he is improving after his recent illness, \ I Films were'shown in Purple’ Gj-ove school5 by Mrs. Francis Boyle laijt Meriday^ efyeitiiig/ The regular May meeting was held JiivJthe Legion Auxiliary. Qii^Mbriday" eveningT Mrs; = 7 Philip MacMillan presided. Mrs. Ronald Forster .presented, the col- / ors and Mrs. Claire Johns-ton was at the piano; One minute’s silence was observed arid the Charter wa& draped in iriem^ry of the 7 ; late Mrs. Wm. Stimson', who.was ' 1st vice president. j Mrs7 Oliver “Glenn was elected l and installed as assistant Stand- . ard Bearer.- -7~.7 "--V 7 ?■ Correspondence and business was dealt with pertaining to the .annual Zone Rally; which is to be held in Lucknow Town Hall on May 14tA\ at 8,00 p.m. The i* guest speaker is to be Mrs. M. Richardson of Toronto who is Provincial president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Leg­ ion. Committees were, named for Rally and about 250, ladies are expected to attend. The mystery box was won by Mrs, Harold Humphrey. Plans were laid for the annual May Day Dance to be held in Lucknow Town Hall on Monday, May 18th. with music by Carruth­ ers orchestra and lunch counter with homemade pies. Letters of appreciation were read from Mrs. Howard Cowan- and-fromLegionBranch. Plans were also niade for the wedding dinner ■ to which the , Auxiliary is catering on Satur­ day, May 30th. The church parade 7 is to be held on Sunday. May 31st. The month of May -will be a very busy month for the Auxiliary. Held Tribute Service . The meeting Ayas adjourned arid the memlbers present then went to the Johnstone Funeral Par­ lours where a “tribute service” was held for the late Mrs. Stim­ son with Mrs; MacMillan, Auxil- iary, president and the. Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn in charge of the ser* vice; ■■■■-. . /■ The sympathy of the Auxiliary is extended to the Stimson farn* ily, also to - the - Collyer family in the bereavement of Mr|, -Coll- 7yeF2s sister. . : , Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing s an^ Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In- stalled—See The Oil RaiigeS. f. FURNACEREPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Eavetroughing, Air Conditioning. District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS Art Gilmore ’ LUCKNOW. ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannotf..................................... ......