HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-06, Page 5<7 ENJOY^-^COMFORT I I Service available, from the best bulls availably in all breeds. ;lny cows noticed .in heat later than times stated above will be more likely/to conceive if bred the following day. OIL BURNERS • OIL FURNACES • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM . Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 715 I* • . ' ’ ? ■ ■ ’ *■. — . •• ■ / ■' • f Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 11, 12, 13. JIMMY STEWART at his best and that’s enough to tell you it’s a super picture*— . tVe are featuring our SCOTCH as WEDNESDAY, MAY 6th, 1953 I ,• >Your Fence Down T We Are Now Stocking A Complete. Line Of FENCING AND ACCESSORIES i4 / 1 A r ✓ Lucknow T I : * W ’ .Ji * . * WwwnWiii!^^ Don’t Be Caught With DUNGANNON Thursday,. Friday, Saturday May 14,15,16 GENE AUTRY in “WAGON TRAIN” • \ • • ' . • t . ... . • • • . • / • I < Start Your Chicks THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE ■ I--'’' -.............. Wednesday, Thurs., May -6, 7 f'. ‘ ' '■ ‘ ‘ 0 4fW JEAN PETERS, JEFFRY. HUNTER ‘ '■ in — ’' ■ V-. Lure of the Wilderness • : ......•A... i.y................................................. £4 . ... . -----> ' >. ■■ — Friday, Saturday, May 8, 9 RHONDA FLEMING, STERLING HAYDEN -r.- in — The Golden Hawk . MATINEE SATURDAY •f Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday MAY 11, 12, 13 ESTHER WILLIAMS, > VICTOR . MATURE '.—‘■'ini''— ■ ’ The Million Dollar Mermaid —ATTENTION FARMERS!-- I am purchasing — BOARS at 7c to Die |er lb. liveweight. Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect ■, or write me LEROY ACHESON R.R. 3, Atwood, Ont. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Irwin . of Kink>ss wishes to acknowledge with thanks arid appreciation, the use Of the wheel chair loaned by the local branch of the Red Cross Society. ■Mrs. Charles Lorenz' wishes to sincerely thank ’ friends a n d Deig^bors^for their kindness and sympathy in her bereavement, and to thank the doctors and Kin­ cardine Hospital staff’ for their services. The Ladies Auxiliary to the .Wingham Creneral Hospital wish to thank the citizens of Lucknow, for their co-operation and . gen­ erous donation in connection with the tag day on, Saturday. They are also grateful to the lady helpers and canvassers who gave of their time. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of William Murdie, deceased; All • persons having claims against the estate / of William Murdie,. late of thex Village of Lucknow, in the County of Bruce, Hardware Merchant, . deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Executor, on or before the 30th day of May, 1953, full particulars of their claims. . . Immediately after the said 30th day of May, 1'953^ the aissets of the estate (will be distributed amongst the 'parties entitled thereto,_ having regard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 22nd, day of May, 1953. Kenneth C. Murdie, Luckriow, Ontario, Executor. Andrew,his r Solicitpr herein. ST. HELENS ........... ' ' ! , The ladies are reminded of the meeting of the Women’s Institute to ,be held’iat the home, pf Mrs., Gordon MacPherson this (Thurs­ day) afternpon at 2.30. Rev. H. D. Jennings di Luckriow will be the guest (speaker and the roll call is ‘-Something my mother taught me”. Miss Lila Humphrey was a. vis­ itor with her sister, Mrs. George Walker at Wingham. .■ Mrir and- Mrs,, John - Cameron and Don were recent visitors with 1 Mr. and Mrs. James7’1 Douglas at Wingham'. ' . , . „ Rev, Mr. Stevenson of Toronto, representing the Ontario Temper­ ance Federation/ was guest speaker in the United Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. (Chester Taylor spent a few days ip London with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Miller, who has been ill with the mumps, Karen Gaunt, three-year-old' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt, has been a patient in the Wingham Hospital following an unfortunate accident on Wednes­ day, while playing. Karen fell off ' the piano stool fracturing bones, in her right elbow, Mrs. - Weatherhead and Donald have returned to the farm after spending the winter months in Lucknow. A GRANT OF $10,817. has been made to Wingham ’ General Hos­ pital from the Atkinson Charit-’ able Foundation. It •yvill be used to purchase a sterilizer' arid op­ erating and obstetrical room equipment. ' 4U The PLAYHOUSE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 1^,c8, 9 »The picture everyone is praising and it’s presented here b^ The Legion— ‘THE HASTY HEART’ with that remarkable actor, RICHARD TODD. Prices for this show are: Adults 50c; children 25c. r t SATURDAY MATINEE At 8.15 p.m.—Doog Open at 2 ^jn. “Carbine Williams” TIMKEN OIL HEAT FREE SURVEYS ANO ESTIMATES OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham Gardening Topic At Paramount W, Ii " The Paramount W, I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Rdbt. Reid on May 12th. The roll call will be answered by paying the '50c fee. The topic will be “Garden­ ing Hints” by everyone so bring any questions or suggestions. Vis­ itors are cordially invited. The 'lirogram committee is Mrs. Dex­ ter and Mrs. Ketchabaw. Lucknow District Co-operative Lucknow > — Phoife 71 with NEW LIFE CHICK STARTER ’ • ' IIIII IMIMIE ill. »■ f! ' I I I I ■■ ’ Ren O Sal Tablets in Solution ' James way Feeders and Waterers ' from Crawford’s Feed Store ORDER your- , 1953 CHICKS NOW I I Rev. Geo. D.y Watt, a “patient •at Goderich Hospital since Mon­ day of last week for removal of appendix,—was able-to^return- to; the parsonage on Saturday. Rev. W. J. Watt, his father, White­ church, is supplying during his convalesence. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tait, Brandon, Man., arrived Saturday to visit their daughter, Mrs, Watt, Rev. G. D. Watt and family. Other visitors at the week-end. were Mr. Watt’s brother, Mr. A. K. Watt i and wife, Toronto;'his sister, ]\^fs. Gfeo. Thompson, Sirighampton and rpar^hts, Rev. VV. J. and Mrs. Watt of Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Comfort, St. Catherines, were week-end guests with the later’s brothers, Messrs. Harold and Cecil Blake. Miss Oretta Hudson, of near Lucknow, visited Sunday with j Mr._and Mrs. Will Cranston. BORN—on Tuesday, May 5th, Goderich Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecii CuLbert, a daughter. |As part of the project, 4‘Thej Club Girl Entertains”, being stud­ ied by local young women led by Mrs, Lome Hasty -and Mrs. Clifford Crozier, the members en­ tertained their mothers at a buf­ fet supper on Friday night, .at the home of Mrs. Crozier. About 35 persons were present. A pro^ gram folio-wed. Mrs..Chester Fin­ nigan conducted a flower con­ test; Margaret Black sang a solo; I Norma arid Elizabeth Pentland read alternately passages from their record book$ on etiquette; Jean Free gave a demonstration on how to pack a week-end bag; •I Margaret Joy Durriiri and Lois A -Mole-rdemonstrated—correct—table- - setting.. Miss Jean Steckle, home economist, a guest for the even- . ing, spoke on Achievemerif - Day ■ in May at Seaforth arid thanked the girls and Mrs. Crozier. This was seconded by Mrs; Herb Fin­ nigan. Shirley Finnigan, V mem­ ber of. the club; spoke on behalf' of the girls arid thanked the mothers for. the interest; they were taking. ' . MRS; BARNEY BINNINGER - --"MTS7-Barney-Benningerrage-76r - Dungannon, died r in her sleep . sometime Tuesday night. Her death was discovered by her hus? ’ band early yfednesday. She had: been ailing for, the’ past few months with a heart condition. : Formerly Elizabeth Kape, she was born on £om 10, Huron Twp.» near the village' of Ripley, a dau< ghter of Mr. arid Mrs. Berriard Kapq, arid was, the last of a fam- ily_of. Six children. In-1911, she was married to Mr. Benninger of Teeswater and came to reside on a farm west of Dungannon,..In 1920 they riioved to Wingham, arid back to Durigannori village in 1940. She was a faithful mem­ ber of Kingsbridge- Roman Cath- -plic-Church,-the CatholicWomens League and the Altar Society. The funeral was held Friday morning with service, .at Rivers- - -— dale Catholic Church in charge of her nephew, Rev. Jerome Ruth, and Rev. Jerome Meyer, with burial: in Riversdale cemetery. .............................. Waterloo Cattle — Breeding Associatien “WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” A farmers’ non-profit,' co-operative organization, owned ? and operated by farmers. FOR SERVICE CALL COLLECT MILDMAY 130-r42 ot KINCA Week Days 7.30 to 10.00 a.m. Sundays and Holidays 7.30 to 9.30 a.m. Fees for ALL BREEDS are: , $5.00 for life riiemibership Service fee for Members is $5.00 Service fee for Nori-Members is $6.00 Four services to insure conception without extra charge Free veterinary service for cows that are problem breeders 7 ~ NEW BUSINESS IS SOLICITED. “’"Speciarcafe^i^tekeirto h^aviFtbp sires dTatTbreedsjn service. SHORTHORNS in this ad. follows: .They are ■ 1 ' . - , * <<z Klaymor Overseer 1st prize Sr. Yr. 19^52 C.N.E. By Klaymor Monitor/ Klaymor, Objective kes*. Gn Champ 1952 C.N.E. by Klaymor Jewel ; -KlaymOr-Nutcracker—:—* by Calrossie Formula Anoka Commadore by Scotsdale Bombardier Gr. Ch’. Chicago & Royal . 1948: Scotsdale Futurity • 7 by O.A.C. Mayflowers Ran- ' —-som • ■h • . ‘ • *’ < Tam O’ ShantCr Ballantyne by Sylvan Farms Mercury Aberfeldy Nugget Full brother to Aberfeldy .-Model , ; Aberfeldy Orchid -^by^^iehtonDrambuieT-fttlrh 'brother to Aberfeldy Model; sold for $4000.00 arid sire of 1st get in big show in USA Glenbtim Quicksilver by Phopachy Diplomat ■sire of many prize winners Braedoon Lancer by Klaympr Northman