HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-05-06, Page 1$2.50yA Year In Advance—.$1,00 Extra To U.S.A.’EIGHT PAGESs ; ; • “ *F-T
T—---------- ---------------------------
-TEACHER RESIGNSlions hope to
' ■■■■■'•■• r'-- • 4>J
District. officials of the associa
tion of Lions Clubs were in toy^n
last Wednesday making contacts
> to detefibine the^;^^
eventually organizing ,a( Lions
'Club in Lucknow. ; . / ■ ?
A Clansmen/meeting was- be
ing held that evening arid these
gentlemen were invited to attend
and explain, their organization to.
the Club.
Vice-president Mac MacLennan
presided in the .absence of Dr.
W. V.. Johnston, president of The
Clansmen since the. Club’s organ
ization some^sixteen years ago.
Of late the Club has not been
very, active, although the mem
bers are presently engaged in
promoting the tuberculosis x-ray
clinic arid ate canvassing the
country on bohal-f of this project.
Wednesday night’s meeting was
called for the election of officers,
and with this; in view President
Johnston arid- - Secretary E. H.
Agnew had tendered their resig-
nations. These were laid over
until after the x:-ray clinic when
another me&tihg will-fbe called.
TO Reorganize Or Not
The question then to be de
cided is whether • or not The
Clansmen will je-organiaq; There
are those who feel that the Club
can be rejuvenated, and resume
the energetic service. and civic
work it has undertaken so suq:-
to favor an affiliation with a
service organization such as Lions,
arid it was intimated at the meet
ing that there are those outside-
the Club who would like to see
a service club organized.
All seem in agreement that/the
Clansmenmustbq/rejuvenated? or
give; way to a service Club; .
Explain Lions
The set-up. of o a Lions Club,
its principals, objectives and fin
ancial obligations were outlined
in detail by John McKibbon of
Wingham, ip charge of extension
work in the district; Vic Dennin
of Zurich, district governor; and
Frank Fields of Teeswater,
deputy governor for the district.
At present a Lions Club is be
ing organized at Ripley, sponsor
ed by the Teeswater Club. Wing-
ham would be happy to sponsor
a club in Lucknow, should the
decision eventually«be reached to
organize;. . / .
Fred Newman has been ap
pointed barracks warden at Clin
ton R.C.A.F. radar and communi-
rations school arid commenced His"
duties last week-. ■
Fred has operated a general
store at. Whitechurch for six
years, which he disposed of to Mr.
and Mrs; Burnett of Tralee. Mrs.
Newman is remaining at the store
for a couple of weeks iri connec
tion with the post office work.
The Men’s Club of St. Peter’s
Anglican Church held a meeting
in conjunction With the Board of
Management in the Council.
Chambers to discuss the proposed
Parish Room in the basement of
the Church. The next .meeting
will be held at the same place
on Tuesday, May 19th, at .8.30.
• ■ - - ' _____’ 3
Mrsr/Erhie^Crawf ordwas guest
of honor at a surprise party held
on Monday evening at the home
■of Mrs, Gerald Rathwell. Up
wards of forty ladies gathered to
' Spend a pleasant sdcial evening
. and to. present Zella with a silver
tea service and tray and card
1 table. / . '
The presentation’ of the gifts
was mride by Mrs. Rathwell, and
Mrs. Harvey Webster read an ap-
iSVrtrw-w* - A • .• ... , . „ * i ■
. which she had composed for the
occasion.,. ...
it is with regret that Zella’s
,mahy friends 'bid her adieu as
sne has been a very popular res>
Jdeht of the,, village • and. by her
fionial, happy manner and . her
readiness to always lend a help*
■ lnS hand or do a kind act^ has
beared herself to many
.The Crawford family leave this
jnonth to make their home at
• F6rt Albert. ’
modern heating system. .
Two types of heating, hot water
and forced air, are being consid
ered and the Board has tenders
on both types under considera
tion. The forced air system would
be oil-burning—cheaper to install
vet more costly to operate, we
understand. The hot water sys*.
tern is much more expensive to
install, but burning a cheap type
of blower coal; .is morq econom
ical to operate; ;
•-1 (. ■' - ■ f
- TAG • DAY NETS $36.23 - |
.. A pouring rain on Saturday
didn’t help the., tag day staged,
locally by the-.Ladies ..Auxiliary
to Wingham General Hospital,
but proceeds amountedjtd.$36,23.
Tge tagger^ were Elizabeth and
Nancy Webster arid .Shirley Ir
win. . 'Arrangements were uri
chaige of Mrs. Morgan Render-*
■sori.,' . ,T.-'
One tends to accept the eondi-.
tion of the chronically ill or in
valided folk in the community?
until for, one. reason or another,
their plight is brought to mind
more forceably.
One such person is Mrs. James
Irwin of the Second of Kinloss,
who for years has been pretty
much an invalid from a painful
form of rheumatic neuritis.
This illness struck some six
teen years , ago and became pro;
gressively worse until Mrs. Irwin
became so cfippled as to be al-
most completely helpless’-
A Red. Cross wheel chair per?
mits her to be moved about the
home, and is a change from the
monotony of being bedfast. With
the assistance of kind neighbors,
Mr. Irwin ■ does ■ well ' ini /looking;
after Mirs. Irwin’s needs.
THA^T youngsters who will be
starting to school next Fall,
. will be introduced to their new
experience at afternoon classes,
on May 8th . and 22nd.
THAT Mj-s? A. Hamilton, Atwood,
addressed a meeting of the
Women’s Institute on Tuesday
afternoon, dealing with busi
ness procedure at meetings,
r Members of the Paramount In
stitute were also present. A
social time followed. Mrs.. Chas.
Cook, president of the local
.branch, presided. '
THAT a few close friends and
neighbors met at the: home^of
Mrs. George Elliott on Tuesday
night of last week at a birth
day jparty..in .honor.-of -Mrs.
Henry Mullin, who received a
little gift as a memento of the
Irene Courtney, R. 1,, Ripley,
won an Austin car in a radio
contest draw On Saturday .morn
ing,. The contest was sponsored
by. Blue Ribbon products.
•’ ' -J.*-- ■
■^Th^Trdut season bpened~orr
Friday with dismal weather and
the week-end saw rivers and
creeks. swollen and muddy from
heavy rains, so that fishing lost
some of its attraction and the
results were generally from fa^
to poor.
Ken Chester," however,\ma
one igjood strike and land
19-inch .beauty that tipped t
scale at 2 pounds, 9 ounces.
Haven’t heard of anything that
approached that. Undaunted by
the weather, George Whitby plied
the streams on opening day and
got a nice catch that reached the
day’s quota of fifteen.
meeting of the Lucknow Fire
Company, when the Brigade
turned out to man several lines
—6f-hose-and~giVe Campbell-St.~
a thorough washing.
■' ' ' ■ Q—• "■ ./.■/ ' '•_/.
THAT Rev, J. R. MacDonald of
Ashfield., wijl ,be /the . guesj
speaker at ariniversary services
in Lu c kn o w Presbyterian
Church on Sunday. The even~
ing service in the United
Church will be withdrawn.
■ —O-^- ■ ; ■ .
THAT students of Lbchalsh
school, in charge of their tea
cher, Mrs. Roy MacKenzie, had
a theatre party at Goderich
last Thursday to see Pa .arid
Ma Kettle. They made the trip
in Allan Reed’s bus.
’THAT - Rev* George Bensori~Cox
had no sooner arrived home
safely from a trip to the Middle
East, than he. tripped and fell
at the Cox: home in Kinldss,
suffering injury to his fac.e and
Eight Sisters Together
For MacMillan Farewell
Eveermot Farm in Meadowvale,
Ontario, on Sunday afternoon.
May 3rd,1 was the scene of an
interesting family reunion. Mr.
and -Mrs. T. W, Reeve (nee Beat
rice Macintosh), were hpsts to
Mrs. Reeve’sr eight sisters, form-
erly of LUcknoW, and their fam-
The. Official Board and the con-
are presently considering\the in
stallation of a new heating* sys
tem that would eliminate the. two
old furnaces in the Sunday
School .room. - J) ' ’.
• The new heating unit would be
installed, in/the fuel shed at the
rear of the church and would
make considerable more space
available in the' over-crowded
Sunday School room, apart, from
the -advantages of a clean, and
ifies. These included Eunice and
her husband/ H. P; Torrance of
.Anderson of Lucknow; Nina and
Walter Rowand of Walkerton;
Gertrude of Detroit; Ruth and
Livingstone Brown of Londori,;
Irene and James Godibold of
Honeywood; Grace of Toronto
arid Donalda' and Hugh MacMil
lan Of .FoffnosPf, China,
The gathering was arranged ,to
.bid farewell to Dr. and Mrs-. Mac
Millan, due to return withiri a‘
aries of the’Presbyterian Church
in Canada. ,, y .
The event was favored with
perfect weather. Meadowvale,
with its Wiridirtg Credit River and
majestic Was resplendent in
spring-time sunshine.' Eveermot
Farm< in-this. setting, provided a
joyous Welcome to the family
group arid a lasting memory for
those leaving their Canadian
homeland. . ■ «
At their regular meeting -?on
Tuesday night the Lucknow Pub
lic6 School Board received, and
regretfully accepted,, the resigna
tion of MrsL Lloyd Hall/ tejacher
of Grades III arid IV.- Mrs. Hall,
formerly Helenhas
been a very efficient£ member "of
the staff fof. eleven years.
.. ’ ‘’• m i' i ’• . ’
<■ ■ - - ; tr .........;--------------r~—--------- —
• T
Plans, are; being made by
Agricultural Society , and
Legion to beautify the front
the approach to the Caledonian1
Park. *
The Agricultural Society has
trees on order for planting: along
the highway from the driveway
tp the shed at the west end of
the grounds. The trees are a fast
growing type of red maple, par
ticularly suited to . the type of
ground where they will be plant
ed. ; 7.'
The Legion is planning im
provements to the paTk entrance.
Mr. Bailie Stothers has been
appointed head of an export of
fice being set up in Detroit by
the Kelvinater Company. Mr.
Stothers has been with Kelvin-
a tor in Londo'n for twenty-one
sistant-treasurer. ....
He will take up residence at
Windsor upon taking charge of
the .Detroit Office. Mr. Stothers
js a native of Ashfield and a
brother of S.‘ B. Stothers of town.
Dr. and Mrs, Russell Jackson of
Montreal were Week-end guests
< at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. An
drew Gaunt, with Mrs. Jackson’s
brother, Ronald Perrott. ~
Ronald came out from Ireland
last year arid since December has
•been employed: at ^the Gaunt
farm where his knowledge of,
( and interest in beef cattle, makes
him especially valuable.
His sister arrived jn Canada
from Old Erin about'two weeks
ago, to marry Dr. Jackson, who
preceded her tp this country and
is with the RjC.A.F. medical
The young couple were on their
wedding trip and visited here af
ter a trip through the States,
They left on Tuesday for Mon
treal. ’
11/. 1,1 . 1 ■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■?■■■■
Tuesday, May 12th, the anni
versary of Florence Nightingale’s
birthday, is National Hospital
Day, and will be appropriately
marked at the Baker Private Hos
pital in Lucknow, which is, serv
ing a very worthwhile purpose
iri the community.
jOpen house will be held, that
afterrioon from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.
and an irivitatibri is extended the
public to visit the hospital
Ideal weather prevailed for the
annual Lucknow District High
School cadet inspection on Tues
day afternoon. Headed by thq
School Bahd playirig, lively mar-
. -tial—airs,....the, ^-entire.;: .company-^
about 125 / strong, .paraded 4he
main street .prior to the inspec
tion, drills arid, march' past at the
schorir grounds.
. The Corps Was inspected by"
Capt. Klinck and Staff Sgt. Rom-
andhucle 6f headquarters staff at
London. Murray McDdnagh acted,
as Corps captain. Platoon lieu
tenants W£re Dan Rose/ George
Anderson, Edna Reid, Betty John
ston and Mary MacMillan.. , ’
Members of the Clansmen Club ‘ ’
are to make a personal canvass of
Lucknow, and. the surrounding?
rural area, inviting attendance at ..
the fih?e tuberculosis x-ray clinic
■to ;be held .here on Tuesday and
Wednesday; May-19th a^d 20tlj. *"
The latest -ihr mobile; Xrray..
equipment will be used. The "
hours 9re from 2.00; p.m. to 5.00
p.m. and from 7.00 to 10.00 p.m.
; Most residents of this commun
ity, are quite aware of the sim
plicity of, and. the few moments
of; time required, having a chest
x-ray tokens,- These clinics haVe
become a recognized periodic ex-
arhination'. in the relentless war
against ^tuberculosis,
Cost of these Clinics is financed
by the annual purchase of Christ
mas seals. This year’s clinic is
(being conducted on a counity
wide basis in Bruce, under the
direction of the n£i^lyorganized
Bruce County Tuberculosis As
sociation., Xm
;^;Th'e„ Lucknow Clinic^ is under
the sponsorship of The Clansmen, '
and the capyass arid organization .
details locally are being arranged .
by a committee convened by Gor
don. Montgomery, and including
E; H. Agnew, Gordon Fisher,
Kenneth Cameron and K, C?
Murdie. ;
. Twelve years is recommended'
as the minimum age for Clinic
attend should have their clinic■77
card signed by a parent. Cards
will be distributed at school to
High School students; so can-
vassers making - house-to-house
calls do1 not need to leave cards
for such students.
. Territory assigned to the vari
ous earivSSSerk is stsT follows, "with
Concession road assignments in
cluding sideroads; north to the4
next line in.each case:
kinloss: South Line north, K.
C. Murdie and Harvey Webster;
10th and 12th, Russ Button; 8th,
Leonard MacDonald; 6 th, K. .
Cameron; :4th, Stuart Collyer;
2nd, Chas. Mason, W. G. Webster.
Boundary West: G. Fisher;
Boundary East: W. A. Rortequs.
Lucknow: H.. D. Thompson, E.
H. Agnew, J. MacMillan, Donald
McKinnon. -
—Ashfield:““12 th—eon7^“William™
Schmid; Charles - Webster; lQth
Con., George Whitby; 9th Con.,
G. Rathwell; 6th Con., E. Craw
ford. • z
West Wawanosh; 12th Con., •.
Cam Thompson, Hugh Cuming;
10th Con., Roy 'Finlayson, Ken
Mowbray; 9th Con., Mlac Mac-
Lennan; 6th Con., Cam MacDon
ald., "7. ■ ■
Gravel Road. South to Dungan
non, Gordon Montgomery.
Previous clinics were held here
in . August of 1949 arid irf June
of 1947.
.. JThe_death—of_Mrs._„William__
Stimson occurred ~ suddenly on
Sunday evening, and came as a.
great»shock, to her family , and
friends. •. :
Mrs. Stimson Had been out for
a walk, that afternoon. At tea
time: she yras not feeling-well and
sifter, puppet went upstairs to lay
down. Shortly after she was
Stricken . With a . seizure that . -
proved , fatal within a couple of
hours. . ' .
Mr. Stimson, the popular cafe
taker of the LucknoW School, and,
,his family?!have_.the_synipath.y_-a£--—:
many friends. ?.
-Mrs. Stimson, formerly Mar
garet Ann MacKenzie? was 57 .-
years of qge. She was an active . ,
member of St. Peter-s GHiitch and
of the Ladies Auxiliary to the ,
Canadian Region.
The funeral service was con
ducted by Rev. H* L? Jennings,
in St. Peter’s Church on Wednes
day afternoon with interment in ' .
$buth Kihloss Cemetery,
4 . * '
• i