The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 94 *• <A
•X *
WEDNESDAY,... APRIL 29, 1953 A
: LD H£lNEWS "hlil|1:r» j I
George Webster was the chair- 1111X II I II/IT I
an for, the Friday Assembly II w||W W
» •
shades take on
and join the
cologne water?
and undies frag-
The Presbyterian students’
choir of Knox College, Toronto,
and Presbyterian College, Mon
treal, will be in this area this
* * by
__ l.'_ J / Betty Hamilton
moved the vote of thanks.' ' ■'
• ■>.
/.,//•• ‘ ADMISSION ’ | /
Advance Sale $1.25 —* General $M fl-
Sponsored by Kinsmen Club .of Wingliain :
■ ’" * ’ ■■■' • ’ * • ....
Friday, May 15th
Hundreds of Prizes Valued at over $2,5flfl.0fl
stire jb bring a ,fGagbag;’ .. v. ajkopping bag
, .odds arid, ends. Oiie item in~~it. may win yqu a
/-" .. . ’ ■ fine NEW ’RASY WASHER.
Mrs. ^Wilson Wall is spending
a few days with, her daughter,
^frs. Bert Moffat, while conval
escing from an attack of the ’flu,
Mr. Jackie Huffman of Tr’en-?
ton ' RAF training centre spent
pie week-end at the home of his
parents,.Mr, and Mrs. Roy Huff
man. His hrQther Jilhyd, who . is
training at . the same centre, is
laid up with mumps.
The Mission Band will met on
__Saturday afternoon. at 2.30 p.m.
at the home of Mrs/ Neil Mac '
“Donald. '
: The teachers and ’ officers bf
’ the Sunday School /met at the
• home: of Mr, Gordon Wall, Tues
day evening. Sunday School starts
pext Sunday at 2,00 p.m. with
church service at 3.00 p.m.'
We are sorry Mrs. Wm. Simp-
. son has not/been enjoying good
, health. She is with her daughter,
Mrs. Jim Henderson of Lucknow.
BORN—On. Sunday, April 19,
1953, at Bethesda Hospital,. Lon
don, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Evens,
a son, Gerald Robert.
Mr. and Mrs. John Williams,
John and Janet of Goderich vis-
" ited Sunday with, her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Chester Feagan.
The: Young Peoples rrieeting
was held in the ,church. Charles
Tiffin was chairman. Rev. Currie;
and Ronaid McGillivray were in
.charge, of .the meeting. Hymn 103
was. sung followed by , scripture
read by Jimmy Young. Jimmy
Moffat then led in prayer. Col
lection Was taken by Wm. Ydung.
Ronald McGillivray read minutes
rif■' last meeting followed by-busi
ness. It was decided to have meet
ings Friday night instead of. Mon
day. A Bible contest was conduct
ed and the topic given by Rev.
T^Tie. Hj^n 495 was' sung and
th^riteetihg/closed"w^ the beh-"
'/./ ediction; \ •.
■, j...• ;
For the sixth, meeting of
The annual . cadet inspection
will foe held on. Tuesday,. May 5th
at 2.00. Th6- cadets will parr
ade down street before that hour
led by, the L.D.H.S. band which
will play a Short concert after
the inspection. It is hoped that
the -parents and townspeople will
^ttend this show that th^ stud
ents will put On..
—o— > I.
The Literary Society is planr
ning a cadet dance to be. held on
Friday, May 8th. Details/ as yet
have not been completed.
.: ' . • —o— ,
This poem, composed by Norma
Sherwood and Mary MacMillan,
was read at the Easteir Literary
To Mr. MacDonald from Gr. 13
-Though we locked you in the-
cloak room,
’Though we hid your good felt
We really aren’t so very „ bad
And hope you excuse’ us that.j
We, always lille to have some fun
Especially at April Fool. ;
And rinich to your misery, Mr.
MacDonald, ■
We play our tricks at school;
We have used your . rulers,
.... / „ your_ hammer,... . . .
And' used your Scotch tape too,
We even pinned your coat to
gether • .
Thbugh "the" pins we got ’ from"
In spite of all our escapades,
Your pleasing nature wins,
You laugh at' all the tricks we’ve
Forgive ,us all our sins.
.. A movie, “Ontario Hydro” was
shown On Monday, at 3.30. It was
in color and filmed the scenic
Niagara Falls. It) was very in
teresting as the school visited
there in 1950.
For the sixth, meeting of the
Kairshea Kitchen Kapers nine
member^ arid two leaders met at
the home of Miss Irene Roulston.
The roll call was answered by
“What, raw vegetable did you:
take to school today?” The min
utes were seconded by Joan Ham
ilton. During the business period
plans for Achievement Day were
, discussed.. Mrs. McLeod gaVe us
notes on vegetables and Mrs. Mc
Kenzie discussed the packing of
the lunch box. Home assignments
and roll call were given after Hicious liinch.
which the hostess served a de- i
'— Featuring —
Roy Ward Dickson
and his Goofy, Gang
| > Tickets Available At
f : “/■: ■ BUTTON’S MEAT MARKET...'
want tp share them. Mojjepver: the
flavor of pineapple goes such a
long way, that you can do so
much with a can of crushed pine
apple. ■•/’•., <
. Here’s a good way to do, bacon
for a change* Get 1 ppurid un-
sliced; 18 whole elpves, *i, large
onion, cut into 5. wedges, pre*'
pared mustard, brown sugar, ¥2
Clip syrup from peaches pr apri^
cotSj can whole kernel corn.,Place
bacon ip shallow; pan, fat/side
up make. 5 slashes half way thru
z. *
man for , the Friday Assembly
Which was’ opened with the hymn
“O. Master/ let me walk with
Thee ’ and the Lord’s prayer..
Psalm 47 was read by Dale Hal
clenby and the hymn “All- the
way My Saviour leads me” was
sung, Norma Sherwood sang a
solo; Ken MacNay favored .with
,.a piano instrumental and Edith
Marshal 1„ read some jokes.
If I have given you these tips
before just write and tell me so..
Dare you' to!
° Use a paintbrush as': a duster
to flip the dust, out of tiny crev
ices in ornaments or carving in
furniture. GdodTbr"book tops tpo;
and window sills and baseboards
crevices.. .' anywhere the vacuum
ifails .to reach/
After polishing brass, copper
Or pewter pieces go over them
with paste or liquid -wax, spread
thinly and polished well. You’ll
protect the metal and double the
life of the’ve worked
up, on them.
When replacing freshly laund
ered slip covers/ chairs or couch,
use a wooden saiad or kitchen
mixing *spoon to push the folds
gently into place.
Apply a coat of paraffin to the
bottom of your flower pots and'
they twill not. stain yoiir. tables.
Put a cube of camphor in your
silverware drawer to help pre
vent tarnishing.
Use your old powder puffs °to
apply polish tq your silver.
Clean, your iron periodically
with a piece of paraffin wax. Rub
it over when the iron is barely
warm. ' ''
Ever give your ironing board
a: “squirt’’ of
Makes hankies ranfe ,t.
Old window
Jlew life if painted with a coat
of flat paint thinned with^ tur-
peritine' Don't roll up until en
tirely dry.
“At an Interior Decorating dern-
were shown a room of' which 3
sides were painted in a plain
color, and the fourth side was
papered in a very gaily pattern^
ed flbrar^^ab^F?' The window'
blinds wore also, papered. Effect
ive, and different.
Furniture that has lost its pol
ish may be renovated by washing
with a solution of vinegar and
Water, rubbing With linseed oil,
and finishing- off with a good
furniture cream, and polishing
off well with a chamois.
’ For drawers that are hard to
close,, arid open, rub the sides and
edges with wax.
Brown shoe polish may be used
to cover marks iri wood/ chips
I ujp i id Li \y/dy, triru.
. .themeat/_Inseit_onionlwedges>in
si&shes. Stud each, section* with
3l cloves. Spread1 With1 mustard;
pa# on brown sugar to: cover;
pour fruit syrup over, Rake '■ in
slow oven, basting often about
1 ty, hours. Spoon off excess fat
from sauce, in pan. Surround meat
witlx hot corn. ‘ \
and scratches.
• A nice dessert is made by lin
ing the bpttcni of a shallow glass
dish with water-ice wafers, alter
nating light-colored and choco
late ones. Spread a layer of ice
cream on trip. Cover with an
other layer of wafers. Chill well.
And do this sometime . ; . Cut
jelly roll in half .inch slices. Use
slices to line the bottom, and sides,
of a spring-form pan (or a glass
dish). Fill with bavarian cream
or any fruit jellied mixture* Chill
.welL '■ . \ ■■
Pineapple Refrigerator Cake . .
an Unusual version of cheese
cake. / ltbsp.. unflavored "gelatin,
v4 cup cold water, 3 beaten egg
yolks, 1 cup crushed1 pineapple,
2 tbsp; lemon juice, 1 tbsp, lemon
peel, ¥4 clip sugar, ¥2 tsp, salt,
1 cup dry cottage, cheese, ¥2 cup
sugar,-3-stif flybeatenegg-whites.-
Soften gelatin in cold Water.
Combine egg yolks, pineapple,
lemon juice and peel, ¥4 cup
sugar, ’and salt/Cook «over hot
water untib thick/ stirring con
stantly. Add softened gelatin and
stir until, dissolved. iRemoVe -from
heat and add cottage cheese. Chill'
until, partially set/Gradually beat
¥2 ctip sugar into stiffly beaten
egg whites. Fold into gelatin mix
ture; Pour/ into CORNFLAKE
ed cornflakes, V4 cup sugar, and
one-third cup irielted butter^ press
firmly .in greased 6. ,)by 10 inch
pah. Save some crumbs for top
ping. ChiU. 1 /./•/'■?
You are. prpbably of the opin
ion that we live on pineapple des
serts. That isn’t quite right, blit
most pineapple dishes are so very
gdod that' ifiey ‘. nTake mor<e lim- '
pressioh on my taste buds^ so I
Week, They will be heard in 3t,
Ahdrewls Church, Wingham, on
Friday, May 1st at 8,00. p.m. and.
at Knox Church, Goderidh, on
Sunday, May 3rdf at 11 a.m.
-This is the fourth year that
the choir has conducted a preach
ing and singing mission through
out a part of; eastern Canada, and
this "area is fortunate in Having
the opportunitj^Mro\hear them.
Next year they will be going far
ther afield. ' ■ ‘ >
.’ ■'—-——
■. • • ■ ■ _______ __________'
.The Lucknow . Branch of the >
Cadies’ Auxiliary < to the Cahad-
•ran Legion, B.'ELSZL-, will play
host for the Zone Rally' to be
held in Lucknow Town Hall on
Thursday evening. May 14th.
It. is expected that over two
hundred ladies from eleven Aux
iliaries will be present.. Members
of the local Branch are requested
to attend a meeting next Monday
night, when plans will be laid
for the event.
= 816 E66S = BI66ERW0frT8
cn For the first 8 weeks, feed a "fresh-iirix’’
Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix
Concentrate supplying essential animal pro
teins, Vitamins and minerals*
(2) For the next four months, feed a tasty
"fresh-mix” growing mash made With National
34% Developing Concentrate. This has a
growth-promoting meat-meal base
and health-building Vitamins and
Remember, bigger birds mean bigger
eggs—and bigger profits. So grow your
, ' ■ ' 1 , <
See Your NATIONAL Deafer todays—
Look for ffie bright Orange and Black Sign J
William stone sons,/limited * ingersoll, Ontario.
F^rtiiiie Yoiir Crdp with NATIONAL Well-Cured, Properly-Blended FERTIUZFR