The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 94 *• <A .e •X * WEDNESDAY,... APRIL 29, 1953 A • PAGE NINE a : LD H£lNEWS "hlil|1:r» j I George Webster was the chair- 1111X II I II/IT I an for, the Friday Assembly II w||W W I » • * / shades take on and join the X h cologne water? and undies frag- CHURCH COLLEGE CHOIR COMING TO THIS AREA /'a .1 The Presbyterian students’ choir of Knox College, Toronto, and Presbyterian College, Mon­ treal, will be in this area this * * by ROSEMARY thyme‘ __ l.'_ J / Betty Hamilton moved the vote of thanks.' ' ■' z • ■>. /.,//•• ‘ ADMISSION ’ | / Advance Sale $1.25 —* General $M fl- Sponsored by Kinsmen Club .of Wingliain : I- ■ ’" * ’ ■■■' • ’ * • .... THE LUCKNOW. SgNTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Friday, May 15th Hundreds of Prizes Valued at over $2,5flfl.0fl stire jb bring a ,fGagbag;’ .. v. ajkopping bag , .odds arid, ends. Oiie item in~~it. may win yqu a /-" .. . ’ ■ fine NEW ’RASY WASHER. 4 to! Mrs. ^Wilson Wall is spending a few days with, her daughter, ^frs. Bert Moffat, while conval­ escing from an attack of the ’flu, Mr. Jackie Huffman of Tr’en-? ton ' RAF training centre spent pie week-end at the home of his parents,.Mr, and Mrs. Roy Huff­ man. His hrQther Jilhyd, who . is training at . the same centre, is laid up with mumps. The Mission Band will met on __Saturday afternoon. at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs/ Neil Mac ' “Donald. ' : The teachers and ’ officers bf ’ the Sunday School /met at the • home: of Mr, Gordon Wall, Tues­ day evening. Sunday School starts pext Sunday at 2,00 p.m. with church service at 3.00 p.m.' We are sorry Mrs. Wm. Simp- . son has not/been enjoying good , health. She is with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Henderson of Lucknow. BORN—On. Sunday, April 19, 1953, at Bethesda Hospital,. Lon­ don, to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Evens, a son, Gerald Robert. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, John and Janet of Goderich vis- " ited Sunday with, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Feagan. The: Young Peoples rrieeting was held in the ,church. Charles Tiffin was chairman. Rev. Currie; and Ronaid McGillivray were in .charge, of .the meeting. Hymn 103 was. sung followed by , scripture read by Jimmy Young. Jimmy Moffat then led in prayer. Col­ lection Was taken by Wm. Ydung. Ronald McGillivray read minutes rif■' last meeting followed by-busi­ ness. It was decided to have meet­ ings Friday night instead of. Mon­ day. A Bible contest was conduct­ ed and the topic given by Rev. T^Tie. Hj^n 495 was' sung and th^riteetihg/closed"w^ the beh-" '/./ ediction; \ •. — MEN, WE KNOW HOW TO PACK A LUNCH BOX ■, j...• ; For the sixth, meeting of The annual . cadet inspection will foe held on. Tuesday,. May 5th at 2.00. p.ni. Th6- cadets will parr ade down street before that hour led by, the L.D.H.S. band which will play a Short concert after the inspection. It is hoped that the -parents and townspeople will ^ttend this show that th^ stud­ ents will put On.. —o— > I. The Literary Society is planr ning a cadet dance to be. held on Friday, May 8th. Details/ as yet have not been completed. .: ' . • —o— , This poem, composed by Norma Sherwood and Mary MacMillan, was read at the Easteir Literary meeting: To Mr. MacDonald from Gr. 13 -Though we locked you in the- cloak room, ’Though we hid your good felt We really aren’t so very „ bad And hope you excuse’ us that.j We, always lille to have some fun Especially at April Fool. ; And rinich to your misery, Mr. MacDonald, ■ We play our tricks at school; We have used your . rulers,_los.tj .... / „ your_ hammer,... . . . And' used your Scotch tape too, We even pinned your coat to­ gether • . Thbugh "the" pins we got ’ from" .you;' In spite of all our escapades, Your pleasing nature wins, You laugh at' all the tricks we’ve played. Forgive ,us all our sins. —o—■ .. A movie, “Ontario Hydro” was shown On Monday, at 3.30. It was in color and filmed the scenic Niagara Falls. It) was very in­ teresting as the school visited there in 1950. For the sixth, meeting of the Kairshea Kitchen Kapers nine member^ arid two leaders met at the home of Miss Irene Roulston. The roll call was answered by “What, raw vegetable did you: take to school today?” The min­ utes were seconded by Joan Ham­ ilton. During the business period plans for Achievement Day were , discussed.. Mrs. McLeod gaVe us notes on vegetables and Mrs. Mc­ Kenzie discussed the packing of the lunch box. Home assignments and roll call were given after Hicious liinch. which the hostess served a de- i GET SET FOR '— Featuring — Roy Ward Dickson and his Goofy, Gang IN PERSON | > Tickets Available At f : “/■: ■ BUTTON’S MEAT MARKET...' I want tp share them. Mojjepver: the flavor of pineapple goes such a long way, that you can do so much with a can of crushed pine­ apple. ■•/’•., < . Here’s a good way to do, bacon for a change* Get 1 ppurid un- sliced; 18 whole elpves, *i, large onion, cut into 5. wedges, pre*' pared mustard, brown sugar, ¥2 Clip syrup from peaches pr apri^ cotSj can whole kernel corn.,Place bacon ip shallow; pan, fat/side up make. 5 slashes half way thru z. * George man for , the Friday Assembly Which was’ opened with the hymn “O. Master/ let me walk with Thee ’ and the Lord’s prayer.. Psalm 47 was read by Dale Hal clenby and the hymn “All- the way My Saviour leads me” was sung, Norma Sherwood sang a solo; Ken MacNay favored .with ,.a piano instrumental and Edith Marshal 1„ read some jokes. If I have given you these tips before just write and tell me so.. Dare you' to! ° Use a paintbrush as': a duster to flip the dust, out of tiny crev­ ices in ornaments or carving in furniture. GdodTbr"book tops tpo; and window sills and baseboards crevices.. .' anywhere the vacuum ifails .to reach/ After polishing brass, copper Or pewter pieces go over them with paste or liquid -wax, spread thinly and polished well. You’ll protect the metal and double the life of the gleam.you’ve worked up, on them. When replacing freshly laund­ ered slip covers/ chairs or couch, use a wooden saiad or kitchen mixing *spoon to push the folds gently into place. Apply a coat of paraffin to the bottom of your flower pots and' they twill not. stain yoiir. tables. Put a cube of camphor in your silverware drawer to help pre­ vent tarnishing. Use your old powder puffs °to apply polish tq your silver. Clean, your iron periodically with a piece of paraffin wax. Rub it over when the iron is barely warm. ' '' Ever give your ironing board a: “squirt’’ of Makes hankies ranfe ,t. Old window Jlew life if painted with a coat of flat paint thinned with^ tur- peritine' Don't roll up until en­ tirely dry. “At an Interior Decorating dern- ^nstration^I^attended^recently^we’ were shown a room of' which 3 sides were painted in a plain color, and the fourth side was papered in a very gaily pattern^ ed flbrar^^ab^F?' The window' blinds wore also, papered. Effect­ ive, and different. Furniture that has lost its pol­ ish may be renovated by washing with a solution of vinegar and Water, rubbing With linseed oil, and finishing- off with a good furniture cream, and polishing off well with a chamois. ’ For drawers that are hard to close,, arid open, rub the sides and edges with wax. Brown shoe polish may be used to cover marks iri wood/ chips I ujp i id Li \y/dy, triru. . .themeat/_Inseit_onionlwedges>in si&shes. Stud each, section* with 3l cloves. Spread1 With1 mustard; pa# on brown sugar to: cover; pour fruit syrup over, Rake '■ in slow oven, basting often about 1 ty, hours. Spoon off excess fat from sauce, in pan. Surround meat witlx hot corn. ‘ \ and scratches. • A nice dessert is made by lin­ ing the bpttcni of a shallow glass dish with water-ice wafers, alter­ nating light-colored and choco­ late ones. Spread a layer of ice cream on trip. Cover with an­ other layer of wafers. Chill well. And do this sometime . ; . Cut jelly roll in half .inch slices. Use slices to line the bottom, and sides, of a spring-form pan (or a glass dish). Fill with bavarian cream or any fruit jellied mixture* Chill .welL '■ . \ ■■ Pineapple Refrigerator Cake . . an Unusual version of cheese cake. / ltbsp.. unflavored "gelatin, v4 cup cold water, 3 beaten egg yolks, 1 cup crushed1 pineapple, 2 tbsp; lemon juice, 1 tbsp, lemon peel, ¥4 clip sugar, ¥2 tsp, salt, 1 cup dry cottage, cheese, ¥2 cup sugar,-3-stif flybeatenegg-whites.- Soften gelatin in cold Water. Combine egg yolks, pineapple, lemon juice and peel, ¥4 cup sugar, ’and salt/Cook «over hot water untib thick/ stirring con­ stantly. Add softened gelatin and stir until, dissolved. iRemoVe -from heat and add cottage cheese. Chill' until, partially set/Gradually beat ¥2 ctip sugar into stiffly beaten egg whites. Fold into gelatin mix­ ture; Pour/ into CORNFLAKE ed cornflakes, V4 cup sugar, and one-third cup irielted butter^ press firmly .in greased 6. ,)by 10 inch pah. Save some crumbs for top­ ping. ChiU. 1 /./•/'■? You are. prpbably of the opin­ ion that we live on pineapple des­ serts. That isn’t quite right, blit most pineapple dishes are so very gdod that' ifiey ‘. nTake mor<e lim- ' pressioh on my taste buds^ so I Week, They will be heard in 3t, Ahdrewls Church, Wingham, on Friday, May 1st at 8,00. p.m. and. at Knox Church, Goderidh, on Sunday, May 3rdf at 11 a.m. -This is the fourth year that the choir has conducted a preach­ ing and singing mission through­ out a part of; eastern Canada, and this "area is fortunate in Having the opportunitj^Mro\hear them. Next year they will be going far­ ther afield. ' ■ ‘ > .’ ■'—-—— ■. • • ■ ■ _______ __________' ZONERALLY TO BE HELD HERE IN MAY .The Lucknow . Branch of the > Cadies’ Auxiliary < to the Cahad- •ran Legion, B.'ELSZL-, will play host for the Zone Rally' to be held in Lucknow Town Hall on Thursday evening. May 14th. It. is expected that over two hundred ladies from eleven Aux­ iliaries will be present.. Members of the local Branch are requested to attend a meeting next Monday night, when plans will be laid for the event. = 816 E66S = BI66ERW0frT8 cn For the first 8 weeks, feed a "fresh-iirix’’ Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate supplying essential animal pro­ teins, Vitamins and minerals* (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty "fresh-mix” growing mash made With National 34% Developing Concentrate. This has a growth-promoting meat-meal base and health-building Vitamins and minerals. Remember, bigger birds mean bigger eggs—and bigger profits. So grow your , ' ■ ' 1 , < See Your NATIONAL Deafer todays— Look for ffie bright Orange and Black Sign J CONCENTRATE A QUALITY FEED-MIX” FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE William stone sons,/limited * ingersoll, Ontario. F^rtiiiie Yoiir Crdp with NATIONAL Well-Cured, Properly-Blended FERTIUZFR P, R, FINLAYSON PHONE 91 ■ . LUCKNOW, ONT, . I I I